E Marking Notes On Pakistan Studies SSC I May Exam 2013

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Aga Khan University Examination Board

Notes from E-Marking Centre on SSC Part I Pakistan Studies Examination

May 2013

This document has been produced for the teachers and candidates of the SSC Part I course in
Pakistan Studies. It contains comments on candidate responses to the 2013 Secondary School
Certificate I (SSC I) Examination, indicating quality of the responses and highlighting their
relative strengths and weaknesses. This document should be read along with the AKU-EB
Pakistan Studies syllabus based on the National Curriculum (2006).

General comments
It is pleasing to note that the candidates this year were able to perform well to the demand of the
paper. They seemed to be more accustomed to space limited examination despite it being their
first one. Many of the candidates were able to give to-the-point answers as required by the
questions. However, it was apparent that the candidates are still writing far too much, which
resulted in difficulty in managing time. Candidates must be selective in using their knowledge of
the subject while attempting the answers. It is also essential for the candidates to read the
question carefully before answering to obtain clarity of the key words of the questions and the
matter asked to be answered.

Candidates need to be familiar with the command words in the student learning outcomes which
contains some terms commonly used in examination questions.However, candidates should also
be aware that not all questions will start with or contain one of the key words from the glossary.
Questions such as ‘how?’, ‘why?’ or ‘to what extent?’ may be asked as well.
It is advisable to write answers using BLACK pointers, so that the print appears bright and clear
after scanning of the papers.The candidates should not overwrite on the booklet as the answer
becomes illegible.

This report is for the aid and benefit for the teachers as well as students and to indicate the
requirements of the examination.

Question 1a: Explain any THREE reasons for teaching Pakistan Studies as a subject.

Better responses mentioned how the study of Pakistan Studies enables a student of the subject to
reflect upon its history, origin, geography, its natural resources and the importance of the country
to the world.

Average responses only focused on the history and geography but were not able to relate to its
importance for the students.

Weaker responses only talked aboutthe history portion and even that only focused the Mughal
Question 1b: Compare an Islamic State with a welfare state by mentioning TWO points of
similarity and ONE major difference.

Better responses were the ones in which the candidates were not only able to mention the key
features of the welfare state and Islamic state but were also able to highlight precisely the
difference between the Islamic and Welfare State.

Average responses mentioned only the key features of the welfare state which are similar to the
Islamic state but were not able give a proper differentiation between the two.

Weaker responses only mentioned the definition of Islamic state.

Question 2a: Discuss any TWO reasons that led to the involvement of East India Company in
the economics and politics of the sub – continent.

Better responses mentioned the reasons of East India Company’s involvement in the
subcontinent and were also able to relate them with examples from history.

Average responses did mention the reasons but were not able to give examples to support their

Weaker responses only highlighted ONE aspect of East India Company’s involvement that is
trade. Some responses even mentioned the effect of the arrival of the British rather than the

Question 2b:Why do you think Congress and Muslim League joined hands to put forward their
demand to the British in 1916?

Better responses highlighted the events and reasons for bringing together the two major parties in
1916,especially covering the issues of reversal of the Partition of Bengal and the change in
Muslim League’s objectives in 1913.

Average responses mentioned only ONE point that is ‘unity’ and elaborated on it rather than
giving various other reasons for the pact.

Weaker responses just mentioned the date, place of the event as well as the key
people(personalities) involved in it rather than its reasons for bringing it forth.

Question 3a: Discuss any FOUR long term causes of the War of Independence.

This question was well attempted and in better responses candidates mentioned the long term
causes of the War of Independence from political, social, religious and economic perspectives.
Average responses were the ones in which the students only mentioned the immediate cause that
is the cartridge incident, which indicated that the candidates were not clear in their understanding
of the long term and short term causes of the war.

Weaker responses only mentioned the events and effect of the war rather than its causes.

Question 3b:The Montague- Chelmsford Reforms 1919 were rejected by the Indians. Give any
TWO reasons.

This question was not comprehended well by the students though it was from the SLO 2.3.3,

Better responses included the reforms of Montague Chelmsford and reasons for their rejection by

Average responses were general in which the candidates simply mentioned reforms to be unfair,
or unjust without any evidence from the facts.

Weaker responses mentioned the Morley Minto Reforms instead of Montague Chelmsford
reforms. Some of the candidates have just listed the reforms proposed rather than the reasons for
their rejection.

Question 4a:Explain any TWO reasons that led Jinnah to bring forth his 14 points.

This question was attempted well by the candidates and better responses mentioned the reasons
behind Jinnah’s 14 points such as demand for proper rights to the minorities in reply to Nehru
Report etc.

Average responses mentioned only ONE reason rather than TWO.

Weaker responses mentioned the 14 points of Jinnah which was not the demand of the question.

Question 4b:The Government of India Act 1935 was opposed by the Indians. Discuss.

On this question the candidate performance was average as they were aware of the rejection but
were not acquainted with THREE different reasons.

