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To create type II virtualization in VMware or any equivalent open source tool.Install guest OS in that VMware.


STEP 1 : Install VMworkstation.

STEP 2 : Launch VMware Workstation.

STEP 3: Click New Virtual Machine.

step 4 : Select the type of virtual machine you want to create and click Next:

Custom: This gives you an option to create a virtual machine and choose its hardware compatibility.

Typical: This creates a virtual machine which has the same hardware version as the version of Workstation
you are using.
STEP 5 : Click Next.

STEP 6 : Select your guest operating system (OS), then click Next. You can install the OS using:

An installer disc (CD/DVD)

An installer disc image file (ISO)

STEP 7 : Click Next.

STEP 8 : Enter your Product Key.

STEP 9 : Create a user name and password.

STEP 10 : Click Next. Click yes.

STEP 11: Enter a virtual machine name and specify a location for virtual machine files to be saved, click Next.

STEP 12 : Establish the virtual machine's disk size, select whether to store the virtual disk as a single file or split the
virtual disk into 2GB files, click Next.

STEP 13: Verify the other configuration settings for your virtual machine such as the memory, processors, CD/DVD,
network adapter, USB Controller, sound card, display.
STEP 14 : Click Finish.

STEP 15: When the virtual machine is powered on, the VMware Tools installation starts. You are prompted to restart
your virtual machine once the Tools installation completes.
In the same way, install Ubuntu guest OS.
STEP 1: Click create a new virtual machine.

STEP 2: select typical

STEP 3: Browse the location of the iso file and then click next.
STEP 4: Specify the name and then create a username and password.

STEP 5: Click next.

STEP 6 : Check the essential fields and then click next.

STEP 7 : Specify the disc space you want to have in the guest OS and then click next.

STEP 8: Check the configurations and then click finish.

STEP 9 : Open VMworkstation and enter the password that you have created along with the username.

STEP 10 : The Ubuntu guest OS has been created successfully.


Thus we have created type II virtualization in VMware or any equivalent open source tool and Installed guest OS in
that VMware.

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