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January 30, 2024



Valentine’s Day in Japan


Valentine’s Day is celebrated around the world on February 14. People

exchange messages of love through cards, flowers, and chocolate. Valentine’s
Day was brought to Japan in the 1950s. Japanese people celebrate the day in
a unique way. In the West, the burden of sending gifts falls on men, but in
Japan, women are the ones who give chocolates to men on this day.

On March 14, exactly a month later, comes White Day. This is when
the men who received chocolates on Valentine’s Day are expected to give a
gift in return. It is a popular custom for the men to present their loved ones
with expensive white chocolates or marshmallows. This White Day tradition
can also be found in South Korea, Taiwan, and China.

On April 14, there is even a third event called Black Day. On this day,
people who did not receive gifts on the previous two days gather, dressed in
black, and eat jajangmyeon: noodles covered in black bean paste. This day, a
celebration for single people, started in South Korea. In Japan, the tradition
has expanded to include having any black food or drink. The unique traditions
of White Day and Black Day show how Valentine’s Day has been adapted to
East Asian cultures.

在 2 月 14 日這一天,世界各地都會慶祝情人節。人們透過卡片、鮮花和巧克力來交換愛的訊息。情
人節於 1950 年代傳入日本。日本人以獨特的方式慶祝這一天。在西方,送禮的重擔往往落在男性身上,

接著在一個月後的 3 月 14 日,迎來了所謂的「白色情人節」。在這天,收到巧克力的男性應該要回

在4 月 14 日,甚至還有一個名為「黑色情人節」的第三個活動。在這一天,沒有在前兩個節日收到

popular (adj.) 流行的

Vocabulary Mia is the most popular girl in Challenge Words
核心字彙(本表皆屬國中小課綱 the class. 參考字彙,不必背誦(紅點表示初、中級
所列「參考字彙 2000 字」。) 英檢字彙。)
Valentine's Day (n.) 情人節 • exchange (v.) 交換
Johnny asked Amanda out on tradition (n.) 傳統
• burden (n.) 重擔
Valentine's Day because he It is their family tradition to bake
cookies and share them with • exactly (adv.) 正好;恰好
liked her.
因為強尼喜歡阿曼達,所以他在情 their neighbors at Christmas. marshmallow (n.) 棉花糖
人節約她出去。 • previous (adj.) 先前的
jajangmyeon (n.) 炸醬麵
message (n.) 訊息
Sarah left a message for Tony event (n.) 活動 • paste (n.) 糊狀物;醬
Alice is planning a big event for
on his door. • celebration (n.) 慶祝
莎拉在托尼的門上留了訊息。 her birthday party.
• expand (v.) 擴大
場盛大的活動。 • adapt (v.) 改寫;使適合
unique (adj.) 獨特的
My father has a unique
cellphone. include (v.) 包括
My shopping list includes milk
and bread.
receive (v.) 收到
Jenny was sad because she
didn't receive any chocolate culture (n.) 文化
Studying abroad gave Tom a
from Max.
chance to experience a new
1. What do women do on Valentine’s Day in Japan?
A. They give chocolates to the men they love.
B. They buy flowers for their families.
C. They wear black sweaters on this day.
D. They send greeting cards to their best friends.

2. According to the reading, which of the following is a common thing

to do on Black Day?
A. Wearing pink clothes to a noodle shop.
B. Sending love through cards and flowers.
C. Bringing a box of chocolates to a loved one.
D. Wearing a black sweater and eating jajangmyeon.

3. What does present mean in the reading?

A. To change.
B. To celebrate.
C. To give as a gift.
D. To show publicly.


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