The reasons were: a) majority did not have the power to rule; b) British still had their influence
over the provinces; c) only 25% 0f the Indian population was allowed to vote; d) special power
was given to the Governors; e) system of diarchy that had failed in the provinces was introduced
in the centre. Candidates could give any three of the above

Better responses mentioned the reasons including diarchy, the non-participation of the majority
of the Indians and their inability to vote, etc.

Average responses mentioned only ONE or TWO points instead of THREE which were required.

Weaker responses were the ones in which the candidates were clearly not sure what was the
demand of the question.
Question 5a: Study tthe given maap and identiify.

i. Longiitude A __________________________
ii. Neighhbouring coountry B ___
iii. Deserrt C _______________________
iv. Riverr D _________________________

This quuestion wass well attem mpted as caandidates annd the betteer responsees clearly were
w able too
identifyy the latitudee, neighbouuring countrry, desert annd river.

Average responsess were varieed when thee candidatee was not abble to identtify some of the thingss
majorlyy they were wrong in th
he latitude, and
a the marrking of the desert areaa.

Weakerr responses did not giive any corrrect identiffication; they identifieed the counntry as Irann
though the positioon was cleaarly markedd on the Noorth West of Pakistann. Also the desert wass
markedd as Cholistaan or Khar. Some of thhe candidatees have menntioned the entire rangee of latitudee
and lonngitude ratheer than the specific
s latittude asked from them.

Questioon 5b: Expllain the impportance of rivers

r for Pakistan.

This quuestion was well attemppted and maajority weree able to secure the maxximum mark
ks in it.

Better responses
r i
included THHREE poinnts of impoortance of rivers for Pakistan, highlighting
h g
irrigatioon, productiion of hydrooelectricity,, industrial and
a domestiic use etc.
Average responsess mentioned
d only ONE or TWO po
oints insteaad of THRE
EE which weere required
in the annswer.

Weakerr responses highlighted

d that rivers are importaant for tradee and transpportation.

Questioon 6a: Stud

dy the map and
a identify
y the followiing forest arreas.

i. F
Forest A __
ii. F
Forest B ____________
iii. F
Forest C ____________

This qu
uestion was done on an average by
y the candidate.

Better responses
r inncluded the correct locaation of the forest such
h as Mangro
oves, coniferrous etc.

Average responsess were the ones

o in whicch the cand
didate was not
n able to identify all the

Weakerr responsess include having

h wron
ng identificcation such as alpine instead off coniferouss

Questioon 6b:Explaain how thee problem off water loggging and sallinity in Pakkistan can be
b resolved.

This qu
uestion was well attemp
pted by all the
t candidattes.

Better responses
r ggave the sollution to th
he problem of water lo
ogging and salinity and
d also gavee
examples to support their causse.
Average responses mentioned only ONE point instead of TWO which were required in the

Weaker response only mentioned the causes that led to water logging and salinity rather than the
way to solve or overcome this problem.

Question 7a:How the methods of cultivation on a small scale subsistence farm differ from the
ones on a cash crop farm?

Better responses contained the relevant difference between the cash crop and subsistence scale
faming including the features of harvesting, irrigation methods, use of fertilizers etc.

Average responses were the ones who mentioned only ONE point of difference rather than TWO

Weaker responses showed lack of comprehension skills as the candidates were not able to write
any difference between the two.

Question 7b:Discuss the causes of deforestation in Pakistan.

This was an all time favourite question of the candidates and the better responses were able to
give the causes of deforestation in a well defined manner.

Average response mentioned only ONE or TWO causes instead of THREE which were the
requisite of the question.

There were very few and rare weaker responses, in which the candidate instead of the causes of
deforestation mentioned its effect and gave the remedial solution to the problem.

This was an ERQ question, in which the candidate was given a choice between a and b.
Question 8a: Analyze the potential of developing wind power in Pakistan by giving FIVE

This was an ERQ question, which was not selected by the majority, thus the ones who selected
them gave a well constructed answer by highlighting the current situation of Pakistan and also
mentioned the viability of wind power generation for Pakistan

Average responses were able to analyze few points only and were not able to relate their
knowledge with that of the current situation of Pakistan.

Weaker responses mentioned the other non renewable energy sources that can be used as an
alternate to fossil fuels.
Question 8b:Analyze FIVE impacts of Khilafat Movement on the Muslims of the sub-continent.

This question was chosen by majority of the candidates but wasn’t attempted that well. In this
question the candidates had chosen this one by looking at the word of Khilafat Movement but
weren’t able to consider that the question specifically talked about the impact of the movement.

Better responses did mention the deterioration of Muslims emotionally, economically as well as
politically. At the same time mentioned the experience gained by the Muslim leaders.United the
entire Muslim Population under one flag etc.

Average responses mentioned the background of the Khilafat Movement and only the outcome
of the Hijrat Movement rather than the impact of the whole.

Weaker responses only mentioned the key leaders of the Movement and the time period when it
took place in the sub continent.

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