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if ~ “Theorem :- MAT S30 wv KE LDS u ee eS eee ors Foon +f'Car xa) 4 eh a) : AW “Zi + Eu (x- al’. wot +2 (x-a). a 2 a foo=q Vea cal neon Cox) & fear*f'ta) Gi-@) Mean estimation | Errors Shel ue Ayre Cuda Stare Pad Gea, +E | (x-a\> ao Ba ‘Meals ate in Geneva L Al Sox wz fea) fay Gade ve +f cal Ce-ay” pcr) mt nh error = Fite, tka Gafinike. Terms). “Gayl “Taylor :- ee " 1 x-o™ t Error = 3 CCV CKO) Cc between a, x meer envi) > fue hee nal oaths OAH Beer & wm (Lacan ; EXS bs corny ena See = ee\FO0 = fea +P tay Ur ava os Won cea" af +) ah | my AN | - & 1 Qo 1 eke Ror afl oi Bee (x-01* 4 \ \ \ ay i / hk. 1 A ote [2 Fors Eto} U0) a Fey cx or + F coy 0)? Oe Me xX 4 ye ‘ee i 7 +e etrors ie x3 6 ol c © = 140.1 40.0! error Re s e rel) < Ivo? blog © ELo, 017 intermediate Valli Teovem (x vt) - Fo) is. continous ~ Lb between Frai and tb) — Then Gc @ Cab) such that. PecyeL Belgano © = Pan ts contnous Raye = fale Ble) then the. \< digit chopped floating Point represen tation of P is th OP) = t didi. +++ die # 10” ‘Chop the in! digit round off Floating point representation oF p Is RL CP) = 4 o-dida -- die ML x lo found where vy, is obtained by rounding Aig, dita, dita *P= cee ae 7 4 digits Choppecl Pcp) = 01234 mop CEPY 2 9123S round ae : us 4 digits arthmatic Cone) Bpesye a ps Jo) oa Sit = 4 & + 4b) 2? ov toss ya a 27? ai (0-42.96 40.5969 4 0.4333 en a) 9 ur 054? = 1.0253 = 1025 1.029 + 0.4335 = 14583 21758 W452 = 0.0834\ 2) ~ order of estimation x e@ F14K a Xe att paar. ee CaN Be ea tad , - ith hao order of approximation . 2 “21 ae on ee const exw i401 wi errors Ch a oe = C (ol) Eos y.8iF e413 sae se - he ahs ht = 10 2 Errors ¢h3= 0th?) le teed +020! BEE eo SiNlol) x alos Nol) = on} Error x, © Col) x © (0.001) $6* -sinh wh with error o Ch?) sinh wy W-h3 with evrer oCh®) ets leh Error: OCh*) 0.01) sin hs hone Error= OCH) (0.08001) 1 r 9 th*) 40%) HE Wi eso row Suppose ety sinh tadieh3 with Evro 3! ~ lt 2h +obh*) def. ets Order of Qpproximation as: oem that Ech) is approx by pth i eal Consta, & Pproximgted by plh) Ano there exists NE M20 and a positive integer n so the Veni - Pend | SM forsmai h Ihr Wwe - S PCh) a . 5 ‘uy pproximate. th) with onglir apy Tee OCh) and we write fohl= PLh) 4 och) ea, [Pony - PUnie Mp") Pth) - Pun) ay Ch” L4= show that plh)= 1th estimate of) Fun) order ol h?) or h Show that e'= 14h+ oCh*) h 2%. Inh+ h& ,h3 ne he h ; e"- Ushi) = ht, b3 4h : eta tag te = bt tht ye, \ne] A Blocay “ep* es he ue 4 harmonie, Series. < (ts ers hoch?) Cherise. Show thet, ~ Binh=h-h34 00) 9 Bt a-fonl= = phat o CH) Mad TReorge- agp Ossume thet 0th) = Ph) + OCH) Sth= Ah) 4 Och) ce tr min Dm ny funy + Oth) = poh) Ath) + OCH?) Pun) « gon) = PCh) Qch} + oChr) Poy = Fa = 84 s0U" aBrear