2 - YDS KELİME - Vocabulary For Exams (Kitap) +++

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65 Kelime Testi

tarzına uygun 1300 Özgün Soru

2000 Alıştırma




KELİME SETLERİ (WORD SETS)........................................................................................4



(BAŞLANGIÇ SEVİYESİ KELİME TESTLERİ) ..................................................................46



(ORTA VE ORTA SEVİYE ÜSTÜ KELİME TESTLERİ) ......................................................67



(İLERİ SEVİYE SÖZCÜKLÜK TESTLERİ)...........................................................................99

REFERENCES (KAYNAKÇA) .............................................................................................179

ANSWER KEY (CEVAP ANAHTARI)...................................................................................180


İNGİLİZCE yabancı dil sınavlarına hazırlananlar için hazırladığımız bu kelime (Vocabulary)
kitabında, yaygın kullanılan akademik kelimeler özenle seçilmiştir. İngilizce sınavlarda sıkça
sorulan hedef kelimeler göz önünde bulundurularak hazırlanmış olan bu kitapta yer alan alıştırma
ve testler çıkmış sınav sorularının içeriğine paralel olarak hazırlanmıştır. Düzenli ve programlı
bir çalışmayla cümle içinde farklı kullanımlarıyla karşınıza gelen kelimeleri yazarak çalıştığınız
takdirde, yüzlerce farklı kelimeyi çok kısa bir zamanda öğrenmiş olacaksınız. En önemlisi de
kelime hazinenizin zenginleşmesiyle başta okuma bölümü olmak üzere sınavın diğer bölümlerini
daha rahat anlayabileceksiniz.


İngilizce sınavlarda cümlede boş bırakılan yere uygun düşen kelimeyi bulma sorularını doğru
olarak yanıtlamak için, adayların en az orta düzeyde akademik kelimeleri bilmeleri gerekir. Doğru
kelimeyi bulabilmeleri için adayların verilen cümleyi anlaması ve seçeneklerdeki kelimeleri
tanıması beklenir. Adayların sınava hazırlık sürecinde çıkmış kelime sorularına benzer soruları
çözerek pratik yapmaları ve sınavda önceki yıllarda sorulmuş kelimeleri bilmeleri daha başarılı
olmalarını sağlayacaktır.
Kelime sorularını çözerken aşağıdaki test teknikleri sınav esnasında uygulanabilir:
1. Önce cümle okunmalı ve boş bırakılan kısmın anlamı genel olarak cümleden kestirilmeli,
2. Boşluğun özellikle arkasına (%70) ve önüne (%30) odaklanmalı,
3. Sonra şıklarda verilen kelimelerin anlam ve yapı olarak boşluğa uygun olup olmadığına
4. Şıklardaki kelimelerin boşluğa konulduğunda farklı anlamlara gelebileceği göz önünde
5. Tüm bu işlemleri, uzun cümleler de dâhil olmak üzere, her bir soru için en fazla 1,5 dakika
içinde tamamlamalıdır.


Bu bölümde İngilizce sınavların ilk bölümünde muhtemelen gelebilecek kelimeler arasından

özenle seçilmiş olan 140 fiil, 120 isim, 120 sıfat, 120 zarf ve 60 deyimsel fiil olmak üzere toplam
560 akademik kelime bulunmaktadır. Kelime setlerinde numaralı bölümdeki kelimeler, aşağıda
içerisinde kullanıldıkları cümlelere de bakılarak sağ taraftaki anlamlarıyla eşleştirilecektir.
Ayrıca, kelime kutularının altında koyu renkli verilen kelimelerin cümle içindeki anlamlarının
öğrenilmesi amaçlanmaktadır.

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.






phrases or





Kutunun solundaki İngilizce fiilleri, cümle içindeki kullanımlarına da bakarak, sağdaki eş anlamlıları veya
tanımlarıyla eşleştiriniz.

1. abandon a) _______ doubt, distrust, imagine to be so

2. ensnare b) _______ leave, stop
3. faint c) _______ watch, organize
4. suspect d) _______ catch, trap, net
5. oversee e) _______ lose consciousness unexpectedly

• Spiders ensnare flies and other insects in their webs.

• The climbers had to abandon their attempt to ascend the mountain.

• No one suspected anything was wrong.

• My sister doesn’t want to be a doctor because she faints at the sight of blood.

• The role of the UN force is to oversee the transport of aid to the parts of the country that need it most.

6. commence a) _______ replace

7. substitute b) _______ debate
8. prevail c) _______ dominate, reign
9. indicate d) _______ show, point or make clear
10. argue e) _______ start, begin

• Initial results indicate that the election result is going to be very close.

• Messi was substituted for Iniesta in the second half of the match.

• When you have finished your talking, I shall commence the lesson.

• Tom and Jane spent a long time arguing about which film to go and see.

• This is a strange custom that still prevails in certain communities.


11. conceal a) _______ exhibit

12. fascinate b) _______ hide
13. display c) _______ send
14. reproach d) _______ scold, criticize, rebuke, tell off
15. consign e) _______ captivate, interest, mesmerize

• His mother reproached him for not eating all his dinner.

• The goods have been consigned to the company by air.

• They displayed the advertisement on the notice board so that everyone can see it.

• He tried to conceal his surprise when she said she was only 17.

• Anything to do with airplanes and flying fascinates him.

16. appear a) _______ evaluate

17. reduce b) _______ decrease
18. compel c) _______ oblige, force
19. endanger d) _______ seem
20. assess e) _______ jeopardize, risk

• The new circumstances compelled a change in policy.

• The plane reduced speed as it approached the airport.

• It’s too early to assess the long-term consequences of the Pope’s death.

• The police must deal with criminals without endangering the lives of passers-by.

• It appears to me that we need to take some measures.

21. ignore a) _______ neglect, overlook

22. disperse b) _______ adapt
23. admire c) _______ scatter
24. fulfil d) _______ do, perform, carry out
25. adjust e) _______ appreciate

¾ The police dispersed the crowd that had gathered around the building.

¾ Zoos fulfil an important function in the protection of rare species.

¾ I was just admiring your new hair style, Jane - it’s wonderful!

¾ As a teacher, you should adjust your methods to suit the needs of slower children.

¾ They call me rude names, but I just ignore it and walk on.


26. confess a) _______ succeed, defeat

27. demand b) _______ want, desire
28. overcome c) _______ be unsuccessful
29. fail d) _______ permit, let
30. allow e) _______ admit

¾ She demanded that he return the books he borrowed from her.

¾ I must confess that when I first met your boyfriend, I didn’t think he was very handsome.

¾ We certainly hope that the program will overcome its difficulties and fulfil its aims.

¾ The police officer didn’t allow us to leave until we’d paid the fine.

¾ He failed miserably in his attempt to break the world record.

31. implement a) _______ set up, found

32. deserve b) _______ refuse
33. establish c) _______ become a member, participate
34. deny d) _______ apply, practice
35. join e) _______ merit

¾ It is a great club. Why don’t you join?

¾ Our company established a new branch in Paris.

¾ The charity deserves better support than it is currently receiving.

¾ The changes to the new tax system will be implemented next year.

¾ The three defendants deny all charges.

36. fit a) _______ see, understand

37. encounter b) _______ feel or express sadness
38. regret c) _______ meet unexpectedly
39. compose d) _______ form, make up
40. perceive e) _______ be suitable for

¾ Is there anything in your past life that you regret?

¾ When did you first encounter these problems?

¾ This jacket fits you perfectly.

¾ Perceiving that he wasn’t happy with the arrangements, I tried to book a different hotel.

¾ At the end of the Vietnam war, women composed only 1.6 % of the US forces, but the percentage is much
higher now.


41. pursue a) _______ deceive, cheat

42. abduct b) _______ kidnap, snatch
43. betray c) _______ change, differ
44. confirm d) _______ follow
45. vary e) _______ affirm, verify

¾ Salary scales vary from state to state.

¾ The businessman was abducted from his car by terrorists.

¾ Ten people have confirmed that they will be attending and six haven’t replied yet.

¾ The hunters spent hours pursuing their prey.

¾ He was accused of betraying his country during the war.

46. assure a) _______ include

47. avoid b) _______ delay, put off
48. involve c) _______ guarantee, insure
49. decline d) _______ refrain, prevent
50. postpone e) _______ decrease

¾ Since the scare about swine flu, many people in Europe avoid travelling.

¾ The car mechanic assured me that the car would be ready the next day.

¾ They decided to postpone their holiday until the autumn.

¾ His interest in the project declined after his wife died.

¾ Research involving the use of biological warfare agents is supposed to be only for defensive purposes.

51. promise a) _______ require

52. entail b) _______ do something illegal or considered wrong
53. commit c) _______ deal with
54. tackle d) _______ pledge
55. confine e) _______ limit, restrict

¾ There are many ways of tackling this trouble.

¾ I don’t like a job in which I’m confined to doing only one thing.

¾ Anyone caught committing an offence will be punished.

¾ Her husband promised her a new bedroom suite if she’d lose weight.

¾ For many parents, having children entails certain sacrifices and responsibilities.


56. utilize a) _______ stop

57. cease b) _______ start or continue
58. proceed c) _______ urge, persist
59. insist d) _______ claim, suggest
60. allege e) _______ use, exploit

¾ She insisted on seeing her lawyer.

¾ After a year of arguments, preparations for the festival are now proceeding smoothly.

¾ The party leader spoke for two hours without ceasing.

¾ The two men allege that the police forced them to make false confessions.

¾ At the development phase it is possible to utilize earlier researches.

61. demonstrate a) _______ convince

62. trust b) _______ invade, occupy
63. conquer c) _______ strengthen
64. persuade d) _______ show
65. reinforce e) _______ rely on, depend on

¾ It’s no use trying to persuade him that you’re innocent.

¾ His behaviour merely reinforced my dislike of him.

¾ Fatih Sultan Mehmet conquered Istanbul in 1453.

¾ You can certainly trust him to look after the money - he’s completely honest.

¾ Recent researches have demonstrated that babies can recognize their mother’s voice very soon after birth.

66. respond a) _______ react

67. cure b) _______ originate, happen, emerge
68. arise c) _______ treat
69. expect d) _______ scold
70. rebuke e) _______ hope, anticipate

¾ His mother rebuked David for frightening his sister.

¾ I asked her what the time was, but she didn’t respond.

¾ Are there any matters arising from the last meeting?

¾ We expect that everything will be alright in the end.

¾ After three years, she was cured of the cancer.


71. alter a) _______ infer, conclude, reach a decision

72. resume b) _______ dedicate, give
73. deduce c) _______ interfere, become involved
74. intervene d) _______ shift, change
75. devote e) _______ restart

¾ She has devoted all her life to the care of homeless people.

¾ I didn’t feel I could intervene in a family dispute.

¾ The police have deduced that he must have left his apartment yesterday evening.

¾ The waiter apologized and altered the figure on the bill.

¾ The Mayor stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking.

76. improve a) _______ shout

77. devastate b) _______ excuse
78. forgive c) _______ destroy, ruin
79. yell d) _______ do, perform, fulfil
80. execute e) _______ get better, develop

¾ She never forgave him for his lies.

¾ Now that we have approval, we may execute the scheme as previously agreed.

¾ Our neighbours were yelling at each other last night.

¾ The earthquake devastated the whole region.

¾ Her health has improved dramatically since she started on this new diet.

81. convert a) _______ rescue, keep safe

82. murder b) _______ leave out, exclude
83. omit c) _______ kill, commit a crime
84. save d) _______ isolate, feel distant
85. alienate e) _______ turn into, change

¾ Tom became very cross as he was omitted from the list of contributors to the report.

¾ Suddenly he fell in the river but his friend saved him from drowning.

¾ Twenty years in prison alienated him from his family.

¾ What’s the formula for converting pounds into kilos?

¾ Her husband was murdered by gunmen as she watched.


86. scorn a) _______ ban, forbid

87. distinguish b) _______ try
88. found c) _______ disdain, look down on
89. prohibit d) _______ differentiate
90. attempt e) _______ build, establish

¾ Buildings founded on clay are the most likely to be damaged when the soil dries out.

¾ Jessica scorned all my offers of help, so that’s the last chance she’ll get!

¾ The government introduced a law prohibiting tobacco advertisements on TV.

¾ He attempted a joke, but it was received in silence.

¾ Being colour-blind, Jack can’t distinguish the difference between red and green easily.

91. withdraw a) _______ entertain, make someone laugh

92. amuse b) _______ cause to suffer
93. recover c) _______ retreat, back out, remove
94. complete d) _______ finish, fulfil, carry out
95. inflict e) _______ get over, become completely well again

¾ At school he always devises games to amuse his classmates.

¾ Has the new bridge been completed yet?

¾ There’s been a lot of debate about whether the US should withdraw its troops from Iraq.

¾ It took a long time for Turkish economy to recover after the slump.

¾ The prisoner’s forearms were covered in slash marks which he had inflicted on himself in jail.

96. spread a) _______ distribute, disperse

97. tempt b) _______ weaken, impair
98. yield c) _______ comprise, form
99. constitute d) _______ entice, provoke
100. undermine e) _______ produce, supply, harvest

¾ Every mistake that she makes further undermines her authority.

¾ The fire spread very rapidly because of the strong wind.

¾ Women constitute about 5% of Parliament.

¾ The talks with management failed to yield any results.

¾ The sunny day tempted him into wearing shorts and a T-shirt.


101. transmit a) _______ search, look for

102. associate b) _______ refuse, turn down
103. seek c) _______ link, join or connect together
104. reject d) _______ send, convey, carry
105. discourage e) _______ feel less confident and willing to do

¾ I’d rather not associate myself with extremist political statements.

¾ The thought of how much work she had to do discouraged her.

¾ Fibre-optic cables will transmit the electronic signals.

¾ The Prime Minister rejected the suggestion that it was time for him to resign.

¾ Many posts would be taken by the short-term unemployed, the group that is actively seeking jobs.

106. proclaim a) _______ get, acquire

107. diverge b) _______ disapprove, criticize strongly
108. accumulate c) _______ declare, announce publicly
109. obtain d) _______ pile up, collect
110. condemn e) _______ move apart, become different

¾ Sugar is obtained by crushing and processing sugar cane.

¾ A thick layer of dust had accumulated in the room.

¾ They walked along the road together until they reached the village, but then their paths diverged.

¾ The terrorist action has been condemned as an act of barbarism and cowardice.

¾ Republican Party members confidently proclaimed victory even as the first few votes came in.

111. clap a) _______ give

112. grant b) _______ broaden, enlarge, increase in size
113. abolish c) _______ applaud
114. expand d) _______ come near
115. approach e) _______ end officially, cancel

¾ They granted an entry visa to her.

¾ They expanded their retail operations significantly during the 1980s.

¾ Some people think bullfighting should be abolished.

¾ The audience clapped in time to the music.

¾ If you look out of the window on the left of the bus, you’ll see that we’re now approaching the Tower of


116. bewilder a) _______ give, grant, present

117. award b) _______ send out, give off
118. emit c) _______ annoy, make angry
119. eradicate d) _______ confuse, confound
120. irritate e) _______ eliminate, destroy, get rid of, wipe out

¾ After a while the noise began to irritate her.

¾ A new environment can bewilder and frighten a child.

¾ The university has awarded Mary a $1000 travel grant.

¾ The alarm emits infra-red rays which are used to detect any intruder.

¾ The disease which once claimed millions of lives in the country has now been eradicated.

121. dedicate a) _______ look at stg or smb for a long time

122. forswear b) _______ make a serious decision to stop doing stg
123. overbid c) _______ stay somewhere for only a short time
124. lodge d) _______ devote, give completely (one’s energy, time)
125. gaze e) _______ offer more money than someone to buy stg

¾ The Commission felt the company were overbidding and gave the franchise to their competitors instead.

¾ He has forsworn drinking alcohol immediately after his father’s death.

¾ He lodges in a hostel during the week but returns home at the weekends.

¾ The new President said he would dedicate him to protect the rights of the old, the sick and the homeless.

¾ Every day for a week Lucy would sit gazing at the painting on the wall.

126. penetrate a) _______ worsen, become worse

127. deteriorate b) _______ move into or through stg
128. violate c) _______ break or act against a law
129. forge d) _______ make (a word, sentence, book) shorter
130. abridge e) _______ make an illegal copy of stg to deceive

¾ She was taken into hospital yesterday when her condition suddenly began to deteriorate.

¾ The doctor has been accused of violating professional ethics.

¾ The researcher abridged his paper before sending to the editor.

¾ He forged his signature on the cheque.

¾ Amazingly, the bullet did not penetrate his brain, although its impact gave him a severe concussion.


131. support a) _______ throw suddenly using force

132. forgive b) _______ favour, encourage, approve
133. soothe c) _______ calm a person who is angry or anxious
134. fling d) _______ stop blaming or being angry with
135. abbreviate e) _______ shorten

¾ If you want to be forgiven, you should forgive others.

¾ She tried to run away from him, but he grabbed hold of her and flung her to the ground.

¾ It was difficult to soothe her because she was very frightened after the attack.

¾ The European Monetary System is abbreviated as the EMS.

¾ Almost all the people in the town strongly support the plans to build a by-pass.

136. bet a) _______ risk money on unknown result of an event

137. resemble b) _______ pursue, track
138. follow c) _______ look or be like; be similar
139. deliver d) _______ take stg to people’s houses or places of work
140. solve e) _______ find an answer to

¾ After the earthquake the city resembled a battlefield.

¾ My uncle bet 10000 TL on the horse which came in first.

¾ The majority of milkmen now deliver a whole range of goods other than milk.

¾ Did you solve the problems in the test book?

¾ Although Mary’s father wanted her to start a successful law career, she followed in her mother’s footsteps
as a model.


Kutunun solundaki İngilizce sıfatları cümle içindeki kullanımlarına da bakarak, sağdaki eş anlamlıları veya tanım-
larıyla eşleştiriniz.

1. abrupt a) _______ clever, prudent, astute

2. wise b) _______ trivial, petty, insignificant
3. unsanitary c) _______ naked, nude, without any clothes
4. trifling d) _______ sudden
5. bare e) _______ unclean, unhygienic, unhealthy, polluted

• As usual, the committee were discussing some trifling matter at great length.

• After the destructive earthquake, the main concern among people is unsanitary living conditions.

• Don’t walk around outside in your bare feet. The ground is thorny.

• Looking at the rainy weather, I think we made a wise decision not to go to the coast this weekend.

• Our conversation came to an abrupt end when Julia burst into the room.


6. tactful a) _______ arid, unproductive

7. staggering b) _______ sensitive, considerate, thoughtful
8. redundant c) _______ awful, extremely bad
9. barren d) _______ astounding, surprising, stunning, amazing
10. abominable e) _______ unnecessary, superfluous, excessive, jobless

• We drove through a barren, rocky landscape.

• It costs a staggering $50 000 per week to keep the museum open to the public.

• The prisoners in Iraq were forced to live in abominable conditions.

• Mentioning his husband’s baldness wasn’t very tactful.

• The newly redundant workers were furious to see robots doing their old work.

11. vulnerable a) _______ gifted, able, competent, skilful

12. absorbent b) _______ tired, exhausted
13. weary c) _______ susceptible, defenceless, unprotected
14. talented d) _______ spongy
15. beneficial e) _______ useful, helpful

• Tourists are more vulnerable to attack, because they do not know which areas of the city to avoid.

• They were rather weary after a 22-hour bus journey.

• The improvement in sales figures had a beneficial effect on the company as a whole.

• I think you need some absorbent cloth to clean up that spilt milk.

• Madonna is a talented singer all over the world.

16. abstract a) _______ harsh, rigid, strict, severe, stringent

17. tough b) _______ kind and helpful
18. swift c) _______ old-fashioned, antique
19. vintage d) _______ quick, fast
20. benevolent e) _______ conceptual, theoretical

• The government is continuing to take a tough stance on terrorism.

• Her head’s full of abstract ideas about justice and revolution.

• I have a vintage car which was produced in 1970s.

• He was a benevolent old man, he wouldn’t hurt a fly.

• The country seems to have made a swift and successful transition to a capitalist economy.


21. bilateral a) _______ ridiculous, preposterous

22. sustainable b) _______ difficult, harsh, severe, hard
23. rigorous c) _______ able to be continued in its present form
24. tiny d) _______ two-sided, mutual
25. absurd e) _______ very small, minute

¾ It is a rigorous survival course in the mountains.

¾ France and Germany have signed a bilateral agreement to help prevent drug smuggling.

¾ I would like to eat only a tiny piece of cake because I’m on a diet.

¾ The myth about blondes are foolish is no longer sustainable.

¾ The speaker looked absurd in those old-fashioned trousers.

26. severe a) _______ connected, related, pertinent

27. biased b) _______ real, able to be shown, touchable
28. tangible c) _______ prejudiced, having preconceptions
29. relevant d) _______ plentiful, ample, more than enough
30. abundant e) _______ serious, acute

¾ We took an abundant supply of food with us when we went hiking in the mountains.

¾ You need tangible evidence if you’re going to take legal action.

¾ Some newspapers gave a very biased report of the event.

¾ People who have severe disabilities often get special allowances.

¾ All evidence relevant to the trial must be given to police.

31. stunning a) _______ reachable, approachable

32. trustworthy b) _______ dependable, reliable
33. sane c) _______ gloomy, dreary, grim, cheerless, hopeless
34. accessible d) _______ astonishing, remarkable, amazing, striking
35. bleak e) _______ sensible, rational, normal, sound

¾ The resort is easily accessible by road, rail and air.

¾ Were I in your shoes, I wouldn’t tell any secrets to Nancy as she’s not very trustworthy.

¾ Unfortunately in the long-term, the economic outlook seems to be bleak.

¾ The news about the score of the match was quite stunning.

¾ That was a sane decision; therefore, we all respected.


36. reminiscent a) _______ unplanned, unintended

37. stubborn b) _______ exciting, breath-taking
38. versatile c) _______ obstinate, inflexible
39. accidental d) _______ ingenious, many-skilled
40. thrilling e) _______ remindful

¾ It says on the back of the book that it is a thrilling adventure story.

¾ The latest report suggests that 11 soldiers were killed by accidental fire from their own side.

¾ He is a very versatile young actor who’s as happy in horror films as he is in TV comedies.

¾ This song is so reminiscent of our wedding ceremony.

¾ Stubborn stains can be removed using a small amount of detergent.

41. accurate a) _______ brave, daring, courageous

42. negligible b) _______ unimportant, trifling, insignificant
43. prominent c) _______ obedient, compliant
44. submissive d) _______ correct, exact, precise
45. bold e) _______ outstanding, well-known, famous, eminent

• He was looking for a quiet submissive wife who would obey his every wish.

• The newspaper made a bold move by publishing the names of the men involved.

• The difference in experience between the two players is negligible.

• Her latest novel is an accurate reflection of life in post-war Bosnia.

• The recent fraud scandal involved a number of the country’s most prominent politicians.

46. unprecedented a) _______ difficult to fight against, overpowering

47. overwhelming b) _______ unmatched, unique
48. promising c) _______ incomprehensible, vague, ambiguous
49. obscure d) _______ firm, resolute, unyielding, obstinate
50. adamant e) _______ hopeful, successful, encouraging, talented

• It is a strange restaurant because it doesn’t look at all promising from the outside.

• Rivalry in recruiting students to courses has reached unprecedented proportions.

• The team won an overwhelming victory in yesterday’s game.

• She’s absolutely adamant about not allowing smoking in his house.

• The local people talk in an obscure jargon that is almost impossible to understand.


51. subsequent a) _______ out-dated, old-fashioned

52. obsolete b) _______ growing or developing successfully
53. adequate c) _______ famous, prominent, reputable
54. renowned d) _______ following, later
55. flourishing e) _______ sufficient, enough

• By no means is it a brilliant salary, but at least it is adequate for my family’s needs.

• Thanks to its outstanding natural beauty, Nevşehir is a renowned city.

• There were pictures on the news of the crashed vehicles and subsequent traffic problems.

• Gas lamps became obsolete in most villages when electric lighting became possible.

• The Royal Academy aims to demonstrate with its latest show that Britain has a flourishing tradition of art.

56. vigorous a) _______ the same, similar, regular, unvaried

57. uniform b) _______ unfavourable, harmful
58. sophisticated c) _______ complex, complicated, made with great care
59. bound d) _______ very strong, active, energetic, powerful
60. adverse e) _______ sure, certain or extremely likely to happen

• Small businesses are demanding that they receive uniform treatment from the banks.

• These two young musicians are bound for international success.

• Despite his vigorous election campaign, he lost the local elections.

• Japan found a sophisticated weapon on a suspected North Korean ship that sank in Chinese waters last

• A lot of local people are worried about the adverse impact that the road building scheme may have on the

61. ultimate a) _______ inactive, not moving or developing

62. stagnant b) _______ offended, angry, indignant
63. affectionate c) _______ final, eventual
64. brilliant d) _______ bright, clever, intelligent
65. resentful e) _______ loving

¾ It was in many ways a brilliant plan.

¾ She gave her daughter an affectionate kiss and put her to bed.

¾ She was resentful of anybody’s attempts to interfere in her work.

¾ Her ultimate goal as an athlete is to represent her country.

¾ People who live in crowded cities often experience breathing problems during the summer when high tem-
peratures combine with stagnant polluted air.

66. casual a) _______ rich, prosperous

67. reluctant b) _______ small in number, thin, bare, meagre
68. competitive c) _______ unwilling, disinclined
69. sparse d) _______ random, haphazard, unarranged
70. affluent e) _______ rival, competing

¾ She persuaded her reluctant husband to take a trip to Marmaris with her.

¾ Information coming out of the disaster area is sparse.

¾ Having inherited a fortune, he has a relatively affluent way of life.

¾ It seems difficult for such a small firm to survive in the competitive world of business.

¾ It was just a casual comment; I didn’t mean it to be taken so seriously.

71. alert a) _______ feasible, possible, practical

72. viable b) _______ being the only one, lonely, companionless
73. clandestine c) _______ despotic, oppressive, dictatorial
74. tyrannical d) _______ secret, hidden
75. solitary e) _______ watchful, vary

¾ Just after dawn he went for a solitary stroll through the gardens.

¾ If you don’t keep alert, you can miss the plane.

¾ In order to make the company viable, it will unfortunately be necessary to reduce staffing levels.

¾ In the end, she left home just to escape the tyrannical rule of her husband.

¾ UN diplomats are suspicious that the country’s clandestine weapons programme may be broader than

76. alluring a) _______ provisional, interim, transient, passing

77. temporary b) _______ suppressive, oppressive, cruel
78. repressive c) _______ possible, future, expected
79. cautious d) _______ charming, attractive
80. prospective e) _______ careful, attentive

¾ My father is a cautious driver; he never drives fast.

¾ We have received letters of application from several prospective candidates.

¾ In the country, there was a repressive military regime.

¾ Caroline was wearing a most alluring dress at Susan’s birthday party.

¾ The factory has a large workforce of permanent and temporary staff.


81. alarming a) _______ worthless, useless, empty

82. prosperous b) _______ logical, consistent, connected
83. sceptical c) _______ wealthy, rich, affluent, flourishing
84. vain d) _______ doubtful, dubious, cynical
85. coherent e) _______ dreadful, horrifying

• Some people think the economy will improve soon, but many experts remain sceptical about this.

• When the manager calmed down, he was more coherent.

• The community leaders called the attacks ‘vain and futile’.

• Recently, there has been an alarming rise in the rate of inflation.

• It is hard to believe that in this prosperous country, hunger could be a serious problem.

86. clumsy a) _______ greatest, maximum, highest

87. utmost b) _______ mutual
88. sovereign c) _______ completely independent, ruling, reigning
89. reciprocal d) _______ strange, unfamiliar, foreign
90. alien e) _______ awkward, unskilful

• Companies in this market segment have been calculating their software projects with the utmost care for

• We must respect the rights of sovereign states to conduct their own affairs.

• When I first went to Johannesburg, it all felt very alien to me.

• That’s the third glass she has smashed this week; she is very clumsy.

• The two superpowers agreed to a reciprocal reduction of nuclear weapons.

91. appealing a) _______ vital, significant, very important

92. coincidental b) _______ healthful, beneficial, nutritive
93. nutritious c) _______ vague, unclear
94. crucial d) _______ accidental
95. ambiguous e) _______ attractive

• Raw spinach is especially nutritious.

