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Curs opţional: Teorii şi mecanisme ale relaţiilor internaţionale

Profesor : Valentin Stan


1. Istoria curentă
2. Idealismul politic.
3. Realismul politic/Neorealismul.
4. Teoriile instituționaliste.
5. Securitatea colectivă.
6. Teoria critică.
7. Pacea democratică
8. Alianţele și echilibrul puterii
9. Tucidide.


- John J. Mearsheimer, The False Promise of International Institutions, în “International

Security », Winter 1994/95, Vol. 19 No. 3;

- Phil Williams, Donald M. Goldstein, Jay M. Shafritz, eds., Classic Readings of

International Relations, Harcourt Brace College Publishers, New York, 1999;

- Charles W. Kegley Jr., Eugene R. Wittkopf, World Politics. Trend and Transformation,
Seventh Edition, St. Martin’s, 1999;

- Michael E. Brown, Sean M. Lynn Jones and Steven E. Miller, eds., Debating the
Democratic Peace – An International Security Reader -, The MIT Press, Cambridge/London,

- Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace. Realism, Liberalism, And Socialism, W.W. Norton
& Company, New York/London, 1997;

- J. L. Holzgrefe, Robert O. Keohane - Humanitarian Intervention_ Ethical, Legal and

Political Dilemmas, Cambridge University Press, 2003;

- Joseph S. Nye Jr., The Paradox of American Power_ Why the World's Only Superpower
Can't Go It Alone, Oxford University Press, 2002;

- Hedley Bull, Benedict Kingsbury, Adam Roberts, Hugo Grotius and International
Relations, Clarendon Paperbacks, 1992;

- Kenneth N. Waltz, Man, the State and War, Columbia University Press, 2001;
- Barry Buzan, George Lawson, The Global Transformation-History, Modernity and the
Making of International Relations, 2015.


1) Familiarizarea studenților cu schemele de interpretare a dinamicii internaționale din

perspectiva unei abordări sistemice;
2) Definirea principalelor concepte de lucru din interiorul teoretizării relaţiilor
3) Oferirea unui cadru de aplicare, în politici publice, a principalelor tendinţe de acțiune
socială, ce pot fi subsumate unei teorii sau alteia.


- colocviu-100%

Teaching plan
Date Teacher Place Topic Lecture notes / comments

9-15 Valentin zoom Class 1- Required:

oct Stan kegley-wittkopt-world politics
2023 Introducere tehnică şi
tematică; Peter Calvocoressi-World
Perceperea realităţii- Politics since 1945 (9th
proiecţiile Edition) -Longman (2008).pdf
Amintit “what you Recommended:
see depends on where
you sit” Shannon L. Blanton_ Charles
lista cu percepţii şi W. Kegley Jr - World Politics_
magini. Trend and Transformation,
2016 - 2017 (2016).pdf

16-22 -//- -//- Class 2- Required:

oct Stossinger integral
John G. Stoessinger-Why
Nations Go to War -
. Wadsworth Publishing

Simon Dalby-Rethinking
Geopolitics (1998).pdf

23-29 -//- -//- Class 3- Required:

oct Coyle - Idealism and the rule
Istoria curenta of law.pdf

Idealism politic Kaplan - Pragmatic

integral idealism.pdf

Steele - Liberal idealism A

constructivist critique.pdf

Tabensky - Realistic

30 oct- -//- -//- Class 4- Required:

5 nov Realismul politic Gorener - Revisiting political
Tonnies si tipurile de realism.pdf
Kenneth Waltz - Theory of
International Politics.pdf
castigul absolut si
castigul relativ. Joseph S Jr Nye, Do Morals
Matter-Presidents and Foreign
Pactul Ligii si Policy from FDR to Trump-
diferenta dintre Oxford University Press,
securitate colectiva si 2019.pdf
aparare colectiva-
sisteme de securitate Hedley Bull - The Anarchical
colectiva/aparare Society (2002).pdf
Echilibrul puterii- Guzzini - The different worlds
sistemul anarhic of realism.pdf
Rosch - Realism as social

6-12 -//- -//- Class 5- Required:

Talbott- Tjalve - Realism pragmatism
16 March 2000 and the public sphere.pdf
Byliner: Talbott on
Self-Determination Richardson - A new
in an Interdependent realism.pdf
(Article from the Recommended:
"Foreign Policy" Shore - Three faces of
Spring 2000 Issue) realism.pdf

(…) In the decades

since, many scholars, Joseph S. Nye Jr. - Power in
statesmen, and the global information age_
pundits have from realism to globalization-
depicted U.S. Routledge (2004).pdf
foreign policy in this
century as a seesaw
between idealism --
or "Wilsonianism" --
on the one hand and
on the other;
between high
principle and raw
power; between a
bighearted, starry-
eyed America and a
hardheaded one.
Wilson in his long
coat and top hat has
become the cartoon
personification of
the squishy-soft half
of this stereotype.
President Theodore
Roosevelt, in his
Rough Rider gear, is
supposed antipode.

This false dichotomy

misses one of the
most important,
and salutary aspects
of American foreign
policy: the United
persistent effort to
combine realism and
idealism in the role it
in the world. In
public opinion polls
and elections alike,
American people
have made clear that
they demand
something nobler and
more altruistic from
their government and
armed forces than the
coldblooded calculus
of raison d'etat or
realpolitik in which
statecraft has often
taken pride.
Particularly in this
century, the
United States has
explicitly and
persistently sought to
champion both
its national interests
and its national
values, without
seeing the two
goals to be in

While Wilson gave

that principle a voice
and put it into action,
did Roosevelt. In
fact, Roosevelt
preached the gospel
of hardheaded
idealism before
Wilson did. In 1914,
when Kaiser
Wilhelm's army was
brutalizing Belgium,
it was Roosevelt,
then in opposition,
who cried
out against a "breach
of international
morality" and who
called upon
his own country to
come to the rescue.
"We ought not," he
"solely to consider
our own interests."
He also called for "a
world agreement
among all the
civilized military
powers to back
righteousness by
force." That was a
full two years before
endorsed the idea of
a League of Nations.
If Roosevelt were
today, he would be
mightily offended to
hear himself depicted
as a
sort of Yankee
Richelieu or
Metternich (…).

