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RESPIRATION ATP - adenosine triphosphate

Carbon dioxide - CO2

Water - H2O
Respiration is a biochemical process of releasing
energy by the break down of glucose molecules for Glucose - C6H12O6 (6-carbon molecule)
carrying out life processes. ADP - adenosine diphosphate
Pi - inorganic phosphate
Combination of physical and biochemical processes.

• Cellular respiration: carbohydrates and other metabolites are

Inhalation of air Oxidation of broken down with the simultaneous build-up of ATP. Oxidation of
containing more glucose with a food happens in mitochondria.
O2 and exhalation subsequent • Glucose is broken down into CO2 and H2O in the presence of
of air containing release of energy O2 and ATP is released.
more CO2. inside the living
cell. C6H12O6 + 6O2 —> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 2880 kJ or 686 kcal/mole (ATP)
The compounds that are oxidized during
respiration are known as respiratory substrates.

In each step of breakdown, a particular enzyme is needed.

• ATP provides energy that cells need for all activities such as transport, mechanical and chemical work; ATP is also called energy currency of cells.
• When required, ATP molecules are hydrolyzed to release energy used for metabolic activities.
ATP —> ADP + Pi + Energy

Chemical changes taking place

are the same as those in plants Glycolysis Kreb’s Cycle (6O2)
during aerobic respiration.

Aerobic respiration C6H12O6 —> 2 Pyruvate —> 6CO2 + 6H2O + 38ATP + 420 kcal

Glycolysis Based on availability of oxygen cytoplasm

• Involves breakdown of glucose

into pyruvate. Anaerobic respiration C6H12O6 —> lactic acid + 2 ATP + heat energy (basic equation)
• Occurs in cytoplasm of cell
• Does not require oxygen
• Respiration becomes partly anaerobic when cells are temporarily deprived of oxygen.
• Lactic acid is produced; also known as lactate fermentation.
• 2 ATPs are produced from 1 molecule of glucose.
• Slow process and no CO2 is produced.
Nostrils and nasal cavity Pharynx Larynx Trachea

• Nasal passage opens outside • Nasal cavity opens into pharynx. • Larynx/voice box (also • Trachea/windpipe is a tube that
through 2 nostrils separated by • Located at the back of the mouth. known as Adam’s apple) is extends from the larynx into the
a cartilaginous septum. • The air moves into the pharynx a cartilaginous box-like thoracic cavity.
• Inner surface of the nasal which is a common area to both the structure. • Lies on the ventral side of the
passage is lined by hairy, digestive and respiratory tracts. • Located at the tracheal oesophagus.
ciliated epithelium and • Pharynx opens into the larynx/voice opening.
mucous-secreting cells. box which leads to the trachea. • Hollow from inside • Wall is provided with incomplete
• Also connected to the oesophagus/ • Moves up or down allowing C-shaped cartilaginous rings;
food pipe. safe passage of air or food. keeps the trachea in dilated
Refer to textbook for diagrams of position and prevents it from
all these structures. • Cartilaginous ap called epiglottis collapsing.
guards the entrance to the trachea.
• The epiglottis covers the trachea to • Ciliated epithelial lining and
prevent food or water from entering mucous-secreting cells extend
the respiratory system. from nasal cavities unto the
trachea; help in preventing dust
p a r t i c l e s o r m i c ro b e s f ro m
entering the lungs.

Lungs Bronchi and bronchioles

• Pair of highly elastic, hollow, membranous bag-like structures. • Trachea divides into 2 tubes called bronchi.
• Situated in the thoracic cavity along with the heart. • Right bronchus is divided into 3 bronchi which extend into 3 lobes of
• Broad lower surface rests on a sheet of muscle called the right lung.
diaphragm; forms the oor of the thoracic cavity. • Left bronchus is divided into 2 bronchi penetrating into the 2 lobes of
the left lung.
• Right lung is larger than the left one.
• Right lung is divided into 3 lobes and left lung is divided into 2 • Within the lung, each bronchus is divided many times into
lobes. bronchioles.
• Smallest tubes called respiratory bronchioles are about 0.5 mm in
• Surrounded by 2 membranes called pleural membranes; diameter.
space between these membranes is called the pleural cavity.
• These membranes secrete an oily substance called pleural • Alveoli are the actual sites of respiratory exchange.
uid; present in the pleural cavity and acts as a lubricant to • Alveoli are the functional units of lungs.
reduce friction between lungs and the thoracic wall while • Alveoli are lined by a single layer of moist squamous epithelium.
breathing. • Each alveolus has a dense network of blood capillaries on its outside.
• Over 700 million alveoli present in the lungs.
1. The right auricle of the heart receives the deoxygenated blood and sends it to the lungs through the pulmonary artery.

2. Pulmonary artery divides into 2 branches, each branch entering the respective lung.
• These branches further subdivide several times to form capillaries.
• These are arranged around the air sacs.