• Political Parties are crucial to the development and sustainability of democracy.

• Is it coincidental that the wife of the man who designed the competition won first prize?

• Her speech was deliberately ambiguous to avoid offending either side.

• The Northern Netherlands is very appealing for international chemical companies.


96. appreciable a) _______ not suitable, rude

97. vulgar b) _______ obvious, clear, perceptible
98. overall c) _______ general, altogether
99. sacred d) _______ noticeable, substantial
100. apparent e) _______ holy

• They have occupied our land, stolen our freedom and violated everything we held sacred.

• The overall situation is good, despite a few minor problems.

• It is rather vulgar to talk about how much money you earn.

• There has been an appreciable drop in the number of unemployed since the new government came to

• I was on the metro this morning when for no apparent reason the man opposite suddenly screamed.

101. significant a) _______ humane, compassionate

102. oblivious b) _______ important, considerable
103. tender c) _______ unaware, unconscious, ignorant
104. ridiculous d) _______ challenging, eager, desirous
105. ambitious e) _______ absurd, funny, nonsensical

¾ My friend is extremely ambitious and intends to run her own firm until she reaches 30.

¾ The speaker looks ridiculous in that ragged pink suit.

¾ Absorbed in her work, the doctor was totally oblivious of her surroundings.

¾ My aunt is a helpful and tender person who enjoys making people smile.

¾ The sales department has made a significant contribution to the company’s performance this year.

106. compatible a) _______ disreputable, having a bad reputation

107. notorious b) _______ abundant, extensive
108. odd c) _______ thin, faint
109. slim d) _______ strange, peculiar, eccentric, unusual
110. ample e) _______ agreeable, harmonious

¾ Some singers and models keep slim as they do regular exercise.

¾ The computer program isn’t compatible with this operating system.

¾ It must be odd to live on the 42nd floor of a skyscraper.

¾ The audience will have ample opportunity to ask questions after the talk.

¾ That company is notorious for paying its bills late.


111. competent a) _______ prevalent, widespread, predominant

112. rampant b) _______ aggressive, attacking
113. offensive c) _______ indifferent or unwilling to take action
114. spontaneous d) _______ natural, casual, sudden
115. apathetic e) _______ able, effective

¾ Being an experienced accountant, Mr. Gadget is really competent at his job.

¾ AIDS is quite rampant in overcrowded cities in Africa.

¾ Her witticisms seemed spontaneous, but were in fact carefully prepared beforehand.

¾ Apathetic people have an absence of interest or concern to emotional, social, or physical life.

¾ Since the other side had taken offensive action, we had no choice but to defend ourselves.

116. obligatory a) _______ only

117. temperate b) _______ moderate, mild, calm and controlled
118. robust c) _______ alarming, dismaying, horrifying
119. sole d) _______ strong, powerful
120. appalling e) _______ mandatory, compelling

¾ He looks healthier than he did six months ago - a little heavier and more robust.

¾ The apprentice had sole responsibility for locking the shop each night.

¾ Temperate criticism can encourage people to make improvements.

¾ Even in the US, prisoners are usually kept in the most appalling conditions.

¾ It is obligatory to go through a password routine before you can get into the computer database.

You can only perceive real beauty in a person as they get older.



• Kutunun solundaki İngilizce isimleri, cümle içindeki kullanımlarına da bakarak, sağdaki eş anlamlıları veya
tanımlarıyla eşleştiriniz.

1. access a) _______ choosing something more valuable or crucial

2. sacrifice b) _______ indication, demonstration
3. manifestation c) _______ raffle, game of chance
4. bribery d) _______ entrance, approach, right to use
5. lottery e) _______ corruption

• Several firms are alleged to have used bribery to win contracts.

• Do you really think winning the lottery would make you happy?

• The entrance has been widened to give improved access for disabled people.

• The latest riots are a clear manifestation of growing discontent.

• She brought five children up single-handedly, often at great personal sacrifice.

6. accomplishment a) _______ catastrophe, disaster

7. justice b) _______ speed, tempo
8. pace c) _______ fairness, equality
9. link d) _______ success, achievement, feat
10. calamity e) _______ connection, relationship, association

• Children learn best by studying at their own pace.

• Police are investigating the scene to determine if there are any links with last week’s bombing.

• Many people no longer have confidence in the criminal justice system.

• The flood was a calamity from which Bangladesh has never fully recovered.

• It was a remarkable accomplishment for Liverpool to win Champions League Cup after a breathtaking final
against Milan.

11. combat a) _______ correctness, precision

12. onset b) _______ idea, concept
13. pretext c) _______ excuse, reason
14. notion d) _______ start, beginning
15. accuracy e) _______ battle, conflict

• Doctors can slow the onset of the disease with drugs.

• Vietnam lost about one million people in combat.

• She couldn’t find a pretext to visit Dennis at home.

• There have been questions about the accuracy of the news.

• To most of us, the notion that people change personal behaviour through decisions alone sounds absurd.


16. knack a) _______ alteration, change, variation

17. rule b) _______ regulation, law, instruction
18. consent c) _______ talent, ability
19. modification d) _______ gathering, amassing
20. accumulation e) _______ permission or agreement

• She has a knack for making everyone feel comfortable and relaxed.

• We need to make some modifications to our teaching program.

• Accumulations of sand can be formed by the action of waves on coastal beaches.

• Students who break the rules and drink in school will be suspended.

• Your organs will only be used after your death if you give your consent beforehand.

21. intersection a) _______ carefulness, vigilance, prudence

22. mettle b) _______ discussion, formal talk
23. caution c) _______ admission, acceptance, recognition
24. negotiation d) _______ courage, bravery, boldness
25. acknowledgement e) _______ junction

¾ The reduction in their bonus is an acknowledgement that they have been paid too much.

¾ Evidence given by convicted criminals should always be treated with the utmost caution.

¾ We waited at the intersection of Fulton Street and Gough Avenue for the lights to change.

¾ The government opened negotiations with the IMF for another loan.

¾ He was an outstanding fighter pilot who proved his mettle in a variety of tough assignments, including two

26. collision a) _______ doubt

27. delinquency b) _______ dependence
28. suspicion c) _______ misdeed, misconduct
29. redundancy d) _______ crash, bump
30. addiction e) _______ losing job because of being no longer needed

¾ She was close enough to the dead man to arrange to meet him at an isolated spot without arousing suspi-

¾ Delinquency and drug addiction are more common in areas of high unemployment.

¾ With the closure of the export department, two hundred workers now face redundancy.

¾ For years she was dependent on drugs and drink and it was only in her fifties that she finally managed to
overcome these addictions.

¾ Two drivers were killed in a head-on collision between a car and a taxi last night.


31. interpretation a) _______ continuity, eternity, infinity, endlessness

32. mutiny b) _______ range of a subject
33. scope c) _______ understanding, explanation
34. deficiency d) _______ rebellion, revolt, riot
35. perpetuity e) _______ insufficiency, lack

¾ Pregnant women often suffer from iron deficiency.

¾ Conditions on the ship were often very bad, and crews were on the point of mutiny.

¾ The dispute is based on two widely differing interpretations of the law.

¾ A clear statement of the goal and scope of a research project is a useful reference point.

¾ The council wants the footpaths on the estate to become legal rights of way, which would give the public the
right to use them in perpetuity.

36. moisture a) _______ repetition, return, reappearance

37. delusion b) _______ persistence, determination, resoluteness
38. recurrence c) _______ demography, count
39. census d) _______ dampness, humidity, wetness
40. perseverance e) _______ fallacy, deception

¾ Mary suffered from the delusion that Tom would marry her.

¾ All the cooking has caused so much moisture that it’s misting up the windows.

¾ Full details of the last census have just been published.

¾ Being a teacher requires perseverance and, above all, patience.

¾ The doctor told the patient to go to the hospital if there was a recurrence of his symptoms.

41. adoption a) _______ domain, area, region, field, sphere

42. debate b) _______ argument, discussion
43. obstacle c) _______ necessity, importance, emergency
44. urgency d) _______ acceptance, approval
45. realm e) _______ hindrance, impediment, barrier, blockage

• Eventually they overcame all the obstacles and the team was very successful.

• As an idea, feminism exists outside the realm of political instrumentality.

• There has been widespread public debate over the introduction of genetically modified food.

• At this moment, it is a matter of urgency that aid reaches the famine area.

• One of the advantages of the adoption of a common currency is the reduction of the risk associated with
the changes in currency exchange rates.


46. coincidence a) _______ triumph, winning

47. sweat b) _______ perspiration
48. property c) _______ random event
49. victory d) _______ change, modification, alteration
50. amendment e) _______ quality, trait, peculiarity, feature

• The author has made a few last-minute amendments to the book.

• One of the properties of copper is that it conducts heat and electricity very well.

• The porter wiped the beads of sweat from his forehead.

• There is no doubt that the court’s decision is a victory for common sense.

• By a strange coincidence, the king was assassinated on the very spot where his grandfather had been

51. treaty a) _______ cruise, journey, travel

52. voyage b) _______ agreement, pact
53. obligation c) _______ indifference, unconcern, lack of feeling
54. rank d) _______ compulsion, requirement
55. apathy e) _______ status, level, title, position

• The treaty must be ratified by all member governments before it can take effect.

• The campaign failed because of public apathy.

• In the past, the voyage to Australia was long and dangerous.

• If you have not signed a contract, you are under no obligation to pay them any money.

• My nephew joined the army and was eventually promoted to the rank of lieutenant.

56. jeopardy a) _______ height, elevation

57. reliability b) _______ dependability, trustworthiness
58. compassion c) _______ expenditure, expense
59. outlay d) _______ hazard, danger
60. altitude e) _______ sympathy, tenderness, mercy, pity, kindness

• Mountain climbers use oxygen when they reach higher altitudes.

• The lives of thousands of dolphins are in jeopardy as a result of the oil spillage.

• The reliability and validity of the data must be checked again.

• The old man was shocked by the nurse’s lack of compassion.

• The best business is one with a small outlay and with no risk involved.


61. insult a) _______ a yearly celebration

62. anniversary b) _______ present
63. allegation c) _______ capacity to remember, maintenance
64. retention d) _______ rudeness, affront
65. gift e) _______ claim, assertion

¾ There is a shop in the hospital which sells flowers and fruit and all the usual gifts.

¾ Most students have a real problem with retention of information.

¾ Allegations that the Minister is receiving money from known criminals have caused a scandal.

¾ The steelworkers’ leader rejected the 2% pay-rise saying it was an insult to the profession.

¾ 10,000 people gathered in Chongquing and laughed simultaneously to celebrate the 60th anniversary of
People’s Republic of China.

66. reward a) _______ reduction, decrease

67. shrinkage b) _______ dictator, despot, oppressor
68. tyrant c) _______ prize, incentive
69. upheaval d) _______ association, connection, relationship
70. affiliation e) _______ turmoil, confusion, disturbance

¾ The company has affiliations with several organizations abroad.

¾ Synthetic fabrics are less susceptible to shrinkage than natural ones.

¾ The police offered a reward for any information about the robbery.

¾ Yesterday’s coup brought further upheaval to a country already struggling with famine.

¾ Tamir, one of the sons of the exiled ruler, vowed he would liberate his country from the tyrant.

71. verdict a) _______ decision

72. device b) _______ comfort, happiness
73. exaggeration c) _______ tool, appliance, instrument, gadget
74. relief d) _______ crime, offence
75. guilt e) _______ overestimation

¾ There are some people so addicted to exaggeration that they cannot help telling lies.

¾ The rescue teams used a special device for finding people trapped in collapsed buildings.

¾ The prosecution’s task in a case is to establish a person’s guilt beyond any reasonable doubt.

¾ The ceasefire was greeted with relief by people living in the capital which has been under siege for two

¾ After deliberating for nine hours, the jury reached a majority verdict of 7 to 2 in favour of the defendant.


76. sovereignty a) _______ practice, trial, preparation

77. discrepancy b) _______ impulse, natural feeling
78. rehearsal c) _______ difference, divergence, inconsistency
79. charity d) _______ reign, dominance, supreme power
80. instinct e) _______ assistance, help

¾ The singer didn’t have time for a rehearsal before the performance.

¾ He seems to have an instinct for knowing which teams will win.

¾ Talks are being held about who should have sovereignty over the island.

¾ There are several discrepancies between the original estimates of the cost and the actual bills.

¾ The old man was entitled to receive financial aid from the government, but was too proud to accept what he
regarded as charity.

81. allocation a) _______ tendency, fashion, vogue

82. esteem b) _______ agreement, unity, accord
83. drawback c) _______ disadvantage, obstacle, hindrance
84. unanimity d) _______ respect, regard
85. trend e) _______ allowance, allotment

¾ One of the major drawbacks to living in any capital city is the traffic.

• Recently, there has been a drop in public esteem for politicians.

• Special ticket allocations were made for members of the company and their guests.

• Among the middle-classes, there’s a trend towards having children in the early or mid-thirties.

• The new legislation allows the members to make most decisions by majority vote, rather than by unanimity.

86. insight a) _______ extreme pain, suffering

87. subsistence b) _______ exploration, investigation, inquiry
88. revenue c) _______ survival, continuation
89. probe d) _______ knowledge
90. agony e) _______ income, earnings

• Government revenues have fallen dramatically with two million people out of work.

• Most people lived on communal land, producing food only for their own subsistence.

• The people who had been injured in the bomb explosion lay screaming in agony.

• The Buddhist system of insight and meditation practice is not believed to have been revealed divinely, but
by the understanding of the true nature of the mind.

• In their official probe into malpractice, federal officials have found evidence of corruption within the com-


91. commitment a) _______ shelter, protection, refuge, place of safety

92. yield b) _______ attack
93. assault c) _______ annulment, revocation, turnaround, reversal
94. cancellation d) _______ harvest, crop
95. asylum e) _______ promise, pledge, responsibility, dedication

• I couldn’t go to the meeting because I had another commitment.

• Cancellation will not take effect until we receive written confirmation sent by recorded delivery, fax or e-ma-

• Generally an assault occurs when a person directly or indirectly applies force intentionally to another per-

• The refugees have been seeking asylum in Western countries for nearly a decade.

• Over the past 50 years, crop yields have risen steadily in the US by 1-2% a year.

96. priority a) _______ riches, prosperity, affluence

97. disruption b) _______ tremor, resonance, oscillation
98. vibration c) _______ disturbance, trouble, interruption, disorder
99. wealth d) _______ closeness, correspondence, kinship
100. affinity e) _______ precedence, preference

• The accident on the main road through city is causing widespread disruption for motorists.

• Banks normally give priority to large businesses when deciding on loans.

• Following a successful business career, she accumulated a great amount of wealth.

• Most people really feel an affinity for dolphins and want to help them.

• Aircraft manufacturers want to reduce noise and vibration for the sake of both comfort and safety.

101. summit a) _______ murder, killing

102. privilege b) _______ special right, benefit, concession
103. ease c) _______ top, peak, zenith
104. volatility d) _______ comfort, easiness
105. assassination e) _______ instability, unpredictability

¾ The assassination of Franz Ferdinand of Austria in Sarajevo led to the First World War.

¾ It took the climbers seven hours to reach the summit of Mount Erciyes.

¾ The security codes could be broken with relative ease.

¾ The tycoon had no special privileges and was treated just like every other prisoner.

¾ The volatility of recent opinion polls means that no-one can really predict the results of next month’s electi-

106. temper a) _______ forefather

107. efficiency b) _______ change, swing, modification, alteration
108. shift c) _______ dilemma, a difficult situation
109. predicament d) _______ anger, annoyance, irritation
110. ancestor e) _______ effectiveness, competence

¾ His wife left him because of his violent temper.

¾ With the end of the medieval period, a gradual shift in viewpoint took place.

¾ During the festival of Obon, Japanese show respect to their dead ancestors.

¾ The management expects staff to be constantly achieving higher levels of efficiency and productivity.

¾ A delegation of head teachers went to see Education Department ministers today to explain their predica-

111. appliance a) _______ infringement, breach, contravention

112. violation b) _______ comfort, consolation
113. expenditure c) _______ eagerness, keenness, enthusiasm
114. solace d) _______ expense, outlay, spending
115. zeal e) _______ tool, machine, device

¾ The factory manufactures a large range of surgical appliances.

¾ I’m sorry to say that when his wife left him, he found solace in the bottle.

¾ The takeover of the embassy constitutes a flagrant violation of international law.

¾ In his zeal to get his work finished on time, he made a lot of mistakes.

¾ It will not be possible to repair the school buildings without considerable expenditure on them.

116. rigor a) _______ rise, increase, upsurge

117. trace b) _______ accuracy, precision, thoroughness
118. gratitude c) _______ appreciation, gratefulness
119. surge d) _______ sign, mark
120. annulment e) _______ cancellation, nullification, revocation

¾ This passage is remarkable for the rigour of its argument and its language.

¾ She sent them a present to show her gratitude.

¾ The company has found it difficult to cope with the surge in demand for their products.

¾ Judges only grant marriage annulments in exceptional circumstances.

¾ The Bermuda Triangle is an area of the Pacific Ocean where ships are said to have disappeared without



• Kutunun solundaki İngilizce zarfları, cümle içindeki kullanımlarına da bakarak, sağdaki eş anlamlıları veya
tanımlarıyla eşleştiriniz.

1. confidentially a) _______ peacefully, tranquilly, quietly

2. initially b) _______ at first, at the beginning
3. peaceably c) _______ in secret, in confidence
4. discernibly d) _______ sufficiently
5. adequately e) _______ visibly, understandably

• The crowd sang hymns, cheered the speakers, and then dispersed peaceably.

• He whispered something confidentially to his companion.

• The damage in the earthquake was far more serious than initially predicted.

• Having learned the truth, his parents were discernibly angry.

• Someone has to be there to make sure that the children are adequately fed and clothed.

6. correctly a) _______ roughly, nearly, about

7. bluntly b) _______ differently
8. differentially c) _______ quickly and willingly, easily
9. readily d) _______ directly, straightforwardly, frankly, plainly
10. approximately e) _______ properly, accurately

• The job will take six weeks, and cost approximately $5000.

• The doctor readily agreed to help the poor old man.

• Have I pronounced your name correctly?

• To put it bluntly, I cannot afford to buy this car.

• The study shows that students are differentially skilled in taking exams, which influenced their results.

11. abruptly a) _______ solely, only, merely

12. considerably b) _______ vaguely, indefinitely
13. exclusively c) _______ significantly, greatly
14. ambiguously d) _______ suddenly
15. mutually e) _______ reciprocally

• Your father looks considerably fatter than he was when I last saw him.

• Some questions in the exam were badly or ambiguously worded.

• I think it will be a mutually beneficial project for both companies.

• This offer is available exclusively to our established customers.

• The talks ended abruptly when one of the delegations walked out in protest.


16. gradually a) _______ very

17. deeply b) _______ luckily
18. awkwardly c) _______ slowly but steadily
19. fortunately d) _______ clumsily, gracelessly, inelegantly
20. swiftly e) _______ quickly, rapidly

¾ Fortunately we got home before it started to snow heavily.

¾ The car was parked awkwardly across the pavement.

¾ I’m deeply grateful to you for your help.

¾ The boss gradually realized that the secretary wasn’t telling him the truth.

¾ Both governments agreed to punish terrorists swiftly.

21. consistently a) _______ regularly, constantly

22. safely b) _______ securely, not causing danger
23. originally c) _______ to an unusual degree; extremely
24. exceedingly d) _______ very unhappily, unpleasantly
25. miserably e) _______ initially, first of all

¾ The occasional mistake doesn’t matter, but if you get it consistently wrong, you will be in trouble.

¾ The house was safely locked up.

¾ The salesclerk was exceedingly patient with the client who couldn’t make up her mind.

¾ Originally it was a bedroom, but we turned it into a study.

¾ Upon seeing her son’s lifeless body, she began to sob miserably.

26. casually a) _______ neatly, gracefully, daintily

27. delicately b) _______ finally, ultimately, in the end
28. eventually c) _______ intentionally, on purpose
29. deliberately d) _______ firmly, determinedly, steadfastly
30. resolutely e) _______ randomly, by chance

¾ Don’t worry, she’ll do it eventually, but she might take a long time to get round to it.

¾ He had information that he could not have acquired casually.

¾ She deliberately made certain mistakes in the test.

¾ Some old teachers in the school resolutely refuse to use a mobile phone.

¾ All the glasses and plates were delicately placed in the cupboard.


31. habitually a) _______ clearly or obviously

32. inevitably b) _______ equally, in a parallel manner
33. correspondingly c) _______ verbally, by spoken
34. plainly d) _______ usually, customarily
35. orally e) _______ unavoidably, certainly to happen

¾ The recent decision of the government may inevitably result in more crimes in big cities.

¾ The house was so quiet that every footstep could be plainly heard.

¾ There is something wrong with anyone who is so habitually rude and aggressive.

¾ Oral traditions are living memories of the past that have been orally transmitted, recounted and shared.

¾ The cost of living in London is more expensive but salaries are correspondingly higher.

36. immeasurably a) _______ very, completely

37. explicitly b) _______ cannot be measured or known exactly
38. absolutely c) _______ attractive, comely
39. early d) _______ clearly, openly, unequivocally
40. shapely e) _______ at or near the beginning of a period of

• The damage from the Katrina Hurricane in 2005 was immeasurably great in the US.

• Jane’s father told her quite explicitly to be home by midnight.

• You must be absolutely silent; or else, the birds won’t appear.

• Betty hates getting up too early in the morning.

• Car manufacturers have been criticized for using shapely models to advertise their cars.

41. cruelly a) _______ worthy of being remembered

42. memorably b) _______ pitilessly, brutally
43. presumably c) _______ quickly, hurriedly
44. properly d) _______ satisfactorily, correctly
45. hastily e) _______ most probably, likely, seemingly

• They can presumably afford to buy a bigger apartment.

• The washing machine is still not working properly.

• The book includes a range of memorably amusing and eccentric characters.

• David ate a hastily prepared sandwich and shot out the door.

• His girlfriend told him cruelly that she never wanted to see him again.


46. particularly a) _______ at present, now

47. recklessly b) _______ carelessly, rashly, doing without fear
48. drastically c) _______ wisely
49. sagely d) _______ considerably, intensely, radically
50. currently e) _______ especially, individually

• The new tax law will affect everyone, but particularly those on a low income.

• She tried to avoid travelling in a car with Mark because he drove so recklessly.

• The issue is currently being discussed by the members of the club.

• Our budget has been drastically reduced.

• The old man with long beard nodded his head sagely.

51. hardly a) _______ possibly, likely

52. respectively b) _______ barely, scarcely, almost not, only just
53. conceivably c) _______ during a particular period in the year
54. extremely d) _______ in the order given
55. seasonally e) _______ very, highly, enormously, exceptionally

• In the 1500 metre-final race, Elvan and Sarah came first and second respectively.

• The old woman could hardly stand up because the wind was so strong.

• If we hurry, we might just conceivably catch the train.

• Although total unemployment has decreased, the seasonally adjusted figure has risen slightly.

• I’m extremely sorry for not being here to meet you.

56. invariably a) _______ without plan, by chance

57. validly b) _______ enviously
58. wantonly c) _______ exactly, accurately
59. jealously d) _______ constantly, always
60. randomly e) _______ violently, aggressively, badly

¾ The books were randomly arranged on the shelves.

¾ Invariably, strong periods in an economy give way to recession.

¾ Sarah gazed jealously at her friend’s new car.

¾ It seemed to her that he had wantonly destroyed their relationship.

¾ These tests must be extensively checked before they can be validly applied.


61. extensively a) _______ particularly, most importantly

62. lucidly b) _______ widely, covering a large space
63. occasionally c) _______ clearly, coherently
64. ardently d) _______ sometimes, not often
65. notably e) _______ eagerly, keenly

¾ He occasionally goes to Istanbul.

¾ She listened ardently to his every word.

¾ The side effects of the new drug are being extensively researched.

¾ Our English teacher explains the grammar rules very lucidly.

¾ The new law affects the confidentiality enjoyed by many professions - notably lawyers, doctors and journa-

66. customarily a) _______ surprisingly, extremely, very

67. amazingly b) _______ delicately, thinly, fine
68. necessarily c) _______ virtually, almost, nearly
69. slightly d) _______ usually, habitually
70. practically e) _______ inevitably, unavoidably, always

¾ The fact that something is cheap doesn’t necessarily mean it’s of low quality.

¾ It’s practically impossible to get home in less than an hour when the traffic is heavy.

¾ Her sister is small and slightly built.

¾ Mr. Parker had a casual and relaxed manner that is customarily found in the typical Californian.

¾ Nicole Kidman’s latest film is amazingly popular in Japan.

71. voluntarily a) _______ cleverly

72. merely b) _______ enormously, extremely
73. immensely c) _______ willingly, without being forced
74. wisely d) _______ unendingly, continually, always
75. perpetually e) _______ only, just, simply

¾ Some deputies had very wisely left the party before all the trouble started.

¾ I wasn’t complaining, I merely said that I was tired.

¾ His business has perpetually been plagued by financial problems.

¾ Some pop-singers are immensely arrogant.

¾ If they will not leave the city voluntarily, the government will use force to get them to return to their villages.


76. fallaciously a) _______ cruelly, unpleasantly

77. seriously b) _______ obviously, apparently
78. harshly c) _______ in a false manner, incorrectly
79. nakedly d) _______ possibly, perhaps
80. potentially e) _______ severely

¾ The man wasn’t seriously injured - he just got a few cuts and bruises.

¾ Chain saws are potentially the most dangerous item of garden equipment.

¾ During the war American soldiers treated Iraqi slaves too harshly.

¾ His vulnerability was nakedly on display.

¾ She claims that the Government has fallaciously presented the privatization of public services as increa-
sing their efficiency.

81. generously a) _______ correctly, exactly, without mistake

82. scathingly b) _______ kindly, giving plentifully
83. predominantly c) _______ severely and unkindly critical, ruthlessly
84. bitterly d) _______ mostly, chiefly, mainly, primarily
85. accurately e) _______ very, extremely

• It can be bitterly cold in Moscow in the winter.

• Public opinion seems to be predominantly in favour of holding a referendum.

• She spoke scathingly of the poor standard of work done by her predecessor.

• The farmer generously allowed us to camp on his land.

• The plans should be drawn as accurately as possible, showing all the measurements.

86. destructively a) _______ intensely, thick, closely

87. thoroughly b) _______ comparatively
88. urgently c) _______ carefully, meticulously, in a detailed way
89. relatively d) _______ immediately, at once, right away, pressingly
90. densely e) _______ unpleasantly, not of good quality

• Tokyo is one of the most densely populated cities in the world.

• In the company of other children he behaves very destructively.

• Help is urgently needed to complete the building before winter starts.

• We went through the report thoroughly but the information we wanted wasn’t given anywhere.

• They had expected bloodshed, but there was relatively little violence.


91. courteously a) _______ respectfully, politely

92. roughly b) _______ disreputably, infamously
93. notoriously c) _______ emphatically, with great energy or force
94. vehemently d) _______ certainly
95. surely e) _______ approximately, around, nearly

• That man is notoriously known in our district.

• All the pupils stood up courteously when the teacher went into the classroom.

• My wife roughly chopped the tomatoes and onions and mixed them with the lettuce.

• She vehemently defended her right to a fair trial.

• Things are slowly but surely improving.

96. inaccurately a) _______ wrongly, incorrectly

97. elaborately b) _______ collectively, in a manner agreed by all
98. facetiously c) _______ nearly, almost, practically
99. unanimously d) _______ carefully detailed, having much ornament
100. virtually e) _______ funnily, humorously

• Their twins are virtually identical.

• It was the most elaborately decorated cake - all sugar flowers and bows.

• The clown was speaking very facetiously.

• We inaccurately reported that she had been convicted of fraud and we apologise for any distress this may
have caused.

• The UN General Assembly unanimously adopted a treaty making hostage-taking an international crime.

101. viciously a) _______ quickly, with high speed

102. candidly b) _______ only, exclusively
103. ingeniously c) _______ honestly, openly
104. fast d) _______ cleverly designed, skilfully invented
105. solely e) _______ badly, violently

¾ George was solely responsible for causing the accident.

¾ The man was viciously beaten by rascals.

¾ It’s almost impossible to get politicians to talk candidly about their ambitions.

¾ The umbrella was ingeniously devised to fold up into your pocket.

¾ The accident was caused by people driving too fast in bad conditions.


