Medical Behaviour

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Oonagh Joyce Jim Mc Gowan 2

1995 To 1998

Cyanosis, Asthma, Deaf- right ear. Operations to mouth (cleft palate). Had to use spacer/nebuhaler.Epilepsy. Children required significant care to ensure safety and required administration of medication daily. See Training Records for Epilepsy care and Asthma. Received training in administration of medicine (Dr Brennan/Alacoque Wilson) dosage and frequency stated by childs doctor. Written permission from parent/carer and letter from WELB. Training in Asthma, peak flow charts, format for written contact with parents and administering asthma medicine using nebuhaler and inhalers , keeping records of drugs for epilepsy, ADHD (strattera), inhalers and all other medicines administered in school and nursery. Monitored child with diabetic (type 1/injected) while he self- administered insulin and assisted the child in any difficulty he encounter. Health and Safety at Work First Aid at Work Certificate. (CPR).Renewed every three years. Trained in Epi Pen (Child has Anaphylaxis) by nurse tutors. See Training Records. Liaise with parents verbally and written /recorded on administration of their childrens medication. Have accompanied children on day trips and residential to facilitate the administration of medicines, inhalers, bubbles and any prescribed medication. (See School Trip Medical Notes) Restock and renew medicines and first aid needs for school and nursery unit.(Invoice Records) Designated medical person for school and nursery. Certified First Aider At Work for school. These children have experienced asthma attacks. Nebuhaler didnt work. Nebuliser and oxygen with Dr Brennan. This child has experienced severe (asthma) attacks. Nebuhaler and nebuliser at doctors ineffective. (Caolan). Had to get oxygen and hospital care. On occasions children experience loss of bowel control. This traumatises the child and requires understanding of the difficulties of the childs condition to deal with it. This condition also can account for many of the behaviour problems the child exhibits when relating to peer group.

Oonagh Joyce Dominic Mc Callion Jim Mc Gowan Brian Martin

1995 To Present

2007 Shea Patton

Dominic Mc Calliion Jim Mc Gowan Cameron Jack Adam Mc Daid Jamie Lucas

1995 To present

Kyle Gallagher Caolan Harkin Jennifer Mc Cauley Anthony Kennedy

1995 To Present

1995 To

Name John Curran Emma O Kane


Communication and Sensory. Child would throw objects within arms reach at whomever or wherever they landed. At these times children need to be removed to a quiet space in order to communicate with them, allow them space and time to calm down and refocus. During these times child/children can be a danger to themselves or others.

Cameron Jack Graham Hunter Callum Coogan Eathan Mc Daid

1995 Some children that are very tall can be uncoordinated and clumsy. Had involuntary limb To movements eg.Jerk out his right leg. Always had to accompany child on stairs as he Present could easily have missed steps. Had to always use hand rail. Had to get larger desk and chair for when I saw he was sitting with his legs stretched out in front, with feet flat on ground he could lift the desk with his knees. Chair offered no support (seat too small). In the sensory room when child landed on right side he was unable to get up. (cerebral palsy and stroke affecting left side)Have to incorporate large soft object for him to fall on so he can manoeuvre himself around. Always have chair in assembly as it is unsafe to lift child from ground (unable to assist and very heavy).Need help to pick him up when he falls in playground. Gets very distracted from his work. Might be his preoccupation, book he is reading or noise (grass mower). Had to have work station or removed to a quiet area to get him to disengage from imaginary world.

John Curran Graham Hunter

Accompanied John to Little Oaks Behaviour Unit (2 days a week for school year). Worked under the guidance of Joanne Mooney and Rosemary Mullan (Special School teachers). Learned strategies to manage behaviour, deal with angry outbursts and enhance learning. Went to training on Positive Behaviour Management. Learnt and 1995 helped restrain John and others safely when angry outbursts were a danger and they had To to go to the quiet room to cool down. Present Accompanied Graham to St Joseph Secondary school to work under the guidance of

