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Prayas JEE (2025)

DPP: 3
Circular Motion

Q1 A satellite of mass m is revolving around the

earth of mass M in circular orbit of radius r. The
orbital velocity of the satellite will be
−−− −−−
(A) √ GM (B) √ Gm
r mr
−−− −−−
(C) √ Gm (D) √ mv2
Mr r
Q2 Three identical particles are connected by (i) normal reaction of the floor on the block.
three strings as shown in figure. These particles (ii) normal reaction of the vertical wall on the
are revolving in a horizontal plane. The velocity block.
of outer most particle is v. Then T1 : T2 : T3 will be
Q5 Consider a conical pendulum having bob of
(Where T1 is tension in the outer most string etc.)
mass m is suspended from a ceiling through a
string of length L. The bob moves in a horizontal
circle of radius r.

(A) 3 : 5 : 7
(B) 3 : 5 : 6
(C) 3 : 4 : 5
(D) 7 : 5 : 3
(1) the angular speed of the bob and
Q3 A hemispherical bowl of radius R is rotating
(2) the tension in the string.
about its axis of symmetry which is kept vertical.
A small ball kept in the bowl rotates with the Q6 A circular platform rotates around a vertical
bowl without slipping on its surface. If the axis with angular velocity ω = 10 rad/s. On the
surface of the bowl is smooth and the angle platform is a ball of mass 1 kg, attached to the
made by the radius through the ball with the long axis of the platform by a thin rod of length
vertical is α. Find the angular speed at which 10 cm (α = 30°). Find normal force exerted by the
the bowl is rotating. ball on the platform (in newton). Friction is
Q4 A block of mass m moves with speed v against
a smooth, fixed vertical circular groove of radius
r kept on smooth horizontal surface.

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Q9 A body is moving in a circular path with a

constant speed. It has
(A) A constant velocity
(B) A constant acceleration
(C) An acceleration of constant magnitude
(D) An acceleration which varies with time in

Q7 A ball of mass ' 𝑚 ' is rotating in a circle of radius Q10 Two bodies of mass 10 kg and 5 kg moving in
' 𝑟 ' with speed 𝑣 inside a smooth cone as concentric orbits of radii R and r such that their
shown in figure. Let N be the normal reaction on periods are the same. Then the ratio between
the ball by the cone, then choose the correct their centripetal acceleration is
option. (A) R / r (B) r / R
(C) R2/ r2 (D) r2/ R2

Q11 A string breaks if its tension exceeds 10

newtons. A stone of mass 250 gm tied to this
string of length 10 cm is rotated in a horizontal
circle. The maximum angular velocity of rotation
(A) N=m g cosθ
2 can be.
(B) g sin θ = v cos θ
2 (A) 20 rad/s (B) 40 rad/s
(C) N sin θ − mv = 0
r (C) 100 rad/s (D) 200 rad/s
(D) none of these
Q12 If the radii of circular paths of two particles of
Q8 A particle P of mass 𝑚 is attached to a vertical
same masses are in the ratio of 1: 2, then in
axis by two strings AP and BP of length 𝑙 each.
order to have same centripetal force, their
The separation AB = 𝑙. 𝑃 rotates around the axis
speeds should be in the ratio of:
with an angular velocity ω. The tensions in the
(A) 1 : 4 (B) 4 : 1
two strings are 𝑇 1 and 𝑇2 – –
(C) 1 : √2 (D) √2 : 1

Q13 If a particle of mass m is moving in a horizontal

circle of radius r with a centripetal force (–k/ r2),
the total energy is
(A) − 2r (B) − kr
(C) − 2k
r (D) − 4k

Q14 A stone tied to a string is rotated in a vertical

(A) T1 = T2
(B) T1 + T2 = mω2l plane. If mass of the stone is m, the length of
the string is r and the linear speed of the stone
(C) T1 – T2 = 2mg
−− is v when the stone is at its lowest point then
(D) BP will remain taut only if ω≥ √ 2g

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the tension in the string at the lowest point will

2 2
(A) mv
r + mg
(B) mv
r − mg
(C) mv
(D) mg

Q15 Three identical particles are joined together by

a thread as shown in figure. All the three
particles are moving on a smooth horizontal
plane about point O. If the speed of the
outermost particle is v0, then the ratio of
tensions in the three sections of the string is:
(Assume that the string remains straight)

(A) 3 : 5 : 7 (B) 3 : 4 : 5
(C) 7 : 11 : 6 (D) 3 : 5 : 6

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Answer Key
Q1 (A) Q8 (B, C, D)

Q2 (B) Q9 (C)
−−− g−−
Q3 √ R cos α Q10 (A)

mv2 Q11 (A)

Q4 (i- mg, ii - r )
g −− Q12 (C)
Q5 (a) √
√L2 −r2
Q13 (A)
√L2 −r2 Q14 (A)
Q6 5
Q15 (D)
Q7 (A, B, C)

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