106. desolately a) _______ sadly, miserably, grievously, sorrowfully

107. low b) _______ thinly, inadequately
108. ultimately c) _______ skilfully, competently
109. ably d) _______ close to the ground or bottom
110. sparsely e) _______ eventually, finally, in the end

¾ He desolately re-read her letter, unable to believe that she was leaving him.

¾ The planes fly low across enemy territory.

¾ The area is sparsely inhabited because the land is poor.

¾ Everything will ultimately depend on what is said at the meeting with the directors next week.

¾ The magician performs his duties very ably.

111. truly a) _______ hopelessly

112. despairingly b) _______ really or verily
113. laboriously c) _______ chiefly, mostly
114. mainly d) _______ afterwards, later, then
115. subsequently e) _______ needing much effort, in a wearisome way

¾ I like him, but I can’t truly say I love him.

¾ The old school was bought and subsequently turned into a private dormitory.

¾ He spoke despairingly of the increase in the number of people who are unemployed.

¾ The group is made up of mainly young people.

¾ The teacher wrote out the whole list laboriously by hand.

116. shamelessly a) _______ in a dishonour manner, unacceptably

117. inadvertently b) _______ unintentionally, not deliberately
118. punctually c) _______ considerably, largely, to a large extent
119. ingenuously d) _______ exactingly, strictly, fastidiously
120. substantially e) _______ frankly, sincerely (sometimes foolishly)

¾ The meeting started punctually at 11 o’clock.

¾ She’s shamelessly having an affair with her friend’s husband.

¾ The industry has substantially changed as a result of the increased use of electronic systems.

¾ Despite the evidence, she still ingenuously believes that her husband was never unfaithful to her.

¾ I know he was only trying to help, but he was inadvertently adding to our problems by phoning us up all the


• Kutunun solundaki İngilizce deyimsel fiilleri, cümle içindeki kullanımlarına da bakarak, sağdaki Türkçe an-
lamlarıyla eşleştiriniz.

1. break into a) _______ (çocuk) büyütmek, yetiştirmek

2. act up b) _______ arıza yapmak
3. bring up c) _______ zorla bir yere gitmek
4. wipe out d) _______ hayal kırıklığına uğratmak
5. let down e) _______ silip süpürmek, yok etmek

• I had better take my car to the garage. It has been acting up lately.

• A burglar attempted to break into our flat last night.

• His aunt managed to bring up six children despite poverty.

• The goalkeeper of the team let the trainer down.

• A large number of animals were wiped out by epidemic.

6. turn away a) _______ yazmak, not almak

7. break down b) _______ bitirmek, tüketmek
8. live on c) _______ geri çevirmek
9. use up d) _______ bozulmak, arızalanmak
10. write down e) _______ varlığını sürdürmek, -ile yaşamak

• Their son used up all the money and went out to get some more credits.

• The authorities turned 5000 refugees away at the border.

• As my car broke down on the highway, I was late for work this morning.

• Most animals live on green plants.

• The secretary wrote down my address in her notebook.

11. take after a) _______ yol açmak, ortaya çıkarmak

12. get away b) _______ dağıtmak
13. hand out c) _______ benzemek, birisine çekmek
14. bring about d) _______ istemek, rica etmek
15. ask for e) _______ kaçmak, terk etmek

• The boy asked his father for a new-brand mobile-phone.

• A young girl hands out brochures on the corner of the street.

• The three robbers got away in a stolen car.

• His son seems to take after his uncle.

• Her plans will bring about a change in the policy.


16. break up a) _______ göz kulak olmak

17. keep an eye on b) _______ ayrılmak, boşanmak
18. feel like c) _______ açıklamak, hesap vermek
19. call on d) _______ canı istemek, arzulamak
20. account for e) _______ ziyaret etmek

• We asked for our next door neighbour to keep an eye on our flat while we are on holiday.

• The former minister couldn’t account for all the money in the bank.

• As Tom and Jane aren’t going steady any more, they have decided to break up.

• I feel like eating ice-cream now.

• The students called on their sick teacher today.

21. come across a) _______ yerine getirmek, yürütmek

22. do without b) _______ rastlamak, karşılaşmak
23. carry out c) _______ idare etmek, yetinmek
24. give up d) _______ üstesinden gelmek; uğraşmak, ilgilenmek
25. deal with e) _______ bırakmak, terk etmek

• As I was crossing the street, I came across my primary school teacher.

• I can do without your help on this matter.

• As parents, we should carry out our responsibilities.

• The dentist can deal with your problem soon.

• My father gave up smoking a decade ago.

26. back up a) _______ patlak vermek, çıkmak

27. break out b) _______ azalmak, dinmek
28. go off c) _______ aramak, araştırmak
29. look for d) _______ yetişmek, aynı düzeye gelmek
30. catch up with e) _______ desteklemek

¾ Many EU countries have had regular peacetime conscription so as to be ready for war if it should break

¾ The mother backs her son up no matter what he does.

¾ You should study harder if you want to catch up with your classmates.

¾ He spent nearly an hour looking for his keys.

¾ If a pain goes off, you don’t feel it anymore.


31. grow up a) _______ anlamak, arayıp ortaya çıkarmak

32. find out b) _______ oluşturmak
33. calm down c) _______ geri dönmek, tekrar aramak
34. make up d) _______ büyümek, yetişmek
35. call back e) _______ yatışmak, sakinleşmek

¾ Their colleague didn’t find out that they had been planning a birthday party for him.

¾ My father was so upset that nothing could calm him down.

¾ Nancy grew up in a big city; thus, she had great difficulty in getting used to life in the countryside.

¾ Just leave your contact information below, and we will call you back as soon as possible.

¾ North Africans make up the largest and poorest immigrant group in the country.

36. put up with a) _______ anlamak, çözmek

37. figure out b) _______ katlanmak, tahammül etmek
38. get along with c) _______ başarısız olmak
39. look up to d) _______ iyi geçinmek, anlaşmak
40. fall through e) _______ saygı duymak, örnek almak

¾ Scientists try to figure out how the immune system and brain communicate to control disease.

¾ She could have passed the exam but she fell through.

¾ Every teacher in our school seems to get along with each other.

¾ I have always looked up to my grandfather because he has lived such an amazing life.

¾ The audience couldn’t put up with the chairman’s long speech.

41. work out a) _______ toplamak, ilave etmek

42. fill out b) _______ (birine) bakmak, hizmet vermek
43. add up c) _______ halletmek, çözüm bulmak
44. look after d) _______ doldurmak
45. cut down on e) _______ masraftan kısmak, azaltmak

¾ Since the city began using the high-tech system, police and the company say they have worked out most
of the bugs.

¾ Each candidate must fill out an application form.

¾ Her neighbor promised to look after her baby when she went shopping.

¾ They tried to cut down on the money they were spending on entertainment.

¾ What’s the total of those bills? Could you add them up and see?


46. call off a) _______ kurtulmak, def etmek

47. keep on b) _______ bütün borçları ödemek
48. pay off c) _______ (istenmedik bir duruma) yol açmak
49. bring on d) _______ devam ettirmek, sürdürmek
50. get rid of e) _______ iptal etmek, durdurmak

¾ The council called off today’s meeting.

¾ She tried to keep on singing long after her voice was ruined.

¾ I hope you will pay off your dept soon.

¾ Most voters tried to get rid of the corrupt Mayor in the last local elections.

¾ Smoking brings on severe health problems.

51. go through a) _______ vurgulamak

52. come up with b) _______ geçirmek, tecrübe etmek
53. dwell on c) _______ (fikir) ortaya atmak, bulmak
54. pick at d) _______ isteksiz yemek, kusur bulmak
55. move out e) _______ taşınmak, evi boşaltmak

¾ The harassment had become too much to tolerate, so they decided to move out the flat.
¾ Don’t treat your sister badly; she is going through a hard time these days.
¾ He’s come up with a good idea for the business plan. Can we discuss it today?
¾ She picked at a plate of cheese for supper, but she wasn’t really hungry.
¾ The author dwells on the significance of education in rural areas.

56. go up a) _______ arabayla almak, toparlamak

57. get over b) _______ yükselmek, artmak
58. settle down c) _______ oturmak, yerleşmek
59. keep up with d) _______ iyileşmek, düzelmek, eski haline gelmek
60. pick up e) _______ ile aynı hızda gitmek, -e ayak uydurmak

¾ You should rest if you want to get over this illness.

¾ Susan picked up her children at the day care center.

¾ Before he settled down in Spain, he had run his own antiques shop in Paris.

¾ The runner could not keep up with the other athletes.

¾ Second-hand car prices went up last summer.

When you were born you cried and the world rejoiced.
Live your life in such a manner that when you die the world cries and you rejoice.



1. B 36. E 71. D 106. C 1. D 31. D 61. C 91. E
2. D 37. C 72. E 107. E 2. A 32. B 62. A 92. D
3. E 38. B 73. A 108. D
3. E 33. E 63. E 93. B
4. A 39. D 74. C 109. A
4. B 34. A 64. D 94. A
5. C 40. A 75. B 110. B
6. E 41. D 76. E 111. C 5. C 35. C 65. B 95. C

7. A 42. B 77. C 112. A 6. B 36. E 66. D 96. D

8. C 43. A 78. B 113. E 7. D 37. C 67. C 97. A
9. D 44. E 79. A 114. B
8. E 38. D 68. E 98. C
10. B 45. C 80. D 115. D
9. A 39. A 69. B 99. E
11. B 46. C 81. E 116. D
10. C 40. B 70. A 100. B
12. E 47. D 82. C 117. A
13. A 48. A 83. B 118. B 11. C 41. D 71. E 101. B

14. D 49. E 84. A 119. E 12. D 42. B 72. A 102. C

15. C 50. B 85. D 120. C 13. B 43. E 73. D 103. A
16. D 51. D 86. C 121. D
14. A 44. C 74. C 104. E
17. B 52. A 87. D 122. B
15. E 45. A 75. B 105. D
18. C 53. B 88. E 123. E
19. E 54. C 89. A 124. C 16. E 46. B 76. D 106. E

20. A 55. E 90. B 125. A 17. A 47. A 77. A 107. A

21. A 56. E 91. C 126. B 18. D 48. E 78. B 108. D
22. C 57. A 92. A 127. A
19. C 49. C 79. E 109. C
23. E 58. B 93. E 128. D
20. B 50. D 80. C 110. B
24. D 59. C 94. D 129. E
21. D 51. D 81. E 111. E
25. B 60. D 95. B 130. C
26. E 61. D 96. A 131. B 22. C 52. A 82. C 112. A

27. B 62. E 97. D 132. D 23. B 53. E 83. D 113. B

28. A 63. B 98. E 133. C 24. E 54. C 84. A 114. D
29. C 64. A 99. C 134. A
25. A 55. B 85. B 115. C
30. D 65. C 100. B 135. E
26. E 56. D 86. E 116. E
31. D 66. A 101. D 136. A
32. E 67. C 102. C 137. C 27. C 57. A 87. A 117. B

33. A 68. B 103. A 138. B 28. B 58. C 88. C 118. D

34. B 69. E 104. B 139. D 29. A 59. E 89. B 119. A
35. C 70. D 105. E 140. E
30. D 60. B 90. D 120. C


1. D 31. C 61. D 91. E 1. C 31. D 61. B 91. A
2. A 32. D 62. A 92. D 2. B 32. E 62. C 92. E
3. B 33. B 63. E 93. B 3. A 33. B 63. D 93. B
4. E 34. E 64. C 94. C 4. E 34. A 64. E 94. C
5. C 35. A 65. B 95. A 5. D 35. C 65. A 95. D
6. D 36. D 66. C 96. E 6. E 36. B 66. D 96. A
7. C 37. E 67. A 97. C 7. D 37. D 67. A 97. D
8. B 38. A 68. B 98. B 8. B 38. A 68. E 98. E
9. E 39. C 69. E 99. A 9. C 39. E 69. B 99. B
10. A 40. B 70. D 100. D 10. A 40. C 70. C 100. C
11. E 41. D 71. A 101. C 11. D 41. B 71. C 101. E
12. D 42. B 72. C 102. B 12. C 42. A 72. E 102. C
13. C 43. E 73. E 103. D 13. A 43. E 73. B 103. D
14. B 44. C 74. B 104. E 14. B 44. D 74. A 104. A
15. A 45. A 75. D 105. A 15. E 45. C 75. D 105. B
16. C 46. C 76. D 106. D 16. C 46. E 76. C 106. A
17. B 47. B 77. C 107. E 17. A 47. B 77. E 107. D
18. E 48. E 78. A 108. B 18. D 48. D 78. A 108. E
19. A 49. A 79. E 109. C 19. B 49. C 79. B 109. C
20. D 50. D 80. B 110. A 20. E 50. A 80. D 110. B
21. E 51. B 81. E 111. E 21. A 51. B 81. B 111. B
22. D 52. A 82. D 112. A 22. B 52. D 82. C 112. A
23. A 53. D 83. C 113. D 23. E 53. A 83. D 113. E
24. B 54. E 84. B 114. B 24. C 54. E 84. E 114. C
25. C 55. C 85. A 115. C 25. D 55. C 85. A 115. D
26. D 56. D 86. D 116. B 26. E 56. D 86. E 116. A
27. C 57. B 87. C 117. D 27. A 57. C 87. C 117. B
28. A 58. E 88. E 118. C 28. B 58. E 88. D 118. D
29. E 59. C 89. B 119. A 29. C 59. B 89. B 119. E
30. B 60. A 90. A 120. E 30. D 60. A 90. A 120. C



1. C 31. D

2. B 32. A

3. A 33. E

4. E 34. B

5. D 35. C

6. C 36. B

7. D 37. A

8. E 38. D

9. B 39. E

10. A 40. C

11. C 41. C

12. E 42. D

13. B 43. A

14. A 44. B

15. D 45. E

16. B 46. E

17. A 47. D

18. D 48. B

19. E 49. C

20. C 50. A

21. B 51. B

22. C 52. C

23. A 53. A

24. E 54. D

25. D 55. E

26. E 56. B

27. A 57. D

28. B 58. C

29. C 59. E

30. D 60. A




5. Every student learns the ----- of their country in

VOCABULARY TEST 1 primary and secondary school.

A) distance B) history
1. Texas is a big state in the South Central ----- of C) graduation D) prison
the United States. E) hatred
A) ocean B) region C) farm
D) elevator E) reason

6. What ----- of car you drive is not important for me.

A) secret B) middle
C) mountain D) type

2. All kids need -----; therefore, they should go out E) taste

and play with their friends.

A) harm B) cage C) removal

D) exercise E) dirt

7. University students usually have to do ----- and

prepare reports for their courses.

A) court B) disagreement
C) factory D) research
E) resignation

3. Eggs, milk, butter and cheese are only a few of

the ----- of our farm in the village.

A) companies B) patients 8. Birthday cakes are ----- in many Western cultures.

C) products D) customers
A) jealous B) common
E) teams
C) curious D) patient
E) harmful

4. The ----- of Antarctica makes up most of the

Antarctic region. 9. When students move to a new school, they
sometimes ----- problems.
A) expenditure B) planet
A) face B) conquer
C) approval D) satellite
C) resemble D) clean
E) continent
E) suggest


10. Antarctica looks small on this map, but it is ----- 15. It is always ----- in this city, so the temperature
bigger than Australia. never goes below 20°C.

A) simply B) enthusiastically A) wasteful B) cold

C) accidentally D) actually C) snowy D) dirty
E) easily E) warm

16. This brown hat is too small for me to -----.

11. I just ----- the directions on the box because it
was really easy. A) die B) drink
C) shout D) wear
A) followed B) invaded
E) cry
C) bent D) relaxed
E) violated

17. It is extremely ----- to walk alone in this part of

the city at night.

A) ordinary B) dangerous
C) special D) busy
E) sustainable

12. Some rich people in our country have their own

----- planes.

A) sweet B) confident
18. Those three kinds of chocolate are -----, but this
C) delicious D) stupid one is the best.
E) private
A) risky B) silly
C) good D) deaf
E) blind

13. My brother doesn’t care about his clothes as

clothes don’t ----- to him. 19. As a businessman, you should keep your money
in a ----- place.
A) matter B) consider
A) crazy B) simple
C) show D) fail
C) cool D) tiny
E) prevent
E) safe

14. A rabbit can run -----, but a turtle can’t do this. 20. Jane’s mother ----- her baby when she is at work.

A) fast B) illegally A) gives up B) depend on

C) slowly D) implicitly C) takes care of D) puts out
E) tediously E) calls off


6. Tom ----- books about music and art; he has more

VOCABULARY TEST 2 than 100 at the moment.

A) gives B) invites
1. The farmers ----- rain this morning, but the weather C) fixes D) collects
was sunny. E) hates
A) expected B) copied
C) marked D) placed
E) ordered

7. The story was completely -----; however, nobody

believed it.
2. Our first visit to New York was a wonderful -----
for us. A) wrong B) fake
A) army B) hostage C) false D) envious
C) enemy D) experience E) true
E) captivity

3. As a patient, you have the right to ask your doctor 8. Instead of walking, you should take a taxi because
questions about your -----. it will ----- time.

A) health B) roof A) lead B) save

C) government D) island C) notice D) throw
E) career E) reply

4. You must think about it twice before you make a 9. Would you please ----- some water for me?
A) cost B) hang
A) finger B) dream C) pour D) marry
C) decision D) size E) divorce
E) dimension

10. Don’t ----- the cat go outside when it is rainy or

5. Yesterday afternoon his wife had a bad car -----, snowy.
but she is fine now.
A) accept B) explain
A) truth B) neighbor C) cover D) let
C) sight D) accident E) admit
E) utility


11. Since there are too many things in the bag, it is 16. My sister just started to learn Arabic, so she is at
about to -----. the beginning -----.

A) break B) eat A) choice B) level

C) suspect D) pause C) member D) result
E) start E) colleague

12. I couldn’t remember exactly how long the film -----. 17. Yesterday wasn’t a ----- school day, so the students
got out early.
A) lasted B) elected
A) lonely B) narrow
C) rushed D) shaved
C) pretty D) regular
E) escaped
E) profitable

13. The old patient had an intense ----- in his left leg.

A) guest B) pain
18. There was snow all over the mountain, from the
C) ring D) sign top to the -----.
E) fog
A) bottom B) holiday
C) present D) soldier
E) duration

14. After the trip, they were hungry, so they went out
for a -----.
19. A wedding is a very important ----- in a person’s
A) church B) joke life.
C) meal D) shock
A) attack B) danger
E) pedestrian
C) event D) message
E) cavity

15. We have happy ----- of our trip to the beach last 20. Brass is ----- copper and zinc.
A) deprived of B) made from
A) challenges B) differences
C) familiar with D) delighted with
C) drugs D) memories
E) disappointed with
E) violations


6. Generally the elder sister in a family has a big

VOCABULARY TEST 3 ----- on her little sisters.

A) stage B) prize
1. I am not sure who stole the ring, but it was C) remedy D) influence
----- Mary. E) smell
A) immediately B) neatly
C) probably D) terribly
E) voluntarily

7. The soldiers have not learned all the ----- of the

plan yet.

A) details B) insects
2. The customer ----- a pizza and an orange juice C) wires D) sailors
from the waiter. E) tailors
A) joined B) ordered
C) tied D) varied
E) painted

8. After graduating from university, my brother will

----- for these jobs.

A) imagine B) apply
C) decrease D) warn
3. I don’t ----- to go out tonight because I am ill. E) sell

A) divide B) take
C) threaten D) want
E) eat

9. Before you start your new job, you will need some
4. The President has a difficult and tiring job; thus
he is under a lot of -----. A) forest B) arrogance
C) training D) tear
A) compassion B) love
E) horror
C) stress D) happiness
E) fortune

5. During the match, all the players got ----- in the

rain. 10. I read only part of the report, not the ----- thing.

A) alive B) heavy A) weak B) gentle

C) thick D) dry C) distant D) polite
E) wet E) entire


11. The earth ----- around the sun. 16. The lorry driver was driving slowly, trying to -----
the bad places in the road.
A) takes B) fills
A) avoid B) increase
C) revolves D) brings
C) respect D) support
E) diminishes
E) conclude

12. The two brothers spend a lot of time together as

they have a close -----.
17. The ----- of all the grades in the 7th class was 85%.
A) laughter B) moisture
C) betrayal D) relationship A) skull B) average
E) difference C) ceremony D) rehearsal
E) harmony

13. Especially young people usually drive faster on

----- roads. 18. Most stores in the mall close at 9 o’clock in the
evening, but ----- ones stay open later.
A) social B) straight
C) adjacent D) immediate A) certain B) shy
E) obedient C) calm D) upset
E) boring

14. Let me try to explain my idea again because I 19. In biology, the ----- of “environment” is the place
didn’t ----- myself well. where organisms live or occupy.

A) express B) kill A) damage B) excitement

C) gain D) beat C) destination D) definition
E) lose E) bravery

20. We can ----- the problem of space by building an

extension near the hospital.
15. We gain ----- when we eat too much.
A) back up B) see off
A) price B) passion
C) keep on D) add up
C) mistake D) skill
E) work out
E) weight


6. The cost of some hotel rooms ----- breakfast.

A) invents B) competes
C) includes D) develops
1. Air pollution may ----- heart attacks, asthma, and E) explodes
other respiratory complications.

A) treat B) notice
C) clean D) cause
E) defend
7. Motor vehicles are the ----- cause of air pollution
in the United States.

A) clever B) witty
C) insufficient D) deficient
2. The World Health Organization calls climate E) leading
change the greatest ----- to global health in the
21st century.

A) success B) sacrifice
C) victory D) preference
E) threat
8. The meteorology experts expect snow across the
whole ----- tomorrow morning.

A) severity B) culture
C) region D) explanation
3. You should listen to this young singer who has
a beautiful -----. E) restriction

A) oil B) ground
C) leather D) voice
E) feather

9. Deficient knowledge means that a person lacks

cognitive information relating to a ----- topic.

A) trivial B) shy
4. A bus driver must pay ----- to his driving, especially
in the city center. C) mild D) harmless
E) specific
A) agreement B) attention
C) poverty D) wisdom
E) production

10. In some developed countries, shopping online is

gradually ----- shopping at store.
5. Sudden changes in class size will ----- all students
and teachers. A) studying B) replying
C) shooting D) obeying
A) claim B) disappear
E) replacing
C) record D) affect
E) succeed


11. The bus makes ----- stops, so it takes a long time 16. The interesting clothes in the store window ----- a
to get there. lot of attention.

A) active B) low A) divided B) attracted

C) frequent D) sharp C) awarded D) noticed
E) bright E) boiled

12. The future may seem far away, but you need to 17. I have just moved here, so I don’t know many
start planning -----. members of the -----.

A) loudly B) vaguely A) discovery B) invitation

C) early D) noisily C) community D) strength
E) indefinitely E) invasion

13. The hospital won’t ----- visitors to stay after 8:00

18. The two close friends said good-bye and ----- to
keep in touch with each other forever.
A) apply B) pronounce
C) shout D) allow A) deleted B) resigned
E) smile C) promised D) exploded
E) abolished

14. The poor man had enough money for only a pair 19. Unlike girls, boys usually like exciting movies that
of ----- shoes. are full of action and -----.

A) personal B) expensive A) silence B) service

C) awake D) cheap C) flour D) investment
E) charming E) adventure

15. The ----- of this report is to briefly explain the latest 20. The other driver will ----- driving the bus when the
changes in strategic plans. current driver gets tired or feels sleepy.

A) purpose B) commodity A) get off B) shut up

C) variety D) season C) go ahead D) take over
E) duration E) knock down


6. The Pacific is the largest and deepest ----- in the


A) river B) lake
1. Last month our neighbor ----- money from the C) ocean D) sea
bank to buy a new house. E) brook

A) offered B) attached
C) avoided D) designed
E) borrowed

7. You have worked hard all week, so you ----- some

time off.
2. We divided the bill so that we all paid ----- amounts.
A) appear B) deserve
A) southern B) mental
C) flow D) treat
C) equal D) rural
E) diminish
E) urban

3. Above all, you should ----- a date for the next

meeting. 8. If Adam practices a bit more, he will ----- himself.

A) set B) rent A) oppose B) tie

C) heat D) blow C) improve D) invest

E) sell E) shoot

4. It is ----- to feel sad when your friends or relatives 9. The reporters took notes on the ----- parts of the
go away. president’s speech.

A) local B) former A) key B) worthless

C) perfect D) natural C) cheap D) trifling

E) old E) thick

5. The company produces cars of high -----, so of 10. Since the road is in bad -----, you should drive
course they are expensive. slowly.

A) risk B) illiteracy A) condition B) description

C) production D) digestion C) pension D) operation

E) quality E) donation


11. Their research led to new ----- in medical care for 16. I go to my grandfather for advice because he has
patients with burns. always had a ----- influence on my life.

A) loads B) developments A) recent B) confused

C) limits D) surfaces C) political D) major
E) irregularities E) skinny

12. Photoshop is one of the most ----- editing 17. Everything around us is part of our -----.
softwares, with a huge amount of tools.
A) shoulder B) flight
A) creaky B) redundant
C) environment D) restriction
C) versatile D) alone
E) loss
E) ripe

18. People with low self-confidence tend to ----- a task

13. Samuel goes to all the games, so it isn’t ----- that much sooner than people with a strong belief in
he would miss this one. their own abilities.

A) scientific B) valuable A) continue B) urge

C) huge D) likely C) induce D) launch
E) arid E) quit

14. My sister is afraid of losing her job as she has 19. If you work so hard without resting, you will
little job -----. ----- before long.

A) industry B) society A) stay up B) burn out

C) injury D) passion C) pull through D) pick on
E) security E) figure out

15. Farmers are really in a very bad ----- after ten 20. Nobody can ----- why several people are in favour
weeks of no rain. of war instead of peace.

A) trade B) respiration A) turn off B) send for

C) situation D) ambition C) make out D) run over
E) peace E) look after


6. Those who don’t believe in ----- think that with

VOCABULARY TEST 6 hard work, you can make anything happen.

A) conflict B) controversy
1. The first ----- in finding a job is self-confidence. C) fate D) familiarity
E) paradox
A) loss B) step
C) devastation D) nation
E) lie

7. When you go to the zoo, you shouldn’t approach

or touch a ----- animal.

A) social B) wild
2. You need to ----- your wardrobe so that you can
find your clothes easily. C) puzzled D) mild
E) thrifty
A) multiply B) block
C) organize D) drip
E) mix

8. If you want to drive in the USA, you have to buy

car ----- in case you get into an accident.

A) vehicle B) discount
3. Mr. Brown has a small business with fewer than
20 full-time -----. C) insurance D) permission
E) comparison
A) necessities B) employees
C) volunteers D) criminals
E) enemies

9. When his wife died, Jack never thought he would

4. Dubai is a perfect holiday spot for a honeymoon
recover from his -----.
because of its ----- tourist attractions like the Burj
Khalifa. A) grief B) version
A) inadequate B) primitive C) well-being D) honesty
C) dirty D) awesome E) commitment
E) cruel

5. You should put on your ----- and scarf as it is very 10. I can help you whenever you need to ----- a text
cold outside. into English.

A) gloves B) legends A) calculate B) greet

C) stains D) stories C) accuse D) translate
E) relatives E) oppose


11. Since this comedian’s jokes aren’t funny to me, I 16. Next week there is going to be a farewell party to
really don’t appreciate his -----. ----- the former manager.

A) dismissal B) humor A) shame B) honor

C) rage D) vigilance C) observe D) stretch
E) anger E) condescend

12. You need to know the ----- meaning of that word 17. The kids who ----- how to read usually start by
because it is very important. reading out loud.

A) anxious B) trifling A) learn B) discourage

C) boring D) striking C) warn D) outnumber
E) precise E) prevail

18. The price of a new car ----- from $10,000 to

$300,000 in the United States.
13. When you go to a job interview, it is essential to
dress -----.
A) delays B) flashes
A) particularly B) properly C) ranges D) calculates
C) deliberately D) artificially E) abandons
E) hesitatingly

19. If you ----- school, you will never get a good job.
14. I will always ----- the smell of that perfume with
my mother. A) carry out B) go on
C) settle down D) drop out
A) reveal B) entertain
E) persist in
C) focus D) associate
E) serve

20. I am very tired now because I ----- too late last

15. That vase looks heavy, but actually it isn’t because night.
it is -----.
A) stayed up B) grew out of
A) domestic B) full
C) stood out D) put out
C) immature D) endless
E) gave up
E) hollow


6. If you ----- only on the details, you might not be

VOCABULARY TEST 7 able to see the big picture.