ee, Schy= pUn) + OCF) Qth)= Qth)+ Ch?) Ech) = Pth) | oth?) 3th) “aun) Lixin (loss of Signifraant) fod = (Wien +VK) Quym _x Vier Use & Aigits arthmatic and found bo Find Fc500) 9600) Fisool= 6oo0(VEgj - VEb0) = §00(22.3836 ~ 22.8607) = Be0 (0.0223 200) = 11.1600 (5001= 5eo = Soo Blse Vor + Vem 22.3330 + 22.3604 Ckact answers 11h Y955 22. = HAG Shi all GO Gol asa ayM signifigant Uz,» ZAy alas digits 3 Te O64 40588 HE =Pa8t eng Pa=CB+Ep) ($4 EQ) ; = BY + BER +9 en + peg = PF+EpQ > PaGexloo436 x10 9 Fa 36x ote W A OT Aon 0,b0 |= Lab] Coz bo~ & tbo) Lbo~ac§ (bo) = Pea) ce) iP Gee) =0 done else if Pew) .Praoico = Lonby ls Las, co] e8e Fabel 2 Ceo: bod = bn- £n) Cbn-an) = PUbny - P tan) > CXamole. Sole, x ginx=t Fo d= Xsinx-l- Fo j=-t . Plays 081859485. Co= bo - Pube) Ubo=aa) Ribey = Pao) = Q- oBiesqu es (Q-0) = 1.699 45017 O-B18Say eS- C1) FU) = 109445014 Sin(1.09944017)- | = 7008061412 Tanbid= [109945019 07 Cis br- Pl) (bra 2 Q-o.8185q485(Q- Fab) - Par) 0 B1ESQ48S — = largqo4d Fears oooGsaqa LO2,b2 I= [t+ 094 4 liso Eup de VOT E126 Vues ry 109976013) | SOF 1 191A YOFGY Section 9.1 taxed _point eration eT Sdve Pay=0 We Sole %2 Ger) (where Fary=x-guy| 4 UFixed point] | tie 40 Find. the roots of F —¥ we Find the Fixed point of guy. eb p isa Lied point of g WFP gipep gays Fixed points 1, -4. Bwep. Q Kap PA wpa : He QUd=X+1. No Fixed! points, B. Qu-x all points afe Fixed points. Yex Defi. Fixed point iteration:- Store with fi hy, = Yh) 9 N= Orb BB, vs Pra Qin) = 909) Theorem: if the Fined poink iHeration Qonuerges to P, then PIS the Trxed point of 3. f i =9(\ = Gur Bante + Sita a} HO BPH) 3 Clim fr )= Gtr) Ante, Bas 9p) vig example s_ Solve y¥2_ox-3-0 =b fa=o &-DGaN so xXe3 Ke-y, X72 2x48 | X= \[Ria3" = gon, if ea P= Ot4) = GiRI=NNW = 3.31 62. Ra, = Qth = Gl8-a66a)= VEkqas = 3107S R= 3.03429 foas aie Note thab Bisa Fixed point of y=: : cae Qor= aud because Gla) = 3, ns OAD XK cliveagjance 2k -y%z . = X23 =Qu).- See e. Po=d -1-26315 — 0.919 365, OOFb2 70.196 846 = bes ia +) ee Theorems. (Fixed poind Theorern ; oe eres Qe CLaby if guy ELaiby for att xeLaie] then g Joint in <1 for an X ECaib Fixed point in fab] Fuethermore if tgeol 0 ney = gb) “<0 by bekjane Ac E€ Shuck thet hiej-6, . Bec =o Unique ness ; Suppose LR py such that BRI=R, Fee ‘ Using’ Mean Value. Heoren on CP) dee C8.) such thet | See -9en) = |geafet Panky Pop eat ; | Aas Le Pa “BNI Contnadig, theorems. Cixed point iteration heorem'y ae ees Wat guy and g'0) are Continous on @ balance inlervat = IPs, PSS) that covtlains a Un; The Started yy, i Po iS chosen for ail x E Carb) then the FRE convey Paar = GPa) cain Converge. Caliractive Fixed oir 2. it Boy st for al) x @ Cab) then the Fred point 1 (we call ib repulsive. Fixed point) Wge. ve) eration diverges -16- Mole