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Technologies for Internet Systems

“The structured web”

ICP3123 & ICP4123

Dr. Jonathan C. Roberts

Emergence of the World Wide Web
• In the 1960s, Ted Nelson (co
founder IBM) described a
similar system called
– Text on one page links to the
text on other pages, but with
– Nelson coined “hypertext”
and “hypermedia”
• 1982 (Guide),
– Peter Brown (Uni Kent)
– the first significant hypertext
system for PCs
• 1985 (NoteCards)
– [Halasz et al. 1987].
– It was designed at Xerox PARC
• Note. Andy van Dam, buit hypertext editing system
J.C.Roberts 2
Ben Shneiderman also did work in this area
Emergence of the World Wide Web

• Tim Berners-Lee developed code for a hypertext server

– In 1980, Berners-Lee created ENQUIRE, an early hypertext
database system
– Hypertext server:
o Stores files written in the hypertext markup language
o Lets other computers connect to it and read files
– Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
o Includes a set of codes (or tags) attached to text
• 1987, Apple Computer released HyperCard for Mac
– first ACM Hypertext conference 1987
• 1990s Tim Berners-Lee invented the WWW for
physicists working at CERN
• 1993-1994, grow from 500 to 10,000 web servers
• 1994, Lynx (an early browser)
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Thinking about structure

• What is structure?
– An observation of patterns or relationships of entities
– Structure may be
hierarchical, linear, network (many-to-many), lattice
• Where is the structure?
• In Biology:
– Atomic, molecular, cellular, tissue, organ
• A report
– Title, Abstract, contents, Introduction, main-body, conclusions,
bibliography, appendices

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Document Links are only one “structure”
component “HTML is precisely what we were trying to
PREVENT— ever-breaking links, links
going outward only, quotes you can't follow
to their origins, no version management,
no rights management”. – Ted Nelson
But what are links?
– A reference the reader can follow
– If it has an anchor then it can go to a particular place in that
• Not only one way?
– In some hypertext documents they can be one-to-one, one-to-
• Are they typed or guaranteed?
• Where does the information go?
– Traditionally replaces the current,
– could open a new window.
– Transclusion – inserts the text in place
• “inline linking” (e.g., banner ads)
<img src=""
J.C.Roberts 5
Need a good way to encode structure of docs
The idea was to separate structure of the document from
its appearance:
e.g. author, title, address, introduction etc..

Standard Generalized Markup Language (SGML)

ISO 8879:1986 SGML
– Older and more general text markup language than HTML
(accepted as standard in 1986)
– A meta language
• Is a system to define markup languages
• Offers a system of marking up documents that is
independent of any software application
• Platform independent World Wide Web Consortium
• Offers user-defined tags (W3C)
• Costly to set up and maintain Not-for-profit group that maintains
standards for the Web J.C.Roberts 6
a generalized markup language should be...

• Declarative
– Describe the structure (and attributes) of the
– Not describe the processing that is done to it!
– Does not have side-effects
– Extensible
• Rigorous
– Clear correspondence to mathematics
– So there can be known/pre-defined and consistent
ways to manipulate it.
– Can be used in programming and processing

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A bit more on SGML
• An element is a structural unit
e.g., <poem>

• Tag start/end pairs delimit the

<poem> ... </poem>

• From this poem we could derive the

following rules:
1. An anthology contains a number of poems and nothing The example is taken from William Blake's
Songs of innocence and experience (1794).
The markup is designed for illustrative
2. A poem always has a single title element which precedes purposes
the first stanza and contains no other elements.
3. Apart from the title, a poem consists only of stanzas. html2.0/gentle.html#fn6

4. Stanzas consist only of lines and every line is contained by

a stanza.
5. Nothing can follow a stanza except another stanza or the
end of a poem.
6. Nothing can follow a line except another line or the start of
a new stanza.