A) interfere B) possess
1. My father ----- his car yesterday evening because C) invest D) focus
he had a terrible accident. E) freeze
A) elected B) possessed
C) implied D) damaged
E) emphasized

7. Since some people have a special ----- with dogs,

they can almost read their minds.

2. It is a ----- opportunity; you will never have such A) bond B) drum

a good opportunity again. C) stone D) guilt
A) royal B) poetic E) revenge
C) unique D) mild
E) tedious

8. Everyone who meets Feyza remembers her as

she is a ----- woman.
3. As this process requires a very complex -----, only
an expert can explain it to you in detail. A) detrimental B) innate
A) scent B) infant C) mild D) striking
C) lid D) procedure E) lucrative
E) witticism

9. You shouldn’t walk on the grass, instead you had

better stay on the -----.
4. The answer of the question is -----; I don’t know
why I didn’t think of it before. A) theme B) lawn
A) secretive B) contagious C) journal D) path
C) proper D) obscure E) fire
E) obvious

10. The government spends very little money on

5. It feels good to ----- when you first wake up in the
education; in fact, almost 60 percent of the people
in the country are -----.
A) entertain B) slip
A) profitable B) athletic
C) stretch D) gesture
C) furious D) anxious
E) weep
E) illiterate


11. We don’t know what will happen even tomorrow 16. As Nihal is very -----, she is good at most sports.
because the future seems -----.
A) economic B) athletic
A) plain B) uncertain
C) intellectual D) careless
C) normal D) clear
E) submissive
E) evident

12. Since this is a ----- area, you cannot enter.

17. He went to the pharmacy to get the medicine that
his doctor -----.
A) talented B) remarkable
C) moral D) restricted A) suffered B) examined
E) free C) defeated D) prescribed
E) concealed

13. He is not doing well in school because he has a

bad -----.
18. They ----- to kill him if he didn’t give them all of
his money.
A) appearance B) individual
C) attitude D) official A) poisoned B) contacted
E) affinity C) persuaded D) survived
E) threatened

14. If a police officer comes to arrest you, it is illegal

to -----.
19. I have tried to ----- her behavior, but I just can’t
understand her.
A) possess B) fluctuate
C) analyze D) resist A) turn down B) come up with
E) supply C) make sense of D) apologize for
E) wipe out

15. My grandfather is ----- from a very serious disease.

20. Because of its beauty, that painting -----.
A) examining B) reducing
C) conducting D) suffering A) burns out B) stands out
E) buffering C) brings up D) calls for
E) puts off


6. Poems often contain words that -----.

A) spin B) refuse
C) compete D) rhyme
1. What ----- are you wearing? It smells heavenly! E) extinguish
A) stain B) divergence
C) fragrance D) sparkle
E) scar

7. Apart from other Anatolian football teams,

Trabzonspor has won several ----- so far.

A) complaints B) championships
2. That performer ----- received $10,000 for just one C) cells D) features
E) prohibitions
A) rapidly B) reportedly
C) morally D) historically
E) painfully

8. I’m so sorry that I woke you up. I didn’t ----- it was

so early.

3. The scientist conducted some ----- to find out how A) identify B) intend
much sleep most teens need.
C) wish D) expire
A) experiments B) toys E) realize
C) rewards D) patterns
E) gifts

9. Teenagers are usually very concerned about the

opinions of their -----.

4. Oranges are generally sweet, but this one is very A) expeditions B) columns
C) celebrations D) murals
A) contagious B) suitable E) peers
C) mild D) light
E) bitter

5. The cat ----- the little girl on the face. 10. I believe in freedom and ----- for all people.

A) scratched B) survived A) justice B) courage

C) cured D) prevented C) gravity D) mystery
E) nominated E) graveyard


11. Historically, women have ----- less money than 16. Aylin is the most ----- woman I know because she
men. is not afraid of anything.

A) murdered B) warned A) beneficial B) courageous

C) applauded D) killed C) fortunate D) depressed
E) made E) extravagant

12. The wrestler won the ----- despite his illness. 17. His work is -----, but not brilliant.

A) drought B) poison A) acceptable B) hilarious

C) cavity D) leisure C) severe D) evil
E) competition E) bad

13. The committee gave her the job because of her

strong ----- in international business.
18. There are many ----- to getting a good university
A) pattern B) destruction education.

C) background D) challenge A) complaints B) traits

E) weakness C) concerns D) advantages
E) controversies

14. Please stop making so much noise in the room. I

need to ----- on my project.
19. Leave your little brother alone. Don’t ----- him.
A) concentrate B) determine
A) set up B) bring up
C) identify D) prescribe
C) drop out D) call off
E) violate
E) pick on

15. Fortunately, the old patient in the intensive care

unit ----- from the illness.
20. Because I’m your close friend, I will always ---
A) fainted B) prolonged -- you.
C) intended D) recovered
A) stand by B) sell out
E) wanted
C) grow out of D) get rid of
E) give away


6. The German teacher ----- the students to tell their

VOCABULARY TEST 9 stories about their summer vacation.

A) disappeared B) encouraged
1. People can go to libraries to find ----- about almost C) devastated D) terminated
anything. E) capsized
A) nurses B) facts
C) shoulders D) wings
E) ships

7. Considering that David is a good swimmer, he has

no ----- of the water.

2. I have great ----- for your mother and father since A) fear B) knife
they always try to boost their child’s self-esteem C) meat D) value
and morale.
E) revenue
A) age B) bone
C) spice D) respect
E) wilderness

8. He talked about two of his friends, but he didn’t

----- their names.
3. I have a terrible cold and cough, so it is really hard A) travel B) mention
to ----- through my nose.
C) hurt D) draw
A) argue B) shine E) increase
C) drive D) paint
E) breathe

9. Were I in your shoes, I would take his ----- and I

would not eat at the terminal restaurant.
4. Apart from your brain, your heart is inside your A) compensation B) training
C) advice D) mind
A) chest B) kidney E) victory
C) ankle D) knee
E) liver

10. The shop will be closed for a short ----- because

5. The current government in North Korea has a lot of the funeral in the family.
of ----- over people’s lives.
A) behavior B) period
A) bride B) taste C) supply D) rate
C) power D) skin E) candidate
E) pavement


11. There were no tables ----- at the first restaurant, 16. The boss ----- me for anything whenever there is
so we went to another. a trouble in the company.

A) relaxed B) available A) robs B) blames

C) disappointing D) creative C) predicts D) bakes
E) illegible E) praises

12. The fat woman has made a great ----- to lose 17. Since she left school at a young age, she didn’t
weight for a few months. go beyond ninth -----.

A) instability B) fluctuation A) axis B) summit

C) simplification D) amount C) tin D) border
E) effort E) grade

18. Those ----- flowers do not need water.

13. Some students weren’t ----- of the change in the
schedule. A) foreign B) appropriate
C) cultivable D) artificial
A) aware B) basic
E) legible
C) public D) wild
E) generous

19. People often use dictionaries to ----- the meanings

of new words.
14. France ----- hundreds of kinds of cheese.
A) look up B) make up
A) reaches B) amuses C) cut down on D) turn down
C) relaxes D) produces E) take after
E) delays

15. The airplane was invented more than a ----- ago. 20. I need to ----- the answer to this math problem.

A) flight B) century A) go up B) figure out

C) soil D) space C) belong to D) look forward to
E) sky E) run over


6. The salesman sometimes makes mistakes, but

VOCABULARY TEST 10 -----, he is doing a very good job.

A) indefinitely B) hardly
1. Following the wedding ceremony a few guests C) particularly D) overall
came with us since we had plenty of ----- in our E) immorally

A) fist B) room
C) grief D) yeast
E) cream
7. It was a ----- that the famous basketballer died so
young in a terrible accident.

A) preference B) tragedy
C) fraud D) witness
2. X-rays are the most common and ----- available E) choice
diagnostic imaging technique.

A) solely B) unwisely
C) scarcely D) fiercely
E) widely
8. Because you didn’t ----- him when he came in, we
thought that you were angry with him.

A) greet B) overlook
C) confirm D) abuse
3. Computers did not ----- 100 years ago. E) lick
A) spread B) demand
C) exist D) encourage
E) smile

9. The goalkeeper of our soccer team was -----

injured during the final game and subsequently
taken to the hospital by ambulance last night.
4. The students ----- a lot of money at their summer
jobs. A) gradually B) seriously
C) arbitrarily D) shamelessly
A) repaired B) hampered
E) insidiously
C) boiled D) earned
E) illuminated

5. Everybody knows that water, oil, and juice are

10. Most of the items shared online have some sense
all -----.
of ----- about them.
A) liquids B) rules
A) assignment B) resignation
C) containers D) disasters
C) astonishment D) assault
E) pills
E) humor


11. Sally is still in the hospital; she is trying to recover 16. The little boy was very ----- to survive the fire.
from a serious ----- after an operation.
A) evil B) fortunate
A) famine B) humanity
C) simple D) gifted
C) illness D) victim
E) harmful
E) poverty

17. Since I wasn’t ----- in the project, my friend had

12. I tried to talk to him, but he completely ----- me. to do it by himself.

A) ignored B) invested A) sedated B) rejected

C) infected D) reviewed C) involved D) threatened
E) appreciated D) hesitated

18. We have all the tools we need to do the job, so

you don’t need to bring any -----.
13. The father is ----- to find his daughter; in fact, he
won’t stop searching until he dies.
A) technique B) equipment
A) reluctant B) puzzled C) theory D) challenge
C) reserved D) determined D) heritage
E) illogical

19. I think we have ----- everything we need for the


14. My cousin’s ----- with money is destroying her life. A) run over B) blown up
C) brought about D) carried on
A) discount B) institution
E) set up with
C) function D) obsession
E) intersection

15. I can’t go on the trip because my parents won’t 20. Caroline was just ----- the flu when she got a
give me -----. stomach bug.

A) seminar B) permission A) abiding by B) getting over

C) stamp D) request C) cutting down D) running out of
E) ambition E) thinking over



Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10

1. B 1. A 1. C 1. D 1. E 1. B 1. D 1. C 1. B 1. B

2. D 2. D 2. B 2. E 2. C 2. C 2. C 2. B 2. D 2. E

3. C 3. A 3. D 3. D 3. A 3. B 3. D 3. A 3. E 3. C

4. E 4. C 4. C 4. B 4. D 4. D 4. E 4. E 4. A 4. D

5. B 5. D 5. E 5. D 5. E 5. A 5. C 5. A 5. C 5. A

6. D 6. D 6. D 6. C 6. C 6. C 6. D 6. D 6. C 6. D

7. D 7. E 7. A 7. E 7. B 7. B 7. A 7. B 7. A 7. B

8. B 8. B 8. B 8. C 8. C 8. C 8. D 8. E 8. B 8. A

9. A 9. C 9. C 9. E 9. A 9. A 9. D 9. E 9. C 9. B

10. D 10. D 10. E 10. E 10. A 10. D 10. E 10. A 10. B 10. E

11. A 11. A 11. C 11. C 11. B 11. B 11. B 11. E 11. B 11. C

12. E 12. A 12. D 12. C 12. C 12. E 12. D 12. E 12. E 12. A

13. A 13. B 13. B 13. D 13. D 13. B 13. C 13. C 13. A 13. D

14. A 14. C 14. A 14. D 14. E 14. D 14. D 14. A 14. D 14. D

15. E 15. D 15. E 15. A 15. C 15. E 15. D 15. D 15. B 15. B

16. D 16. B 16.A 16. B 16. D 16. B 16. C 16. B 16. B 16. B

17. B 17. D 17. B 17. C 17. C 17. A 17. D 17. A 17. E 17. C

18. C 18. A 18. A 18. C 18. E 18. C 18. E 18. D 18. D 18. B

19. E 19. C 19. D 19. E 19. B 19. D 19. C 19. E 19. A 19. E

20. C 20. B 20. E 20. D 20. C 20. A 20. B 20. A 20. B 20. B




6. What is his ----- football team in Turkish Super
VOCABULARY TEST 1 League? – Fenerbahce.

A) greedy B) fragile
1. The newly-married couple couldn’t find two seats C) incorrect D) jealous
together on the train, so they had to sit in ----- E) favorite

A) filthy B) separate
C) medical D) daily
E) expensive
7. At the last moment my wife ----- her mind and went
to Konya by fast train.

A) brought B) gave
2. The color pink ----- charm, sensitivity, tenderness, C) decided D) changed
the feminine, politeness and the romantic. E) left
A) symbolizes B) travels
C) carves D) costs
E) publishes

8. How much does your husband ----- a month? – I

don’t know exactly.

A) burn B) invade
3. Water ----- of oxygen and hydrogen.
C) rub D) destroy
A) invades B) isolates E) earn
C) consists D) conveys
E) draws

9. Could you speak ----- please? – The baby is

4. After the play, the audience ----- all the players
enthusiastically. A) quietly B) loudly
C) fluently D) fast
A) told B) applauded
E) noisily
C) believed D) offended
E) emitted

10. The sun ----- in the east and sets in the west.
5. According to the laws, nobody is ----- to smoke in
the waiting-room. A) flies B) rises
A) stolen B) boiled C) sails D) fades
C) chosen D) allowed E) invades
E) prayed


11. Can you give me the ----- for this cake? – It’s really 16. If his parents come to the capital, he will ----- them
delicious. to Atatürk’s Mausoleum.

A) favour B) prescription A) lie B) take

C) recipe D) damage C) reduce D) memorize
E) receipt E) imitate

12. Last summer the Browns had a marvelous two-

week ----- in Miami. 17. Science and technology in modern society is
not limited to the technological ----- of a tool for
A) confusion    B) funeral making life more prosperous and convenient.
C) vacation    D) penalty  
A) aspects B) dilemmas
E) vocation  
C) failures D) suspicions
E) prisoners

13. The minibus-driver wasn’t polite; conversely, he 18. England is ----- its gardens, so most British people
was rather -----. like gardening.

A) rude B) kind A) obliged to B) famous for

C) wise D) nice C) afraid of D) bored with
E) slim E) disappointed with

19. Desert people like eating camel cheese which is

14. An ----- is a person who translates texts from one ----- camel’s milk.
language into another.
A) paid off B) given up
A) engineer B) ambassador C) interested in D) made from
C) artist D) interpreter E) bored with
E) investor

20. Carol’s neighbor ----- her cat when she is away.

15. Nobody knows the ----- time of his or her death
until it comes.
A) thinks over B) fills out
A) easy B) strange C) looks after D) deals in
C) difficult D) familiar E) takes off
E) exact


6. After the Mayor had made a short thank-you

VOCABULARY TEST 2 speech, everyone began to ----- cheerfully.

A) interrupt B) estimate
1. Mangoes grow well in India because of the tropical C) snore D) faint
-----. E) clap
A) climate B) starvation
C) restriction D) immunity
E) obesity

7. Tom saw his mother come out of the shop, her

arms ----- with packages.

A) reduced B) stolen
2. Carol couldn’t wear her skirt for the party because C) broken D) played
there was a ----- in it. E) laden
A) disaster B) hole
C) belt D) hanger
E) summit

8. If the Dean didn’t have a secretary to remind him,

he wouldn’t keep any of his -----.

A) memories B) clashes
3. Mary’s husband doesn’t ----- her go out alone as C) disputes D) appointments
he is rather jealous.
E) relatives
A) allow B) force
C) remind D) devote
E) let

9. When the lights of the apartment went on, it -----

the mess of the room clearly.

A) revealed    B) stole
4. Mr. Smith is a famous cook; so his wife usually C) hoped    D) declined   
follows his ----- while cooking. E) reduced
A) recipes B) prescriptions
C) tales D) desserts
E) tears

10. Communication, both interpersonal and through

mass media, plays an ----- role in the formation
5. Everybody must be ----- in these days because of of body image.
the economic crisis in the country.
A) impolite B) important
A) extravagant B) cruel
C) illegal D) irregular
C) wealthy D) thrifty
E) inhumane
E) delighted

11. Without adequate vocabulary and reading 16. Environmental sustainability has become a
comprehension skills, you are bound to ----- in mainstream issue, with a ----- effect on the
foreign language exams. architectural profession.

A) fail B) manage A) vague B) tall

C) succeed D) pass C) loyal D) profound
E) buy E) stingy

17. Nowadays everybody is concerned about the

adverse ----- of unemployment on the Turkish
12. It was hard for my grandfather to concentrate
on the newspaper since the pain in his leg was
extremely -----.
A) profit B) capacity
A) simple B) short C) effect D) volume
C) mild  D) ordinary   E) interest
E) intense

13. When we arrived at the department store, we

saw that it was closed ----- due to a funeral in the 18. There is a policeman on the crossing near the
shopkeeper’s family. school because it is a very ----- road.

A) temporarily B) regularly A) expensive B) busy

C) constantly D) elaborately C) selfish D) friendly
E) luckily   E) sincere

14. Before fitting the new carpet, the employees had

to ----- all the chairs from the room. 19. Violent video games are harmful because they can
----- health problems and effect learning, portray
A) respect B) support bad things and teach kids wrong doings.
C) remove D) imply
A) look after   B) take over  
E) nominate
C) turn off D) lead to
E) break up  

15. As a result of isolation and a ----- civil war, Syrian

government should reconstruct its economy
today. 20. Before ----- the receiver, the secretary let the
telephone ring twice.
A) clean B) happy
A) taking after   B) getting over
C) wise D) joyful
C) putting off D) breaking into
E) devastating
E) picking up


6. Should the old patient not ----- his doctor’s advice,

VOCABULARY TEST 3 he may face unpleasant side effects.

A) attack B) buy
1. Receiving bad news as a patient is a ----- and life- C) refuse D) sell
altering experience. E) follow
A) cheerful    B) beneficial
C) supportive D) challenging
E) stable

7. The winter snow hasn’t thawed completely, so we

cannot take a different ----- down into the valley.

A) sky   B) maze
2. There is always risk when dealing with an ----- dog.
C) route D) puzzle
A) original B) urgent E) fidelity
C) abrupt D) invaluable
E) aggressive

8. Seldom will you get the chance again to see two

----- musicians performing together on the same
3. In digital age, advertisers use diverse methods in
A) legendary B) hazardous
order to sell their -----.
C) weak D) invalid
A) adventures B) customers E) reluctant
C) goods D) priorities
E) relatives

9. Photographers often capture high-contrast colors

to emphasize parts of an image, and low contrast
colors to add -----, foreground and background.

4. We have to try to our overhead projector before A) cruelty B) illness

the meeting because it is not working -----. C) flattery D) dimension
A) frankly B) nearly E) disease
C) heavily D) properly
E) dramatically

10. Altitude is one of the determining factors

significantly regulating plant species’ ----- in
5. If inflation keeps rising at its present -----, there addition to the topographic variables at regional
may be devaluation before long. and local scales.
A) obstacle B) subscription A) investment B) diversity
C) rate D) drought C) denial D) excavation
E) avidity E) innovation


11. As medical education becomes increasingly 16. We cannot see the stars with ----- eye in daytime
globalized in today’s world, cultural ----- and since the sun’s light is much stronger.
humility are critical.
A) calm B) durable
A) witness    B) violation
C) keen D) naked
C) violence D) poverty
E) numb
E) competence

17. Recent researches ----- that the vegetation patterns

are regularly linked with ecological influences,
12. Climate change is leading to unprecedented
including regional topographic variables.
conditions in marine ecosystems around
the world, forcing ocean biota to ----- to new
A) reveal B) tempt
environmental conditions.
C) cry D) laugh
A) memorize   B) urge E) forbid
C) ascertain D) adapt
E) abuse

18. The technologies behind inventions like portable

vacuum cleaners, blankets, invisible braces, and
13. Since social media applications are visual sites, many more, were first discovered by NASA ----- for
they increase visibility and provide instant ----- to space exploration.
online audiences.
A) scarcely   B) accidentally
A) access   B) deprivation
C) miserably D) solely
C) patience D) morality
E) greedily
E) irresponsibility

19. Broadly, digital media channels ----- one of three

14. The police use lie-detectors while ----- somebody categories: search engine marketing, social
so as to be sure whether he is guilty or not. media content or display advertising.
A) replying B) questioning A) wipe out    B) give up
C) providing D) accusing C) put off D) put aside
E) beating E) fall into

15. Nowadays both developed and developing

countries are developing different projects in 20. Following his unexpected resignation, the Finance
order to ----- more from technology in the field Minister stated that he was ----- spending more
of education. time with his family.

A) devastate B) subscribe A) turning off B) looking forward to

C) heal D) relieve C) coping with D) putting out
E) benefit E) getting on with


6. Even though David long promised to marry Sarah,

VOCABULARY TEST 4 he met Caroline and married her -----.

A) daintily B) abruptly
1. According to Turkish traditions, when two fellows C) unanimously D) politely
meet, they usually ----- hands. E) gradually
A) shake B) throw
C) fling D) hide
E) spit

7. While some model aircrafts are made completely

of wood, others have a wooden ----- covered with
2. Sometimes scientists don’t want to report the thin cloth.
true news about their researches in case they
----- people. A) donation B) captivity
C) permission D) applicant
A) sustain B) offer
E) framework
C) gain D) trust
E) frighten

8. The ozone layer, which ----- the earth from the

sun’s destructive UV rays, is a thin veil in the
3. Yesterday Adele’s ----- admirers rushed into the stratosphere.
capital in order to see her.
A) suffers B) protects
A) slight B) reluctant
C) supplies D) supports
C) ardent D) spiteful
E) impairs
E) insufficient

9. Today, the technological ----- of nations and their

4. My grandmother is afflicted by rheumatism when social and cultural changes are manifested as a
the weather becomes -----. result of education.

A) slim B) plain A) mistrust B) addiction

C) round D) damp C) avoidance D) progress
E) dry E) failure

5. Pop-stars have to work ----- hard to reach the top

10. We are so grateful for God the Almighty that He
because the competition is fairly stiff.
has created the sun’s pulling and pushing forces
in -----.
A) easily B) rarely
C) nicely D) scarcely A) society B) hospitability
E) tremendously C) riot D) fluctuation
E) balance


11. Our country has been suffering terribly from the 16. Social media allows opportunities for students
----- effects of the war among the neighboring to ----- and connect with the communities of
countries. professional practice they desire to join.

A) advantageous B) unfavorable A) erase B) discover

C) constructive D) fruitful C) tease D) scold
E) proper E) sew

12. Studying is often not an end in itself but an ----- for 17. Their daughter died of an inexplicable illness; so
getting a decent job. doctors still cannot make any ----- about it.

A) instrument B) area A) explanation B) commodity

C) amazement D) impression C) payment D) speed
E) alarm E) support

13. Following the football match, he was so ----- that 18. Immanuel Kant believes that the ----- in aesthetic
he quickly slipped off his shoes and trousers and taste is not perceived through the power
went to bed. of perception, but is perceived through the
A) mutual B) humble
A) scar B) donation
C) exhausted D) attractive
C) evaporation D) beauty
E) meagre
E) lottery

14. This summer we are planning to engage in a -----

adventure with a couple of my friends. 19. My sister is looking for an evening job that will
allow her to ----- her baby during the day.
A) deliberate B) meticulous
A) set out B) lay off
C) illiterate D) breathtaking
C) get away D) look after
E) hasty
E) try on

20. The court’s initial verdict in the wealthy

15. As far as I am concerned, the ----- of your brother
businessman’s trial ----- serious riots throughout
as a sales manager will do no good for the
the country.
A) dropped out B) ruled out
A) promotion B) controversy
C) put on D) broke into
C) happiness D) benefit
E) led to
E) profit


6. I have absolutely no ----- of the conversation you


A) reminiscence B) destination
1. Some experts claim that dreaming is the main C) respiration D) reputation
----- that we are sleeping properly. E) eruption
A) aspiration B) accident
C) disaster D) indicator
E) investment

7. Hardly had the professor begun his lecture when

a student ----- him.

2. My wife has been afraid of thunder and lightning A) spent B) polished

since her -----. C) accumulated D) delivered

A) refusal B) childhood E) interrupted

C) brotherhood D) neighborhood
E) boredom

8. It has been raining ----- in Istanbul and nearby

cities in the last two days.

A) disgracefully B) politely
3. The 30% discount is only ----- for the items costing
over 300 dollars. C) inaccurately D) steadily
E) barely
A) applicable B) dangerous
C) fearful D) willing
E) wild

9. A large number of people had died of tuberculosis

by the time scientists found a -----.
4. In our country when a boy is at the age of 20, he
has to ----- the army. A) cure B) crime

A) escape B) sail C) tribe D) death

C) abandon D) diminish E) trap

E) join

10. Nothing will break our joint ----- to bridge our

5. My father has been ----- in recent months, so he
efforts at working towards a just peace.
really deserves a long vacation.
A) loss B) competition
A) avoiding B) overworking
C) hostility D) determination
C) overcoming D) resting
E) survival
E) smiling


11. While applying for a visa, all details must be 16. Kali Gandaki has a ----- of the deepest valley in
perfectly presented to the embassy; or else the the world.
----- will be refused.
A) loss B) device
A) celebration B) graduation
C) hatred D) reputation
C) resignation D) retirement
E) mixture
E) application

17. The term art ----- diverse media such as painting,

12. Such a lot of students are taking the university sculpture, printmaking, drawing, decorative arts,
entrance exam that it is becoming increasingly photography, and installation.
----- to be well-prepared for it.
A) ignores B) prevents
A) illegal B) haphazard
C) ceases D) avoids
C) cheerful D) important
E) encompasses
E) hazardous

18. In the past, people knew when summer would

come, or when winter would start, but now, all
the ----- seem to be mixed together.
13. Fire fighters are confident and believe that they
will have ----- the forest fire by midnight.
A) prices B) receipts
A) imitated B) boosted C) seasons D) benefits
C) consigned D) exaggerated E) issues
E) extinguished

19. You simply cannot ----- the weather forecast in

spite of all the research being done with satellites
14. In 1932, a German named August Fischer ----- the
and other modern equipment.
world’s first synthetic resin adhesive, UHU.
A) step down B) rip off
A) stayed B) invented
C) set off D) rely on
C) deceived D) spoilt
E) see off
E) invaded

20. My grandmother ----- taking sleeping tablets

15. Asteroids probably consist of clay and silicate
because they were making her dizzy.
rocks, and they are dark in -----.
A) came across B) gave up
A) confusion B) revolt
C) worked out D) looked for
C) appearance D) emergency
E) divided into
E) isolation


6. Some modern artists are able to ----- a number of

VOCABULARY TEST 6 different mediums into their work.

A) abandon B) destroy
1. Zebrafish have a ----- genetic structure to humans. C) refuse D) repair
E) incorporate
A) hectic B) hazy
C) similar D) charming
E) nonsense

7. Wheat, used for white bread, pastries, pasta, and

pizza, has been the ----- cereal crop since the 18th
2. Parkinson Disease was first ----- in 1817, but its century.
cause is still unknown.
A) honest B) vague
A) supported B) prohibited
C) arrogant D) scary
C) encouraged D) described
E) principal
E) ordered

3. Graffiti is a form of ----- communication created

in public places.
8. The internet is one of the most ----- sources
A) hazardous B) visual through which an individual can quickly get
C) selfish D) doubtful
E) detrimental A) boring B) trifling
C) redundant D) important
E) shy

4. Famine and poverty in African continent are the 9. Having sold more than 500 million copies
----- reasons of malnutrition. worldwide, Harry Potter by J. K. Rowling is the
best-selling book series in -----.
A) common B) fake
C) clean D) wrong A) history B) average
E) beautiful C) abundance D) destiny
E) limitation

5. At the board meeting, even though the manager

spoke efficiently, he could not ----- the other 10. Without the Mayor’s generous -----, we could
members. never have held such a big organization.

A) serve B) scold A) traps B) obstacles

C) betray D) convince C) contributions D) oppositions
E) dismiss E) invasions


11. The current social security system in our country 16. Focusing on the works of art and physical
is extremely popular ----- because it is universal appearance of the young people, internet servers
in terms of health benefits. ----- their interests and prepare the environment
for new images and offer opportunities.
A) vertically B) rarely
A) avoid B) destroy
C) indecisively D) partly
C) identify D) despise
E) hardly
E) hate

12. In 2002, the first phones with built-in cameras

became publicly -----, including the Nokia 7650 17. Careful ----- reveal that a star maintains a steady
and the Sanyo SPC-5300. apparent brightness at most times, except that
at precise intervals of 73 hours the star becomes
A) available B) edible dimmer for about 2 hours.

