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-School Grade 8

Educator Ramroop Ashley Date 24/04/2024

Class Location Computer Laboratory Period

Information and Communications

Subject Duration

Lesson Plan

Unit Computer Operations and Fundamentals

Topic Health issues when using ICT

Teaching Aim Be aware of certain health issues and take preventive measures and thus ensure safe use of ICT equipments

Learning Objectives Students should be aware of some of the ICT related health hazards and take the necessary precautions
At the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Learning Outcomes
 List the 3 health hazards that arise with incorrect use ICT equipment and give a solutionfor each

Students must have the following notion:

Prior Knowledge  How a computer room looks like.
 The different computer devices.
 Whiteboard and marker
Teaching Aids &Resources  Laptop
 Projector

Steps Teaching Strategies Planned Activity

Question to students: Introduce the importance of good health and how certain
activities may be detrimental to health and ask students what health problems may
arise with incorrect use of ICT
1 Brainstorming
Expected answers: Headache, Back Pain, Neck Pain, Wrist Pain, Eye Strain
Note the answers on the whiteboard

From the answers given on the whiteboard, focus and introduce the three health
2 problems that will be discussed this day namely:Back Pain, Eye Strain and Wrist

3 Expository/ Project a picture of a person having back pain and ask student to identify which part
Demonstration/ of his body seems to be in pain and why
Expected answer: Back pain and reason is his incorrect seating position
Call a student in front of the class and use his help to demonstrate a correct and an
incorrect seating position

Then stick the teaching aid bearing the label of the health problem and its solution
on the whiteboard and have students take the note in their copybook

Project a picture of a person having eye strain and ask student to identify which part
of his body seems to be in pain and why

Expected answer: Eye strain and reason is the incorrect positioning of the monitor
and too much brightness of the screen
4 Demonstration/
Use the laptop to demonstrate correct positioning of screen against incorrect

Then stick the teaching aid bearing the label of the health problem and its solution
on the whiteboard and have students take the note in their copybook

Project a picture of a person having wrist pain and ask student to identify which part
of his body seems to be in pain and why

Expected answer: wrist pain and reason is incorrect positioning of hand while typing
5 Demonstration/ Use a keyboard and demonstrate correct and incorrect positioning of wrist while
Questioning typing

Then stick the teaching aid bearing the label of the health problem and its solution
on the whiteboard and have students take the note in their copybook

6 Group Activity/
Classwork Use the whiteboard and give a classwork where students need tomatch health
problems with their appropriate solution

Use cards prepared prior to the class which bear a picture and the name of a health
problem and have students take turn to match the card with its appropriate solution

At the end of the activity have students take the table in their copybook with the
labels of the health problems and their respective solutions
At the end of the classwork have students note down the classwork set on board in
their copybook

7 Expository A summary on what has been covered in this lesson



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