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(of the meeting with the Area Sales Manager- Ayurvi)

0:6:22.0 --> 0:6:22.310

Yash Gaur

0:6:23.420 --> 0:6:27.730

Yash Gaur
As you know I'm Yash Gaur, studying at SDA Bocconi College.

0:6:28.220 --> 0:6:34.340

Yash Gaur
I'm working on my sales assignment and here I will be asking you few questions
regarding your experience in sales.

0:6:35.190 --> 0:6:37.600

Yash Gaur
So a great welcome.

0:6:39.510 --> 0:6:41.160

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Good morning, Yash.

0:6:42.110 --> 0:6:46.240

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Surely I'll be happy to help. What aspects of sales are you interested in?

0:6:48.420 --> 0:6:48.780

Yash Gaur

0:6:49.670 --> 0:6:55.500

Yash Gaur
To begin with, I would like to know about your career path in Sales and like
how do you get into this field?

0:6:55.970 --> 0:6:58.170

Yash Gaur
What led you to become a sales manager?
0:6:59.260 --> 0:7:0.170
Ayurvi Pensalwar

0:7:0.220 --> 0:7:2.460

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I would love to share my experience with you.

0:7:2.680 --> 0:7:6.450

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I started in sales right out of the college to start with.

0:7:6.920 --> 0:7:17.310

Ayurvi Pensalwar
My first role was as a sales intern in the Unilever. I was passionate about sales
and enjoyed interacting with people, so sales seemed like a natural fit domain.

0:7:18.140 --> 0:7:20.940

Ayurvi Pensalwar
That was the whole sole reason that I got in to see this.

0:7:23.290 --> 0:7:23.780

Yash Gaur

0:7:23.790 --> 0:7:34.0

Yash Gaur
Yeah, that sounds obviously a rewarding journey to you since you are already
established as a good manager, sales manager in reputed firm.

0:7:34.230 --> 0:7:40.590

Yash Gaur
So my next question will be, like what approach do you find most effective
when dealing with potential clients?

0:7:43.170 --> 0:7:48.60

Ayurvi Pensalwar
The part that I find most effective is building a relationship.

0:7:48.70 --> 0:7:49.310

Ayurvi Pensalwar
A relationship is the key.
0:7:50.710 --> 0:8:6.800
Ayurvi Pensalwar
Understanding the clients need and the point of the pain points to tailor them to
make them appropriate and perfect enough for the client to be satisfied with it is
the main key, but it's not just selling a product or providing a solution.

0:8:6.990 --> 0:8:10.730

Ayurvi Pensalwar
It's building trust with the clients because see when you get a time.

0:8:10.740 --> 0:8:20.690

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Once you have to get that built of faith to a level so that next time also they
have the faith in you to be a part of this journey and to trust you for their next

0:8:23.170 --> 0:8:23.650

Yash Gaur

0:8:25.350 --> 0:8:27.50

Yash Gaur
That's interesting perspective.

0:8:28.600 --> 0:8:38.570

Yash Gaur
And like in your experience, how do you handle objections from client and what
advice would you like to give to someone?

0:8:38.580 --> 0:8:41.980

Yash Gaur
Just who is starting in says carry in sales.

0:8:44.160 --> 0:8:51.40

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See as the whole thing is Carolinian say yes, objections are just inevitable.

0:8:51.390 --> 0:9:4.80

Ayurvi Pensalwar
If you will have an interaction with anybody in day to day life also you will find
out that they are not always agreeing with you and whichever respect you're
talking about, they will agree at some point and they will not agree at the others.
0:9:4.530 --> 0:9:7.80
Ayurvi Pensalwar
Same go with the clients, but in clients first.

0:9:7.150 --> 0:9:13.840

Ayurvi Pensalwar
But prospective, you have to understand what are their main concerns and you
should empathize with them.

0:9:13.850 --> 0:9:19.860

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Rather, we they should not feel like left out that the person is not listening to
me, only if they will feel left out.

0:9:19.870 --> 0:9:26.290

Ayurvi Pensalwar
They will not build that concert, so this is an obstacle that we have to clear and
showcase our understanding.

0:9:26.300 --> 0:9:29.280

Ayurvi Pensalwar
This basically depends upon our problem solving skills.

0:9:29.550 --> 0:9:31.460

Ayurvi Pensalwar
How much devoted we are.

0:9:31.510 --> 0:9:37.290

Ayurvi Pensalwar
How much empathy and concern we have towards our clients so that he gets the

0:9:37.340 --> 0:9:39.260

Ayurvi Pensalwar
All his trust is built up by this.