C) irreversible D) stingy A) hindrances B) measurements

E) fragile C) victims D) explosions
E) permissions

13. Prices, influenced by the rate of inflation, naturally

impact consumer spending on goods -----.
18. The advantages of the escalator over the elevator
A) voluntarily B) restfully are a greater ----- capacity, continuous availability,
C) peacefully D) significantly comparatively small space requirements, and
lower operating cost.
E) timidly
A) injury B) peace
C) accident D) damage
E) passenger

14. Replacement organs such as hearts and liver

may ----- be grown in the lab, starting with a small
amount of tissue from the person needing the
new organ. 19. Physicians claim that chain smoking and
consuming too much alcohol may ----- cancer.
A) rudely B) vaguely
C) kindly D) reluctantly A) bring about B) put off
E) eventually C) cope with D) wipe out
E) calm down

15. Foreign languages should be taught at the

elementary level because it enhances problem 20. The sales manager’s recommendation was ----
solving, attentional control and the ----- to switch - at the meeting because it seemed financially
tasks. controversial.

A) ability B) contamination A) complied with B) take off

C) addiction D) ambiguity C) burst into D) cast aside
E) friendship E) made out


6. Fishing in Japan started as a ----- means of

VOCABULARY TEST 7 subsistence, but has evolved into a popular

A) dirty B) necessary
1. Canada’s legal system is based on a ----- of
common law and civil law. C) false D) miserable
E) sedentary
A) witness B) combination
C) grief D) literacy
E) violation

7. Research has indicated that electric cars -----

fewer greenhouse gases and air pollutants than
2. Hope is very ----- in life because it can make the petrol or diesel cars.
present moment less difficult to bear.
A) buy B) drink
A) hazardous B) harmful
C) borrow D) sell
C) overwhelming D) important
E) emit
E) formidable

8. Depression is a common mental health problem

3. In general, ----- for consumer goods increases that involves a low mood and a ----- of interest in
when the economy producing the goods is activities.
A) loss B) devotion
A) cruelty B) charity
C) happiness D) popularity
C) demand D) poverty
E) sustainability
E) violence

9. Social media use is of particular interest because

4. Nourishment happens when the body is at rest of the known ----- of peers on social comparison.
and is ready to ----- the food it is about to receive.
A) error B) exception
A) process B) enjoy
C) humanity D) influence
C) capsize D) undermine
E) threat
E) spoil

10. Before the internet, it was ----- for students to

5. Human rights can broadly be defined as a number research as they had to read a large number of
of ----- rights that people from around the world books.
have agreed are essential.
A) funny B) challenging
A) dangerous B) strange
C) punctual D) identical
C) trifling D) basic
E) credible
E) crazy


11. It is evident that today’s rapidly developing 16. The real estate agent showed the flat to us but it
science and technology have ----- changed the didn’t make a good ----- on us because it seemed
structure of our society. filthy and neglected.

A) illicitly B) pensively A) expression B) impression

C) hesitatingly D) dramatically C) disappearance D) instruction
E) ambiguously E) detection

17. Today developing the digital competences of

university students is ----- to their success in
higher education.

A) vital B) vain
12. Technological advances such as digitalization and
artificial intelligence can ----- solutions to global C) useless D) nonsense
problems, while also presenting new challenges. E) insignificant

A) punish B) fail
C) dismay D) offer
E) flatter
18. From traditional gourmet bistros to the most
popular gastronomic restaurants, the Michelin
Guide offers restaurant reservations for a variety
of tastes and ----- all over the world.

13. Chimpanzees combine signs to produce A) arrows B) punishments

sequences which have no reliable use of order
to ----- different meanings. C) riots D) budgets
E) weapons
A) abuse B) convey
C) cheat D) falsify
E) absorb

19. You should ----- the guests’ invitation cards before

14. In recent years, university students’ ----- in allowing them into the wedding saloon.
Instagram, YouTube and photo sharing social
media platforms has been increasing rapidly. A) make sure of B) make up for
C) take up with D) use up
A) mortality B) deprivation E) look down on
C) hostage D) interest
E) interval

20. Advances in medicine have altered the methods

in the treatment of many diseases so rapidly that
even the doctors occasionally fail to ----- latest
15. According to Freud, while dreaming, our thinking techniques.
----- pictorial and non-logical and expresses ideas
and desires hidden in our minds. A) run over B) turn down
A) respects B) ruins C) look after D) come across
C) becomes D) protects E) catch up with
E) violates


6. Besides being a treasure for artists, body and its

VOCABULARY TEST 8 ----- in art is also a great mystery.

A) boredom B) pollution
1. The eyes are considered to be the most attractive C) prevention D) destruction
facial -----. E) representation
A) bucket B) heritage
C) wig D) embarrassment
E) feature

7. The journalist spent his entire life ----- round the

world, never settling down anywhere.

2. If you don’t take pride in your work, you are A) scattering B) scrambling
probably in the ----- job.
C) evacuating D) roaming
A) magnificent B) suitable E) laughing
C) correct D) wrong
E) right

8. The sales manager of the company was ----- of

being spendthrift by the discipline committee.

A) nominated B) beaten
C) accused D) awarded
3. Jean Piaget viewed intellectual growth as a
process of ----- to the world. E) selected

A) adaptation B) exploitation
C) rumor D) respiration
E) disparity
9. Aesthetic judgment is defined as the ----- to
judge an object of artistic value through liking or
disliking without any benefit.

A) ability B) extension
4. There have been ----- changes in the dairy industry C) hole D) recession
over the past 50 years.
E) disagreement
A) sick B) contagious
C) jealous D) dramatic
E) foggy

10. Recent studies have shown that having supportive

relationships is a strong ----- factor against mental
illnesses and helps to increase our mental well-
5. The oceans don’t ----- to a single nation; they are
free, open territory to be shared. A) negligent B) empty
C) worthless D) trivial
A) believe B) depend
E) protective
C) prefer D) belong
E) consist


11. There are various neurotransmitters and 16. The automotive industry has begun leveraging
hormones released by the brain that ----- signals new technologies to ----- not only how we drive
to promote sleep or wakefulness. cars, but also how we conceptualize them.

A) send B) hit A) swallow B) deceive

C) wane D) defeat C) conceal D) reshape
E) linger E) deter

17. An analysis is the process or outcome of

12. The Time 100 series is a set of three powerful
analyzing, the process of inspecting something
books, to be ----- over the next two years, naming
closely to ----- more about it.
the most important people of the century.
A) warn B) delete
A) arrested B) baked
C) discover D) suspend
C) published D) convinced
E) steal
E) eradicated

13. Digital media ----- online opportunities for young

people, including access to information, arts 18. The development of technologies always creates
and education, connection with friends, identity new activities and goals, and thus the importance
expression, entertainment, creative expression, of digital competence is ----- changing.
engagement and participation.
A) indecisively B) constantly
A) disgust B) pray
C) surpassingly D) respectfully
C) memorize D) bother
E) cruelly
E) provide

14. The prospect of radical and transformative change 19. Unlike his elder brother, my youngest son ----- his
for economies and societies is a big ----- for policy mother’s side of the family.
makers and higher education administrators alike.
A) passes away B) lets down
A) digestion B) challenge C) takes after D) puts up with
C) isolation D) soul E) watches out
E) pest

15. Environmental engineers use the principles of

engineering, soil science, biology, and chemistry 20. Seven prisoners hadn’t eaten for over a month; as
to develop ----- to environmental problems. a consequence, all of them ----- hunger.

A) solutions   B) wastes A) died of B) aired out

C) ornaments D) mistakes C) accounted for D) broke into

E) lies E) caught on


6. Today university students have to adapt and ---

VOCABULARY TEST 9 -- their knowledge and skills in parallel with the
development of digital technologies.

A) impair B) diminish
1. Ottoman ----- reached its largest geographic
control under the rule of Suleiman the Magnificent. C) improve D) consume
E) sink
A) injustice B) territory
C) massacre D) hostility
E) freedom
7. Spread across more than 400 acres, Angkor Wat
is said to be the largest religious ----- in the world.

A) monument B) army
2. The police ----- shopkeepers to look out for forged C) obedience D) sin
E) scholar
A) praised B) warned
C) prohibited D) revealed
E) occupied

8. In 1889, the brothers André and Edouard Michelin

----- their tire company in the city of Clermont-
Ferrand in France.

3. Greek society was comprised of ----- city-states A) violated B) compared

that shared a culture and religion.
C) despised D) founded
A) independent B) salty E) prevented
C) ambiguous D) edible
E) reckless

9. In 1960s, Lella Lombardi was probably the only

woman whom you might see at the ----- of a
modern racing car in Italy.

A) station B) bulk
4. From brown to green and “heterochromia” our C) headlight D) sky
eyes ----- our varied genetic landscape.
E) wheel
A) starve B) undermine
C) regret D) reflect
E) relax

10. The human body contains five organs that are

considered ----- for survival: the heart, brain,
5. Regular exercise, eating a healthy diet and getting kidneys, liver, and lungs.
enough sleep are ----- to good health.
A) violent B) harmful
A) selfish B) redundant
C) notorious D) vital
C) beneficial D) detrimental
E) boring
E) artificial


11. We can improve the ----- and effectiveness of 16. Research suggests that your name affects the
our higher education system by introducing level of success you will ----- in your career and
international academic assessment standards. love life, and even where you choose to live.

A) loss B) damage A) scorn B) prevent

C) wreckage D) fear C) achieve D) throw
E) quality E) underestimate

12. Studies show that the ancient Egyptians were 17. Stars are huge celestial bodies made mostly of
most closely related to the peoples of the Near hydrogen and helium that ----- light and heat from
East, ----- from the Levant. the churning nuclear forges inside their cores.

A) vaguely B) involuntarily A) produce B) hinder

C) particularly D) weakly C) examine D) design

E) persistently E) estimate

13. Conventional weapons ----- small arms, defensive 18. Psychological research has ----- six facial
shields and light weapons, sea and land mines, expressions which correspond to distinct
as well as bombs, shells, rockets, missiles and universal emotions: disgust, sadness, happiness,
cluster munitions. fear, anger, surprise.

A) win B) decline A) postponed B) prevented

C) grind D) destroy C) extended D) classified

E) include E) sold

14. Most people know that a major function of the 19. Enzymes ----- most of the reactions involved
kidneys is to ----- waste products and excess fluid in metabolism, as well as manipulating DNA in
from the body. processes such as DNA replication, DNA repair,
and transcription.
A) encourage B) rise
A) see off B) pay off
C) grow D) remove
C) carry out D) come up with
E) foster
E) cut down on

15. The ----- Olympic Games were a sporting event

held every four years at the sacred site of Olympia 20. Diabetes, obesity and smoking can ----- your
in honor of Zeus, the supreme god of Greek immune system and cause it to not work the way
religion. it is supposed to.

A) complex B) mature A) interfere with B) take up

C) intricate D) ancient C) find out D) carry on
E) invalid E) look up


6. Cats are known to play with a ball of string when

VOCABULARY TEST 10 young, which gives them ----- with catching prey.

A) woe B) restriction
1. Hair transplant surgery is a common procedure C) orphan D) cowardice
used to ----- hair loss. E) experience
A) treat B) fluctuate
C) ignore D) boost
E) escalate
7. Passive smoking refers to the ----- inhalation of
smoke from cigarettes or other tobacco products
smoked by other people.

A) sincere B) eager
2. The stomach has a dilated structure and functions
as a vital ----- organ. C) voluntary D) involuntary
E) enjoyable
A) deceptive B) slight
C) messy D) digestive
E) slow

8. Interestingly, Danish men are even growing taller

at a more ----- pace than people in the rest of the
3. Apples are an incredibly ----- fruit that offers world.
multiple health benefits.
A) fragile B) rapid
A) empty B) wicked C) dirty D) curious
C) harmful D) insufficient E) broken
E) nutritious

9. Engineers usually try to find an appropriate

4. Despite their ----- appearances, porcupines and solution to an issue using their ----- in science,
hedgehogs are not closely related. mathematics, and logic.

A) steep B) nude A) atrocity B) knowledge

C) similar D) incessant C) laziness D) failure
E) infinite E) inexperience

10. The most popular snack around the world, when

----- by the sheer number of people who eat it, is
5. Traits like shy and reserved, or outgoing and
friendly, are ----- across all populations.
A) measured B) forbidden
A) prevalent B) sad
C) refused D) stolen
C) wild D) brave
E) broken
E) wet


11. Dieticians assert that skipping one meal a day can 16. Leadership is a vital management function that
increase energy, slow down ageing and ----- fat. helps to direct an organization’s resources for
improved ----- and the achievement of goals.
A) fry B) govern
A) evasion B) illegitimacy
C) cook D) burn
C) privacy D) pressure
E) save
E) efficiency

12. To date various attempts have been made to

resolve the ----- between Israeli and Palestine as 17. Attitudes towards acculturation, and thus the
a part of the peace process. range of acculturation strategies available, have
not been ----- over time.
A) conflict B) sincerity
A) indefinite B) illogical
C) brotherhood D) intimacy
C) incredible D) consistent
E) friendship
E) fatty

13. The emotions you feel each day can compel you
to take action and ----- the decisions you make 18. Great Britain privatized its steel industry in
about your life, both large and small. the 1950s, and the West German government
embarked on large-scale -----, including sale of the
A) worship B) influence majority stake in Volkswagen to small investors
C) ruin D) claim in public share offerings in 1961.

E) refute A) sadness B) appetite

C) negligence D) disloyalty
E) privatization

14. Since understanding information is the key aspect

of learning, it is important for learners to ----- what
they understand and what they do not.

A) smash B) offend 19. Not drinking enough water can ----- sluggish
kidneys and urinary tract infections.
C) combat D) forget
E) recognize A) get through B) make out
C) bring about D) give away
E) turn down

15. On April 12, 1961, aboard the spacecraft Vostok

1, Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Alekseyevich Gagarin
becomes the first human being to ----- into space. 20. At last the little dog managed to ----- the garden
by burrowing under the fence.
A) travel B) swim
A) look back on B) look down upon
C) marry D) die
C) keep an eye on D) go back on
E) exaggerate
E) get out of


6. The use of drugs for both medical and social

VOCABULARY TEST 11 purposes is ----- in American society.

A) painless B) widespread
1. A pregnant woman should not only stay away C) delicious D) vivid
from smoking ----- but passively as well. E) greedy
A) optionally B) similarly
C) suspiciously D) actively
E) unwillingly

7. A strong immune system helps a person -----

healthy by fighting off bacteria and viruses.

A) avoid B) kill
C) stay D) disgust
2. By virtue of being human, every individual is
entitled to inalienable ----- and freedoms. E) impair

A) insecticides B) sanctions
C) flaws D) toys
E) rights
8. As a form of learning, play facilitates the
development of thinking and language ----- in

3. Most cases of laryngitis are triggered by a A) sanctions B) punishments

temporary viral infection and are not -----. C) deficiencies D) skills

A) serious B) wealthy E) toys

C) accessible D) pretty
E) profitable

9. The ----- between real interest rates and saving-

4. Learning to play a musical instrument takes a
investment determinants appears tenuous.
great deal of time and -----.
A) enmity B) retaliation
A) odor B) victim
C) link D) democracy
C) trap D) despair
E) coincidence
E) patience

10. Stereotypes can be formed from firsthand -----, or

5. When communicating with people from other
they can be developed from hearsay; something
cultures, humor and casual language is usually
you saw online or on TV, or something your
most -----.
friends or family told you.
A) empty B) lazy
A) experience B) illiteracy
C) effective D) vicious
C) honesty D) drawback
E) untidy
E) dampness


11. The science of learning draws on cognitive 16. Germans themselves are known as friendly and
research to help teachers ----- practical teaching welcoming people, even if everyone thinks they
strategies that will improve student outcomes. have a nonexistent ----- of humor.

A) blush B) scorn A) confidence B) trial

C) regret D) dig C) alteration D) sense
E) implement E) fine

17. Both eating less and taking exercise help you ---
12. In order to ----- upper respiratory infections, we -- weight, but the majority of health experts claim
must wash our hands often, and stay away from that the latter is a healthier way than the former.
people who have colds.
A) spread B) lose
A) urge B) admit
C) deliver D) specialize
C) avoid D) adore
E) abbreviate
E) resemble

13. Despite the importance of emotion in human 18. During the 20th century, Einstein, Darwin, Freud
health and illness, scientists struggle to --- and Marx were just some of the thinkers who ---
-- consensus on the constructs underlying -- changed Western culture.
emotional phenomena and experience.
A) accidentally B) unwillingly
A) prolong B) cease C) wildly D) loosely
C) reach D) demolish E) profoundly
E) buffer

19. The brain and spinal cord that extends from it

14. Jean Piaget’s theory of constructivist learning
----- the central nervous system.
has had wide-ranging ----- on learning theories
and teaching methods in education.
A) make up B) break out
A) corrosion B) demography C) turn into D) keep up with
C) heredity D) impact E) take off
E) villain

15. Human impact makes the environment less 20. Effective leaders always think outside the box to
able to ----- life due to “human-induced rapid ----- innovative solutions to business problems,
environmental changes.” and creative ways to reach business goals.

A) polish B) sustain A) run into B) fall behind

C) whisper D) decline C) carry on D) break into

E) boast E) come up with


6. The environmental effects of transport are

VOCABULARY TEST 12 significant because transport is a ----- user of
energy, and burns most of the world’s petroleum.

A) faint B) reluctant
1. Lack of ----- can essentially put an end to a
person’s legal case. C) skinny D) curious
E) major
A) fortune B) appetite
C) resemblance D) evidence
E) similarity

7. In its simplest form, digitalization is ----- as

the change resulting from technological
2. Each decision in our life is the ----- action of a developments in society.
series of activities in the next chain.
A) defined B) broken
A) empty B) fragile
C) fried D) stolen
C) initial D) temporary
E) sold
E) obedient

8. One of the responsibilities of a nurse is to educate

the patients and their families about their ----- and
what they need to do to help manage the disease.
3. The principal of a school is an influential person
and plays a role in the ----- of the school.
A) amusement B) disobedience
A) destruction B) opposition C) anger D) condition
C) bribery D) administration E) flaw
E) heredity

9. Our eyes are ----- to a very narrow band of

frequencies within the enormous range of
4. Intuition is a fast process but the ----- of error is frequencies of the electromagnetic spectrum.
very high, especially for people who are beginners
in a certain domain. A) sensitive B) inflexible
C) eager D) tough
A) solidarity B) vigilance
E) smooth
C) predecessor D) probability
E) sovereignty

10. Celebrities can be good role models because

they serve as an ----- for kids, bring awareness
to burning issues, and often participate in
5. Future Planning is creating a guide for a person
environmental safety projects.
with an intellectual or developmental disability to
lead a good life as ----- as possible.
A) avoidance B) urgency
A) sadly B) independently C) illiteracy D) illegitimacy
C) aimlessly D) indecisively E) inspiration
E) vaguely


11. Without a doubt, among all of the developments in 16. Telling the ----- or uncovering lies can lead to a
the past century, technology has perhaps played loss of friends, status, access to decision making
one of the most ----- roles in reshaping the world. or credibility.

A) superficial B) ineffective A) pavement B) truth

C) significant D) artificial C) beast D) candidate
E) feeble E) inclination

12. Witnesses told police that two groups of people

were fighting when several people pulled out guns 17. With the help of ----- technology or products,
and started -----. and their own will-power, blind people can be
A) shooting B) tax
C) vacation D) election A) destructible B) unavoidable

E) option C) accessible D) chilly

E) silly

13. Arab citizens of Israel represent one-fifth of the

population and could be poised to gain a larger
voice in the country’s ----- affairs. 18. Francis Scott Key was an American lawyer, author,
and amateur poet from Frederick, Maryland, who is
A) domestic B) illegal best known for writing the lyrics for the American
national ----- “The Star-Spangled Banner”.
C) dizzy D) simple
E) timid A) triumph B) novel
C) tale D) story
E) anthem

14. Rural development is the process of improving the

quality of life and economic well-being of people
living in rural areas, often relatively isolated and
----- populated areas. 19. The Western construct of human rights is -----
the principle of inalienable, innate rights that are
A) briskly B) insidiously awarded to all individual human beings.
C) sparsely D) persuasively
A) prevented from B) based on
E) finely
C) blamed for D) astonished at
E) deprived of

15. Climate affects nearly every ----- of our lives, from

our food sources to our transport infrastructure,
from what clothes we wear, to where we go on 20. The old patient started to tell the family doctor
holiday. how the health problem ----- in the first place.

A) legend B) agreement A) dwelt on B) filled up

C) pedestrian D) permission C) came about D) passed away
E) aspect E) mixed up


6. Antidepressant medications successfully reduce

VOCABULARY TEST 13 the ----- of panic symptoms and eliminate panic

A) estimation B) emotion
1. A person who shops in a store is called a -----.
C) shortage D) severity
A) customer B) director
E) merriment
C) criminal D) officer
E) carpenter

7. In a patriarchal society, men are assumed to be

the ----- audience for pretty much everything such
as advertisement campaigns, books, magazines,
2. My father doesn’t have enough money, so he can’t and more.
----- to buy a new car.
A) hazy B) weak
A) bite B) multiply C) obscure D) stingy
C) sail D) afford E) primary
E) dive

8. There are four ----- types of businesses to choose

when forming a company: sole proprietorships,
3. The students ----- for the assignment online, but partnerships, limited liability companies, and
they couldn’t find it anywhere. corporations.

A) donated B) wasted A) bald B) trifling

C) referred D) meant C) short D) vain
E) searched E) main

9. The massive and frequent operations of Starlink’s

satellites in space will surely bring huge threats
4. Most women gain weight as they -----, but excess or ----- concerns to others in the future.
pounds aren’t inevitable.
A) wedding B) intersection
A) limit B) spread
C) security D) donation
C) blink D) vomit
E) miracle
E) age

10. Alcohol and drug misuse and related substance

5. Begging has been ----- in the UK for almost two
use disorders affect millions of Americans and
centuries under the 1824 Vagrancy Act.
impose ----- costs on the society.
A) illegal B) clear
A) harmless B) slim
C) rich D) plain
C) enormous D) simple
E) common
E) easy

11. The mass number of the atom (M) is equal to the 16. A ----- payment is money that a company pays to
----- of the number of protons and neutrons in workers who have lost their jobs because they
the nucleus. are no longer needed.

A) edge B) peak A) redundancy B) wealth

C) slice D) bottom C) distinction D) monument
E) sum E) likelihood

12. As much progress as the fight for gender ----- 17. When telling a lie, men may ----- imitate the body
has accomplished over the course of decades, language of other men they are lying to.
women’s rights still have a long way to go.
A) inadvertently B) greedily
A) equality B) stamina C) neatly D) voluntarily
C) illumination D) anger E) wildly
E) patience

13. Thomas is so ----- that he can easily make the most

remarkable sculptures from the most ordinary 18. The telegraph, a device which used electric
materials. impulses to ----- encoded messages over a wire,
would eventually revolutionize long-distance
A) unstable B) lazy communication.
C) illegible D) ingenious
A) buy B) cease
E) irrelevant
C) borrow D) transmit
E) entangle

19. I will be looking forward to ----- the conference

14. The new tax law will affect everyone in our country, and please let me know what aspects of family
but ----- those on a low income. planning you would like me to cover.

A) respectfully B) effectively A) taking after B) breaking out

C) sufficiently D) merely C) putting off D) running away
E) particularly E) participating in

15. Colonial settlers tried to ----- their own culture and 20. Smoke suddenly started pouring out from
religion on the countries that they conquered. underneath, then the truck ----- flames.

A) provoke B) irritate A) burst into B) took off

C) resent D) impose C) called off D) put out
E) reply E) held in


6. Nowadays there is an urgent need to -----

VOCABULARY TEST 14 opportunities for youth, with tremendous potential

A) invade B) create
1. Astronomers measure how far apart objects -----
in the sky by using angles. C) lower D) reprimand
E) eliminate
A) appear B) succeed
C) starve D) acquire
E) defeat

7. Samuel Morse’s invention of the telegraph, in

1837, made it possible to ----- messages across

2. Diplomatic agents cannot be forced to give ----- in A) refute B) deceive

any criminal or civil case.
C) scold D) send
A) responsibility B) heritage E) spend
C) pottery D) evidence
E) nomination

8. Learning implies knowledge processing and

testing new ideas, which ----- lead to a better
understanding of a given context and to a change
in the organizational behaviour.
3. The Sahara desert is the largest hot desert in the
world, covering ----- all of northern Africa.
A) solely B) vividly
A) shamelessly B) purely C) previously D) threateningly
C) boldly D) nearly E) finally
E) exceedingly

9. With the pandemic slowly coming to an end,

working families and providers continue to lack
4. Granted that he was dealt with -----, the worker still the ----- supports they need around childcare.
should not have not killed the factory manager.
A) cheap B) deficient
A) fairly B) unjustly
C) harmful D) proper
C) avidly D) equally
E) savage
E) happily

10. The ----- geologists use strike and dip is because

planes’ flat surfaces of dipping rock strata can be
5. On 26 July 1965, Maldives ----- independence
oriented in different directions.
under an agreement signed with United Kingdom.
A) intersection B) reason
A) dived B) rented
C) dimension D) diffusion
C) gained D) punished
E) commission
E) divided


11. In business, innovation can ----- growth, help 16. One of the most important steps colleges and
ensure the organization can compete with new universities can take in becoming learning
market trends and help generate profit. organizations is to reorganize their educational
activities to ----- shared, connected learning
A) impair B) spoil experiences.
C) intervene D) promote
A) halt B) frown
E) prevent
C) block D) encourage
E) annihilate

12. Since it involves only two countries, entering into 17. Academics in educational sciences have -----
a ----- agreement is much easier as compared to associated metacognition with other constructs
multilateral trade agreements. such as meta-learning, self-efficacy, critical
thinking and motivation, regardless of the learning
A) nominal B) provisional domain.
C) jealous D) sedentary
A) stingily B) irrelevantly
E) bilateral
C) nominally D) unanimously
E) deliberately

13. The popularity of the Philippines has been ----

- rising over the past few years as word of its
beautiful beaches and rich heritage slowly 18. Visual signals given by flags and torches
spreads across the world. were used for short-range communication and
continued to be ----- well into the 20th century,
A) steadily B) insufficiently when the two-flag semaphore system was widely
C) immoderately D) vaguely used, particularly by the world’s navies.

E) illogically A) concealed B) banned

C) deleted D) hindered
E) utilized

14. Cultural and creative industries, which include

arts, advertising, entertainment, architecture,
media and software, have become a ----- force in
accelerating human development. 19. Space is an emerging and critical cybersecurity
frontier that we are becoming increasingly ----- for
A) sorrowful B) deliberate both our commerce and security.
C) literal D) vital
E) frank A) depend on B) pass away
C) call off D) run away
E) look into

15. Self-efficacy is one of the most important

motivational resources that ----- individuals’
efforts, persistence and performance.
20. Creativity is the ability to ----- new ideas and to
A) celebrate B) extinguish identify new and different ways of looking at a
problem and opportunities.
C) affect D) ruin
E) receive A) come down with B) come up with
C) get away D) look down on
E) cut down on

6. Music ----- people from pain and fatigue, elevates

VOCABULARY TEST 15 mood, increases endurance, reduces perceived
effort and may even promote metabolic efficiency.

A) responds B) triggers
1. Erosion is one of the ----- causes of missing rock
layers, known as unconformities. C) comprises D) investigates
E) distracts
A) restful B) deniable
C) fake D) major
E) intangible
7. Positive economic development in some European
countries has led to unfortunate unintended
consequences, including a significant ----- in
online shopping addiction.

2. Strangely enough, no two people have ----- the A) rise B) trail

same fingerprints.
C) comparison D) deficiency
A) exactly B) doubtlessly E) layer
C) bilaterally D) easily
E) unceasingly
8. The most important reason why Mary was a threat
to Queen Elizabeth’s ----- was the fact that Mary
was Catholic.