Callum Coogan

Eathan Mc Daid Paul Mc Donagh John Curran Graham Hunter

Raymond Doherty ASD team. Helped to establish routine, colour coding of books, making use of visual , integration into group to work and other skills and strategies G required. Went with Emma to visit St Cecilias to help ease transition into secondary. (See relevant IEPs, Progress Books, pupil profile, Ed Phych. and reports from outside agencies used to ensure continuity of progress for each child). Devised Educational games/ cards/worksheets to help with English /Maths and other work using characters they relate to (superman/Dr Who) and help engage them to work. 1995 Drew cards with childs help of his favourite superheroes. Earned them for best effort at To work. Used them at break and lunch to talk to me for minutes earned about current present preoccupation or something he was bursting to talk about. Organize fruit shop in school (healthy eating) and get children to help in the running of it. This activity helps their social skills, communication skills, sensory skills and maths skills and they eat the fruit as well. . Taking children ASD and ADHD and other conditions for time at breakfast club and 1995 homework club. Some to chess tournaments at various locations. Have groups daily for To reading under direction of class teacher. Phonic groups daily using lesson plans from Present Edinburgh Phonics as requested by principal. Have worked with children at Little Oaks Behaviour unit and also St Josephs.

Dominic Mc Callion Jim Mc Gowan John Curran Joseph Gamble Paul Gamble Graham Hunter

Emma OKane Cameron Jack Eathan Mc Daid Paul Mc Donagh Aaron Griffiths Joseph Gamle Graham Hunter Eathan Mc Daid Callum Mc Gowan Graham Hunter Eathan Mc Daid John Curran Cameron Jack Callum Mc Gowan

SLD Limited communication. Knew he liked making wheels, caravans and spent time daily doing this. Helped child feel safe and content. Dysphraxia around muscles at mouth. Had great difficulty in forming words. 1995 Stammer and had great difficulty being understood. To Autism. Wanted to communicate on his imaginary world and had to use cards made to Present focus on work and earn minutes to tell me about things important to him on way to break and lunch. Autism. Can stare ahead fixated and is difficult to disengage from his imaginings to work at hand (reality). Cannot communicate the meaning of his sounds at present - sounds he obviously understands but is upset no one else does at present. 2000 Would talk about a smell, hold his nose and flap his hand about. Hands tight over ears To and pained expression on face when the noise was too much for him. Noise to me was Present normal and smell may have been scented gel pens? Will taste things in his mouth and is always putting his fingers or even his fist into his mouth and rubs at his tongue. Various tastes can trigger this distressing behaviour and causes disruption to his work and class. 1995 Tried to jump fifteen feet over wall into car park. Had to be restrained and kept until To parents collected. Have little perception of personal safety and certain health hazards. Present Paces about room and corridors and outside runs headlong unaware of himself or others safety. Walks about on his own. Had broken arm and didnt cry or look for attention. Pain didnt

Paul Mc Donagh

Callum Mc Gowan Paul Mc Donagh Oonagh Joyce Aaron Griffiths Jim Mc Gowan John Curran Callum Coogan Graham Hunter Emma OKane Eathan Mc Daid Cameron Jack Graham Hunter

come into it for him. Feelings of isolation from others (peers). Buddy strategies to foster spirit of taking care of each other. Paul has utmost difficulty in making even basic needs known. He had to be taken 1995 routinely to the toilet as he never asked to go. Showed no interest in toy figures or To cars/trucks but picked up circle shapes, squares, rectangles and made what looked like a Present caravan. So we got pictures and he appeared happy to look and cut these shapes and glue them to make a caravan. When working in class with Callum he uses his own phonetic language. Language (words and sound) which he appears to understand and he becomes frustrated when no one else understands what he is saying. All of these children have many outside agencies like Speech and Language, Medical(Dr Knowles), Little Oaks, ASD Team, Physiotherapy and others involved in their 1995 assessments for statement. At annual review (which I have attended) many of these To agencies recommendations are put on childs IEP. Over the years to meet these needs I Present have been trained in various specialist centres: Little Oaks Behaviour Unit, ASD Team, Dyslexia, Autism and ADHD at RTU, Agnes Holloway (NASEN), Edinburgh Phonics, Reading Centre and other (WELB) courses.