0:9:41.630 --> 0:9:42.100

Yash Gaur

0:9:43.800 --> 0:9:58.300

Yash Gaur
That was insightful and moving on to like how do you stay updated on industry
trains like as in our 21st century, the trends are changing so fast and so fast

0:10:2.820 --> 0:10:3.20

Ayurvi Pensalwar

0:9:58.350 --> 0:10:5.100

Yash Gaur
And after COVID the rise of social media and all those stuffs, how do you
incorporate them into your sales strategies?

0:10:6.690 --> 0:10:14.720

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See in today's world, continuous learning in any field, any field that you choose
is very vital and then sale.

0:10:14.730 --> 0:10:16.740

Ayurvi Pensalwar
It's like it's in your hand.

0:10:16.750 --> 0:10:24.700

Ayurvi Pensalwar
If you want to have a control over the industries, you should know what are the
relative events, publications, networks, what are going on around you.

0:10:30.60 --> 0:10:30.280

Yash Gaur

0:10:24.970 --> 0:10:30.780

Ayurvi Pensalwar
If you will not have an understanding or an inside about them, how will you get
to just move forward?

0:10:30.890 --> 0:10:33.990

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So having a vital about the sales and all that, it's very important.

0:10:35.880 --> 0:10:42.660

Ayurvi Pensalwar
That also helps us in anticipating the client’s needs and gives us a positive point
in front of our service providers.
0:10:44.610 --> 0:10:50.520
Yash Gaur
Yes, as you said, it still seems like staying informed is crucial.

0:10:52.470 --> 0:10:59.260

Yash Gaur
And now regarding team dynamics, like how do you foster a collaborative and
motivated sales team? Do you culture is essential?

0:11:2.180 --> 0:11:5.640

Yash Gaur
As discussed earlier as well and especially when targets are not met.

0:11:5.230 --> 0:11:5.660

Ayurvi Pensalwar

0:11:7.320 --> 0:11:10.10

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Uh Team culture is essential.

0:11:10.20 --> 0:11:21.450

Ayurvi Pensalwar
As I said before, I encourage open communication and recognize and record
report according to the problems and what I encourage people to communicate.

0:11:21.460 --> 0:11:30.360

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Because communication is the main key, if you will not communicate, you will
not be able to get what's the problem and if you will not recognize the problem,
how will you provide a solution to it?

0:11:31.80 --> 0:11:34.430

Ayurvi Pensalwar
A motivating a motivated team is a productive team.

0:11:34.840 --> 0:11:41.360

Ayurvi Pensalwar
If the team is not motivated enough, it won't be productive enough, so it's
needed for to keep our team motivated.
0:11:41.370 --> 0:11:44.280
Ayurvi Pensalwar
We should know how to communicate to get their problems.

0:11:44.970 --> 0:11:48.120

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So according to me, communication is the whole key to solving this.

0:11:49.300 --> 0:11:56.470

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So to get to be in a property or to be a part of it, motivated and encourage team
to properly get a goal.

0:11:56.900 --> 0:12:2.810

Ayurvi Pensalwar
You should have a team culture in which you should know what are their main

0:12:2.930 --> 0:12:3.750

Ayurvi Pensalwar
How they do?

0:12:3.800 --> 0:12:5.850

Ayurvi Pensalwar
How do they want to communicate with us?

0:12:6.140 --> 0:12:12.140

Ayurvi Pensalwar
If they want to do it in a meeting form, if they want a group discussion,
whatever they need, and then work on it.

0:12:14.380 --> 0:12:14.730

Yash Gaur

0:12:15.920 --> 0:12:26.180

Yash Gaur
And a like, what do you think of the future trends in sales and how can aspiring
sales professional prepare for them?

0:12:28.220 --> 0:12:29.790

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See today's world.]
0:12:29.840 --> 0:12:34.640
Ayurvi Pensalwar
Whole depends upon the technology, data analysis and all that.

0:12:35.70 --> 0:12:50.900

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So futures sales will likely involve increased reliance on technology and data
analysis, because in nowadays a basic data that we get from the client helps us
in differentiating what type of media will develop in the future.

0:12:51.310 --> 0:12:54.540

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So this all works depends on the data analysis team.

0:12:54.870 --> 0:12:59.790

Ayurvi Pensalwar
As we can see, so the future of sales may only mainly depend upon the
technology and the data.

0:13:2.90 --> 0:13:2.410

Yash Gaur

0:13:3.360 --> 0:13:10.570

Ayurvi Pensalwar
End to end by that we understand the understand the data driven decision
making and skill enhancing uniques.