3. In his social cognitive theory, Bandura expressed A) reign B) courtesy

the concept of self-efficacy as individuals’ belief C) beauty D) deficiency
in their ability to organize and execute the actions
E) cowardice
necessary to ----- certain tasks.

A) accumulate B) blush
C) scold D) filter 9. Of all the colors, red is the most powerful color
E) fulfill since it has a ----- to stimulate mind and attract

A) opposition B) decay
C) confusion D) marsh
4. If you go on a camping trip or live far from city E) tendency
lights, your view of the sky on a clear night is
pretty much identical to that seen by people all
over the world before the ----- of the telescope.
10. To be successful in business life, it is important
A) cavity B) permission to have high -----.
C) invention D) memory
A) mystery B) self-esteem
E) atrocity
C) laundry D) deviance
D) elevation

5. Marketers usually use celebrity endorsements 11. When his father dies, his son is going to ----- this
to make advertisements ----- and to enhance house and two fields in the village.
consumer recognition of the brand name.
A) emit B) contribute
A) immoral B) mature
C) reduce D) inherit
C) impatient D) believable
D) absorb
E) challenging

12. Considering that Zeynep is on a very restricted 17. The conflict in Vietnam took root during an
-----, she can only eat vegetables. independence movement against French colonial
rule and ----- a Cold War confrontation.
A) disappearance B) background
A) put away B) died of
C) diet D) proof
C) made out D) devoted to
E) coherence
E) evolved into

13. The chaos in the office was starting to ----- her -----.
18. When I moved to England, it took me a long time
A) get / down B) lay / aside
to ----- driving on the left side of the road.
C) pay / off D) stick / to
E) take / up A) get used to B) pull in front
C) back up D) make up for
E) count on

14. It was her patience and optimism that helped my

aunt to ----- those bad months.

A) turn on B) give back

19. I cleaned out my notebook and ----- old papers I
C) hand in D) rule out
did not need.
E) get through
A) put off B) made up
C) set out D) got rid of
E) looked up

15. Winter conditions ----- a different kind of driving

than normal weather - slower speed, slower
acceleration, smoother steering, and slower

A) call for B) sell out

C) cut off D) derive from
20. His new haircut seemed comic, so his brothers
E) look for ----- it.

A) kept up with B) looked into

C) took over D) made fun of
E) put up with
16. The uncertainty and confusion over the origin of
modern cultural behavior ----- what appears to
be a great time lag between the point when the
species first looked modern and when it acted

A) take after B) pass out

C) put off D) stem from
E) wipe out






1-B 2-A 3-C 4-B 5-D 6-E 7-D 8-E 9-A 10-B
11-C 12-C 13-A 14-D 15-E 16-B 17-A 18-B 19-D 20-C


1-A 2-B 3-A 4-A 5-D 6-E 7-E 8-D 9-A 10-B
11-A 12-E 13-A 14-C 15-E 16-D 17-C 18-B 19-D 20-E


1-D 2-E 3-C 4-D 5-C 6-E 7-C 8-A 9-D 10-B
11-E 12-D 13-A 14-B 15-E 16-D 17-A 18-D 19-E 20-B


1-A 2-E 3-C 4-D 5-E 6-B 7-E 8-B 9-D 10-E
11-B 12-A 13-C 14-D 15-A 16-B 17-A 18-D 19-D 20-E


1-D 2-B 3-A 4-E 5-B 6-A 7-E 8-D 9-A 10-D
11-E 12-D 13-E 14-B 15-C 16-D 17-E 18-C 19-D 20-B


1-C 2-D 3-B 4-A 5-D 6-E 7-E 8-D 9-A 10-C
11-D 12-A 13-D 14-E 15-A 16-C 17-B 18-E 19-A 20-D


1-B 2-D 3-C 4-A 5-D 6-B 7-E 8-A 9-D 10-B
11-D 12-D 13-B 14-D 15-C 16-B 17-A 18-D 19-A 20-E


1-E 2-D 3-A 4-D 5-D 6-E 7-D 8-C 9-A 10-E
11-A 12-C 13-E 14-B 15-A 16-D 17-C 18-B 19-C 20-A



1-B 2-B 3-A 4-D 5-C 6-B 7-A 8-D 9-E 10-D
11-E 12-C 13-E 14-D 15-D 16-C 17-A 18-D 19-C 20-A


1-A 2-D 3-E 4-C 5-A 6-E 7-D 8-B 9-B 10-A
11-D 12-A 13-B 14-E 15-A 16-E 17-D 18-E 19-C 20-E


1-D 2-E 3-A 4-E 5-C 6-B 7-C 8-D 9-C 10-A
11-E 12-C 13-C 14-D 15-B 16-D 17-B 18-E 19-A 20-E


1-D 2-C 3-D 4-D 5-B 6-E 7-A 8-D 9-A 10-E
11-C 12-A 13-A 14-C 15-E 16-B 17-C 18-E 19-B 20-C


1-A 2-D 3-E 4-E 5-A 6-D 7-E 8-E 9-C 10-C
11-E 12-A 13-D 14-E 15-D 16-A 17-A 18-D 19-E 20-A


1-A 2-D 3-E 4-B 5-C 6-B 7-D 8-E 9-D 10-B
11-D 12-E 13-A 14-D 15-C 16-D 17-D 18-E 19-A 20-B


1-D 2-A 3-E 4-C 5-D 6-E 7-A 8-A 9-E 10-B
11-D 12-C 13-A 14-E 15-A 16-D 17-E 18-A 19-D 20-D



6. Prices usually remain ----- when demand and
VOCABULARY TEST 1 supply are balanced.

A) rusty B) stable
1. Success in several jobs ----- anticipating the C) fake D) bald
whims of the public. E) hectic
A) requires B) defines
C) occurs D) responds
E) approaches

7. As a parent, you must try to create a stable home

----- for your children to grow up in.

A) formula B) method
2. Examinations are not the only means of ----- C) environment D) auction
someone’s ability.
E) data
A) involving B) assessing
C) varying D) distributing
E) consisting

8. Whatever happens, don’t sign any ----- before you

have examined its conditions in detail.

3. The government promised to ----- against cigarette A) contrast B) area

and beer advertising.
C) concept D) contract
A) analyse B) proceed E) theory
C) estimate D) assume
E) legislate

9. In terms of international law, each ----- in our

4. The under-18s ----- approximately 30% of the country has certain rights which cannot be taken
town’s population. away.

A) captivate B) violate A) individual B) period

C) constitute D) benefit C) section D) sector

E) cook E) factor

5. The institute ----- all its money from foreign 10. According to the political sources, a number of
investments. deputies in the Parliament are worried about the
----- issue.
A) spells B) interprets
A) strong B) weak
C) expires D) derives
C) powerful D) large
E) reply
E) current


11. The talks concerning Iraq’s new construction are 16. If you want an equipment to use efficiently, you
very ----- for the future relationships between the should test it -----.
two countries.
A) periodically B) financially
A) wasteful B) legal
C) economically D) wisely
C) redundant D) similar
E) obviously
E) significant

17. The future of the Russian-Chinese ----- rests

heavily on the future of the USA as well as Türkiye.
12. With rapidly developing technology, there has
A) depth B) alliance
been a ----- change in teenagers’ attitudes recently.
C) identity D) easiness
A) tasty B) major
E) comfort
C) naughty D) boring
E) rusty

18. In these days, most of the advertisers are aiming

their campaigns ----- at young people.

A) mutually B) indefinitely
13. According to the police, it was ----- that the burglar
C) specifically D) legally
knew the apartment very well.
E) deliberately
A) irresponsible B) legal
C) various D) evident
E) beneficial

19. Because of her talent, Samantha started to sing

----- after leaving university.

A) periodically B) evidently
14. The ----- year is a period of twelve months for which
C) similarly D) professionally
a business or government plans its management
of money. E) virtually

A) cute B) individual
C) financial D) specific
E) methodological

20. Theoretically, women have the same ----- as men,

but the reality is very different.

A) melons B) taps C) wigs

D) departures E) opportunities

15. Carol bought a new pair of shoes which were very

----- to the one I had bought last week.

A) similar B) different C) easy A good heart is better than all the heads in
D) nice E) willing the world.


6. Drug trafficking is a matter of considerable

VOCABULARY TEST 2 concern for the entire international -----.

A) strategy B) complex
1. The jury ----- from the evidence that the defendant C) community D) item
was innocent. E) category
A) invested B) regulated
C) administrated D) concluded
E) assisted

7. There is a ----- in our office that when it is

somebody’s birthday, they bring in a cake for us
all to share.
2. Her brother has ----- some very unpleasant habits
recently. A) region B) tradition
C) chapter D) text
A) consumed B) acquired
E) aspect
C) evaluated D) equated
E) injured

8. Britain’s mineral ----- include oil, coal and gas

3. Despite living in different countries, the two
families have ----- close links.
A) credits B) discoveries
A) resided B) perceived
C) resources D) commissions
C) maintained D) restricted
E) designs
E) occurred

9. Each club member will receive a ----- twice a year

4. It is impossible to ----- these results without
which contains a mixture of news, reviews and
knowing more about the research methods
A) institution B) site
A) invest B) participate
C) bucket D) focus
C) consist D) require
E) journal
E) evaluate

5. Credit cards ----- as a short-term loan if you find

something that is a bargain and haven’t the cash 10. The new proposals were intended to soften the
or balance in your checking account to pay for it. ----- of the reformed tax system.

A) pursue B) deceive A) impact B) aspect

C) act D) avoid C) credit D) venom
E) trace E) survey


11. Many potential customers are waiting for a ----- in 16. After a three-hour delay, we ----- got home at
prices before buying. eleven o’clock, collected the parcel and left.

A) hail B) task A) legally B) primarily

C) damage D) fall C) potentially D) distinctively
E) fist E) eventually

17. While hip-hop is sometimes taken for granted by

Americans, it is not so elsewhere, most ----- in the
12. Le Duc Tho and Dr. Kissinger were ----- awarded
developing world.
the 1973 Nobel Peace Prize; however, Le, refused
to accept the prize, on the grounds that his
A) notably B) politically
country was not yet at peace.
C) financially D) culturally
A) barely B) urgently
E) periodically
C) jointly D) willingly
E) irrelevantly

18. The Formula 1 season consists of a series of

races, known as Grands Prix, held on purpose-
built circuits, and to a lesser extent, ----- public
roads and closed city streets.
13. On September 11, 2001, former US President
Barack Obama was driving to a state legislative A) humid B) former
hearing in Chicago when he heard the first sketchy
C) structural D) nude
reports of a plane ----- the World Trade Center on
his car radio. E) shabby

A) reflecting B) acquiring
C) judging D) training
E) hitting
19. The World Bank produces every year an influential
annual report and ranking exercise which
emphasizes minimizing ----- to business.

A) fumes B) benefits
14. Our use of ----- chemicals and the consequential
C) costs D) pills
damage to the environment is a very serious
matter. E) sparkles

A) positive B) obtainable
C) harmful D) satisfactory
20. Türkiye, as it is ----- from its being one of the few
E) glorious countries in the world that is self-sufficient in
food, is a main producer of agricultural products.

A) evident B) temporary
C) deliberate D) random
15. Training is provided within the company, so no
E) impossible
----- experience is required for the job.

A) beneficial B) useful
C) useless D) previous
E) unwilling A wise man gets more use from his enemies
than a fool from his friends.


6. Some celebrity’s actions and expenses attracted

VOCABULARY TEST 3 strong criticism in the present poor economic -----.

A) partners B) layers
1. A number of major charities are ----- their efforts C) volumes D) circumstances
to send out food to the areas worst affected by E) permissions
the famine.

A) kneeling B) excluding
C) coordinating D) dominating
E) commenting
7. The ----- curriculum is a group of courses in
various subjects which all students in a school
must study.

A) core B) gorgeous
2. Following the plane crash, the airline is taking C) shabby D) odd
further steps to ----- public safety on its aircraft. E) sufficient
A) alleviate B) ensure
C) convene D) remove
E) constrain

8. Negotiators are still trying to find a ----- for a long-

term peace agreement.
3. The presidents of Kenya, Tanzania, Rwanda,
Uganda and Burundi have agreed to the free ----- A) component B) framework
of people and goods across the region.
C) fund D) sequence
A) fatigue B) poverty E) withdrawal
C) movement D) pillar
E) conspiracy

9. The robbers have devised a ----- to defraud the

4. The recent fall in the inflation and interest rates government of millions of dollars.
have ----- for rising unemployment.
A) immigration B) thumb
A) shifted B) illustrated C) scheme D) bet
C) immigrated D) compensated E) stove
E) depicted

10. With the approaching local elections, all political

5. The power which a political party is allowed to parties in our country are trying to are ----- voter
exercise should ----- closely to the proportion of registration.
votes it receives.
A) encourage B) tremble
A) benefit B) constitute C) suck D) withstand
C) participate D) confess E) detain
E) correspond


11. Initial reports say that fifty people have died, 16. The test questions had been checked ----- by
though this has not yet been -----. experts before they were applied.

A) broken B) confirmed A) inconsiderately B) deliberately

C) resembled D) ceased C) vaguely D) ruthlessly
E) rescued E) extensively

17. The cost of living in a big city is more expensive

for many citizens but salaries are supposed to
be ----- higher.
12. The new policy is aimed at developing ----- energy
sources and decreasing dependence on imported A) beneficially B) correspondingly
C) indefinitely D) timidly
A) bilingual B) mortal E) negatively
C) alternative D) reluctant
E) irregular
18. As America’s most infamous criminal, Al Capone
has intrigued, attracted, and repulsed the general
public with his ----- criminal deeds.

13. Although line prompters once played a part in A) naked B) benevolent

theatre, audiences are no longer ----- to them and C) thrifty D) legendary
expect at a minimum that actors will know their
E) mean

A) accustomed B) hazardous
C) invalid D) superficial 19. Japan has the lowest rates of teenage births in the
E) disappointed industrialized world, closely ----- by Switzerland
and the Netherlands.

A) remained B) limited
C) conveyed D) followed
E) supplied

14. The fire, which broke out last night, caused -----
damage to the public library. 20. Current economic models developed out of the
broader field of political economy in the late
A) logical B) similar 19th century, owing to a ----- to use an empirical
C) complex D) proportional approach more akin to the physical sciences.
E) considerable
A) cancellation B) theft
C) desire D) spot
E) brake

15. There is an element of danger in any sport in

which there is a lot of ----- contact.
Death is not extinguishing the light; it is putting
A) worthless B) rotten
out the lamp because the dawn has come.
C) legal D) physical
E) identical


6. Though the acting and ----- are excellent, the real

VOCABULARY TEST 4 core of the film is its ecological message.

A) regime B) script
1. Police are ----- allegations of corruption and bribery C) armament D) compensation
involving senior executives in the company. E) destination
A) concentrating B) imposing
C) committing D) granting
E) investigating
7. A ----- statistic is a single number that summarizes
that subset of the population.

A) wire B) sample
2. The British Library ----- the right to a copy of every C) remedy D) debate
new book published in the United Kingdom. E) cluster
A) resolves B) lends
C) approximates D) retains
E) promotes

8. Social issues are related to the fabric of the

community, including ----- among the interests of
community members, and lie beyond the control
3. The changes in the higher education system will of any one individual.
be ----- next academic year.
A) conflicts B) traditions
A) blamed B) implemented
C) predictions D) poems
C) attributed D) undertaken
E) choices
E) communicated

9. According to the United Nations conventions, there

4. The Vice President ----- an important position is no ----- between the term racial discrimination
within the corporation. and ethnic discrimination.

A) predicts B) confers A) distinction B) profession

C) occupies D) integrates C) output D) sidewalk
E) implicates E) implementation

10. Although types of alcoholic beverages and

social attitudes toward drinking ----- around the
5. The term history comes from the Greek historia,
world, nearly every civilization has independently
“an account of one’s inquiries,” and ----- that
discovered the processes of fermenting wine.
etymology with the English word story.
A) pray B) digestion
A) suspects B) enlivens
C) vary D) browse
C) cuddles D) dwells
E) glimpse
E) shares


11. That book discusses the Prime Minister’s --- 17. In wartime, explicit censorship is carried out with
-- illness and subsequent resignation from the the intent of preventing the ----- of information that
government. might be useful to an enemy.

A) even B) charming A) fidelity B) commodity

C) soft D) inexplicable C) infinity D) ornament
E) tasty E) release

12. A majority of scientists think that these higher-

than-average temperatures are ----- to global
18. After the ----- media interest, the casualties of the
A) principal B) annual earthquake now seem to have been forgotten.
C) predictable D) obvious
A) thick B) initial
E) attributable
C) trivial D) slender
E) solid

13. Domestic ----- is an ugly reality faced by most

women and sometimes even men.

A) promise B) mission
C) ground D) violence 19. The latest nose reshaping techniques allow
E) wealth treatment to be carried out -----, thus avoiding
any possibility of external marks.

A) impolitely B) faintly
14. Civil defense is the organizing and training of C) really D) internally
ordinary people to protect themselves or their
----- from an enemy attack during a war. E) externally

A) giraffe B) property
C) joy D) meal
E) cutlery

20. Barring total control on Internet-connected

computers, as in North Korea and Cuba, total
15. Ethnic minorities are frequently faced with ----- censorship of information on the Internet is ---
and sometimes even violence. -- to achieve due to the underlying distributed
technology of the Internet.
A) inertia B) palm
A) pretty B) special
C) prejudice D) dignity
C) invaluable D) abundant
E) curtain
E) impossible

16. In late 2007 the European Union lawmakers

adopted a legislative report to tighten gun control
laws and ----- an extensive firearms database. Man goes into the noisy crowd to drown his own
clamour of silence.
A) establish B) escape
C) dispose D) surrender
E) shiver


6. Approximately half of American high school

VOCABULARY TEST 5 graduates ----- in institutions of higher learning.

A) construct B) enroll
1. Due to a lack of proper -----, the museum dating C) advocate D) accelerate
from the fifteenth century was in danger of E) dominate

A) revolt B) maintenance
C) destruction D) violation
E) nutrition
7. Intelligence is the ability to ----- and learn and
make judgments or have opinions that are based
on reason.

2. The pollution in the city will continue to get worse A) ignore B) invade
provided that the Municipality don’t ----- the use C) understand D) iron
of low quality coal.
E) complain
A) restrict B) convince
C) confess D) distribute
E) neglect

8. Nobody knows ----- how many Pacific islands

there are, but geographers estimate that there
are up to 30,000.
3. Common with all nationalist movements,
Palestinian nationalism was in response to what A) simply B) precisely
was a perceived ----- to the cultural make-up of
the country. C) approximately D) primarily
E) roughly
A) illiteracy B) wealth
C) gratitude D) skull
E) threat

9. For a decade, a literary award has been established

to ----- Laura Ingalls Wilder.
4. The truck driver was found guilty on three charges
of ----- the speed limit. A) insult B) eradicate
C) vilify D) honor
A) exceeding B) consoling
E) humiliate
C) undermining D) ensuring
E) gathering

10. The largest cactus in the United States is the

saguaro cactus, found in the areas ----- the Gulf
5. The police finally caught the bank robbers after of California.
----- them for several hours on narrow streets.
A) surrounding B) recording
A) clapping B) subscribing C) preserving D) preventing
C) persuading D) chasing E) surpassing
E) gambling


11. The public prosecutor went through the report 16. The Browns tried to describe their attempts to fill
----- but the information he wanted wasn’t given the ----- left by their daughter’s death.
A) doubt B) core
A) thoroughly B) periodically
C) wave D) void
C) rudely D) safely
E) wealth
E) superficially

17. The barometer is used by weather forecasters to

12. Because of the ----- pull of the sun, the earth and ----- changes in air pressure.
the other planets maintain an orbit around sun.
A) detect B) purchase
A) legacy B) gravitation
C) amplify D) reduce
C) irregularity D) infinity
E) terminate
E) vegetation

18. Flying at an ----- of 45,000 feet in an experimental

Bell X-1 rocket-powered aircraft, American test
pilot Chuck Yeager became the first person to
13. The meat must be carefully chopped before it can
break the sound barrier.
be used in that -----.
A) avidity B) emotion
A) prescription B) bill
C) attitude D) altitude
C) pension D) tip
E) eternity
E) recipe

19. When heated to ----- above 1250 degrees

Centigrade, clay fuses and becomes pottery or
14. Hardly ever has there been such a gathering of stoneware.
----- scientists from so many different countries.
A) vaporizations B) perspirations
A) indifferent B) ambiguous
C) temperatures D) reflections
C) distinguished D) reluctant
E) expeditions
E) deliberate

20. Written divorce ----- first appeared in the period

of ancient Babylonia.
15. The phrase “War on Terrorism” was first widely
used by the Western press to ----- to the attempts A) experts B) mails
by European and the US governments to stop C) responses D) competitions
attacks by anarchists against leaders and officials.
E) regulations
A) celebrate B) delay
C) refer D) extend
E) disdain The butterfly counts not months but moments, and
has time enough.


6. The fact that different groups speak different,

VOCABULARY TEST 6 unintelligible languages is often considered more
----- evidence for cultural differences than other
less obvious cultural traits.
1. Türkiye had given Azerbaijan fresh assurances
A) faint B) motionless C) slim
that it would not normalize relations with Armenia
until conf­lict ----- Azerbaijan’s demands for D) quarrelsome E) tangible
Nagorno-Karabakh are fully -----.

A) forgotten B) satisfied
C) deported D) embellished
E) disregarded
7. Although a cheetah can ----- a speed of 110
kilometers per hour, it can maintain this speed
for only a few hundred meters.

2. Many comets with long orbital periods may appear A) fail B) fling C) uphold
brighter and more spectacular, but Halley is the
only short-period comet that is clearly visible to D) achieve E) invade
the ----- eye.

A) rusty B) hasty C) tired

D) naked E) wise

8. This technique is ----- to a wide variety of crops,

but some modifications may be necessary to
accommodate the peculiarities of each type.
3. While considered a tyrant by his opponents,
Napoleon Bonaparte is also remembered for the A) constructive B) undesirable
establishment of the Napoleonic code, which laid C) obtainable D) applicable
the administrative and judicial ----- for much of
E) reluctant
Western Europe.

A) aprons B) gadgets
C) foundations D) belts
E) shrines

9. The International Monetary Fund was created

in July 1944, originally with 45 members, with
a goal to stabilize exchange rates and ----- the
reconstruction of the world’s international
4. The term creative arts ----- a collection of payment system.
disciplines whose principal purpose is the output
of material for the viewer or audience to interpret. A) assist B) sink C) abuse
D) betray E) spill
A) violates B) denotes
C) awakens D) loathes
E) bothers

10. It is obvious that the United Nations will not lift

5. Clifford Geertz has suggested that society is the the ----- unless the North Korean government fully
actual ----- of social relations while culture is made complies with the Security Council resolutions.
up of beliefs and symbolic forms.
A) complications B) tips
A) cottage B) wound C) innovations D) sanctions
C) betrayal D) allowance E) feats
E) arrangement


11. Marketing is the name given to those activities in 16. People who are grown up in a large family and
getting goods from the producer to the -----. who travel a lot are more friendly; that’s why they
are called -----.
A) carpenter B) designer
A) invalid B) fair C) mean
C) administrator D) smuggler
D) pessimistic E) sociable
E) consumer

17. It is ----- to go through a password routine before

12. The new leader of the party got a landslide ----- in you can get into the computer database.
general elections last week.
A) invaluable B) vague
A) cause B) victory C) luck C) worthless D) obligatory
D) cluster E) fashion
E) useless

18. It was a beautiful and moving film, marred only

by the fact that it bore no ----- to what actually
13. We don’t have the slightest idea whether the happened.
Mayor will ----- in the conference tomorrow.
A) difference B) strength
A) miss B) hold C) participate
C) autonomy D) resemblance
D) lick E) enrich
E) solidarity

19. After the fire that broke out last night, there wasn’t
much furniture left worth -----.
14. From 1898 to 1933, the U.S. Weather Bureau
obtained information about the weather from A) polishing B) painting
devices ----- to box kites. C) drawing D) ordering
A) attached B) purchased E) salvaging
C) concerned D) exposed
E) borrowed

20. Markets previously seem to have assumed that

Dubai’s ----- would always be covered by Abu
Dhabi, its neighbor and the richest of the United
Arab Emirates.

A) debts B) toes C) limbs

15. The current government should play a more ----- D) layers E) peers
role in promoting human rights.

A) coward B) easy
C) careless D) prominent
Always forgive your enemies; nothing annoys them so much.
E) suspicious


6. My brother is so ----- that it is too difficult to

VOCABULARY TEST 7 persuade him to come with us.

A) tolerant B) optimist C) stubborn

1. I couldn’t understand what the speaker exactly D) modest E) intelligent
meant because he spoke so -----.

A) clearly B) absolutely
C) effectively D) vaguely
E) intimately

7. Seals and polar bears can live in the ----- cold of

the North Pole.

A) exact B) useful C) ineffective

2. After the match, the supporters were angry with D) extreme E) deficient
the referee as they felt that his decision about the
position of penalty wasn’t -----.

A) impartial B) foolish C) tough

D) improper E) inconvenient

8. Everyone who wants to attend the conference

should first ----- at the main desk.

3. Unfortunately, nowadays some youngsters aren’t A) escape B) reject C) risk

----- enough to give the elderly their seats on the D) add E) register

A) unwilling B) wealthy
C) absent-minded D) alert
E) considerate

9. In mathematics and the arts, two quantities are

in the golden ----- if the ratio between the sum of
those quantities and the larger one is the same as
the ratio between the larger one and the smaller.

4. In 1071, The Malazgirt ----- against the Byzantines A) rape B) ratio C) herd
opened the doors for the Turks into Anatolia.
D) cage E) sack
A) slavery B) victory C) riot
D) treaty E) voyage

10. The universe ----- of living and non-living

5. Most of the most densely-populated cities are entities which have common as well as different
in southern and eastern Asia, though Cairo and properties.
Lagos in Africa also ----- into this category.
A) attains B) consists C) divides
A) finish B) fall C) cease
D) compares E) separates
D) affect E) prohibit


11. Not only canoes but also trains can be used for 16. In 1960s, Lella Lombardi was probably the only
----- the company’s goods. woman whom you might see at the ----- of a
modern racing car in Italy.
A) composing B) evaluating
A) station B) deck C) headlight
C) fluctuating D) tolerating
D) neck E) wheel
E) transporting

17. Sales managers of hypermarkets use a variety

of methods so that they can sell their ----- widely.
12. Having taken the medicine, the patient’s ----- went
A) debts B) refugees C) goods
down and he felt himself better.
D) immigrants E) clients
A) fever B) wound C) lip
D) height E) injury

18. Pop music has a focus on ----- recording, often

orientated towards a youth market, usually
through the medium of relatively short and simple
love songs.
13. Our country owns thousands of masterpieces;
therefore we are proud of this cultural -----. A) naughty B) sedentary

A) ruin B) competition C) urgent D) commercial

C) turbulence D) inheritance E) legendary

E) compliment

19. Sometimes scientists don’t want to report the

true news about their researches in case they
----- people.

A) urge B) lend C) gain

14. The factory manager has stated that workers who
D) trust E) frighten
don’t obey the safety rules will be -----.

A) praised B) dismissed C) awarded

D) allowed E) recruited

20. Pop-stars have to work ----- hard to reach the top

because the competition is fairly stiff.

A) tremendously B) cordially
C) nicely D) mainly
15. The police use lie-detectors while ----- somebody
so as to be sure whether he is guilty or not. E) thickly

A) replying B) providing
C) questioning D) accusing
Fashion is a form of ugliness so intolerable that we
E) beating
have to alter it every six months.


6. Following an official invitation by his Swedish ---

VOCABULARY TEST 8 --, the Italian Prime Minister arrived to Stockholm
on Monday, where he will hold official talks with
1. Türkiye first ----- for associate membership in the
A) inventor B) delight C) coin
European Economic Community in 1959, and on
12 September 1963 signed the Ankara Agreement. D) fugitive E) counterpart

A) applied B) collided
C) bought D) regretted
E) lost 7. Presidents of the five states bordering the oil-rich
Caspian Sea ----- last week in Turkmenistan to try
to narrow their differences over how to divide its
underwater bounty.

A) gathered B) fought
2. The sponsors say that the concert will be a -----
contribution to efforts toward peace, dialogue and C) assassinated D) abolished
understanding between the two sides.
E) shopped
A) wasteful B) vain C) lethal
D) senseless E) fruitful

8. The economic crisis in several EU countries has

led many industrial companies to take special -----,
both standard and unusual ones.