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We could simplify the markup (making assumptions)
• For instance
Rule 2, “a single title” could mean that
we could remove the end tag
Rule 3, we could imply the end of the
poem so don’t need </poem>
Likewise don’t need </line>

The example is taken from William Blake's Songs of

innocence and experience (1794). The markup is designed for
illustrative purposes

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Rules like these, need to be made formal
• Need a formal specification -> document type definition (DTD)
• Markup declarations, BNF, (Backus Normal Form or Backus–Naur

Three parts:
1. a name or group of names,
2. two characters specifying minimization rules,
i.e., does it need a start/end tag. Either a hyphen or a letter O (for
"optional“ or “ommisible”)
3. and a content model (the material)
several such reserved words, of which by far the most commonly
encountered is #PCDATA
(This means "parsed character data“)
occurrence indicators = plus sign (+), the question mark (?), and the
asterisk (*)
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• The SGML encoding thus needs a DTD

• The W3C XML (Extensible Markup Language) is
a subset of SGML
– It reduces the SGML options (e.g., optional end tags)
– So, compulsory end tags

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN”

• All HTML 4.01 documents conform to one of
three SGML DTDs
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN
-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Frameset//EN
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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML)
• HTML is a markup language \begin{document}
– a language for adding some \section{Introduction}
Some text…
annotation or “markup” to text. \section{Sec 2}
• Prevalent markup language Some more text
used to create web documents \end{document}

• There are many markup languages: e.g. LaTeX

• HTML tags are interpreted by a Web browser
and are used by it to format the display of the
• HTML links can be structured as:
– Linear hyperlink structures
– Hierarchical hyperlink structures

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Hypertext Markup Language (HTML) (cont.)

• Cascading Style Sheets (CSS) gives the


• CSS is a set of instructions for the display of

– Style sheet is:
o Usually stored in a separate file
o Referenced using the HTML style tag

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• HTML has a specific set <head>
of tags that allow: <title> My Page </title>
– the structure of a document
to be described (e.g., <h1> </head>
- heading) <body>
– links to other documents on <h1> My Page </h1>
web defined (e.g, <a> - <p> This is great </p>
– some control of
presentation (e.g., fonts). </html>
• To learn HTML you Uses Tags:
should start creating html, head, title,
simple files using body, h1, p

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Basic HTML tags

• All text is inside <html>

• <head> and <body> are compulsory

• Comments are included as follows

– <! my fist comment which may extend to more than a single line>

• Always use comments to implement some basic version

– application name, description, author, creation date, modification
date, version number, copyright

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Tags and Elements

• HTML tags are used to mark up a page.

• Tags start and end with angle brackets, e.g., <h1>.
• Need a start and an end tag to mark up a region. End
tags have an additional “/”.
<h1> My Page </h1>
• The two tags define named elements. Above is an h1
• head element gives information about page.
• body element contains content of page.

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Elements and Attributes

• Elements can also have attributes, giving

additional information.

<body bgcolor=“blue”> ..</body>

<table width=“610”> ..</table>
<a href=“http://…”> link </a>

URL - Uniform resource locator

• Last example defines anchor with hyperlink to
another page.

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Presentational markup

• <b>boldface</b> indicates that something should be bold

– But, what about screen readers?
– How do they interpret this? How should this sound?
• Most presentational markup elements have become deprecated
under the HTML 4.0 specification
– Instead use CSS
• Deliberate forms are bad
– center, font, strike, u,
– Frames, frameset, iframe
– b, br (probably should have used div or p)
– Big, small, sub, sup, i
• Presentational attributes:
– Align, alink, bgcolor, face, height, size, valign, vlink, width
• Even entities such as TABLE can be used as presentational
markup, and represent bad practice

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URLs: Uniform Resource Locators

• Links to other files are defined using URLs.

• These define precisely the location of a file, anywhere
on the WWW.
• URLs can be relative or absolute.
– Absolute URLs give the full path to the file.
– Relative URLs give the location relative to the file containing the
• A link containing the relative URL href=“bit.html” in the
file with URL “http://www.loc/main.html” would load the
file from “http://www.loc/bit.html”.
• URLs are also referred to by the broader term URIs -
Uniform Resource Indicators

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The Anchor Tag; Href Attribute; Named anchors

