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Wind energy explained: Theory, Design, and application [Book Review]

Article in IEEE Power and Energy Magazine · December 2003

DOI: 10.1109/MPAE.2003.1243963 · Source: IEEE Xplore

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2 authors, including:

S.s. Venkata


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book review

explaining wind energy

from mechanics to farms to connectivity issues

WIND ENERGY EXPLAINED: THEORY, tions, and it combines both academic and energy technology. The first chapter pro-
Design, and Application, by J.F. Man- industrial experience. Its coverage spans vides an overview of wind energy tech-
well, J.G. McGowan, and A.L. Rogers, is every aspect of wind energy engineering nology, the principle components of a
intended to provide both a thorough and wind turbine, and the history behind
highly accessible introduction to the Wind Energy Explained: wind energy utilization. The second
cross-disciplinary field of wind engineer- Theory, Design, and chapter reviews wind resources and wind
ing. The economic viability and political Application characteristics. The mechanics behind
appeal of wind power is on the increase, by J.F. Manwell, J.G. McGowan, and wind motion, its variation with time, and
making this text a timely addition to the A.L. Rogers. Published by Jon Wiley location and estimation of wind potential
literature. It was developed to comple- and Sons Limited, 2002. ISBN 0-471- are discussed. The chapter also reviews
ment the increasing number of renew- 49972-2. 577 pages. wind resource management techniques,
able/wind energy courses now available, This book consists of ten chapters and instrumentation. The third chapter
it includes end-of-chapter tutorial sec- that address various aspects of wind deals mainly with the classical analytical
approach for analysis of horizontal axis
turbines. Analysis of idealized wind tur-
bine rotors and aerofoil aerodynamics
are also explained. The blade momentum
theory is then explained, which is used
for aerodynamic design and performance
analysis of wind turbine rotors.
The fourth chapter deals with the
mechanical aspect of turbine design. The
concepts of turbine motion force and
stress is explained in detail. The fifth
chapter deals with the electrical aspects
of wind energy. The interconnection of
the generator to the electric grid and the
use of the power electronic equipment
for the interface are explained. The sixth
chapter provides a detailed overview of
the design and construction of wind tur-
bines. Turbine control issues both super-
visory and dynamic are discussed in
chapter seven. Design approach and
implementation issues for control cir-
cuits are also covered in this chapter.
Chapter 8 covers the broader issue of
locating sites for wind farms. Intercon-
nection of these farms with the electric
grid and power quality issues are also
covered. The economics of wind genera-
tion is discussed in Chapter 9. Methods
for analyzing the economic viability of
wind energy from simplified procedures
to life-cycle cost models are elaborated
on. Chapter 10 covers the environmental
aspects of wind energy. Apart from the
obvious benefits such as negligible
emission, the authors also discuss possi-
ble negative impacts of wind farms.
The book is very well referenced
and provides a wealth of information
and is an excellent reference book for
people interested in the subject of wind
energy. The book extensively covers
the mechanical aspects of wind tur-
bines and their site selection and pro-
vides brief coverage of the electrical
aspects and issues related to connectivi-
ty to the grid. An extensive set of prob-
lems is provided at the end of the book
based on the contents of each chapter.
The book is well organized and illus-
trated and would serve well as a text-
book for a special topics course on
wind energy.
Reviewed by S.S. Venkata
and S. Krishnamurthy p&e

november/december 2003

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