if pis given we Can replace the above. }iwo Conditions by wik {gay] <1 dhe FeT « Convarges ZAP AQ@yict 4 the FRI divarges Convargente, gia) t 4 buy examples invastigale the nature, of the TRI and Show your answer y f or Ja dex = x2 Qe 7 Solution : x=gu). Ke VE xtay X= 4 ( Fixed points) when x=9 gu) =l- x \g@)= oe Convargance. Yived point - (aHraclive Fixed point) 40 Show. thak ._ tek Qaie, Py = QU-6) = 1-96 Pa a GLK) = 1996 . Ph 2 Bp. 26, Pi = gees) i» Pra. ab X=-2 yGee Igeal= ast divarge —» YPY divarge . (Repuisive Fixed & point) Po = -2.05 Pa Ql26)=-2.1~-- Po = Ql-2i= -2.2. \ 7 Po —» divargance., Cracks ‘ by mean value WPL 21 aie) Berd = [gl (ro-F) Py is Closer to p TromR. oP Rm GeP soe Verte | $e) SN 18a! (a -9 < tp Cham edgIC| IP -p - St th: f Sem: IE is the upper booncd a. Ip n See ceil) PPL Sie [Po py ace 2? \e=g' Loge ti error Upper bound Foretrop >. —rwe cn Faond n. be fee sil (Rw ‘ ( excerse (=e. ee examples. XB Kh = USE Fixed bein WMeration to Find @l dhe reats , Find it Yor cacy He AK WEAK al PRU Beno FOr x es Fez Fiaj=\ aa 2 VES? = Cx4 5 V3 QO] x giul= b ty (et s)* 9 24x, fon Discussion et eed yea eens max point + B2d, ph ee a? Re GUN = VE = 1565 0g Pax 149358 R= 1.292.995 Pan 1.92235 Ps = 1.43451 Pee PV AAKY BR (2.2) 6 7. Fae Pao Pal, oF Se Jods x- 8.3 Sx4 gy us x- Po fv Vex Kya 5x4 Sud= wag Ny SAH Puls 4- 2a go BiReration Les) Cape ae ‘ pe as oF ei x73 KF 420 - Rudexe.4 ZBI BE. Tste si ic 2A, 9¢e Je4. op = Sse, =A. ar et-4a0, method &5-! 34 = newton method, rae Ase 2-2, Solve X= bony in Tugy : 9ur= sec2y - aa Xe bony x= bonk = kan(x-71) = Lancet) Jul= tan’ x= ton (x71) gus 12, tank. Xu : 14x Ka ton ka Pow us. Poru.s , Re tort 'tH.5) : P= s.yasho wk 13 62124 Re auaga2 ee bok' (a) = 0.93 ED) lek Faye (Ay! Poy bot lel gs i lRemlee eran -le€e 3. Remjece a3 ley reid for psa Tequives N> 1000 : its FCP) = Ch) Pos -3 \PePalo fis) - 24-e* S06 fury = 4e-et 2o Broots . Newton .mekhod Wey = Suer-0 “ Po= A Po-fi= Rema “Peay R= &- dey Puy Pas - Fe Seay ‘ Peay - fos Ferry) he ie) Pra = Py ~ Pury Te) x Pon Stay x= Guy t— Newton Fixed point a Punctian — * Se ; “Thi: Newlon Raphson tneorem assume fe Claw] and 4 Peterbl son that Crieo, if : i } at the Sequence £'U)40 then there exist @ Soo such Hh Bags - CP, ‘Pic e uohich ig defined &Y Fis = BER) = Gea Jeri Mt) sill Convarge bo F Yor any toi bial Gpprosimation p wo estimate, & + Uy K2S 3 xts Pods xt- 125, : 7 Boa Po Pian) Pct) feos ax & Pau = Po- Jia fen) = Py- pte 126 Fee = a fe 12S FAé %=2 MS =S fajgsas _ 1 ee = 1g i Faye fe Pa § (atmnrayt bs Fuse) o> 294 ProoF the -thesrem = x-Sur : Moe Bars $'a) Poe fee Play eget Bude Soy Sy “'wo)® Qe) = fe 0 =o (Pw)? —> bY Tixed point Arherebiant_» he Yared point iHerahien Cory fombearges “0 ‘ erro 2 iP Con & Aen vohere gh ap or rah Cony Le, : a ~ Be En lecron SMmalle-Yhan the vr enn ol tec Viese) (the beech ‘one z ce gel Ls NES & Ens a Hepat ut Wn. ° Ai a VY ac Definition P is @ root of meitipiicity M of Ray it oye hepdso iy - Pars x3 Bx42 VIS® voot of foxy what Ts the. Monipicity of 1? 