3. Veins arising from these capillaries join several times and form 2 pulmonary veins.
• 2 pulmonary veins arise from each lung.
• These veins pour the oxygenated blood into the left auricle of the heart.

• Has a cyclic pattern.

Breathing • Air is passed into and out of the lungs by alternate expansion and contraction of the thoracic cavity.
• Brought about by the movements of the intercostal (muscles located between the ribs) and diaphragm
muscles which alter the volume of the thoracic cavity.

Inhalation/Inspiration Exhalation/Expiration

• Breathing in involves contractions mainly of the diaphragm and • Breathing out is brought about by the relaxation of the
external intercostal muscles. intercostal and diaphragm muscles.

• Produces a forward (upward) and outward movement of the • Ribs return to their original position and the diaphragm
ribcage. becomes dome-shaped.
• This action straightens and contracts the diaphragm. • Both these movements reduce the volume of the thoracic
• Results in an increase in the thoracic cavity volume and is cavity and the lungs return to their original size.
followed by an automatic increase in lung volume.
• Air rushes out of the lungs because the pressure inside the
• As the lungs expand, the air pressure in them reduces and air lungs becomes greater than the atmospheric pressure.
rushes into them from the atmosphere through the air passages.

We normally breathe about 15-18 times per minute. The depth and/or frequency of breathing increases under the following circumstances:
1. During and immediately after exercise. when a lot of oxygen is used by the muscles (about 20-25 times per minute).
2. At high altitudes, where the concentration of oxygen in the atmosphere is relatively low.
• Air we breathe in decreases in pressure; person may feel air sickness, unsteady vision, loss of hearing, lack of muscular coordination.
3. When the circulation is not delivering oxygen to the tissues e ciently, for example, in coronary heart disease.
Hypoxia: • Main objective of respiratory system
• De ciency of oxygen reaching the tissues Gaseous exchange • Involves exchange of oxygen and carbon
resulting when availability of oxygen is dioxide between the lungs and blood and
limited such as in crowded places or between the blood and body cells.
rooms with poor ventilation.

• CO2 concentration increases in blood
and oxygen supply becomes negligible.
• May result due to strangulation,
drowning, blocking of respiratory system. In lungs In tissues
• Usually leads to death of su erer.

• Concentration of oxygen in lung in alveoli is higher • Oxygen is used up in various metabolic activities and
than that in the deoxygenated blood in capillaries. carbon dioxide is produced.
• This di erence causes oxygen to di use from the
alveoli into the lung capillaries since di usion • In tissues, concentration of oxygen is less than that in
continues as long as the molecules concerned are capillaries, whereas, carbon dioxide is present in a
unequally distributed. greater concentration in tissues than capillaries.
• Therefore, oxygen di use from blood in capillaries to
• Blood contained in the capillaries has a high the tissues (body cells) and carbon dioxide di uses
concentration of carbon dioxide which it has absorbed from body cells to capillaries.
from body tissues.
• Therefore, carbon dioxide di uses out from blood
capillaries into the alveoli.

1. Tidal volume: Total amount of air breathed in and breathed out in normal unforced breathing.
2. Residual volume: Air left in the lungs even after a forceful breathing out.
3. Inspiratory reserve volume: Maximum air that can be breathed in forcibly over and above the tidal volume is called the complemented air volume.
4. Expiratory reserve volume: Maximum air that can be breathed out forcibly even after an ordinary or normal expiration is called supplemented air
5. Vital capacity: Maximum volume of air that can be taken in and given out by maximum inspiration and expiration.
• Generally greater in following cases:
• Males compared to females.
• Adults compared to children.
• Fit people compared to un t people.
8. Total lung capacity: Maximum that can be contained in both the lungs of a normal person at any time. vital capacity + residual air
Breathing Respiration Anaerobic respiration Anaerobic respiration
a physical process that involves a biochemical process in which
in plants in animals
intake of air (rich in oxygen) and glucose is oxidized to CO2 and product formed is ethanol product formed is only
giving out air (rich in carbon dioxide) water, along with the exchange of and CO2 lactic acid
exchange of gases takes place by exchange of gases may take place
mechanical process only by a mechanical process or by more heat energy is less heat energy is released
di usion released
no energy is released energy is released in the form of ATP
released CO2 causes no foaming as no CO2 is
enzymes are not involved enzymes are involved foaming released

Table 14.3 is important, learn from textbook.

Activity 1 from page 165 is meant to be learnt as well.

Constituent Air at time of Air breathed out Air breathed out

breathing in (while sleeping) (while working)
Nitrogen 78% 78% 78%

Oxygen 21% 17% 12%

Carbon dioxide In traces (0.03-0.04%) 4% 9%

Inert gases 1% 1% 1%

Water vapor Variable Saturated Saturated


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