• HTML uses the <a> (anchor) tag to create a link to another

• An anchor can point to any resource on the Web: an HTML page,
an image, a sound file, a movie, etc.
• The syntax of creating an anchor:
<a href="url">Text to be displayed</a>
<a href="">Visit W3Schools!</a>
• Named anchors
– Jump to specific points
<a name=“tips">Useful tips section</a>
– You should notice that a named anchor is not displayed in a special
– To link directly to the "tips" section, add a # sign and the name of the
anchor to the end of a URL,
<a href= ""> Jump
to the Useful Tips Section</a>
– Or within the file:
<a href="#tips">Jump to the Useful Tips Section</a

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more HTML tags…

• Ordered <ol> • Background color

list <li> … </li> <body bgcolor="#000000">
</ol> <body bgcolor="rgb(0,0,0)">
<body bgcolor="black">
<dl> • Background image
• Definition <dt>Black</dd>
<body background="clouds.gif">
<body background=“
lists <dt>Milk</dt>">

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HTML Versions and Validity

• HTML has evolved over last 15 years, and continuing to

• Development is coordinated now by World Wide Web
Consortium (W3C).
• Currently most widely used versions are HTML 4 and
XHTML. Use of HTML5 is growing
• HTML which is correct in one version may not be correct
in another.
• HTML 4 has a strict version and a transitional version.
Strict is preferred, but transitional allows more backward

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Document Type Declaration & Character encoding

• There are tools that allow you to validate HTML page.

• You must stipulate which version of HTML you are
• Add a document type declaration to top of your page.
“-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN”
– …
• You may also need to state what character encoding you are using!
• So, add the following in the head element of the document:
<meta http-equiv=“Content-Type”
content=“text/html; charset=utf-8”>
• (UTF8 is a common encoding)

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• Once we have added these, we can use online

validators to check our document is quite
• One validator is the W3C’s validator at
• Try it on an example file

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HTML Conclusion

• Easy to create Web pages,

• important to understand basis of HTML,
– and to be able to author “by hand” using text editors.
• Pages that work in your browser may not work in
someone else’s!
– Validate your documents. If you get errors try and
understand them by looking at HTML references.

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XHTML - Making HTML XML Compatible!

• HTML is based on SGML standard for markup

• SGML has now been largely superceded by XML
(eXtensible Markup Language).
• XML is simpler and stricter than SGML, making it more
suitable for “lightweight” processing in Web applications.
• XHTML is an XML compatible version of HTML 4.

J.C.Roberts 26
<!DOCTYPE … HTML 4.01 ..> <!DOCTYPE … XHTML ..>
<html> <html>
… …
<body> <body>
<h1> My HTML Page </H1> <h1> My HTML Page </h1>
<P> A paragraph <p> A paragraph </p>
<UL> <ul>
<li> a list item <li> a list item </li>
</UL> </ul>
</body> </body>
</html> </html>

validate validate

J.C.Roberts 27

• Key things to note about XHTML:

– All tag names must be in lower case.
– Every start tag must have matching end tag.
Following not allowed:
<li> stuff ….
<li> more stuff
– Note: Empty elements can be abbreviated to e.g.,
<br />
– The document must start with a document type
declaration, which for XHTML is:
"-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"

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The XHTML document head
• Declaring The XHTML File Encoding
– <head>
– <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html;
– </head>
• XHTML documents must have a DTD
– strict: full compliance with XHTML
– transitional: allows some presentational markup
– frameset: pages with frames
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN" "http://">
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN"

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Extensible Markup Language (XML)

• XML uses paired start and stop tags

• It includes data management capabilities that
HTML cannot provide
• Differences between XML and HTML:
– XML is not a markup language with defined tags
– XML tags do not specify how text appears on a Web

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XML Schema

• The DTD imposes constraints on the XML

• Filename .xsd
• A set of rules for that document to be considered
to “conform”,
– e.g., adhering to specific datatypes
– Such as an integer or a date
– New datatypes can be
i) Restricted (only include some explicit values)
ii) List (a sequence of values)
iii) Union (a choice of values from specific types)

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XML Schema, example

An example of an XML document that conforms to this schema

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• XPath is a query language

• Used for addressing parts of an XML document,
• designed to be used by both XSLT and

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XSLT, Extensible Stylesheet Language
• a declarative, XML-based language
• used for the transformation of XML documents.
• use XSLT to convert XML data into HTML or
• Typically transform XML into XSL Formatting
– Which are then translated into PDF, PostScript etc.

