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Horseless Carriage

Enzo’s Playbook
This ruleset is an attempt to translate the gameplay to a 2 player game only.

A dummy player named Enzo will try to disrupt the market and win sales.

The goal of this dummy player is not for players to try to beat him but to make
the 2 player game work.

Enzo will not have a factory floor plan.

All feedback and variants are welcomed but please be kind and respectful to

1. Research
Enzo starts the game with one research department. He will never advance
another player's marker.

In this phase, Enzo will use all of his research available, in this order:

a. Advance Enzo’s marker on the top most off-board research tracks that are
not on or passed the minimum spec of said tracks;
b. Advance Enzo’s marker on the active research track that will not become
obsolete next turn;
c. Advance Enzo’s marker on the Assembly Capacity track;
d. Advance Enzo’s marker on the active research track that will become
obsolete next turn;
e. Advance Enzo’s marker on the off-board research tracks that has the most
innovation – ties are managed as per the normal rules;

2. Set Focus
In this phase, Enzo will set his focus based on the position of his Gantt Chart

Enzo will always try to go first in Engineering. If he cannot, he will try to go first in
Sales. Otherwise, he will not spend his Gantt points and will stay where he is.
3. Build Factory
Enzo gains one research department (maximum of three) and one planning
department (maximum of three). Also, he will gain mainlines as follows:

Setup: +1 normal car mainline, +1 dealership

Turn 3: +1 normal car mainline, +1 marketing department/mainline
Turn 6: +1 normal car mainline, +1 marketing department/mainline, +1 dealership

4. Print Sales Brochures

Advance Enzo’s Gantt chart marker as per usual rules.

5. Sell, sell, sell!

In this phase, Enzo is considered to have built all of his researched technologies.
He still has to have researched all off-board track’s minimum specs in order to
sell any car.

Check Enzo’s research area

For each active research track, count the number of spaces Enzo’s marker is
ahead of the minimum spec marker. That corresponds to his dealer(s) spec for
that dimension and will set his sale reach for the round.

Enzo will each time try to make the best single sale on the market board. In other
words, the placement of his market window will not be altered by other possible
future niches he will try to sell to.

6. Finish?

7. Advance Expectations

8. Grow Demand
Enzo will always play last in this phase.

Shuffle Enzo’s available cards for the current round and deal one to the quadrant
with the least cards. Ties are broken in favor of the highest quadrant to lowest.

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