4 motive pentru care

americanii nu iubesc

13-19 -//- -//- Class 6- Required:

nov Neorealism
Alianţe - 4 optiuni si (Cornell Studies in Security
definitiile (definiţie Affairs) Stephen M. Walt -
cu Walt, Morgenthau The Origins of Alliance-
şi Snyder). Cornell University Press
3 ipostaze ale
aliantelor si explicatii Robert O. Keohane (ed.) -
pentru relative si Neorealism and Its Critics -
absolute gains. Columbia University Press
(Cornell Studies in Security
Affairs) Stephen M. Walt -
The Origins of Alliance-
Cornell University Press

Robert O Keohane-After
Hegemony-Cooperation and
Discord in the World Political
Economy-PU Press,1984.pdf

20-26 -//- -//- Class 7- Required:

frica-Barry Buzan Barry Buzan - People, States
and Fear_ National Security
Alianţe: Problem in International
Ori de câte ori a Relations-Wheatsheaf Books
existat un sistem de (1983).pdf
suveranităţi multiple
în istoria cunoscută, Neufeld Mark - Interpretation
unele din entităţile and the Science of
naţionale au intrat în International Relations.pdf
alianţe atunci când s-
au confruntat cu Recommended:
conflicte. (Wolfers) Robert O. Keohane, Helen V.
Milner - Internationalization
Alianţele sunt tipic and Domestic Politics-
împotriva a ceva sau Cambridge University Press
cineva şi numai (1996).pdf
derivativ pentru ceva
sau cineva (Liska) George Frost Kennan - George
F. Kennan _ Memoirs 1950-
Entanglement- 1963-Atlantic Monthly Press
Principalul risc care (1972).pdf
defineşte participarea
la o alianţă este acela
că statul îşi asumă o
obligaţie care poate
deveni mai târziu

“Situaţia la un
moment dat nu este
niciodată la fel ca
situaţia care va exista
cinci ani mai târziu,
într-adevăr este ceva
semnificativ diferit,
chiar dacă etapele
prin care se produce
schimbarea sunt
rareori vizibile la
momentul respectiv.
De aceea oamenii de
stat înţelepţi şi
experimentaţi se
feresc de regulă de
angajamente care, la
un moment dat, pot
constitui limitări ale
unui guvern la o dată
necunoscută, în
viitor, în faţa unei
situaţii neprevăzute”.
(George Kennan)
27 nov- -//- -//- Class 8- Required:
3 dec - Balanta
puterii (Global Futures) Joseph S
Pacea rezultă numai Nye Jr - Is the American
atunci când puterea Century Over _-Polity
militară este (2015).pdf
distribuită astfel încât
nici un stat nu este Stephen M Walt - Taming
suficient de puternic American Power_ The Global
pentru a le domina pe Response to U S Primacy-W
celelalte. W Norton & Company
Cerinţa de bază este
ca o mare putere Recommended:
care nu este Andreas Wenger, Christian
ameninţată de Nuenlist, Anna Locher-
ridicarea unei alte Transforming NATO in the
mari puteri sau Cold War(2006).pdf
coaliţii de mari
puteri să joace rolul
aspiranţilor la
statutul de nouă cea
mai mare putere.

6 reguli ce trebuie
urmate de state
completând astfel
rolul jucat de
balancer (Kaplan)

4-10 -//- -//- Class 9- Required:

dec Securitatea colectiva
Suterwalla - Collective
9 Motive pentru care
agresiunea nu poate
fi oprită într-un Recommended:
sistem de Securitate Franck - Collective security
Colectivă and UN reform.pdf
Gleason - Collective security
and Non-state actors.pdf
Sura - Between national
interest and collective
11-17 -//- -//- Class 10- Required:
dec Teorii
institutionaliste Jones - The lessons of
Instituţionalismul neoliberalism.pdf
Keohane - Twenty years of
Scopul institutional liberalism.pdf
liberal este de a crea
reguli pentru a
constrânge statele.

Teoria critica: Recommended:

Realitatea socială Radaelli - Recasting

este data de institutionalism.pdf
intersubiectivă bazată
pe limbaj, iar fiinţele
umane pot, în
consecinţă, să
schimbe lumea
printr-un act de
voinţă coolectivă.
18-24 -//- -//- Class 11- Required:
dec Tucidide, cartea a
V-a: (Loeb Classical Library 110)
Melosul C. F. Smith - Thucydides_
History of the Peloponnesian
War (Books 5-6). 3 (1921).pdf

Christine Lee, Neville Morley

- A Handbook to the
Reception of Thucydides-
Wiley-Blackwell (2015).pdf

Darien Shanske - Thucydides

and the Philosophical Origins
of History-Cambridge
University Press (2006).pdf

Schweller - The logic and
illogic of the security

8-14 -//- -//- Class 12- Required:

ian Kenneth Waltz-
2024 Parabola Cerbul și Kenneth N. Waltz - Man, the
iepurele State and War-Columbia
University Press (2001).pdf
The Shadow of the Future and
International Bargaining.pdf

Rousseau - Motivations for


Sigwart - The logic of
Joseph S. Nye Jr., David A.
Welch. Understanding global
conflict & cooperation _ intro
to theory & history-

15-21 -//- -//- Class 13-Evaluare


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