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\ OP Gulf 4 PROTEC ‘Scanned with CamScanner SOURS MATERIAL in nee _ ee ‘Scanned with CamScanner Consolidated Balance Sheet aot 31st March, 2019 (Al amounts in € crores unless otherwise stated) ron Seater eae fs orn sane 3 kegs ie 28 a 9 toate i ne te 8 oeararetaraes i ae oo a 2 sai 3 pratt et. » a a Se aes 3 ae et ©) Eaaabres her nr 8 aa ae 9 gurcwranens x saat mit So sd ory sno cams Se — Sat Sonar eee ae sites tee fect am or Seve “ sae Oh Sieben snes % os 2 5 Be ere + O Sovowoge » wun an Bees : Secon 5 sae 4003s 2 brovaen 2 wast 1 Teta Current abies. E031 | aaa “balsas Sa ease Feat anaes see sso Soa Sanna com RC a The accompanying notes ae an integral par ofthese Consoldated founda statements Tis the Consolidated Balance see refere ion or ep of ven te For Walker Chandiok& COLL? For and on beh ofthe Board of rectors Chartered accountants Firm's Registration No: 001076N/NS00013 ‘Anupam Kumar 0s Anand Chand Burman Mohit attra P.marang porter Charman Wile Tene Ovecor Whe Tie Decor Membership no:501591 bin 00056216 bins og34eaze om 00o2's81 Ashok amar Jin tam Mate place ew Oi EvP(Pnance) and Company Secretary Chief ancl Ofer Date : May 2, 2019 MnosFes.a31t 234 Dabur India Limited 2 Scanned with CamScanner Consolidated Statement of Profit and Loss ———— —T — tevona ron corre | rer meine ;™ a = aes = eee ———es Tara Ree eepoenet nes ea T Teer == == = ein | ise ee LS tal tne comyronenve cme Kaminge pe eau ware | ontes | temmary of wgnitene neering goles . ‘The accompanying notes are an integral part of these corschdated Prancal vistemeres tthe Conscicated Statemest of Treft and Lens terre 12 ue Petre ever cate For walter Chandiok & Co LLP et tod en beat of tse Beard of Crwetory chartered Aecou Anupam Kumar De Anand Chand farms Mone Mabcers a marang, Parteer charman foe Tee Dente whee Tine Deector Membership No.S01S31 ‘pe coosea 16 poe On et DN couatsAt ‘Asioh Kurnae ain a Place New Deity EVP (Fearce) and Conary Secretary Cur Franca fcr Date :May 2.2019 weno Fes A011 Anowal Report 2018-19 — — as / ~ Scanned with CamScanner 150 Reconciliation of abilities arising from financing activities pursuant to Ind AS 7 - Cash lows ‘The changes inthe Group's lables arising from nancing activites can be classified as follows: Particulars Non-current] Current | Equllyshare| Total borrowings | borrowings Net debt as att April 2017 47029| 440.33 a Proceeds from issue of equity share capital : - . - Repayment of nan-current borrowings (including eutrent maturities) (6157) - «| ers Reclassification of current maturities of long-term borrowing to| (44.48) - =| sas) other current fnancit Hiabilties Proceeds from current borrowings (net) elle aia =| ana Unreatised foreign exchange loss . 274 =| 274 Net debt as at 34 March, 2018 36434| a6a.a9| _176.15| 1.00898 Net debt as at 1 April, 2018 36434| asaao| _176.15| 1,008 Proceeds from issue of equity share capital : : asl 048 Repayment of non-current borrowings (Including current maturities)| (271.96) : -| e798) Reclassification of current maturities of long-term borrowing to| (66:33) : +] (66.33) other current financial ibilties Proceeds from current borrowings (net) : 37.19 -| s719 Unrealised foreign exchange gain -|__ 45) -|_ Gas) _Net debt as at 31 March, 2019 2605[ 49823[ _17663| 700.91 51 Information on segment reporting pursuant to Ind AS 108 - Operating Segments, Operating segments: Consumer care business Home care, personal care and health care Food business Julees, beverages and culinary Retall business Retail stores Other segments Guar gum, pharma and others Identification of segments: The chief operational decision maker monitors the operating results of its busines segments separately for the purpose of making decisions about resouce allocation and performance assessment. Segment performance is evaluated based on profit and loss of the segment and is measured consistently with profit or loss in the financial statements. Operating segments have been identified ‘on the basis of the nature of products. ‘Segment revenue and results The expenses and income which are not directly attributable to any business segment are shown as unallocable expenditure (net of unallocable income). ‘Segment assets and liabilities: Assets used by the operating segment mainly consist of property, plant and equipment, trade receivables, cash and cash equivalents and inventories. Segment liabilities include trade payables and other liabilities. Common assets and liabilties which ‘cannot be allocated to any of the segments are shown as a part of unallocable assets / iailtes. The measurement principles of segments are consistent with those used in preparation of these financial assets. There are no inter-segment transfers. - ‘Annual Report 2018-19 279 Scanned with CamScanner ae Tee | TR A. Consumer care business ee, eran ita ‘aeeet| vote D. Other segments ae 1428 3928 9703 €. Unallocated other operating revenue aa aa Revenue from operations 3a3305 774834 2 “Segment results A. Consumer care business ae cco 8. Food business 17549 se.n4 ©. Retail business ce an 0. other segments Sen ea ‘Sub Total 3935.01 4,760.20 Less: Finance costs 30.58 5305 Less: Unalocabie expenciture net off unalocable income 7628 (o24) Profit before share of profit from joint venture and exceptional tems 4.79925 1,707.9 Share of profit ofjoint venture 096 024 Profit before exceptional tems and tax 180024 1707.68 Exceptional tems (refer note 42) 7534 1454 Profit before tax 7724.87 1693.09, Less: Tox expenses 278.82 33535 Net profit for the year 7,446.25 | 1387.74 3 “Segment assets ‘A. Consumer care business 3.40599 332437 8. Food business 847.07 790.64 C. Retail business 63.23 55.92 0. Other segments 4739 37.06 E. Unallocated 407296 4493.64 Total 3436.64 8,701.63 4. Tnvestment in joint venture Unallocated 12.28 11.33 5 Segment liabilities A, Consumer care business 1,165.02 1,079.98 B. Food business 453.85 456.20 C. Retail business 32.00 2714 D. Other segments 14.14 15.44 E. Unallocated 1,108.57, 1,389.82 Total | 2,968.58 - Scanned with Cams scanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner ATED i) Raine a [ore vel \ FiZ2-TS-p S435 Scanned with CamScanner PR aa a nt FooD = NESS mT Pay Scanned with CamScanner TACO IVP TATS fer re) a dh ee Scanned with CamScanner 1 MeO pass | Bares iss) Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner | Wea sass Bi Rete BUSINESS Scanned with CamScanner me rev (REVENVE) Scanned with CamScanner B) : ES 3 yen MD, Scanned with CamScanner Scanned with CamScanner ‘Scanned with CamScanner GONGLUSION Duca BAY aka LS ars eee ae 4132-86 = 2u-S/. 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