Working Paper (Afghanistan)

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United Nations Commission on Status of Women

Working Paper

Agenda: Deliberating on the political and economic empowerment of women

Dated: 20th April 2022
Submitted By: Delegate of Afghanistan

Safety Guidelines for Women

1. It is to be noted that Afghanistan is an Islamic nation which under the new regime will very
closely follow the most appropriate interpretation of the Sharia Law and there are certain
customs and traditions that we must abide by in regards to the same.
2. It is our prime responsibility to protect women in our nation and it has been quoted by the
ohchr themselves in their report titled, “Women’s human rights and gender-related concerns in
situations of conflict and instability” that women are children are subjected much more to
violence in a conflict or post conflict zone and therefore women employment is on halt to
ensure their safety currently.
3. The guidelines remain to be simple and in accordance with the sharia law that our country’s
constitution was initially built on/

Education and Employment

1. It is to be noted that there are multiple nations that follow gender-based schooling for children
as we saw in the very recent law passed in Barbados on 15th October as well, and therefore it
should not be of any concern that we continue the education of all girl child in separate
schools which both aligns with their rights and our sovereign laws.
2. For employment, deals have already been made with countries such as China to create women
specific offices in all sectors which project a women employment rate even higher than
3. The women working in the public sector will continue their employment until the covid
pandemic is tackled as health regulations are an immediate concern for our nation although
guidelines issued by the new regime will be followed.

International Relations

1. Afghanistan is already working with multiple nations which also includes China and is
currently in talks with the USA as well for ensuring international participation and investment
in our nation for growth. However, it should be kept in mind that our sovereignty will not be
hampered and must be respected.

2. We are already working the regulations given by the UNSC resolutions released recently but
would demand a few changes which are more inclusive of our traditions and laws.

Possible Solutions

1. A high level forum of islamic nations along with ILO and HRW advisors should take place to
formulate regional and practical women right implementation and policies respective of our
traditions and laws by demography should take place followed up with reports to special
rapporteurs about the progress.

2. Nations that sign treaties, resolutions and conventions such as Denmark and other eu nations
should make the required changes in their national laws in order to actually give those
resolutions some meaning.

3. Rather than vague and generic conventions and ilo recommendations, regional bodies should
work with the international forum to acknowledge the differences and diversity of the nations
and cause effective change.

4. Nations such as the USA and bodies such as NATO to be held accountable for the damage
they have caused and the finances of the same should be used for women and human rights
development aid, the proceedings of which were explained in the recommendation paper

5. Since some nations have dedicated their entire speeches on our nation, we would like to
clarify that Afghanistan has never been against any women rights that fall under the sharia
law and we are working on workplaces solely built for women where no men will be present,
and will be supervised by the government closely.

6. There are various other policies and laws for women rights being discussed in our parliament
that the delegate is advised not to reveal until firmly deliberated as of now, but can assure the
global forum that we are working our best and would appreciate trade deals such as the ones
with china to improve our overall economic and quality of life conditions thus helping

It is to be noted that the entire paper resides on a solution-based approach in order to ensure assured
equality in our nation through global and domestic effort.

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