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Managers can make better decisions when they examine their ethics and

approaches to social responsibility


Decision-making is a core function of management, and the quality of these decisions

significantly impacts organizational success. Ethics and social responsibility are critical
elements that influence decision-making. By examining their ethical standards and
approaches to social responsibility, managers can enhance the quality of their decisions,
leading to better outcomes for their organizations and society at large.

The Role of Ethics in Decision Making

Definition and Importance of Ethics Ethics refers to the principles and standards that
guide behavior in the world of business. Ethical decision-making involves choosing
actions that are right, fair, and just. It is essential for maintaining trust and credibility
with stakeholders.

Ethical Decision-Making Framework The ethical decision-making process involves

several steps:

1. Identifying the Ethical Dilemma: Recognize the ethical issues involved in the
2. Considering the Stakeholders: Identify who will be affected by the decision.
3. Evaluating Alternative Actions: Consider the possible actions and their ethical
4. Making a Decision: Choose the action that aligns best with ethical principles.
5. Implementing and Reflecting: Implement the decision and reflect on its
outcomes to learn for future decisions.

Impact on Organizational Performance Ethical decisions can lead to long-term

benefits such as enhanced reputation, customer loyalty, and employee satisfaction. For
example, companies like Johnson & Johnson, which responded ethically to the Tylenol
crisis by prioritizing customer safety, have maintained strong reputations and customer

The Role of Social Responsibility in Decision Making

Definition and Importance of Social Responsibility Social responsibility involves

acting in ways that benefit society and the environment, beyond the company’s
immediate financial interests. It encompasses a wide range of activities, from sustainable
business practices to charitable giving.

Incorporating Social Responsibility into Decision Making Managers can integrate

social responsibility into their decision-making by:

1. Assessing Social and Environmental Impact: Evaluate how decisions will affect
society and the environment.
2. Engaging Stakeholders: Involve stakeholders in the decision-making process to
understand their perspectives and concerns.
3. Setting CSR Goals: Establish clear corporate social responsibility (CSR) objectives
and integrate them into business strategies.

Examples and Benefits Companies like Patagonia and Ben & Jerry's have embedded
social responsibility into their core business models. Patagonia’s commitment to
environmental sustainability and Ben & Jerry's focus on social justice have not only
driven positive social change but also fostered customer loyalty and brand

Linking Ethics and Social Responsibility to Decision Making Models

Classical Decision-Making Model The classical model of decision-making focuses on

rationality and aims to maximize organizational benefits. However, it often overlooks
ethical and social responsibility aspects due to its emphasis on economic efficiency.

Administrative Decision-Making Model The administrative model, proposed by James

March and Herbert Simon, acknowledges bounded rationality and the role of judgment
and intuition in decision-making. This model is better suited to incorporating ethical and
social responsibility considerations, as it recognizes the complexity and uncertainty
involved in real-world decisions.

Practical Steps for Managers

Developing Ethical Awareness Managers can increase their ethical awareness through:

1. Ethics Training: Participate in training programs that emphasize ethical decision-

2. Ethical Guidelines: Develop and follow a code of ethics to guide behavior.
3. Organizational Culture: Foster a culture that values and rewards ethical
Fostering a Socially Responsible Culture Promoting social responsibility within the
organization involves:

1. CSR Goals: Set and communicate clear CSR objectives.

2. Stakeholder Engagement: Regularly engage with stakeholders to understand
their needs and concerns.
3. Reporting: Transparently report on social and environmental performance.

Decision-Making Tools Utilize tools and frameworks to incorporate ethics and social
responsibility into decision-making:

1. Ethical Decision-Making Models: Use structured models to systematically

evaluate the ethical aspects of decisions.
2. Sustainability Assessments: Conduct assessments to understand the
environmental and social impact of business activities.


In conclusion, examining ethics and approaches to social responsibility is crucial for

managers to make better decisions. Ethical decision-making frameworks and social
responsibility integration lead to trust, reputation enhancement, and long-term
organizational success. By fostering an ethical and socially responsible culture, managers
can ensure their decisions benefit both the organization and society.


 American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American

Psychological Association (7th ed.).
 Johnson & Johnson. (n.d.). The Tylenol Crisis: How Effective Public Relations
Saved Johnson & Johnson.
 Patagonia. (n.d.). Our Environmental and Social Responsibility.
 Ben & Jerry’s. (n.d.). Social Mission.

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