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Name Morales, Krisselyn Reigne H. Section BSACC 1-7

What is the difference between equality and equity?

Everyone cries out for equality. This has long

been something we've all desired. But the question
is, does equality suffice? Is it truly the solution for
individuals whose lives are like the bottom of a flat
tire, allowing them to finally experience being on
top? Equality may make a difference in their lives
since the thought of having the same opportunities
as other people is progress, but it is not the solution.

According to DeRay Mckesson, the distinction

between equity and equality is that equality occurs
when everyone receives the same thing, whereas equity occurs when everyone
receives what they deserve. When we talk about equality, we mean giving
everyone the same thing, whether it's an opportunity, an object, a resource, or
anything else. For example, if I have 100 pesos and two persons with whom I could
share it, each of them will be given 50 pesos. It is evenly split and so fair. Assume,
however, that the two people are substantially different from one another. The
first is a very wealthy woman who is decked out in designer jewelry, purses, and
clothing and is clearly living a lavish lifestyle. The other individual is a child who is
begging for money because she has been hungry for three days and her siblings
are waiting for her to bring them some food to eat. Is it still fair to distribute the
100 pesos proportionally between these two people? I assumed it wasn't since the
kid certainly needs the entire 100 pesos. This is when equity comes into play.
Equity recognizes that everyone's circumstances are unique and allocates the
precise resources and opportunities required to achieve an equal outcome. When
we think about equity, we acknowledge the diverse situations and the fact that
we all do not start in the same circumstance. Inequalities must also be identified
and addressed.
Therefore, if we want to end the world's injustices and inequities, we must
first promote equity for everybody. This guarantees that no one is left behind and
that everyone has equitable access to opportunities. We might be able to make a
difference through equity because it is one step closer to justice.
Name Morales, Krisselyn Reigne H. Section BSACC 1-7

Do you believe that there is a concept of equality?

Philosophers have debated this question for

centuries, and it remains a contentious issue to this
day. Some people believe in the concept of
equality, while others do not, including me.
Equality is most likely a figment of one's
imagination. It's like a 3-year-wish old's to fly like
Superman—a wish that never comes true.

Equality is a concept that cannot exist since

people are not born equal and so cannot be equal.
Some people are just born with more talents and abilities; others are born with
silver spoons in their mouths; others are born only to drown in poverty, and
others are born with physical disabilities that prevent them from attaining the
same things as able-bodied others. These are only a few examples of
inequalities that are unbridgeable. Indeed, the concept of equality defies
human nature, as disparity has always existed in our lives. Even if the impossible
becomes achievable and equality is attained, it will almost certainly come at
the expense of individual liberty. Furthermore, I reject the concept of equality
since it leads to mediocrity. If everyone is given the same opportunity and
treated the same, there will be no incentive for people to thrive and achieve
greatness. This could have a negative impact on society as a whole by
discouraging innovation and creativity.

Nonetheless, notwithstanding my aversion to the aforementioned concept,

I believe that the concept of equality is useful. I'm willing to throw in my two
cents about not believing in the concept of equality if everyone is willing to
work hard to achieve it. Who wouldn't want to live in a world where everyone
has the same rights and opportunities? Even though equality is unattainable,
we can make a difference if we all work together to achieve it. Because, as
John Lennon once stated, a dream you dream alone is only a dream. A shared
dream becomes a reality. Let us make the impossible possible by joining hands
and becoming one.

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