0:13:12.30 --> 0:13:13.20

Yash Gaur
Sure, sure thing.

0:13:14.50 --> 0:13:20.420

Yash Gaur
Uh, could you share some memorable experience or challenge you face in your
sales career till now?

0:13:23.520 --> 0:13:24.490

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Ohh absolutely.
0:13:24.500 --> 0:13:26.720
Ayurvi Pensalwar
Why not. In my carrier, earlier I had a client, who was initially resistant to our

0:13:30.460 --> 0:13:32.810

Ayurvi Pensalwar
He was like, NO, NO, to everything that we said.

0:13:33.740 --> 0:13:44.10

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I thought it taught me that the importance of understanding the clients
prospective and needs because without understanding what's their problem,
what's their perspective?

0:13:44.160 --> 0:13:48.200

Ayurvi Pensalwar
We cannot solve or we cannot give them our solutions.

0:13:48.210 --> 0:13:51.450

Ayurvi Pensalwar
We cannot just force ourselves to give a solution to our clients.

0:13:51.690 --> 0:13:54.530

Ayurvi Pensalwar
We should at least get a gist of what's going on here.

0:13:55.10 --> 0:13:58.30

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Why is he resistant to the main product.

0:13:58.190 --> 0:14:1.40

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Why he does not understand our ideas?

0:14:1.50 --> 0:14:2.840

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Or why is he against our ideas?

0:14:3.90 --> 0:14:6.340

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See, we have to work with two different group of people.
0:14:6.350 --> 0:14:15.700
Ayurvi Pensalwar
S1 is the younger population and one is the older population of clients, so we
have to understand what are their needs and according to that we have to
submerge it and then work with them.

0:14:18.140 --> 0:14:18.650

Yash Gaur

0:14:18.720 --> 0:14:19.630

Yash Gaur
True. Awesome.

0:14:21.650 --> 0:14:25.940

Yash Gaur
And that's was actually a great lesson as well for me.

0:14:26.470 --> 0:14:29.10

Yash Gaur
Now thinking about, says Stategies.

0:0:5.350 --> 0:0:13.910

Yash Gaur
Do you think that like there is any particular approach or technique that
consistently worked for you and why?

0:0:16.390 --> 0:0:20.140

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Very Yash, I've always believed in uh.

0:0:22.390 --> 0:0:31.0

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Constantly there sadly, instead of pushing a product to the clients, we should
find out what's their challenges.

0:1:48.920 --> 0:1:53.920

Yash Gaur
Well, uh, I like that approach like handling objections can be tricky.

0:1:54.430 --> 0:2:3.620

Yash Gaur
As we have discussed about above, like the client objection and but how to
convert clients objection into an opportunity?

0:2:3.970 --> 0:2:5.510

Yash Gaur
How did you like manage that?

0:2:8.50 --> 0:2:8.860

Ayurvi Pensalwar

0:2:9.310 --> 0:2:12.60

Ayurvi Pensalwar
There was a client like few years ago.

0:2:12.650 --> 0:2:16.840

Ayurvi Pensalwar
It was concerned with the price, like the costing services that you are providing.

0:2:16.850 --> 0:2:17.820

Ayurvi Pensalwar
He was not angry.

0:2:18.70 --> 0:2:22.500

Ayurvi Pensalwar
He was just as denial then, rather just decreasing the price.

0:2:22.510 --> 0:2:38.680

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I explained to him that on long term, what potential savings this product can
bring to us, but aligning the cost with the benefits we turn their objectives into a
positive conversation and they eventually became the part of it.

0:2:38.750 --> 0:2:39.640

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Then deal with it.

0:2:39.810 --> 0:2:49.80

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So just it's not always cost cutting which can help you have to understand that
what long term benefits you will get from it and then go in that direction.
0:2:49.620 --> 0:2:49.810
Yash Gaur

0:2:49.350 --> 0:2:51.550

Ayurvi Pensalwar
That's very effective, even with the clients.

0:2:52.640 --> 0:2:53.50

Yash Gaur

0:2:55.380 --> 0:2:55.570

Yash Gaur
Great move.

0:2:56.640 --> 0:3:12.290

Yash Gaur
OK, so now when it comes to like staying updated on industry trends, as we
have discussed this question, sorry, uh, I should move to the next question that
shifting gears a bit, team dynamics are crucial.

0:3:13.560 --> 0:3:21.540

Yash Gaur
Like, how do you foster a sense of collaboration and motivation when you see
Steam as faced any specific challenges in maintaining that?

