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List of major Indian national movements along with their dates:

1. Revolt of 1857 (First War of Independence) - 1857-1858

2. Formation of the Indian National Congress (INC) – 1885

3. Partition of Bengal Movement - 1905-1911

4. Swadeshi Movement - 1905-1908

5. Home Rule Movement - 1916-1918

6. Rowlatt Satyagraha – 1919

7. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre - April 13, 1919

8. Khilafat Movement - 1919-1924

9. Non-Cooperation Movement - 1920-1922

10. Chauri Chaura Incident - February 4, 1922

11. Civil Disobedience Movement - 1930-1934

12. Salt March (Dandi March) - March 12, 1930

13. Quit India Movement - August 8, 1942

14. Azad Hind Movement and the INA - 1942-1945

15. Partition of India and Independence - August 15, 1947

These movements played significant roles in the struggle for Indian independence from British

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