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The two strands that make up a single chromosome are called

33. chromatidschromatinstetradscentromeres
34. The number of adenine bases in a DNA molecule
A. is equal to the number of uracil bases
B. is equal to the number of cytosine bases
C. is equal to the number of thymine bases
D. is equal to the number of guanine bases
35. The bond holding two strands of a DNA molecule together is the
A. phosphodiester bond
B. B. weak hydrogen bondC. ionic bondD. peptide bond Mi ataixa
36. The bond joining nucleotides together in a polynucleotide chain is the
A. phosphodiester bond
B. weak hydrogen bond
C. ionic bond
D. peptide bond os noleivib
37. The bond joining amino acids in a protein molecule is the
A. phosphodiester bond eloun
B. weak hydrogen bond
C. ionic bond
D. peptide bond
38. Which of the following structures are visible in a cell of an animal during mitosis?
A. Centrioles, chromatids and nucleolus B. Homologous chromosomes, nuclear
membrane and spindle fibres
B. C. Cell membrane, centriole and chromatids D. Chromosomes, nuclear membrane
and centromere.
39. Segregation occurs at
A. metaphase l
B. metaphase Il
C. anaphase II
D. anaphase l
Consider the following steps in protein synthesis and use them to answer question 26 and 27
Attachment of mRNA to ribosome
II. Formation of peptide bond
III. Collection of amino acids by tRNA IV. Formation of mRNA
26. The correct sequence of events during protein synthesis is
A. I, Ii, Ill and V
B. III, I, IV and II
C. IV, I, III and II
D. IV, III, Il and
27. Which of the steps constitutes transcription of genetic code 1.18
A. I
B. Il
28. During protein synthesis, an anticodon of transfer RNA (tRNA) pairs with
A. amino acids in the polypeptide
B. B. DNA nucleotide bases
C. ribosomal RNA (rRNA) nucleotide bases
D. messenger RNA (mRNA) nucleotide bases.
29. A normal chromosome consists of two halves called the A. alleles
30. centromereschromatidsgenes
31. The process of cell division by meiosis takes place only in
32. skin cells red bone marrowreproductive organslymphocytes
33. The organelle of an animal cell which forms spindle fibres during cell division is the
A. centriole
B. lysosome
C. endoplasmic reticulum
D. Golgi body
13. In which of the following processes of mitosis are the chromatidsarranged along the
equator of the spindle?
A. Anaphase
B. Interphase
C. Metaphase
D. Telophase
14. Which of the following best describes the metaphase of mitosis? A. The daughter
chromatids separate B. The spindle forms and chromosomes become attached to the centre
15. The nuclear membrane disappears and the chromosomes thickenTwo daughter cells
are formed
16. Which of the following paired bases exists in DNA?
A. Adenine-Cytosine B. Adenine-Guanine
B. Guanine-ThymineGuanine-Cytosine
17. Two organelles directly involved in cell
18. division arenucleus and mitochondrionribosomes and nucleus centriole and Golgi
body d. nucleus and centriole
19. The following statements about mitotic divisions are correct except that
A. it occurs only in young cells
B. it occurs in somatic cells
C. C. the chromosome number of the daughter cell is the same as that of the parentD.
the genetic composition of the mother is the same as that of the daughter cell
20. DNA in eukaryotic cells is contained in
21. the
A. central vacuole
B. nucleus
C. lysosome
D. Golgi body
22. Cytokinesis of mitosis is a process that ensures that
A. each daughter cell gets the necessary organelles
B. There is distribution of a complete set of genes into each daughter cell
C. Daughter cells inherit new genetic combination
D. Worn out organelles are excluded from daughter cells
20. The thread like material seen in a cell before it undergoes division is called
A. chromosome
B. chromatid
C. chromatin
D. spindle fibres
21. If telophase fails to occur during mitosis in a living cell, which of the following
consequences will take place?
A. Spindle fibres will not be formed
B. B. Chromatids will migrate to the poleNo new cells will be formedThe cell will shrink
22. Separation of sister chromatids during meiosis occurs in
A. metaphase II
B. B. anaphase IIprophase IItelophase Il
23. A new developed variety of rice has a chromosome number of 12 in the zygote.
What is its diploid chromosome number?
A. 6
B. 12
C. 18
D. 24
24. The sequence of amino acids in a developing protein chain in a cell is determined by
B. Ribosome
C. RNA - Polymerase
25. DNA replication occurs in a cell during A. interphase of mitosis metaphase of meiosis
C. anaphase of meiosis
D. propha
E. se of mitosis
1. A codon is a sequence of three bases in
A. mRNA that codes for amino acids. B. mRNA that codes for one amino acid.
B. C. tRNA that codes for amino acids. D. tRNA that codes for one amino acid.
2. Which of the following processes is not-
3. a source of variation?
A. Cross-breeding nditud
B. Meiosis
C. Mitosis
D. Mutation
3. In mitosis the number of cells is
A. halved
B. doubled goletto conisot
C. unchanged a tord aetvano ereanblo
D. tripled Bellenscio pesceoor
4. Meiosis occurs in
5. A. somatic cell
• B. ? all types of cells
• C. sperm cell only D. germ cellhes
6. Which of the following is haploid?
7. Oogonium Primary spermatocyte
• C. Primary germ cell
D. Polar body
6. The organic base absent in acid is called
A. thymine C . guanine
B. cytosine
D. adenine
7. In the formation of a mRNA molecule, thymine is replaced by
A. adenine
B. cytosine
C. guanine
D. uracil
8. Meiosis is important because it
A. maintains the number of chromosomes in successive generations
B. is the means of asexual reproduction in flowering plants hoeamonte
C. ensures that the two daughter cells are genetically identical
D. brings about growth in multicellular organisms.
9. Adenine pairs with thymine because
A. the two occur in the same nucleic acid B. one is a strong base and the other a weak
B. two purine bases easily pair upone is a purine base and the other a pyrimidine
10. Which of the following statements about the chromosome is true?
11. All the chromosomes of a species are the same in shapeThe number present in a
species is constantThey are neatly arranged in the cytoplasm of the cellThey bear ribosomes on their
outer membrane.
12. The correct order of the stages in mitosis is A. Anaphase prophase metaphase
13. Anaphase metaphase prophase telophaseTelophase anaphase metaphase prophase
Prophase metaphase anaphase telophase
14. In protein synthesis, the anticodon of tRNA pairs with a complementary codon on
the molecule of

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