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Stylesheets - CSS (Cascading Stylesheets)
• Stylesheets control body {background-color: blue}
presentation. h1 {color: red; font-family: times}
• Main stylesheet language
is CSS
<style type=“text/css”>
• Stylesheets specify how
body {background-color: blue}
elements should be h1 {color: red}
displayed </style>
• Placed where?
– style instructions at top of
your HTML file
– Or external file <link rel=“stylesheet”
o Good for consistent type=“text/css”
appearance across site
o Conflicts between internal href=“mystyle.css”>
and external (internal one

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More on CSS

• CSS is based on simple statement:

– selector {property: value}
• Selector is (usually) name of element, e.g., h1, body, li
• Property is something like font or color or alignment.
• Value is value you want that property to have, e.g.,
“times”, “blue”.

• Syntax:
– Style sheets consist of a list of rules
– Each rule consists of one or more comma-separated selectors
and a declaration block
– A declaration block consists of a list of semicolon-separated
declarations in curly braces
– Each declaration consists of a property, a colon (:) and a value.

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CSS example

p /* paragraph */
{ font-family: "Garamond", serif; }

h2 /* heading 2 */
{ font-size: 110%; color: red; background: white; }

{margin-left: 2cm}

{float:right;border:1px dotted black;margin:0px 0px
15px 20px;}

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Advantages of using CSS

• All presentation information for pages held in

one place
• Presentation can be updated quickly and easily
• Different users can have different style sheets
• Document code reduced in size and complexity
• CSS has a simple syntax

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• The FORM tag creates an HTML form.

• The form can contain interface elements such as
– text fields,
– buttons,
– checkboxes,
– radio buttons,
– selection lists
• that let users enter text and
make choices.

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• Several kinds of form elements <TITLE>Form example .. tell me your name </
can be defined using the </HEAD>
INPUT tag, <H2>Who are you?</H2>
– Uses TYPE attribute to <FORM
indicate (e.g) button, ACTION="">
checkbox, and so on. <P>Enter your name:<INPUT NAME="theName"></
<P><INPUT TYPE="submit"></P>

J.C.Roberts 41
Enter some text, more fields

<title>Form example .. tell me your name </title>
<h2>Who are you?</h2>
<p>Enter your name:
<input name="theName">
<p>Enter your age:
<input name="theAge" size= "3" maxlength= "3” >
<p>Enter your address:<input name="theAddress”
type= ”text " ></p>
<p><input type="submit"></p>

J.C.Roberts 42
Radio buttons...

• List of items (only chose • Multiple items from a list, none,

one..) one or more
– Use radio type
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="red">Red</LI>
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="green">Green</LI>
<LI><INPUT TYPE="checkbox" NAME="blue">Blue</LI>

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Setting and Resetting

• For the default value:

– use VALUE for text fields
– use CHECKED for check boxes and radio buttons
– Use RESET type for a button to clear the fields..
– Also. PASSWORD type allows a password to be entered and ****’s
are replace
<INPUT TYPE= “RESET” VALUE=“Clear fields”>


• Events can go to But also

could go to an external program:


J.C.Roberts 44

• Forms introduce interactivity

– user enters information
– information is passed on from client to server
• Processing client response
– use PHP scripts to process data from server
– invoke client emailer to forward data to server
• Data communication
– get is a short request attached to the end of a URL
– post sends a separate data message, can send large amount of

<form action="URL" method="post"|"get">...</form>

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• Use XHTML if possible for XML compatibility.

• Validate your documents
– they will be more likely to work in all browsers then!
• Use stylesheets to control appearance,
– specially when you want lots of pages to have same
• Use forms to allow user input, with “action”
attribute to specify what is to be done with the

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The Structured web

• Talked about structure and the web

• Discussed some technologies to markup the
– Discussed SGML, and HTML, and XML
• Thought about structure where it is and how to
control it.
– What is structured?
– The Web is only one place for structured content.
o What other information can be structured?
• Discussed hypertext and links and

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