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The figure below is an illustrations of an instrument used in measuring the densities of five
different liquids A, B, C, and E
The shaded parts show the lengths l = l1, l2, l3, l4, and l5 that were submerged during the
measurement for the five liquids, respectively.

a. Identify the instrument used.

b. Measure the length l = l1, l2, l3, l4, and l5
c. Given that a length of 1.0 cm on the instrument is equivalent to 0.4 gcm 3,
determine the densities d = d1 , d2,, d3, d4 and d5 of liquids A, B, C, D and E and record in the table

Plot a graph with density on the vertical axis and the length on the horizontal axis; Calculate the
slope of the graph.

2. The figure below is an illustration of soil organisms. Study the figure carefully and answer the
questions that follow.

(a) Identify each of the organisms D, E, F, G and H by their common names.

(b)(i) Name the part of the soil profile where the organisms illustrated above normally live.
(ii) State three characteristics of the part of the soil profile you have named in (i).
c. In what three ways are the organisms illustrated beneficial to crops?
d. State one destructive effect of each of the organisms E, F, G, and H.

3. The diagrams below illustrate the set-up used in an experiment on two types of garden soils,
P and Q. Equal volumes of oven-dry soil samples P and Q were placed in a funnel and 50.0
cm3 of water were poured on each. The water was allowed to drain for 5 minutes.

(a) State the aim of the experiment.

b. Name the parts labelled I, II, III and IV.
c. Measure and record the volume of water drained from soil samples P and Q
.(d)(i) Suggest the type of soil each of P and Q.
ii. Support your answer with one reason in each case.
iv. Based on your suggestion in (ii), give two properties each of the soil samples P and Q.

4. In an experiment, equal volumes of dilute hydrochloric acid (solution A) and dilute sodium
hydroxide (solution B) are mixed together to form solution C.
(i) What is the volume of solution C?
ii. Red litmus paper and blue litmus paper are dipped in turns into solutions A, B and C.
State the observations you will make in all six cases.
iii. Give the name of the reaction that took place between solution A and solution B
iv Identify solution C
v. State what will happen when solution C is heated to dryness.

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