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[High Frequency Vision Transformers for Plant

Disease Classification]
Supervised By: Prof. Aditi Panda

Group No.#: C14

Name of the Student(s) with Regd. No.:-
1. Satyajeet Pattanayak (2041016191)
2. Manav Dash(2041004111)
3. Soumya Ranajn Rout(2041018117)
Department of Computer Sc. and Engineering
Faculty of Engineering & Technology (ITER)
Siksha ‘O’ Anusandhan (Deemed to be) University
Bhubaneswar, Odisha

Presentation Outline
 Introduction
 Motivations
 Uniqueness of the work
 Literature Survey
 Existing System
 Problem Identification
 Schematic Layout OR Model Diagram
 Methods OR Tools OR Algorithms used
 Experimentation and Results
 System Specifications
 Datasets Description
 Parameters used (if any)
 Experimental outcomes (Tables and Figures)
 Summary (Key findings)
 Bibliography
 Overview
• Plant disease detection in agriculture involves various methods, from traditional visual
inspection by farmers to modern technologies like drones and smartphone apps.
• Farmers visually inspect plants for symptoms like discoloration or wilting. Advanced
techniques include molecular methods like PCR and DNA sequencing, as well as
immunoassays to detect specific proteins. Remote sensing technologies and image
processing analyze plant color, temperature, and images for signs of disease.
• Sensor networks monitor environmental conditions, while smartphone apps use image
recognition to identify diseases quickly. Decision support systems integrate data for
informed management decisions.
• Together, these methods help farmers detect and manage plant diseases, ensuring healthier
crops and better food security.

Introduction contd..
 Motivations
• Addressing the imperative for timely disease identification in crops is paramount for
preserving food security.
• Swift identification enables farmers to prevent extensive crop losses by initiating targeted
interventions such as pesticide application or crop rotation to contain the spread of diseases.
• This proactive approach not only safeguards food production but also sustains economic
stability by mitigating the adverse impacts on farmers and local economies.
• Moreover, by minimizing the need for excessive chemical inputs, timely disease identification
contributes to environmental conservation and promotes sustainable agricultural practices.
• Investing in research, technology, and educational initiatives can empower farmers with the
tools and knowledge needed to detect and manage diseases effectively, thereby fortifying our
agricultural systems against potential threats and ensuring a reliable food supply for the future.
Literature Survey

 Existing System

• In plant disease detection app they utilize basic image preprocessing

techniques and they deal with small datasets. Their performance of the
model across different datasets are not that reliable and the evaluation
quietly differs.

Literature Survey Contd..
Problem Identification

• In other plant disease detection app the utilization of basic image preprocessing
techniques does not ensures robustness and diversity in the dataset, leading to
average model generalization.
• They do not provide higher accuracy and better performance as they do not deal
with large datasets. Other app doesn't include thorough model evaluation metrics
such as accuracy on training, validation, and test sets.
apps lacks features like providing a platform by posting their progression among users within the app
which enable users to build and accelerate their will power and motivation to lead a healthy life and along with
that we don't need to switch between different apps to get diet plan, exercise plan, sleep schedule, workout
tracker, calorie intake, and daily workout progress.
l interactive platform by posting their progression among users within the app which enable users to build and
accelerate their will power and motivation to lead a healthy life and along with that we don't need to switch
between different apps to get diet plan, exercise plan, sleep schedule, workout tracker, calorie intake, and
daily workout progress.
Schematic Layout OR Model Diagram

Methods OR Tools OR Algorithms used

• Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs):It is used for image classification of the plant
and are utilized as a benchmark for comparison with Vision Transformers.

• PyTorch: It serves as the primary deep learning framework, providing tools and
functionalities necessary for building, training, and evaluating the classification model.

• Flask: It is utilized to develop a user-friendly web interface, enabling users to interact

with the plant disease classification system seamlessly. It facilitates the deployment of
the system, allowing users to input images and receive classification results
conveniently through a web browser.

• HTML :It is used for frontend design like for creating the structure and layout of web
pages, defining elements like text, images, and links.

Experimentation and Results
 System Specifications

• *Hardware*: Utilized an Intel Core i7 processor and NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2080 Ti
• *Software*: Employed Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, PyTorch 1.9.0, Flask 2.0.1, and

• *Storage*: Local storage capacity was utilized for datasets, models, and intermediate
Experimentation and Results Contd..
 Datasets Description
• The dataset utilized for training and evaluation consisted of annotated images of plant diseases
sourced from diverse agricultural databases and repositories.

• It encompassed a wide variety of plant species, diseases, and environmental conditions to

ensure robust model generalization and performance.

• Detailed metadata accompanying the dataset provided valuable information on plant types,
disease severities, and geographical locations, enhancing the dataset's utility for comprehensive
training and evaluation of the Vision Transformer model.
Summary(Key Findings)

• The project successfully applied Vision Transformers to the task of plant disease
classification, demonstrating their effectiveness in accurately identifying and
categorizing plant diseases from images.
• Leveraging Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) as a benchmark, the Vision
Transformer model achieved competitive performance, showcasing its potential as an
alternative approach for plant disease classification.
• Through comprehensive experimentation and evaluation, the project highlighted the
importance of leveraging advanced deep learning techniques like Vision Transformers
for addressing challenges in agricultural monitoring and management, ultimately
contributing to improved food security and sustainability.


● CNN:

● PyTorch:




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