0:3:24.40 --> 0:3:28.650

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See, as we all know that building a positive team culture is an ongoing effort.

0:3:28.660 --> 0:3:37.140

Ayurvi Pensalwar
We have to put a lot of effort to make them feel, feel the part and to have the
proper communication to recognize the problems and to solve it.

0:3:38.320 --> 0:3:46.150

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So the challenges that we should have a proper communication and a proper
approach towards them, Genesis do arise.
0:3:46.210 --> 0:3:47.250
Ayurvi Pensalwar
They will always.

0:3:47.260 --> 0:3:51.30

Ayurvi Pensalwar
We don't have just a proper solution that there will be no problem.

0:3:51.40 --> 0:3:57.960

Ayurvi Pensalwar
There will be no challenges if we follow the same path, because if we continue
with the same path, we will get different, different obstacles.

0:3:58.210 --> 0:4:16.210

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Different challenges will come in one way or another, so it is important to make
our team more efficient towards the challenges rather than and that can only be
done by making our team more effective and that can be done by making our
team feel positive.

0:4:16.460 --> 0:4:18.490

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I feel the part of the product.

0:4:20.50 --> 0:4:20.520

Yash Gaur

0:4:21.160 --> 0:4:35.230

Yash Gaur
And like when we talk about the technological advancements we are seeing
these days, so how the technology is impacting the field of sales, like how a
professional can prepare for these changes.

0:4:37.60 --> 0:4:55.210

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See, according to what we can see down there is technology is evolving very
rapidly and AI will definitely play a significant role and the future of sale
aspiring professionals should focus on developing digital literacy and
understanding data analysis.

0:4:55.540 --> 0:5:4.950

Ayurvi Pensalwar
How this data analysis plays the magical change in this world in the world of
sales, I'm talking about correctly and then hanging their abilities according to

0:5:5.380 --> 0:5:11.590

Ayurvi Pensalwar
The ability to integrate technology into these sales strategies will be a valuable
skill or asset to us.

0:5:14.450 --> 0:5:14.810

Yash Gaur

0:5:15.700 --> 0:5:23.40

Yash Gaur
And how do we balance the need for personalization in sales within with the
help of technology in automation?

0:5:25.830 --> 0:5:29.580

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Ohh it's a very delicate balance, Yash.

0:5:30.10 --> 0:5:38.650

Ayurvi Pensalwar
While technology streamline process processes, still personalization remaining

0:7:53.390 --> 0:7:56.200

Yash Gaur
Hello, Hello, your voice was actually breaking in between.

0:7:56.210 --> 0:7:57.570

Yash Gaur
So you can please continue now.

0:7:58.940 --> 0:8:1.290

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I'm so sorry for causing the inconvenience.

0:8:1.300 --> 0:8:2.310

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Let me start again.
0:8:5.230 --> 0:8:10.270
Ayurvi Pensalwar
While technology, while technology streamline processes, personalization
remains crucial.

0:8:11.910 --> 0:8:18.570

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Utilizing data to understand individual preferences allows for targeting and
meaningful interactions.

0:8:19.550 --> 0:8:26.20

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Still, the human touch is irreplaceable in building lasting client relationships.

0:8:29.250 --> 0:8:29.750

Yash Gaur

0:9:24.650 --> 0:9:24.940

Yash Gaur

0:9:24.950 --> 0:9:33.320

Yash Gaur
So, ma'am, coming to the next question like how do you approach building and
maintaining relationships with clients?

0:9:35.820 --> 0:9:36.220

Ayurvi Pensalwar

0:9:35.320 --> 0:9:36.230

Yash Gaur
Whether it's new or old.

0:9:38.60 --> 0:9:43.950

Ayurvi Pensalwar
OK, building relationship is the corner cornerstone of successful sales.

0:9:44.350 --> 0:9:49.800

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I believe in being authentic and genuinely interacting in the into the client

0:9:50.150 --> 0:10:1.400

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Regular follow-ups, remembering important details about their business and
being proactive in addressing their concerns of all, all contributes to fostering
strong client relationships.

0:10:3.730 --> 0:10:11.400

Yash Gaur
That makes sense also in terms of, say, strategy, like what particular approach?

0:10:13.320 --> 0:10:23.200

Yash Gaur
Like which we have discussed as well in the pain point and selling well as a
consultative selling books.

0:10:23.910 --> 0:10:25.20

Yash Gaur
What is best suited?

