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The most difficult part of maintaining this podcast has been to stick to a regular
schedule of uploading new episodes while keeping up with my academic workload.
Combining that with the lack of engagement I get from the very few people who listen
to my podcast has made it hard for me to find the motivation to continue. It helps to
remind myself that I’m not doing this to be famous online or get public attention, but
so I fulfill my dreams of sharing my opinions and research out loud even if there is
only one person who listens and enjoys. I also see that my podcast is growing, step by
step but it’s obvious when compared to the first few months. For the scheduling part,
I’ve been dividing the work that goes into an episode into little pieces and spreading
them throughout the week via journaling and taking little notes so I don’t become
overwhelmed with the research, recording, and such I need to do on the day of
uploading. It’s been really nice gathering topics appropriate for the theme, even more
so since the theme is fit for literally anything, doing research then sitting in front of
my computer and just talking. Then I post about it on Instagram, and I’ve actually
built up a little following. They are all fellow podcasters which makes it great to
occasionally get in touch or just support one another by liking and commenting on
each other’s posts. It helped me get over my fear of communicating with new people
and sometimes adds to my motivation when I need it. Another way in which this
experience has improved me has been by pushing me to learn new things in detail. It
gave me an excuse to do deep-dive research on topics I’ve wondered about once or
twice, teaching me a lot. It has also helped me improve my skills of public speaking.
Specifically, public speaking without a prepared script in hand. I see that I’m now
much better at participating in spontaneous class discussions in English and
articulating my thoughts on the spot. To conclude, I’m really happy to have gotten the
chance to start this podcast and am looking forward to continuing it and maybe
making some friends along the way with how its social media presence is going.

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