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Case (1) A patient suffered from peptic ulcer for long duration, Describe the expected

laboratory findings ?

Case(2) while you performing CBC, you found severe decrease in all cellular components
with absence of reticulocytes. How could yoa report this case? Mention the expected lab.
findings .and how you confirm improvement of the patient's condition?

Case (3) Serum bilirubin (total): 12,5 mg/dl, Direct: 12,3 mg/dl, Indirect: 0 .2mg/d! : SGOT
….. SGBT …...Alkaline phosphatase.....GGT ……. Enzym .....:Urine urobilinogen
……..urine bilirubin…… Probable diagnos

Case(4)While you performing CBC, you found alterations on RBCS and mega graņulocytes
with presence of macropolycytes. How could you report this case? Mention the expected
laboratory findings .and how you confirm improvement of the patient's condition ?

Case (5) how to dingoes a case suffered from maldiges tion and malabsorption ?

Case (6) a patient suffered from rheumatoid arthritis , how can you expect sedmentation rate
? describe your resons ?

Case (7) a patient suffered from pancreatic inflammation and necrosis , describe the expected
hematological and library findings ?

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