3. Prior to the Gulf War, the governments of the US A) bans B) opportunities

and the UK claimed that Iraq’s alleged possession
of weapons of mass destruction ----- a threat to C) measures D) borders
their security and that of their regional allies. E) opponents

A) confused B) imitated C) rescued

D) curbed E) posed

9. The mother tongue education is given by three

separate institutions: State schools, the education
institutions ----- by associations with an agreement
4. In China cultural differences may ----- and the schools of the cultural associations.
misunderstandings between local people and
visitors. A) calibrated B) opposed

A) stockpile B) create C) delay C) wandered D) adjusted

D) dismay E) solve E) founded

5. The opening ceremony of the European 10. The court does not need to ----- all the witnesses
Weightlifting Championship was ----- in Moscow the accused has nominated.
ahead of the start of competition yesterday.
A) prevail B) bark
A) distributed B) persuaded
C) summon D) groan
C) held D) published
E) deplete
E) dominated


11. Between the 1980s and the mid-1990s, Malaysia 16. The oceans don’t ----- to a single nation, but are
----- significant economic growth under the free, open territory to be shared.
premiership of Mahathir bin Mohamad.
A) believe B) depend C) prefer
A) abated B) cancelled D) belong E) complain
C) experienced D) leashed
E) refused

17. We, as mankind, should be very grateful for God’s

creating the sun’s pulling and pushing forces in
12. Today’s school leaders should work in ----- with -----.
teachers, professional colleagues, parents and
the community. A) fiction B) turbulence C) orbit

A) conflict B) disaster D) altitude E) balance

C) collaboration D) disunity
E) favour

18. Carbon-14 is radio-active and it gives out rays of

energy at a ----- speed; as it does so, it turns into
Carbon-12 within 5600 years.

13. Living things share certain properties that ----- A) rapid B) fixed C) quick
them from inanimate objects.
D) remote E) flexible
A) endanger B) distinguish
C) judge D) ratify
E) divert

19. A vast majority of deputies are pressing for new

rules on broadcasting -----.

A) appearance B) solidarity
C) impartiality D) definition
14. Celebrations were held all over Türkiye to mark
the ----- of the foundation of Parliament on April E) vibration
23, National Sovereignty and Children’s Day.

A) fortune B) rehearsal
C) animation D) assassination
E) anniversary
20. Anyone not paying the registration fee by 31
December will be ----- to have withdrawn from
the scheme.

A) deemed B) supported
C) undermined D) hidden
15. Turkish citizens have yet to be sure whether the
recent economic and political changes may have E) tolerated
any positive ----- for Türkiye’s membership to the
European Union.

A) profit B) threat C) effect

Selfishness is not living as one wishes to live, it is
D) interest E) measure
asking others to live as one wishes to live.


6. Prior to the civil war in Syria, Turkish and Syrian

VOCABULARY TEST 9 foreign ministers had signed an agreement last
week and ended visa ----- for travel between the
two countries.
1. The United States and Türkiye have had a joint
A) pools B) eagles
military relationship since 1947; however, there
has been a growing ----- over this relationship C) restrictions D) figs
since the mid-1960’s. E) enthusiasms
A) taste B) port C) concern
D) sculpture E) peculiarity

7. Recently psychologists have been ----- with the

2. Since the 1997 release of the first novel Harry increasing acts of violence among teenagers.
Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, which was
retitled Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone in A) convinced B) extended C) fond
the US, the books have gained ----- popularity, D) keen E) concerned
critical acclaim and commercial success

A) inadequate B) disgusting
C) immense D) independent
E) bashful 8. In several hotels, children under six and staying
in the same room with their parents are ----- of

A) free B) except C) lack

3. The novel addresses not only the corruption D) true E) aware
of the revolution by its leaders but also how
wickedness, indifference, ignorance and greed
destroy any ----- of a Utopia.

A) loan B) possibility C) cruelty

D) furniture E) efficiency
9. The USA and international military forces are
taking more aggressive action off the African
coast as bolder and more violent pirates ----- oil
shipments and other trade.

4. All the family members are ----- about the grandpa A) complement B) content
who has been in hospital for a long time but hasn’t
C) subsidize D) advocate
been getting any better.
E) imperil
A) afraid B) anxious C) conscious
D) aware E) convinced

10. This pistol is ----- to the one with which the

5. Unlike the Bush administration, Obama had stated
businessman was murdered last week.
plainly that Israel had to honor its commitment to
stop all ----- construction.
A) ignorant B) identical C) innocent
A) settlement B) benefit C) lottery D) different E) involved
D) affection E) climate


11. Most bank robberies occur during daylight hours, 16. The first ----- roots of Hinduism lie with the
have multiple ----- and with modern technology invading Aryans, who move into the northwest
often produce photographic images that can be of the Indian subcontinent from about 1500 BC.
distributed immediately to canvass the local area.
A) hasty B) explosive C) traceable
A) recipes B) witnesses C) notices D) edible E) wet
D) services E) wells

17. While he was driving near a school, a child -----

into the street, he swerved to avoid the child but
12. The meeting has been ----- due to heavy snow
he couldn’t avoid hitting a lamp post.
and strong wind.
A) hid B) translated C) rushed
A) yielded B) recommended
D) surveyed E) suspended
C) invested D) postponed
E) approved

18. The polar bear which was brought from the

North Pole had great difficulties in ----- to the new

A) adapting B) adoring
C) participating D) consulting
13. The candidate we supported was defeated in the E) jumping
local elections as he didn’t get enough -----.

A) marks B) votes C) points

D) grades E) scores
19. At the board meeting, although he spoke well, he
was unable to ----- the other members.

A) complete B) persuade
C) reinterpret D) agree
E) dispute

14. The conditions ----- Britain to pioneer the Industrial

Revolution during the 18th century can be divided
into two categories, natural and political.

A) weeping B) enabling C) resting 20. The United Nations takes the lead in trying to help
Afghanistan towards a more ----- political future.
D) itching E) breathing
A) obscure B) immoral C) infertile
D) incoherent E) stable

15. The lorry which was out of control ----- with a

Some doctors are just the same as some lawyers;
minibus parked on the down road.
the only difference is that the former merely rob you,
A) emerged B) collided C) operated whereas the latter both rob and kill you.
D) deterred E) associated


6. The scientist’s research covers a great deal of

VOCABULARY TEST 10 material about the subject but doesn’t ----- the
real issues adequately enough.

A) tackle B) disturb C) hug

1. If the bus-driver hadn’t driven so fast on the ---
-- road, there wouldn’t have been such a terrible D) caress E) cast

A) lucky B) calm C) merry

D) slippery E) tasty

7. Several archaeologists have tried hard to read the

----- in old Latin, but they couldn’t make out what
it really means.

A) advertisement B) evidence

2. The firm is ----- interested to hear from people who C) miracle D) anecdote
speak both English and French fluently. E) inscription

A) eventually B) particularly
C) effectively D) efficiently
E) respectively

8. Only a few students enjoyed the conference, but

the majority were obviously -----.

A) invaluable B) cheerful

3. The two students making too much noise were C) disappointed D) impartial
----- from the school library. E) admirable

A) admitted B) stolen C) beaten

D) donated E) banished

9. At the board meeting, his suggestion was cast

4. Greenhouse gas emissions from all sources aside as it seemed politically -----.
controlled by the business are measured, and
procedures are implemented to reduce and offset A) reliable B) controversial
them as a way to ----- climate neutrality. C) invaluable D) reluctant

A) achieve B) repulse C) bind E) curable

D) abolish E) surrender

5. When the rate of exchange began to rise again, 10. The scientist will repeat the experiment twice in
the manager felt ----- to call a meeting of the order to ----- the previous results.
financial staff.
A) decrease B) vanish
A) consumed B) omitted C) rewarded
C) verify D) release
D) obliged E) blamed
E) forbid


11. Political parties ----- the vehicle for the electorate 16. The lorry was lodged in a very ----- way, with its
to express itself by accommodating diverse front wheels hanging over the cliff.
interest groups and offering voters different
political options. A) willing B) precarious C) deliberate
D) prevalent E) spontaneous
A) curve B) approve C) shorten
D) provide E) prolong

17. Our first impression of the new lecturer was rather

----- as he was older than he looked.

A) convenient B) wealthy C) vacant

12. The current inflation figures in our country ----- D) deceptive E) accurate
that we are slowly coming out of the economic

A) indicate B) forgive C) persuade

D) outlaw E) expand

18. A bank is more likely to ----- a loan if it sees that

the owners are investing a good percentage of
the necessary startup capital into the business.

A) whisper B) impress C) approve

13. Both leaders seem to be in full ----- on the D) refrain E) consume

distribution of ministry, though there is actually
a vast difference of opinion between the
two parties.

A) conflict B) sack C) rebellion

D) agreement E) copper 19. North American stock markets were poised for a
higher opening Monday after two ----- weeks of
losses that followed disappointing US economic

A) eager B) controversial
C) earnest D) applicable
E) consecutive
14. The EU ----- its origins to the European Coal and
Steel Community formed among six countries in
1951 and the Treaty of Rome in 1957.

A) traces B) dismisses C) denotes

D) ceases E) conceals 20. It is ----- that these buildings remain empty while
thousands of people have no homes.

A) outrageous B) amusing C) ordinary

D) enjoyable E) reasonable

15. Throughout last year, the dollar was reasonably

steady but recently it has started to ----- again.

A) justify B) fluctuate C) explode When a lot of remedies are suggested for a disease,
which means it can’t be cured.
D) hamper E) enlarge


6. The Dean of the faculty is grateful that he has had

VOCABULARY TEST 11 an opportunity to ----- his opinions concerning the
new higher education outline.

A) threaten B) express C) swallow

1. Some foreign tourists were ----- dissatisfied with
the transportation service in the city. D) accelerate E) invade

A) legally B) unfortunately
C) luckily D) thoughtlessly
E) beneficially

7. As far as I’m concerned, your handwriting is not

-----, that’s why you had better use a computer for
your assignments.
2. His elder brother is such a ----- heavy-lifter that
he can lift that heavy table easily. A) obtainable B) inevitable C) legible
D) disgusting E) terrible
A) vigorous B) amusing C) previous
D) furious E) feeble

8. A nationwide ----- has recently shown that 70% of

3. Not all but the translation of certain best seller
the women do housework at least twice a week.
books into our language is ----- because of the
translation mistakes.
A) disaster B) survey C) virus
A) proper B) probable C) edible D) immigration E) journalist
D) illiterate E) illegible

4. The Global Sustainable Tourism Criteria are an 9. Anyone with the purpose to be a novelist or a
effort to come to a common understanding of ----- story-teller is probably to have something he
tourism, and will be the minimum that any tourism wants to ----- with other people.
business should aspire to reach.
A) conceal B) worry C) award
A) inconvenient B) inconsiderate D) share E) forget
C) tight-fisted D) sustainable
E) obstinate

10. The majority of physiologists mention that

adolescents frequently behave in a way that ---
5. Poetry, which is as ----- as language, has for -- their parents.
centuries been written and read by all kinds of
people everywhere. A) provokes B) enhances C) motivates
D) includes E) restores
A) illegal B) prudent C) extreme
D) universal E) earnest


11. Thanks to television and Internet, there seem to 16. Recent medical observations have shown that
be ----- any people who aren’t aware of what is anxiety and grief damage not only the ----- but
going on throughout the world. also various functions of the body.

A) hardly B) likely C) profoundly A) kidneys B) lungs C) borders

D) moderately E) highly D) nerves E) posts

17. People who abuse alcohol have a higher incidence

12. According to the Working Rules, an adult who of unemployment, domestic -----, and difficulty
works for more than six hours a day is ----- to a with the law.
twenty-minute rest break.
A) violence B) training C) estimation
A) eager B) entitled C) object D) fun E) opportunity
D) disappointed E) amazed

18. A few students haven’t ----- in their projects yet

and I must admit I haven’t either.

13. A plastic ink powder, called toner, sticks to the A) melted B) torn C) burnt
charged areas of the plate and transfers an image
D) handed E) hung
of the ----- to paper.

A) regulation B) fiction C) variation

D) purity E) original

19. Simplicity of a rule or regulation doesn’t always

mean that it is -----.

A) worth B) beneficial C) useless

14. The highest grade of coal is hard coal, which is D) excellent E) invaluable
nearly pure carbon and is used as a ----- fuel.

A) stingy B) hectic
C) detrimental D) domestic
E) hazardous 20. There are still certain provinces in our country
where people haven’t ----- the traditional ways of

A) polished B) predicted
C) dominated D) nominated
E) altered
15. A digital system quickly samples the sound waves
and encodes them as binary pulses that can be
decoded by the -----.
When a woman isn’t beautiful, people always say,
A) reflector B) refrigerator C) receiver
‘You have lovely eyes, you have lovely hair.’
D) tower E) kettle


6. The judge ruled that the evidence given by the

VOCABULARY TEST 12 witnesses at the trial was substantial enough to
----- the surgeon guilty of negligence.

A) postpone B) prove C) award

1. In case the weather conditions should be harsh,
you had better take necessary ----- before setting D) celebrate E) promote

A) resources B) claims C) measures

D) objectives E) concepts

7. Unless human beings stop hunting wild animals,

many species will become ----- before long.

2. Nowadays most children are healthier and better A) polluted B) extinct

cared for than those of the past, and far fewer of C) contaminated D) devastated
them die in -----.
E) collapsed
A) membership B) infancy
C) marriage D) neighborhood
E) solidarity

8. One major aim of the new constitution is to

3. ----- investments play a significant role in any prevent the ----- of power by any majority.
country’s long-running economic expansion.
A) misuse B) poultry
A) Private B) Trivial C) Timid C) completion D) issue
D) Vague E) Empty E) interval

4. The geologists from different universities decided

to hold a meeting after the earthquake to discuss 9. While discussing on over summer holiday plans,
the ----- situation of the North Anatolian Fault. nobody in the family wanted to learn her opinion,
which made her -----.
A) current B) eager C) coward
D) trivial E) nonsense A) furious B) clumsy C) delighted
D) pretty E) responsible

5. As soon as the committee had approved the

second item of the meeting, the chairman moved 10. After the operation, the patient was in great pain;
on to the next item on the -----. therefore, he was given a painkiller to ----- his pain.

A) extinct B) display C) air A) release B) relieve C) increase

D) agenda E) holiday D) ignore E) regret


11. The most important product ----- from the fruit of 16. Photocopying is the name given to the ----- that
olive is the oil which is highly valued by many has used electrical, chemical or photographic
nutritionists today because of its benefits for techniques to copy printed or pictorial matter.
A) deception B) inspiration C) poppy
A) suffered B) extracted C) refrained D) process E) violence
D) evaporated E) involved

17. Most children are able to walk without ----- on to

anything when they are fifteen months old.
12. The recent rise in energy consumption has led to
a ----- in the amount of fossil fuels that the world A) missing B) holding C) purchasing
must use. D) throwing E) flying

A) harmony B) avidity C) reduction

D) promotion E) morality

18. As far as I’m -----, the new secretary we have

recruited is not so efficient as the former.

A) called B) worried C) recognized

13. Everybody in his family has such high ----- of him D) concerned E) contemplated
in the university entrance exam that he is always
under pressure to do the best, which gives him
great harm.

A) stones B) impressions
C) expectations D) exceptions 19. Of all the lecturers we have had so far, Mrs.
Connor is by far the most capable and -----.
E) emotions
A) indifferent B) stingy C) extravagant
D) stubborn E) efficient

14. Literacy is ----- important in contemporary

society, and therefore must have a vital role in
contemporary education.
20. Certain drugs such as Vermidon, Novalgine and
A) ruthlessly B) cheerfully
Aspirin are capable of relieving headaches or
C) extremely D) jealously toothaches; however, if not taken -----, they can
be hazardous.
E) awkwardly
A) rudely B) presumably
C) irregularly D) unfortunately
E) moderately

15. As the tenant was not satisfied with the contents

of the contract, he ----- to sign it and started to Happiness always looks small while you hold it in
look for a new flat.
your hands, but let it go and you learn at once how
A) measured B) accepted C) distributed big and precious it is.
D) volunteered E) declined


6. The rescue workers may be able to rescue some

VOCABULARY TEST 13 of those who are still ----- under the rubbles.

A) ablaze B) insane C) alive

1. Of the many efforts that have been made to ----- D) eminent E) afloat
the education system in our country, one way or
another none of them seems to have succeeded.

A) vanish B) improve C) annihilate

D) stimulate E) imitate

7. Recently, the Agricultural Bank has been ----- to

write off the debts of the farmers in the earthquake

2. It is hoped that the ----- concerning imports will be A) yielded B) upheld C) instructed
lifted before the end of the fiscal year. D) rendered E) modified

A) aspirations B) ruins C) lectures

D) restrictions E) qualifications

8. Until the very last minute, the executives of the

club couldn’t discover whether or not the Spanish
3. During the Second Gulf War, the ----- of the United footballer would ----- to sign the contract.
Nations had been questioned by a growing
number of countries. A) agree B) provide C) falsify
D) defeat E) evacuate
A) elation B) quantity C) ornament
D) pleasure E) efficiency

9. Evaporation is the process by which a solid or

4. Most of the banks complain that they are not given
liquid is ----- into vapour by heat.
adequate notice ----- the new monetary policy.
A) pumped B) modified C) restored
A) opposing B) obliging C) regarding
D) resolved E) tossed
D) dividing E) wandering

10. Zinc, which is found naturally in many foods, is

5. According to the doctors, if the symptoms of
important in the body for fighting disease, making
the illness had been ----- earlier, they might have
wounds ----- and for the development of unborn
cured the patient.
A) diagnosed B) detained
A) delay B) postpone C) cancel
C) released D) assured D) heal E) seize
E) polished


11. Nobody knows when the first ----- prepared the first 16. The world is ----- into 24 time zones, and the width
map, which was no doubt a crude representation of each is about 15 degrees longitude.
of locations drawn in soft earth or scratched on
a rock. A) multiplied B) added C) subtracted
D) equated E) divided
A) cartographer B) orphan
C) salesperson D) representative
E) tailor

17. Fishing is a popular sport because anyone can

engage in it, ----- of age, sex or income.

A) wireless B) hopeless C) regardless

12. Up to now, there have been many efforts to ----- D) careless E) motionless
racism, but unfortunately, very little success has
been achieved.

A) encourage B) eradicate
C) provoke D) support
E) postpone 18. Today, medical science is so ----- that it can cure
many diseases which led to loss of life in the past.

A) ripe B) doubtful C) advanced

D) ambiguous E) queer
13. It is possible that by the end of this month, the
costs ----- in the construction of the dam will have
been announced by the Ministry of Finance.

A) covered B) consisted C) involved

D) complained E) dissuaded 19. Recent studies show that talking on the phone
while traveling, whether you are driving or on foot,
is increasing both ----- deaths and those of drivers
and passengers.

A) pedestrian B) planet C) trailer

14. As TV and movie viewers become more ----- and
HDTV presentation technology is more pervasive D) violet E) trainer
across the globe, movie viewers are now being
provided with more high-quality movie content
than ever before.

A) slippery B) harmful
C) sophisticated D) disturbing 20. As the conditions of the expedition are likely to
be severe, some more ----- should be taken by
E) awkward
the climbers.

A) consumptions B) precautions
C) opportunities D) discrepancies

15. The building of a road, a house, a flood-control E) miracles

system, or almost any other constructive
endeavor ----- prior mapping.

A) deteriorates B) purchases When work is a pleasure, life is a joy! When work is

C) launches D) requires a duty, life is slavery.
E) accomplishes


6. Many employers are increasingly concerned that

VOCABULARY TEST 14 computer and network ----- be used appropriately
for company and sometimes personal use.

A) facilities B) feasts C) inns

1. Teaching children to swim at an ----- age is not
only something they will enjoy, but also crucial D) disasters E) pains
to their safety.

A) impossible B) early
C) unbelievable D) indefinite
E) invisible
7. Fiction is a type of literature that ----- people and
events that are not real.

A) urges B) swaps C) splits

D) describes E) cuddles
2. Medical science has developed drugs to ----
- diseases and bring them under control when
they occur.

A) browse B) secure C) prevent

D) ensure E) procure

8. Several studies revealed that cell phone radiation

kills brain cells that are associated with learning
and memory, and may therefore ----- Alzheimer’s.
3. An earthquake is a natural event ----- from the
A) trigger B) reduce C) forbid
underground and seen as vibrations and tremors
on Earth. D) examine E) purchase

A) suffering B) planning C) applying

D) stemming E) melting

9. Providing that a diabetic patient receives an

4. According to the latest -----, it is accepted that overdose of insulin, there is a ----- in the blood’s
foreign languages should be taught to children glucose.
from the age of five.
A) rise B) fall C) vibration
A) sales B) fares C) outlines
D) wonder E) increase
D) expeditions E) researches

10. Nowadays, both supermarkets and hypermarkets

5. The first vehicles were carts with solid wooden are popular because they provide a great ----- of
wheels ----- in ancient Mesopotamia in about 3200 products, and are generally cheaper than small
BC. shops.

A) stayed B) opposed C) invented A) satellite B) turbulence C) guide

D) enlightened E) curbed D) direction E) variety


11. To ----- in space, rockets send spacecraft up 16. Persistent headaches and blurred vision are -----
beyond the atmosphere where there is no air; and that may indicate serious eye disorders.
there the spacecraft can fly around the earth in
paths called orbits. A) symptoms B) expressions
C) illustrations D) declarations
A) travel B) fasten C) implement
E) claims
D) count E) capsize

17. Even though the Earth was ----- to be spherical

12. When young people go to university, it is often the prior to the 18th century, Isaac Newton and others
first ----- they have lived away from home. concluded that the Earth should be an oblate
ellipsoid of revolution slightly flattened at the
A) emancipation B) time poles.
C) supposition D) tolerance A) concerned B) assumed C) verified
E) ancestor D) withdrawn E) commanded

18. Turkish people think that theirs is the ----- country

in the world to have four seasons.
13. In today’s society, staying healthy is ----- difficult
because many professions do not involve A) unique B) extreme C) even
physical activity.
D) cunning E) various
A) neatly B) merely C) roughly
D) rather E) satisfactorily

19. Traditionally, Japanese students ----- their

teachers greatly, whereas in the United States,
teachers are not highly regarded.
14. Although stars are ----- moving, we cannot see
any change in their position because of their A) swear B) oppose C) boil
D) respect E) threaten
A) incredibly B) officially
C) constantly D) highly
E) safely

20. The mosquito is an insect ----- to the fly family and

found in most parts of the world.

A) consisting B) bringing C) belonging

15. Since the ----- of the television, most people have
been spending more free time watching it than D) immigrating E) yelling
doing anything else.

A) distribution B) contamination
C) communication D) publication
All happy families resemble one another, each un-
happy family is unhappy in its own way.
E) invention

6. In some states, police forces are highly militarized

VOCABULARY TEST 15 and ----- indistinguishable from the armed forces.

A) practically B) wastefully C) voluntarily

1. A think-tank is a group of specialists, brought D) persuasively E) miserably
together usually by a government, to ----- ideas
on a particular subject and to make suggestions
for action.

A) halt B) legislate C) develop

D) inhibit E) jeopardize
7. The whole play was such a ----- because the lights
wouldn’t work, one actor forgot his lines and
another fell off the stage.

A) feat B) risk C) funeral

2. The ----- of artificial satellites by Russia and D) fiasco E) victory
the USA led to satellite geodesy and new
measurements of the Earth’s shape.

A) anchoring B) blowing C) polishing

D) launching E) nominating

8. Skiing is one of the few sports that ----- people to

move at high rates of speed without any power.
3. Even though zebras are shaped like donkeys,
A) prevent B) enable C) protect
they are known as the most useless animals in
existence as they refuse to be -----. D) estimate E) refrain

A) tortured B) assassinated C) appointed

D) sentenced E) trained

9. The current government is spending millions of

4. Mathematics is the study of numbers and their dollars in its attempt to ----- drug abuse.
logical ----- with each other.
A) stimulate B) subsidize C) vilify
A) fractions B) obstructions
D) combat E) gossip
C) discussions D) decimals
E) relationships

5. Color blindness is an ----- condition affecting the 10. Elephants are not normally dangerous animals
ability to see colors. unless they are ----- .

A) annihilated B) inherited A) fluttered B) satisfied C) provoked

D) diagnosed E) dispatched
C) utilized D) illuminated
E) augmented


11. Only after Jenner’s discovery that the less 16. The teacher kept skipping from one subject to
dangerous cowpox material was an ----- another so it was difficult to ----- what he was
immunizing agent did smallpox inoculation saying.
become popular.
A) recite B) follow C) dispose
A) useless B) effective C) apprehensive D) complain E) reply
D) inexplicable E) meek

17. In countries where there is hyperinflation, the -----

of the paper money in your hand decreases by
the day or even by the hour.

A) property B) violence C) value

12. S.O.S. is the international distress ----- for use in
wireless telegraphy. D) magnitude E) tenet

A) monument B) ban C) behavior

D) call E) bid

18. The territorial ownership of Nagorno-Karabakh

today is still a ----- disputed issue between
Armenia and Azerbaijan.

A) rarely B) sparingly C) merrily

D) heavily E) graciously
13. The government’s ----- to put enough money
into health care has recently had disastrous

A) admission B) intention C) ambition

D) refusal E) willingness 19. Today thousands of meteorological observation
stations are in operation all over the world and
supply us with ----- of various atmospheric

A) verdicts B) fines C) estimates

D) fares E) employees

14. Expressionism was founded in Europe, ----- in

Germany, in the early part of the twentieth century.

A) purely B) modestly C) successively

D) specifically E) merely 20. Sign language is a system of communicating with
people by using hand movements rather than -----

A) vivid B) chosen C) broken

D) spoken E) silent

15. The prisoners tried to ----- with the guards for

items like writing paper and books.
Truth, like gold, is to be obtained not by its growth,
A) hug B) suspect C) envisage but by washing away from it all that is not gold.
D) solve E) barter


6. Sound ----- faster in water than in air, and even

VOCABULARY TEST 16 faster in iron.

A) dives B) floats C) sinks

1. Gandhi and Martin Luther King both led campaigns D) travels E) renounces
of civil disobedience to try to ----- the authorities
to change their policies.

A) pity B) rust C) persuade 7. Seeing a black cat while walking in the street is
D) abuse E) cease believed to bring ----- luck in some countries.

A) pretty B) bad C) good

D) harmless E) qualified

2. We need someone really ----- who can organize

the office and make it run smoothly.
8. The changes to the tax system proved ----- as they
A) dull B) insane C) foolish were impossible to enforce.
D) incompetent E) efficient
A) candid B) cheerful C) emphatic
D) fruitful E) impracticable

3. In developed countries, especially in the USA,

a remarkable number of students become so
depressed that they ----- suicide. 9. Leading child development experts are
challenging the popular ----- that today’s children
A) avoid B) grab C) cling are “over-scheduled” as a result of the hurried
D) commit E) purchase and stressful lives from participating in too many
organized activities.

A) reserve B) sewer C) notion

D) leakage E) bait

4. It is ----- that the great nuclear powers of the world, 10. A new NASA-led study shows human-caused
the USA and Russia, have made themselves climate change has made an impact on a wide
crusaders against the further expansion of range of Earth’s natural systems, including plants
nuclear weaponry. ----- earlier across Europe, and lakes declining in
productivity in Africa.
A) ironic B) humble C) mundane
D) compassionate E) modest A) anchoring B) hatching
C) hibernating D) blooming
E) buying

5. Psychiatric experts agree that women are actually

11. Though they look similar, it is important to -----
more likely to ----- depression than men.
between wrestling and judo.
A) forge B) defer C) avenge
A) distinguish B) escalate C) merit
D) refute E) experience
D) gulp E) drill


12. New York has a large number of immigrants; thus 17. According to Einstein’s Theory of Relativity, it is
illegal immigrants are sent back across the ----- if impossible to ----- faster than the speed of light.
they are caught.
A) sedate B) nominate C) travel
A) subway B) continent C) gulf D) dive E) hesitate
D) bay E) border

13. Constructivism is a psychological theory of

18. The Third World is a group words for the countries
knowledge which argues that humans -----
of Africa, Latin America and Asia which have less
knowledge and meaning from their experiences.
----- industries.
A) cheat B) remain C) betray
A) polished B) ruined C) haunted
D) generate E) stab
D) situated E) developed

14. Since the great oil ----- of the 1970s, the

International Energy Agency has encouraged
and supported research carried out to discover
alternative energy sources.
19. Advertisers have attempted to quantify and
A) surplus B) crisis C) profit qualify the use of celebrities in their marketing
D) heritage E) benefit campaigns by evaluating their awareness,
appeal, and relevance to a brand’s image and
the celebrity’s ----- on consumer buying behavior.

