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Sc. FLECTROCERAMICAS.a. st. Stefan cel ttre, 19; 401112 TURDA - Romania; ‘e-mail: electroceramic: jectroceramic el: 0040 - (0)264- 312350; Fax: 0040 -(0)264 317045, Izolatoare suport pentru aparataj electric Post Insulators ‘CUPRINS CONTENT tzolatoare suport de exterior tip coloan’ Outdoor cylindrical Post Insulator tzolatoare suport pentru aparata} dde medie tensiune Outdoor Insulators f Izolatoare suport de interior de medie tensiune MV Indoor Post insulator pagina 1-19 26. BESTROGERAMNGA SA: tr. Stefan col aro, 19; 401182 ‘e-mail:; Suporturi izolante de exterior de 12, 17,5 $i 24 kW TURE thal PN gINRDAS SUES Fax: 0040 -(0)264 - 317045, 12, 17.5 and 24 kV Outdoor Cylindrical Post Insulators choke kw Rs Tip | Type 75) 75M 954 95H 125) 1251 125M 1251 12s 1251 Gea cone THe uD te met und [tz] oie] sey mu sn Figua Fue t[+[?[? 3[«[slsJala_ urd de arp) Number of reds apets Ps «pets tate le DIMENSIUNI H mm = 215 | 215 | 255 | 255305 305305 pues 7 0 nm | ie 8 we | ws 0, om ||| ww =| Una ma io | mo | mo | ow az | as | so | ao | ow | 0 vasa ve i so | ae | s2 | esas | oa | ras] ma | os | wr A mmmadehee ae a Pe) a To 5 CAMA ERRRhics Glee seg [+ | Teese yea Feet suis pose w olalslals)slalela)» Femselae Yee gc {—|—} de tensine de trasnet ww, 5 | 7% | 95 | 95 | 125 | 125 | 125 | nas | tas | 125 METODE DE INCERCARE 01 TEST METHODS eee TOLERANCES Valorielectrice | Electrical values: SR CEI 71-1 3.0. HECTROCERAMICA S.. sr Stefan cel Mare, 19; 401112 TURDA - Romania; Tel: 0049 (0)264- 312350; Fax: 0040 (0)264 317045 e-mail:; 27.5KV, 35Kv and 42kW Suporturi izolante Outdoor cylindrical de exterior de Post Insulators 27,5KW, 35KW si 42 KW sip tyoe ch ce ch ccc cw ip | Ty 1501701 1701701701 200120011 2001 Toa Code asst | ate] twas | tas | oie | ou | meas | zi Figura | Figure +t+is+[e2fsfsif2zfe Numar de aripi/ Number of sheas s[e[r/w[e[7l[uls Dens om ie [as sas) ae DIMENSIONS D mm 187 we | 20 | 6 | 170 | 26 | 190 0, % | 7% | % | = | 6 | | 7% | 1 D, % | 7% | % | | | w | 7% | 1 pads ota mm 6a | 7m | am | we | vo | oro | 050 | 720 Sg ea ee | | ae eo CARACTERSTICN Fesemaneanaameowe yy a) a | ws) 8) a) a) CHARACTERISTICS. Cantlv? suengh —_ +t “Tensinea de pore lafecemaindstiad sub plaie xv, 50 || oo | | m | wo | m | o Rover reuencyntstand vote, et i a Tensunen de nee la mpuls —— devensune de tasnet, w,, 0 | mo | mo | mo | mo | mo | am | am METODE DE INCERCARE = TEST METHODS aoe TOLERANTE Dimes Omens SR CEI eS TOLERANCES val elecice etic vales SR CEI Tht ‘5. FLORTROCERAMNEA 18. Soin cat aro, 19; 4011¥2 TD < Rami Abu U9a0d- 31350; Fox: 0040 -(0)264 917045, Suporturi izolante de exterior de S2kV $1 72,5kV slectroceramica@eslectro; www.electroceramica com Outdoor cylindrical ‘52 KV and 72.5 kV Post Insulators a” ch ck eck Sch 2501 250 2501 250" 2501 325u_325N 325 3250 Toa Cove ‘ar east aL EG | Lek | ag] fanse | 194893 [we Lee Figura / Figure 1 | 2 4 2 4 3] 4 3 2 ‘amir de arip/ Number of sheds a DIMENSIUNI 4 mm 580 | 580 380 so | 560 | 70 | 770 70 77 DIMENSIONS — — {a(S ie," a © nm | 28 mm | mo | me | aw | zo | am | 20 0, =) | | mm | mlm) | im 2, an % | mw | m | w | wm | o | im | 7 = |= |? aera) Sane - ina de fa wn ae | om ) ae | som | uso | vo | za | 2am | caso Masa | eig) kg 155 | 24,75 | 136 vo ala | 384 cra asmaeenndehowee yy >a pe Pe ) asp [a [ee Chaeacrenignics Cutler suena easel a {4 - Tenses de ieee rq ins sb pol we | | fos | | tw | wo | wo | v0 Tensiunea de tere aimpuls ~ |. |. i - - Ge tense de set ee ‘METODE DE INCERCARE est metioDs SR EN 6168 TOLERANTE Dens / Berns eles TOLERANCES Valor elecrice (Electra wales SR CEL 714 ‘$e. HECTROCERAMICA Sa. sr. Stefan cel Mare, 19; 401112 TURDA - Romania; Tel: 0040 (0)264- 212350; mail:; T2.5KV, 123 and 145KV Outdoor ax: 0040 ()264~ 317045 _ Suporturi izolante de exterior cylindrical Pest Insulators tle 72,5KV, 123KV $i 145K i es a8, 3881 sSou_ss01_ssou_s50_ss0n_ss00 Tod Code ates [arveruer estas] muons ses “ast Figura / Figure fa fj 2 4) 5 | 6 a ee ‘Numér de aripi | Number of sheds: | 13 3 $9N2, 44 [sens a av DIMENSIUNT DIMENSIONS v0 | 1208 Masa / Weight 200 | tao | 120 CARACTERISTICI __ Rezisena mecanii la incovoiee CRAAACTERISTICS Carlee strength e Tension deiner a freevent instal su plaie 20 withstand yo “Tensiunea de tnere la ipuls Z detensiune de trisnet Lightnng impulse withstand METODE OE INCERCARE TEST METHODS SR EN 60168 TOLERANTE Dimesiun | Binensions ‘SR CE BIRT TOLERANCES: GS aie es aE EE SRCETH — ‘S.¢. ELECTROCERAMICA S.2. str Stefan cel Mare, 19; 401112 TURDA - Romania; Te: 0040 -(0)264~ 312350; Fax: 0040 -(0)264- 317045, | e-mail: www Suporturi izolante de exterior ' mas kV and 170 s de 145KV si 170kV jutdoor cylindrical Post Insulaters 1/70 cosa easy caso cor) Zo) Cosa mua [mua] mwas | is Figura | Figure 4 4 | 3 2 Numar de aripi | Number of sheds 9 I 9 1616 20720 mension! a 0 [0 DIMENSIONS — + —m ef ef | we ° om mm | mm | ae | wo D mw] ms || a a jaf =e 9, maw] mw [ae | BO om [om [ws Ta tae fiat ms | a | we | en Masa | Weight ky es | a8 100.5, 122 ‘cite mandiicooee ar 5 ; . Testers AER yy) Tesumcrowcenascemimevint yg) ETODE DE INCERCARE EST METHODS TouenawTe Diners Omer TOUFRANCES “Va eee Eerie a — oe $.0.HECTROCERAMICA 5.2. str. Stfan cel Mare, 19; 401112 TURDA - Rominia; Tel: 0040 -()264--312350; Fax: 0040 -(0)264--317045 e-mail 245KV and 420kV Outdoor Suporturi izolante cylindrical Post insulators de exterior de 245 $i 420kV 1050 C6050. Cs 61050 CB1050 CE1050 CB1050. C6125 45. s495 Tip Type i in 1 i WL it 1 Cod | Code ‘psa |artisn2 | ests [mises] aeacses| LGN [OLSEN] WaURA | WAT Figura | Fire 1 1fel+ir[elaitezi|s Nur de arp Nurber of sheds axis | azo [amtans| ate azo | oe |W |e | anan DIMENSION H ‘mm 2774) aaon | 2500 | a4 | mae | 2900 | zoq0 | sted | 90 DIMENSIONS =D mm 260 | 260 | a | 20 | moo | 10 | 37 | a8 0, mm 790 2a 50 | a) e mm 280) 280 | tar | oso | 250 | tor | tor | tor | tee é nm 0 | 250 | ww | asd | 250 | om | 0] a8 nid igh Cope d nm 755 | ses | ws76 | pus | iO | 7om6_| osc | stn Masa Hei om | wm | me | om | er | tes | ae | sD | CARACTERISTICI —Reitena mecnea a incovore