12 4M a2 : Kot y3 3x42 eal cue - = 42 TXB axe x24 XP ABAD ae ea BER = 2X2 42X42 ° Sade Get) Cet4x-2) wen thas mothpticrty 2 (quadratic reat) Mer, Took (met) Teor i Pp ~2 I's a simple S @ toot of Mulbiplicity pa of Puy if Piro, Meee Rom CPY20 but Ci | Pr Cei40 a : Diyas Roy Pode eeng Fctyee A OOP ag, Ena 2 Men Eni a en Vim, St =A os Unear Convergence . Nd en Et ao 8 emir a6 Men he 1 Vim Gott A —e Quadratic Convargence , ASS 2 Deliniion:. order of convarg ence assume Pose and en = Ry Ay iF there existe tues posit ie Numbers A,Q soch that Vin Lens il. 9 * Ti lent® the Sequance. is said 40 Convergence. @, A is called “the. iP Rar, we cai ie “Then “CemNarge 40 ® Goth orto ok Reymptonic eran Constant . Vinear Convarqance . if Rez, we call 7k Quadratic Convargance. amples. oP Shows that f= Le Convarges to 6 ‘nearly 22 Win Venatl — tia lone \ eee Teal ney cauvt| epg lnw3 = lim o3_ \o- 4G) tS 888 (nis v NB 3B = (lim pa ¢ an) =I 1 . sO Hl nau beisetl convarge to Fuse xt OO xa a Ruj-o Pode ix e eo x"! , Ps lol 16 -t =6 FQ) = Coe ia0) x4. 00) Cae) x8% gu £0 Mea, —Reorem:. Convorgence oF geiwbon method Hue ose neiston dliration, wrt p isa Simple rook , then io Leos ol SM oey 99 Neal? V2) \ P is a Simple roob Convargence is Quadtatic!| p) Teas) te 2. if P has molti pricity M1 1 the tim Jeol 2 Met convargence iS Vnear as lent ™ C¥ample Puy= X48 ax40 Mays sxug Pods Orn? 42) Pays 6x -2 iS @ Simple roots ( lenal e 8 Son = | § Convaigance is Fost Rea Veni ee. \) ~Pea 7. ares | f 3 » M22 Pat linear Convargance (Pst) tim fenul 4 Rae Po- £0) Fen) Poi -2.4 Pee ene —~e -2.4 12 |-2.076 14h 0 061904 A |-2.0035%6} 0.003696 3 |-A.c000085% 0.000008584 0.6642 42 oy ae Pon bg ae enait Vente wo ow svat an preetee ' 0.103031 9 Sig F slow Convargance Sra Ase 2 2 “OGG —9.Uq 6-5 May 2, One “Theo: Qecelarated nesoten method Accelarated necaton _Yrethod if & is @ wok OF multiplicity M then the iteration Ba = Pa teeny will convarge quadratically to Men) ae Yor the previous example. Yuy= G2 (x42) ‘has moltipwcity 2, if we Use the ocelamced Newton tHeration Part Ph ie : 7 zi a fen Get Guodratic: nvargance | fa 2 ‘is en lett tent -0.2 = 2.00 606 0.16 ~ See eee -0: 00000 608 FJ og aie p) Cope ole, Abe e gp) rate) Gt LO) (mp) Secant .method:. a feayo Seer_ Dns FR TR = Vos Ae Re R-&= Rei (a ey Ferrey fae BP . 8h) Wa) Py = Po- Per) (Pee) . ‘Pay -Peey = Pour > Flt) CR - Pha) Sma) FL Pn-2) « if Latics secant method to get Py_ap- then EE ote ieee “inn lenail a cil Nw lenf oie 22') > Reels = I4+Ve Qa wm Pode G62) ce - Pox -2.6., A a-24 and we vse secomt methed . 