2000 To

Has on many occasions to move to workstation or quiet room (uncluttered) to work on his own because he is more interested in what he is thinking, smelling, light too bright or some other distraction. Have to listen to teaching, take textbook and copybook. Get childs attention and explain

Eathan Mc Daid

Present one piece at a time what has been taught using whatever resources appropriate to help child keep working and understand task using mediums he enjoys, if possible.

Child John Curran Emma OKane Anthony Kennedy Cameron Jack

Date 1995 To Present

Behaviour At times these children can interact violently with each other and people get hurt. Eg. In school child pushed back head and broke the nose of person holding him. His reaction to all was to kick and lash out. Medical attention required. Other often bit children on the arms and pushed very sharp pencils into peers hands and arms. Some teased a lot because of smell and would react by hurting/hitting nearest offendergets very angry.

John Emma Graham Anthony Cameron Eathan Emma OKane

1995 To Present

When allowed to play uses football as a reason to hurt and kick other boys. Some of these children because of their violent and angry reactions cannot take part in class activities or indeed playtime games. Others with their preoccupation with their own thoughts, limited social skills and distractibility restrict the activities they can participate in. They are placed in safe areas to engage in class work (computer room) or sensory room until lesson/activity ends and they can quietly return to class. Family team intervention. Ed. Psych., SENCO and I had to meet with psychiatrist to find means to help Emmas interaction and behaviour towards peers. Meetings to discuss strategies/ resources to improve interaction and behaviour with parental input to use after school. Took part in many annual reviews and meetings with outreach specialists as arranged by principal or Senco. Childs challenging behaviour which was assessed to be a risk to others received input from Outreach Little Oaks Behaviour Unit Attendance two days a week at Unit where behaviour was monitored and managed. Daily behaviour plan and also daily progress book for rest of years in school. Learnt to use safe handling and to implement behaviour plan in school for other three days. Peripatetic teacher from Little Oaks worked with child and drew up behaviour plan with special emphasis on playtime. Nurture Unit, Anger Management Plan. Daily progress. sheets home

Dominic Mccallion John Curran 1995 Graham To Joseph Gamble Present Eathan Cameron John Curran

Cameron Jack Anthony Kennedy


John Curran Graham Emma Anne Marie Gamble Eathan Cameron John Curran Cameron Jack Graham Hunter Emma OKane Callum Mc Gowan Paul Mc Donagh Joseph Gamble

1995 To Present

Have worked under the guidance of teachers in special units (Joanne Mooney and Rosemary Mullan), outreach specialists like Mary Kavanagh (hearing impaired), Raymond Doherty (ASD) and Maureen Hicks (reading centre). Phonic and resource from Agnes Holloway (cluster group). (See relevant records personal and children) On a daily basis these children express their anxiety, frustration and anger etc with extreme forms of behaviour. Their hand flapping, clapping, pacing is an inability to communicate how they feel in an appropriate way that can be understood by other people. This behaviour can be triggered by anxiety, excessive noise, light, moving in crowds in the corridor/ assembly. Training and observation of these behaviour patterns with the individual children has enabled me to understand and help them translate how they feel in an appropriate manner. Some had very limited communication because of their condition. Many of the other children I work with have limited communication because they are so preoccupied with

!995 To Present



Graham Hunter EmmaOKane Eathan Mc Daid. Callum Mc Gowan

To Present

things that are going on in their imagined world. They avoid eye contact or shut out your voice to stay in their own world. Other children have encountered their triggers for behaviour before they come to school and are at explosion point when they arrive (esp. on Mon).Then we will have to deal with unexpected /unprovoked outbursts.

My personal viewpoint is for the wellbeing of all the children in this school, especially for those that have a statement of special educational needs and for whom I have an additional responsibility. I have undertaken many training programmes and courses in the various disciplines used and recommended by various o/s agencies ( some at my own expense and in my own time) because I see these very early learning years as vital to the future development of these children for whom I have a special duty of care.

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