Ey CHARACTERISTICS Cantilever strenat! bi i 6 6 7: 7 ‘ 7 8 deNm Tesune de ere a even Indra sub lose wy, 40 | a0 | ao | ao | ao | eo | ww | - | - Tensiunea de ier a impuls de oma pie ww, 0 | 10 | 10 | 0 | 10 | 700 | m0 | om | 00 ] Teasiunea de ier a mpuls | se trésnet rv, 1050 | 1060 | 1050 | 1050 | 1050 | s05 | 1050 | 1425 | 1905 L de tensiu Ss Lights stand voltae METODE DE INCERCARE TEST METHODS SR EN 60168 ‘TOLERANTE Dimensiun | Dimensions SR Cel BUTS TOLERANCES “Valor electice | Fecal SR cel ‘S.¢,ELECTROCERAMICAS.2. str Stefan cel Mare, 19; 401112 TURDA - Romania; : 0040 - (0)264 312350; Fax: 0040 -(0)264 + 317045 Rod Insulator ‘ eer saa Ca [a [a Figura | Figure 1 2 ES 3 Bl Numér de rile’ Number of ribs 12 1" noon "1 » ‘ mae oe eon eon neal D ~ mm 80 | 5 o 95 ¢ — mm ots | on | om | mt ie M mm - - M2 mt2 m2 Lina de font wo | ao | se | ao | te | 100 asa ‘9 | 285 3 | 24 | 26 | 73 ee Teshnendetne imps deesie devo yg | | os | vs | us | “Tensiunea de tinere la frecventa - cence ~ #felelels|w ae co TOLERANCES ‘valor electrice | Electrical valves ‘SR CELT _SC.ELECTROCERAMICAS.2. str. Stofan co! Mare, 18; 401112 TURDA - Romania; Tel: 0040 - (0)264 312350; Fax: 0040 -(0)264 317045 mall electroceramica; 12K and 24KV Outdoor Post Insulators seoortan! Izataute te ext de 12kV si 24 kV, Clasa A Class A a a fl) ' Tp Type 1290953 aeraiasis God | Coxe wana [moos | ema | mms Figura / Figure 1 2 1 2 Numir de aripi | Number of sheds a a 5 5 DIMENSIUNI 4 oma Ey 5 5 DIMENSIONS | om 28 25 ne a5 D om 10 mo | a0 Unicef om x0 «0 «0 Masa Wet Pan 648 134 1 CARACTERISTICI NaS a5 38 378 CHARACTERISTICS pote ee 3 en w, 2 eo Teac denereingu eine de yg 15 =e METODE DEINCERCARE = TEST METHODS ae TOLERANTE Dimensiunl | Dimensions ‘SR CEI 60273 es Valor elecie | Electrical values - SR CET - ‘$6. BLECTROGERAMICA 8.8. str. Stefan cel Maro, 19; 401112 TURDA - Romania; Tel: 0040 -(0)264 - 312350; ‘e-mail:; 7.2KV, 12K, 24KV, 27.5kV and 36KV Outdoor Post Insulators x: 0040 -(0)264 - 317045 with internal fittings Tip / Type W460 W475 _HA75 _HAOS HAIZS HAIZS_HHISO. HEI7O Goa | Code ‘wa.eej|waoes] wo.ens| 0071] 49.083] w9.089] waeas] wae2t Figura) Fieure 2[31[2[2[s1[2[2 2 ‘Numi de aripi | Nuriber of sheds a[e lai s [sie ee DIMENSIUNI W mm 9 | 75 | 10 | 15 | ms | 20 | 205 | x0 DIMENSIONS | 2 | 7 > mm ie | a2 | ws | mm | @ | to | tm | 60 4, 7 mm tS | mre | wns | wie | we | wz | M6 4, mm NG) mre) wie ne | wie | we |e | m6 4, ™ S & | % & | 4 | m | 4 om «|«|s|[s|[a|s|« fem Lina de fas Cie mm 720) 300 Masa eight alanis | xine | bere teat soe Eo CARACTERISTIC| —_Reisenla mecancdlaincovoiee CHARACTERISTICS Cntleversrength Tensiunea de Gnere a fecven industrial sub plosie w, 2 | | m@ | | 0» | o | o | Power frequency withstand voltage, wa \ Tensiunea de gnere 'impuls T moe) a | aa de tensiune de trisnet wv, @ | 7 | 7 | 98 | ms | 5 | 190 | 170 Uh gue ward tage | METODE DE INCERCARE TEST METHODS eae TOLERANTE Dimensuni/Dimersions SR CE 6027S TOLERANCES “Valor electice let values SR CELT

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