1 lent COE Jalse position method \ ‘Secant methad ‘peed _ ' fae 2 feast 1 ' a de, J * Convogance Very accurate nie on lepends on Po "BE Flee point Herston toy System of equation SE Hertton Tor system of equatin cosy +4 sink = 19 Yunx + * Cosy =5 Ke Qt yas xXt44t = ey x Qyt=X4+3B+€-} ayt-x-E-Q20 X29, 09) B= Geen) (Por Go) Pra Qi (Po, Mo) 1 = G2 bio) four = Gif, Qn) Po @e (RQ) a= 9209) Gna = Gel Pn.) SeBinitt (Pg) is a Fixed Point of the System X= GiGi), Y= bs 4, y) ik Dee Fixed point iWeratton X= 9) Coy) R= 9, CR). and A= 92.09) Yor the system 1S 8.08) IS Quen ( fig) Then Fh = 9.0m, Qn) Anat = 82 CPn gy) EMER ow tar fay) s Xray 4405 <6 Fa eng) Pat YZ Gag. > xtauyrg 2 z estimate the solutions 2 Gagrer. X= AM Hs06 9: Ory) aoe $= xr sata = 924) 2 (1%) = lor) = Alot) = Qa140.$ =70.25 = wi} O-G4 Bt = 4 Re = Qe co) 7 Pu = -0.22216@0 f= -0.222 rag A4 = 0-aq3e121 8s = 04938046, €o, Gor= (2,65 (alivarges) , P= BC 20) = 2.26 Lee aye EU 0g | {= Gre 202 0 5 | Berg) ~ WX aye Js ery ; \ | (aio) =Car) > Convoge . : any ( 400, 0. Su) THz. Fived point Weration for system oF equation:. assume 9,064) , Jo On¥) Ord their partial derivative ave Continous fon & region Chak Containg® the Fixed poinb (pS) TF the, stareing point (94) is Chosing sufFiciely Closed fo 1 a) ond. 4g." col + ee | a % | ve GE LL aM Worf) pe 7 A le ete 1,90) Vex “FTE (SSI WI-STEL =L8 Porto) ‘¥ RO) » “Inverse method, Fra -(* FCF Cena) Son | Lae \ Goal F2 ( Pasa) « Ditech method! - [5 e.g) { ie | z =Vy yl ey 2 UPas Gn) ng ie Bay Ee Prat = Baer Ry BY = Aone Ie ng = BY +94 . ekompie Solve Used Newton Method , —Invewe Meod, : KX 2x-Yoge my Fea x2-2x-y.052 62 Gay Xa grog, ) — xBaayr YG (Po) = (2, 0128) aoe Cite 1 ete roaett : = “ey (ers) (4 2 } , - Yow Fars Ua) (Ba\- (3 ay Gey Nemaiens a Fraiyy ars $2 (2,026) = 0.26 | ata. = TRLZ TV poesy \qo626 (crs #2, ah aaa =( O8126), Pay. eas) (sens phils: ) C3)= O.3125 B.€125 9.5 ( o02 UU If, 1.4006% ) ( O-BI2 1B | 20 » Divect mekhod (yey «(2 3) 3) (88) = (2) C3) \rees an BX= | -o.25 2) 2 -o4sS = -0.09345 2 2 8 \y 2] Qa Desh. = -0.0934S + 9- = 1.90685. AO? 11 -o.25, Bg= | 3 ees 4 sorws} = ~SBat = 29 = 10.9625 2 g BY= Mie Io i= PY4 Qo- = 906254 OUD = O-BI2S. discussion a @ Cuye Gee hay, bm) ae Pea, Pay <2. ee but PO gp Ses) <0 Vor. Mee) Hex 4 Gp hog, Pico, Ser<0 OK-BI IS 4 Factor ot Ree) Laspreis a Factor o 0 fey {al Bere x- meus to id ala Comvange fuedrobicony to p Fis a root of Mulbiplicity Mor Pay JPso" l eude, Pads C8) hey, WR) 46 Pods More) hig) 4 Cx" Weg y Gude KL WM bx-6)" bay Mx jayne eae PAG) ep hicy “ X~ M Crp) ha) Re gy Woy Pe =t - bry feniital ina hun ae)hG) rn be) ner) [Mhay 4 Cepyhtag] ie SP 1. Gm her) Mhcpjr =O EU

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