0:10:27.510 --> 0:10:34.110

Ayurvi Pensalwar
It really depends on the industry, the product or the services that you are
providing to the client.

0:10:34.510 --> 0:10:48.440

Ayurvi Pensalwar
However, how are you finding the consolidative selling works where suits well
to it involves understanding the clients pain points and offering solutions that
genuinely address their needs and wants.

0:10:49.190 --> 0:10:54.460

Ayurvi Pensalwar
It's not only just, it's not just about pushing a product, but creating a partnership.

0:10:54.710 --> 0:10:58.300

Ayurvi Pensalwar
That address is the value of the business that we are having with them.
0:11:0.500 --> 0:11:0.840
Yash Gaur

0:11:2.110 --> 0:11:9.90

Yash Gaur
Also, uh, I was myself very curious to know any of the platforms which you
particularly use in your company.

0:11:11.960 --> 0:11:14.230

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I have a few in my mind.

0:11:14.240 --> 0:11:15.760

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Currently, I'll tell you about them.

0:11:17.150 --> 0:11:25.180

Ayurvi Pensalwar
See if tools like Salesforce have been instrumental in managing customer
customer relationships.

0:11:25.190 --> 0:11:29.640

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Effectively, social media platforms, the loveliest in the most used tools.

0:11:29.650 --> 0:11:32.40

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Nowadays they work very friendly and powerful.

0:11:33.800 --> 0:11:34.390

Ayurvi Pensalwar

0:11:34.440 --> 0:11:45.230

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Ross, right now in full prospective building and personal bonding, emphasizing
the technologies allows us to to be more informed and aligned in our approach.

0:11:50.60 --> 0:11:50.500

Yash Gaur
0:11:51.510 --> 0:11:57.240
Yash Gaur
Interesting in size and lastly like what advice would you give to aspiring?

0:11:57.250 --> 0:12:4.960

Yash Gaur
Says professional or MBA students like me want to pursue or consider a career
in sales.

0:12:6.700 --> 0:12:12.370

Ayurvi Pensalwar
I would like to say, don't be afraid to take risks and step out of your comfort

0:12:12.460 --> 0:12:18.830

Ayurvi Pensalwar
That's the most injured thing and nowadays because we are too much in our
comfort zone to understand where we are at fault.

0:12:19.440 --> 0:12:32.90

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Sales can be challenging and very when you pulled him at times because we
have to understand where the crucial turns that we take with the clients make us
create that bond that they have a trust in us.

0:12:32.620 --> 0:12:38.90

Ayurvi Pensalwar
So that curve is steep and we have to walk and the rewards will come later on.

0:12:38.340 --> 0:12:55.640

Ayurvi Pensalwar
But we have to work on the steep curve to get to the point where the bond or the
relationship will be created, which will ultimately lead to the success of our
whatever products we are providing to them, always seeks feedbacks always be
ready for a positive or a negative feedbacks.

0:12:55.650 --> 0:13:3.400

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Never mind, they just help you to continue to improve your skills and we
mentally prepared for the next task that you can be given.
0:13:3.850 --> 0:13:7.40
Ayurvi Pensalwar
And most importantly, we genuine in your interactions.

0:13:7.450 --> 0:13:10.130

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Authenticity goes a long way in building trust.

0:13:11.410 --> 0:13:11.840

Yash Gaur

0:13:15.250 --> 0:13:15.900

Yash Gaur

0:13:15.950 --> 0:13:17.500

Yash Gaur
So, ma'am, thank you so much.

0:13:17.790 --> 0:13:18.200

Yash Gaur
Thank you.

0:13:18.210 --> 0:13:21.920

Yash Gaur
Iri your insights have been incredibly helpful for my assignment.

0:13:22.270 --> 0:13:23.200

Yash Gaur
I appreciate your time.

0:13:24.290 --> 0:13:24.910

Yash Gaur
Thank you again.

0:13:24.780 --> 0:13:25.940

Ayurvi Pensalwar
You ever had come here?

0:13:26.480 --> 0:13:32.200

Ayurvi Pensalwar
If you ever have any other questions or needs or anything, future assignments,
feel free to reach me out.

0:13:33.590 --> 0:13:35.780

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Good luck with your assignments and have a great day ahead.

0:13:36.870 --> 0:13:37.580

Yash Gaur
You too, ma'am.

0:13:37.590 --> 0:13:37.980

Yash Gaur
You too.

0:13:38.70 --> 0:13:38.460

Yash Gaur
Thank you.

0:13:39.770 --> 0:13:40.190

Ayurvi Pensalwar
Thank you.

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