General Instruction-Vt-2024

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हदु तान एयरोनॉ ट स िलिमटेड

(कोरापुट भाग)


1. The institution deputing students for undergoing Project Work/Internship/Summer

Training/In-plant Training/On the Job Training/Familiarization Study are required to comply
with the following requirements:-

a. Request letter in Original need to be sent to this office from the Principal /Director/Dean
of the College or Institution on their official letter head in which a photograph of the
student must be affixed and the same should be duly attested by the signatory of the
request letter embossing the institution/college seal.

b. The letter should clearly indicate the particulars of the student (branch & specialization
details, specific field of the study to undergo/project title that the student wish to
undertake clearly) along with duration of the study and the institution must ensure that
the project topic should be a part of their academic curriculum for partial fulfillment of
their course.

c. Requests received from Colleges/Institutions for a group of students to do project work

would also be considered, based on feasibility. When, requests are received for a group
of students, photographs of each of them should be affixed in the letter stated in point
“a” above, duly authenticated by the signatory to the letter along with the seal of the

d. Project work selection by the institution should be of relevance (for example students
from Mechanical, Production Disciplines etc for technical courses and Finance, HR,
Organizational Behavior etc for management courses) to this establishment where in
both the students and the company should be benefited, hence the institution/college
should guide meticulously and decide while sending their proposal.

e. The proposals received will be scrutinized by HAL officials & HOD of respective
departments and accordingly suitable industry project/course guides will be identified.
Subsequently the consent for approved college/institution will be intimated by this

2. The approved institution may direct their student intern to comply the following
requirements while undergoing the program at this establishment:-

a. Online Police Clearance Certificate in regard to the antecedents of the candidate

from respective home town/ present place of stay is to be submitted. Online link-
(Citizen Portal)

b. An undertaking/indemnity bond (in the format enclosed as Appendix-B) and bring 1

Stamp size photo, 2 Passport size photos (White Background) for subsequent
administrative proceedings and issuance of security pass.

c. Students should make their own arrangements for stay and transportation from place of
stay to the Factory/Office and Back.

d. The student shall keep and display the identity pass issued to him/her, during the entire
duration of the training period, he/she must return the same to Training Department
after completion of their approved tenure.
f. The student shall at all times observe the health & safety precautions as may be
prescribed/notified/displayed at the place of work.

g. The student shall at all times, conform to the Rules & Regulations of HAL and lawful
orders/institutions as may be prescribed during his/her training period. He/she shall not
cause any willful damage to the properties of the Company.

h. The company shall have no responsibility for any incident resulting in partial/total
disablement or death and no claim shall lie/be made against HAL. The student will be
doing the training entirely at his/her own cost/risk.

i. Students should not quote any classified information that may come to his/her
knowledge during the training /project work and they shall not enter any classified/ non-
permitted areas within the factory/office premises.

j. Students should get the Project Report/Study Report vetted by the company project
guide to earn project work completion certificate from this department before submitting
to the College/Institute. Students should ensure submission of a copy the report will be
submitted to HR/Training Department.

k. Students will not be allowed to carry devices like mobile phones; recording media like
pen drives etc, inside the factory premises.

l. Students can avail canteen facilities within the factory premises during the period of the
training, with payment of applicable charges.

m. The students shall at all times, confirm to the Rules and Regulations of HAL and lawful
orders/instructions as may be prescribed during his training period. He shall not cause
any willful damage to the properties of the company.

n. The student shall be subject to applicable penalties for violating any provisions of the
Indian Official Secrets Act, 1923.

o. The Management can withdraw the permission granted at any time without assigning
any reasons.

3. Each male student trainee has to bring one pair of full Sleeve Lemon yellow shirt, one pair of
black trouser/pant and a pair of black shoes as uniforms. Female trainees need to wear
Chudidar i.e. top Lemon yellow and bottom black with black chunni. The student trainees
will not be allowed for training unless otherwise, they wear the specified uniform
mentioned above during their entire training period.

As the company is a defence undertaking, non-compliance of the above rules may
entail trainees to return back to their respective College/Institution.


Training & Development Institute

Hindustan Aeronautics Limited
Koraput Division
Phone : 06853-220372

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