A) objection B) influence C) dispute

D) prey E) riot

15. It is possible to describe law as the body of

official rules and regulations, generally found in
constitutions, legislation, judicial opinions, and
the like, that is used to ----- a society and to control
the behavior of its members.

A) govern B) sue C) abuse

D) miss E) provoke 20. When you’re programming a computer, you can’t
jump any stages; otherwise, it won’t work -----.

A) clumsily B) carelessly C) eminently

D) properly E) annually

16. In the 18th century, female popular dress ----- of a

skirt, bodice, petticoat, mantle and apron.
Dignity consists not in possessing honors, but in the
A) conveyed B) interested C) satisfied consciousness that we deserve them.
D) donated E) consisted


6. Though Mary gives the appearance of ----- and

VOCABULARY TEST 17 reliability, I’d rather you didn’t trust her an inch.

A) hazard B) mistrust C) urgency

1. Like in most nations, President is the title given D) invalidity E) sincerity
to the head of state and our President ----- Turkish

A) cherishes B) expels C) represents

D) consoles E) exits

7. Of all the rock ----- we have worked on until now,

this is probably the most valuable.

A) hindrances B) samples C) donations

2. In our age, most people prefer to eat food for ---
-- rather than for their health. D) clients E) calamities

A) eruption B) influx C) magnitude

D) taste E) rank

8. They favour the self-regulation of the industry,

and strict codes of conduct have already been
3. Oceans not only ----- carbon dioxide and other
----- by the Advertising Association.
gases from atmosphere, but also hold and
transport vast amount of heat through a network
A) issued B) reigned
of currents.
C) underestimated D) wandered
A) absorb B) yield C) spill E) squeezed
D) revolt E) emit

9. Human beings’ ----- energy supplies, coal and oil

4. It seems rather difficult to find a replacement for
are unable to reproduce themselves.
the trainer of the team, for whoever takes over the
----- is likely to meet the same fate.
A) futile B) inconsistent C) murky
A) breach B) corruption D) level E) principal
C) responsibility D) detention
E) velocity

10. While it has been suggested that ----- vaccination

may be needed to control a pandemic, many
5. Margarine was introduced into the United States
countries do not have a legal framework that
in 1874 and immediately ----- the opposition of the
would allow this.
dairy industry.
A) irrelevant B) trifling
A) decayed B) contaminated
C) compulsory D) bilateral
C) delineated D) aroused
E) merciful
E) hastened


11. Some avalanches move no faster than 40 km per 16. The company’s principal objective is to establish
hour, while others have been ----- to have a speed long-term ----- with their customers, on a basis of
of about 300 km per hour. partnership and mutual trust.

A) overlooked B) estimated C) oppressed A) dispute B) laxity C) collaboration

D) irrigated E) impeded D) enmity E) repression

17. By the time a child ----- school age, he/she ought

to be able to dress himself/herself quickly.
12. They argue that packaging makes self-service
in shops possible and guarantees the ----- and A) exceeds B) reaches C) surpasses
hygiene of food and drink. D) misses E) spoils

A) patience B) damage C) eternity

D) safety E) caprice

18. Citrus trees thrive on a wide range of soils, but

well-drained and slightly acid types are more -----.

A) suitable B) unsanitary C) incoherent

D) offensive E) irrelevant
13. A famous American actress and singer, Scarlet
Johansson rarely discusses her ----- life with the
press, saying “it’s nice to have everybody not
know your business.”

A) fake B) omnipresent C) personal 19. The manager was terribly ----- with the decision
of the board; therefore he resigned from his post.
D) greedy E) hostile
A) satisfied B) respected C) interested
D) disappointed E) complied

14. Denim, the material that jeans are made of,

originally referred to a type of ----- called serge.
20. The harnessing of the wind to generate electricity
dates back to 1890, but few notable ----- were made
A) facility B) factory C) algae
until 1970 when energy prices began to rise fast.
D) instinct E) fabric
A) advances B) nominations
C) fists D) desolations
E) fallacies

15. Thailand has ----- half of its forests because its

population has been growing steadily for twenty
A compliment is a gift, not to be thrown away care-
A) lost B) irrigated C) offended lessly, unless you want to hurt the giver.
D) tracked E) relished


6. Some primary school teachers can be very -----

VOCABULARY TEST 18 of students who don’t understand what they are
talking about.

A) eminent B) intolerant C) astounding

1. Currently, the individuals who might have caused
the accident are ----- to investigation. D) prominent E) alluring

A) audible B) edible
C) inappropriate D) subject
E) eloquent

7. Jewelers will tell you that gold is intrinsically ---

-- to other metals but the real difference is simply
that it costs more.

A) ultimate B) current C) superior

2. People who fly regularly with the airline are given D) inelegant E) disreputable
----- seating as a gift.

A) naked B) arid C) obscene

D) preferential E) ridiculous

8. Protocol would require detailed preparations and

notification of appropriate authorities in ----- of a
royal visit.

3. In the preface, the author says that it ----- eight A) average B) display C) vacation
years for him to write the book. D) territory E) advance

A) took B) gained C) acceded

D) denounced E) obviated

9. The availability of cheap video editing and

publishing tools ----- video shot on mobile phones
to be distributed virally both on the web by email
4. Travelers who are willing to fix their own ----- are or website, and between phones by Bluetooth
able to avoid the tourist crowds. or MMS.

A) mutiny B) epidemic C) fraternity A) conceives B) ascertains C) dissuades

D) impotence E) itinerary D) allows E) cooks

5. The accident caused a traffic jam along a busy 10. Data ----- from exploratory investigations indicate
stretch of road where the expressway ----- the large amounts of oil below the sea-bed in this
highway. area.

A) rears B) supervises C) intersects A) defeated B) coerced C) averted

D) embezzles E) inspires D) abolished E) obtained


11. A special police task force has been set up to --- 16. We watched the building vanish under a mantle of
-- gun-running and drug dealing. thick grey smoke as the fire ----- moved through it.

A) combat B) aspire C) furnish A) inconsistently B) swiftly

D) harness E) comprise C) biennially D) inadvertently
E) concisely

17. The bank wouldn’t lend any more money, which

12. Many entertainment giants such as Walt Disney was ----- to making the business close down.
and IMAX are beginning to outsource an
increasing amount of their animation production A) incoherent B) irregular
to Asian countries, ----- India. C) abundant D) tantamount
E) illogical
A) enviously B) particularly C) barely
D) ruthlessly E) strangely

18. Equality of opportunity has been the government’s

guiding ----- in its education reforms.

A) asylum B) aviation C) decadence

13. Throughout the world the most ----- used material D) principle E) navigation
is steel as it is relatively cheap, strong and is
much easier to repair than the other materials
that can be used.

A) solely B) meanly C) reluctantly

D) hastily E) commonly
19. At the board meeting of the company, some
members have voiced their unease at the -----
effect of the recession on profits.

A) splendid B) efficient C) adverse

D) fertile E) magnificent
14. Although favorable conditions for tornadoes in
the United States can ----- at any time, they are
most common in spring and least common in

A) approve B) complain C) occur 20. With the Treaty of Locarno, ----- in 1925, France,
D) expel E) peel Germany and Belgium undertook to maintain
their existing frontiers and abstain from the use
of force against each other.

A) plagiarized B) anchored
C) violated D) signed
15. Peaceful demonstrations that do not harm other E) irritated
people are a ----- right in any truly democratic

A) inferior B) troublesome
C) fundamental D) utmost
Large desire is endless poverty.
E) quarrelsome


6. A majority of Parliament members wanted to put

VOCABULARY TEST 19 off an election until they could be sure of ----- it.

A) earning B) obtaining C) winning

1. Most encyclopedias have a very ----- index, so you D) acquiring E) losing
can easily find any name you want.

A) scarce B) anxious C) tiny

D) thorough E) meagre
7. It was cunning of the director to sell his shares
just before the company went -----.

A) bankrupt B) crazy C) sour

D) mad E) expansion
2. International auxiliary languages such as
Esperanto are generally intended by their
designers to function as lingua franca, but have
historically had a ----- low level of adoption and
use. 8. Microsoft initially embraces a competing standard
or product, then extends it to produce their own
A) readily B) relatively C) cunningly version which is then ----- with the standard, which
in time extinguishes competition that does not or
D) easily E) profitably
cannot use Microsoft’s new version.

A) suitable B) portable C) accessible

D) incompatible E) sufficient
3. Historically, torture has been reviled as an idea,
yet employed as a tool and defended by its
wielders, often in direct ----- to their own averred
9. The people of Nigeria have an ----- history, and
A) seed B) purification archaeological evidence shows that human
habitation of the area dates back to at least 9000
C) contradiction D) respiration BC.
E) destiny
A) awesome B) urgent
C) extensive D) irregular
E) irresponsible

4. Strikes became important during the industrial

revolution, when mass ----- became important in
factories and mines. 10. Participants in the stock market ----- from small
individual stock investors to large hedge fund
A) code B) root C) essay traders, who can be based anywhere.
D) lottery E) labor
A) threat B) select C) await
D) range E) crucify

5. Excavations of ancient monuments and the ----- of

antiquities have been taking place for thousands
of years, but these were mostly for the extraction 11. In the years following his death, Samuel Johnson
of valuable or aesthetically pleasing artifacts or began to be ----- as having had a lasting effect on
robbery. literary criticism, and even as the only great critic
of English literature.
A) collection B) frankness C) bishop
D) drought E) dimension A) erased B) falsified C) scolded
D) threatened E) recognized


12. “Breast is best” means that feeding babies with 17. A cup final is the last game in a ----- between
mothers’ breast milk is healthier than feeding teams, usually in football, for a cup.
them with ----- or cow’s milk.
A) comparison B) competition
A) artificial B) genuine C) main
C) rehearsal D) destination
D) sheer E) fundamental
E) cemetery

13. Beginning in 2002, and continuing after the

2003 invasion of Iraq, protests against the Iraq 18. The assumptions that were made about the rate
War were held in many cities worldwide, often of growth of the economy ----- to be incorrect.
coordinated to occur ----- around the world.
A) knocked B) burst C) launched
A) simultaneously B) kindly D) obeyed E) proved
C) tactfully D) happily
E) cheerfully

14. The question seemed easy at first -----, but when 19. Iran has always been known to its ----- people as
the student tried to answer it, he discovered how Iran; however, to the outside world, the official
difficult it was. name of Iran from the 6th century BC until 1935
was Persia.
A) fate B) average C) sight
A) arbitrary B) own C) odd
D) display E) range
D) optional E) artificial

15. The US is unlike all other countries in that its

citizens, and legal permanent residents, are
subject to American tax on their worldwide income
even if they ----- temporarily or permanently 20. Curfew is a rule that everyone must stay at home
outside the United States. between ----- times, usually at night, especially
during a war or a period of political trouble.
A) wax B) assist C) cling
D) reside E) lament A) sedentary B) populous C) particular
D) annual E) vivid

16. Because the accused had been under great stress

at the time of the crime, he pleaded not guilty on
grounds of diminished -----. Whatever is produced in haste goes hastily to waste.

A) responsibility B) dignity
C) solidarity D) burglary
E) pottery


6. Environmental groups have ----- to make a stand

VOCABULARY TEST 20 against the proposals for a road through the

A) cultivated B) escaped C) joined

1. In Britain and Australia some schools for children,
----- those where education is paid for, use College D) agitated E) estimated
in their name.

A) extremely B) successively
C) precariously D) especially
E) intentionally

7. Characterization is the way that people are ----- in

a film, play or book so that they seem real and

2. An essential oil is a kind of oil, usually with a A) voted B) favored C) suspected

strong smell, which is taken from a plant and is
D) investigated E) represented
used to make perfume, or for ----- into a person’s
body during massage.

A) mending B) hanging C) hunting

D) tearing E) rubbing

8. Police are concerned for the safety of a five-

3. The recent researches suggest that ----- year-old who ----- while playing in a wood near
passengers are no safer than standing passengers his home.
when a train crashes.
A) arrested B) disappeared C) migrated
A) seated B) native C) simple
D) transmitted E) hijacked
D) curly E) irresponsible

4. Popular culture often contrasts with the more -----,

9. You should try to negotiate a better contract
even elitist “high culture”, that is, the culture of
instead of passively ----- whatever the landowner
ruling social groups, and the low or folk culture
offers you.
of the lower classes.
A) rejecting B) urging C) accepting
A) exclusive B) violent C) fierce
D) curing E) pushing
D) rough E) shy

5. From early psychology in the 19th century,

the behaviorist school of thought ran ----- and
shared commonalities with the psychoanalytic 10. Rescuers had trouble reaching the injured
and Gestalt movements in psychology into the climber due to bad weather and the ----- of the
20th century. mountainside.

A) unfortunately B) hardly A) easiness B) boredom C) steepness

C) concurrently D) dishonestly D) urgency E) purity
E) disrespectfully


11. An elementary school is an institution where 16. According to ----- statistics, the Japanese
children receive the first stage of compulsory work longer hours than workers in many other
education known as elementary or ----- education. industrialized countries.

A) ultimate B) illegal C) senile A) random B) official C) yielding

D) primary E) arrogant D) deficient E) accidental

17. The British Dental Association wants a ----- on

television advertisements which encourage
children to eat sugary snacks between meals.
12. The bullet holes in the wall are a visible ----- of the
bloody massacre that took place here a month A) promotion B) salary C) testimony
D) ban E) council
A) border B) reminder C) motivator
D) departure E) negotiator

18. “The Millennium Bug” was a problem with

older computers whose clocks were unable to
recognize dates after 31 December 1999, with the
result that programs might ----- to work properly
after this date.
13. It used to be ----- impossible to find vegetarian
restaurants outside the major cities, but it is much A) manage B) achieve C) fail
easier now. D) designate E) deserve

A) solely B) predominantly C) wisely

D) virtually E) purely

19. The Boy Scout movement appeared in Britain and

then ----- all over the world.

A) collected B) tempted C) evacuated

14. Space is considered to be three-dimensional and D) spread E) trained
time is regarded as the fourth -----.

A) election B) selection C) dimension

D) altitude E) longitude
20. The neck is one of the first areas to show signs
of ageing because its skin has few sebaceous
glands and tends to dry out, causing lines and

A) deaths B) paintings C) menaces

15. Diving is one of the most ----- of sports, though D) births E) wrinkles
experts can make it look effortless.

A) trivial B) irregular C) resentful

D) awful E) demanding
The bitterest tears shed over graves are for words
left unsaid and deeds left undone.


6. The sheer size of the mosque is enough to -----

VOCABULARY TEST 21 both the native and foreign tourists.

A) avoid B) suffer C) persist

1. As a result of being born to Australian parents D) construct E) impress
in Hawaii, Nicole Kidman has ----- citizenship of
Australia and the United States.

A) rigid B) plain C) dual

D) slight E) wasteful
7. We have many obstacles to surmount before we
can start this project; for this reason the success
of the project depends on whether we can -----
these difficulties.

A) enhance B) develop C) encourage

2. When experiencing the web, one uses the eyes as
the ----- sense and therefore the visual display of a D) overcome E) train
website is important for the users understanding
of the communication taking place.

A) ardent B) primary C) crude

D) raw E) patient
8. After years of not speaking to each other, she was
finally ----- with her father.

A) offended B) reconciled C) supplied

D) punished E) eradicated
3. The proposition that the individual is more
important than society is ----- in Western

A) useless B) ready C) unwilling

D) ravenous E) common 9. They haven’t decided where they are going yet,
let alone ----- the tickets.

A) printed B) torn C) watched

D) booked E) mended

4. Immediately after the accident, we tried to -----

ourselves with the thought that it might have been
10. Having a strong desire to learn English, my elder
A) provide B) trouble C) neglect brother is ----- to go abroad by hook or by crook.
D) console E) bother
A) determined B) mean C) astonished
D) amused E) awkward

5. I wish you wouldn’t study French and English -----;

they may interfere with one another.
11. Bioengineers have been striving to create an -----
heart that functions as efficiently as a natural one.
A) consecutively B) notoriously
C) suitably D) politely A) inevitable B) illiterate C) urgent
E) rudely D) artificial E) edible


12. Although the costs of installing this new heating 17. My parents are always ----- me from playing
system are high, the savings in the long-run will football as a profession because they want me
be ----- it. to be a doctor.

A) worthless B) worth C) trivial A) evaporating B) annulling

D) vain E) frank C) cultivating D) accompanying
E) discouraging

13. The Green Party in the UK polled an unprecedented

15 percent of the ----- indicating the strength of
feeling among voters on environmental issues.
18. Today the wood-paper needed for the manufacture
A) debts B) traces C) votes of paper is ----- provided by countries such as
D) sales E) disputes Canada, Finland and Sweden which produce a
great deal of timber.

A) consequently B) scarcely
C) largely D) vaguely
E) barely

14. During the rush hour in the evening, two cars ---
-- and both drivers began to argue.

A) prohibited B) generated C) registered

D) complained E) collided
19. There was an enormous ----- in the football club
this morning between the two executives.

A) agreement B) impediment
C) dismissal D) consensus
E) argument

15. The ozone layer, which ----- solar ultra-violet

radiation, especially lethal to plant life, lies
between 12 and 50 km above the earth.

A) abates B) polishes C) absorbs

D) stammers E) diminishes 20. The fireman was praised and awarded by the
Mayor for being so ----- during the blaze.

A) awkward B) coward C) foolish

D) courageous E) introverted

16. Initially working women are rather ----- to give

up their jobs, but after a while they find it very
rewarding to be bringing up children. The heart has reasons that reason does not
A) eager B) reluctant C) fond
D) enthusiastic E) reasonable


6. We would naturally have felt ----- if they hadn’t

VOCABULARY TEST 22 sent us an invitation to the wedding.

A) obliged B) glad C) frightened

1. The sales representative manager is hopeful that D) abundant E) disappointed
the company can ----- sales figures next year.

A) torment B) fluctuate C) improve

D) emit E) absorb

7. London and Birmingham are two major cities in

England; unlike the former, the ----- situated in the
heart of the Midlands.

A) least B) previous C) initial

2. Unlike humans, all animal life forms such as birds,
insects and mammals rely on their -----. D) latter E) ultimate

A) mind B) organ C) intestine

D) instinct E) notion

8. In the 19th century, the major European powers

had gone to great lengths to maintain a “balance
of power” throughout Europe, resulting by 1900
in a complex ----- of political and military alliances
3. The Thames, which ----- from west to east, is
throughout the continent.
known as the most important river in England.
A) incoherence B) network C) humor
A) ruins B) pulls C) flows
D) rape E) fair
D) hides E) creeps

4. It is most unwise to interfere in a ----- between a 9. Our teacher gives us loads of encouragement
man and his wife. when we feel a little fed up with our lessons; she
really knows how to ----- us.
A) ceremony B) treatment C) peace
A) discourage B) reprimand C) chide
D) quarrel E) treaty
D) motivate E) punish

5. Sociologists tell us that the most ----- elements

of culture that we must learn are values, norms 10. The band, U2 formed in 1976 when the members
and roles. were teenagers with limited musical -----, but by the
mid-1980s, they had become a top international
A) significant B) hazardous C) depressing act.
D) envious E) haphazard A) complaint B) disaster C) disease
D) toy E) proficiency


11. The summer vacation was so ----- that we decided 16. Unlike many of the runners who were obviously
to go back to the same place next year. nervous, the champion seemed almost ----- before
the race.
A) latent B) dizzy C) lovely
D) secular E) untidy A) foolish B) dizzy C) nonchalant
D) impromptu E) selfish

12. He argued that the crime rate would be reduced if

17. The airline has been ----- for failing to heed
drugs were to be decriminalized, but few people
warnings about lack of safety routines.
----- with him.
A) criticized B) admired C) updated
A) boycotted B) sank C) perforated
D) afforded E) applauded
D) complained E) agreed

18. Looking after a baby at home all day is nice for

a housewife but it doesn’t ----- much intellectual
13. Beginning in the 12th century, Catholic persecution stimulation.
of Jews led to a steady stream leaving Europe to
----- in the Holy Land, increasing in numbers after A) inhibit B) abduct C) terrify
Jews were expelled from Spain in 1492.
D) provide E) abate
A) lack B) settle C) weep
D) hinder E) bury

19. The oil company was found guilty on ten counts

of pollution, and was punished with a $10 million

A) prize B) fine C) award

14. The lawyer argued that the accused had gone to D) insurance E) miracle
the victim’s house with the express ----- of killing

A) vacation B) journey C) solidarity

D) purpose E) poultry

20. The semi-final match will be a chance for the

losing team to get their ----- on the winning team
for their earlier defeat.

A) advantage B) rival C) revenge

D) destiny E) respect
15. A computer program which communicates with
the user ----- by providing choices from interlinked
menus is said to be menu-driven.

A) extremely B) falteringly C) carelessly

That friendship will not continue to the end which is
D) extravagantly E) solely
begun for an end.


6. Petrol stations offer a range of ----- services,

VOCABULARY TEST 23 selling food, flowers and everything you need
while on the road.

A) discontented B) complementary
1. It is quite fallacious to argue that traffic ----- will be
reduced by building more roads, because it will C) detrimental D) unnecessary
simply encourage people to use their cars more. E) disdainful
A) digestion B) rehearsal C) delinquency
D) revenue E) congestion

7. Seventeen demonstrators were shot dead

and thirty-two ----- in a five-minute fusillade of
automatic fire.

2. Although the effects of the famine have been A) forbidden B) greeted C) talented
made worse by the political ----- in the country,
D) wounded E) welcomed
a fair distribution of the available food will have
been achieved.

A) peace B) instability C) conformity

D) excitement E) fate

8. Given the pathetic action on global warming at

3. The Gregorian calendar is the system used in the G8 -----, skepticism that the world will get its
large parts of the world to ----- the 365 days of the act together seems appropriate.
solar year into weeks and months, and numbering
the year starting with the birth of Jesus Christ. A) bankruptcy B) slug C) currency
D) summit E) fig
A) add B) divide C) supply
D) multiply E) sovereign

9. The US economy ----- at nearly a 6 percent

annualized rate between September 2008 and
4. On a summer evening it is ----- to hear the sound March 2009, a shocking slowdown that pitched
of the shepherd’s flute floating across the valley. the global economy into recession for the first
time since World War II.
A) enchanting B) revolting
C) demoralizing D) decadent A) selected B) flew C) shrank
D) lifted E) fled
E) disgusting

5. What is so depressing about the conflict between

Israel and Philistine is the implacable ----- that
both sides feel for each other. 10. Talking gently, the police officer eventually -----
the potential suicide from off the window-ledge.
A) hospitability B) nourishment
A) cost B) coaxed C) decayed
C) merriment D) flattery
D) shortened E) exhibited
E) hatred


11. Babies experience ----- when a mother meets their 17. Despite his financial success, the businessman
needs and comforts their tears. maintained a ----- demeanor.

A) enmity B) ambition C) compassion A) rusty B) fatal C) modest

D) endeavor E) moisture D) delicious E) violent

12. The army had to be mobilized in order to ----- the

rioting mob.

A) rest B) support C) utilize 18. The two experts ----- into a corner and were
soon engaged in animated discussion of current
D) gossip E) pacify economic fashions.

A) yelled B) abated C) climbed

D) retreated E) migrated

13. Both leaders felt so deeply that they were right,

and each hated the other so much, that what
should have been a civilized discussion soon
degenerated into a vulgar -----.

A) inscription B) intimacy C) courtesy 19. It should come as no surprise that efforts to ---
D) brawl E) reconciliation -- a sustainable society will require a lot of trial
and error.

A) dismiss B) betray C) create

D) plunder E) forget
14. In the course of his speech, the newly-elected
Mayor frequently ----- to the failures of the
previous administration.

A) alluded B) violated C) licked

D) mended E) repaired

20. The ----- of their trip to Istanbul was going to the

Topkapı Palace and Blue Mosque.
15. As usual, to ----- a headache, most of the people A) scope B) prejudice C) entity
take aspirin.
D) revenue E) highlight
A) diagnose B) rise C) alleviate
D) assault E) anticipate

16. Aid workers were said to have been filled with

dismay by the ----- conditions that the refugees
were living in.

A) humane B) hopeful C) tender The secret to friendship is being a good listener.

D) polite E) appalling


6. With 101 storeys above ----- and 5 underground,

VOCABULARY TEST 24 Taipei 101 in Taiwan was the first building in the
world to break the half-kilometer mark in height.

A) sky B) flame C) demand

1. Australia remains the only Western country with
a significant Nazi war criminal problem which has D) nucleus E) ground
no legislation to allow the ----- of suspects for trial
in their homelands.

A) permanence B) sustenance
C) merriment D) deportation
E) destination
7. Online advertising is a form of ----- that uses the
Internet and World Wide Web for the expressed
purpose of delivering marketing messages to
attract customers.

A) crime B) promotion C) forest

2. Heavy snow in the southern UK on Saturday D) genocide E) dessert
evening has led to numerous flight ----- and delays
at UK airports.

A) celebrations B) spectators
C) cancellations D) flags
E) planets
8. Beggars never ----- their future because they
simply live from hand to mouth.

A) stabilize B) offer C) plan

D) jump E) examine

3. In the short term, the IMF credited ----- policy

response with preventing the financial crisis from
causing an even worse economic disaster.

A) sour B) barren C) greedy

D) lazy E) swift 9. The blockade of the ports has eliminated -----
trade, but some supplies are still getting through
over land.

A) maritime B) mountain C) drug

4. The north of Poland, ----- to the Baltic Sea, consists D) cigar E) peer
almost entirely of lowlands, while the Carpathian
Mountains form the southern border.

A) obtaining B) stretching
C) descending D) grilling
E) conducting 10. Unlike most EU states, there is a separation of
powers between the executive and legislative
which makes the European Parliament more -----
to the United States Congress than an EU state
5. Because sculpture involves the use of materials legislature.
that can be ------ or modulated, it is considered
A) diverse B) dry C) coward
one of the plastic arts.
D) harmful E) akin
A) molded B) retired C) survived
D) borrowed E) deceived


11. With 20th century music, there was a vast increase 16. The actor is sure the new play will be a great
in music listening as the radio ----- popularity and success and will break the ----- which has caused
phonographs were used to replay and distribute every new production in the theatre to be a
music. disaster.

A) misunderstood B) gained A) chance B) luck C) jinx

C) prejudged D) examined D) ban E) enthusiasm
E) missed

17. The Angolan Civil War began in Angola after the

end of the war for ----- from Portugal in 1975.
12. Bans on smoking in offices and other ----- public
places often result in smokers going outside A) framework B) tray
to smoke, frequently congregating outside C) preface D) refugee
E) independence
A) broken B) stolen C) injured
D) enclosed E) rescued

18. A pedestrian crossing is a marked place in a road

where traffic must stop to ----- people to walk
13. In the early 20th century, both men and women across.
office workers were required to wear neckties,
because it was ----- as improving work attitudes, A) abandon B) allow C) abolish
morale, and sales. D) forbid E) obey

A) furnished B) differed C) waxed

D) insisted E) perceived

19. There is a small ----- in the door, through which

the guards can see into the cell.

14. The assassination of J.F. Kennedy proved to be A) entry B) peephole C) exit

an important moment in U.S. history because of D) well E) spot
its ----- on the nation and the ensuing political

A) custody B) counsel C) impact

D) delivery E) justice
20. They feel a sense of pride and relief that the bank
was sold for a profit and the problems are -----

A) initially B) previously C) extremely

15. A buffer state is a country lying between two ---
D) solely E) finally
-- or potentially hostile greater powers, which by
its sheer existence is thought to prevent conflict
between them.

A) rival B) candid C) promising

D) thirsty E) foggy To want to forget something is to remember it.


6. As they use less energy per passenger than other

VOCABULARY TEST 25 means of -----, a number of countries are trying to
improve their railroad passenger service.

A) transportation B) captivity
1. It is obvious that the purpose of education will
----- the content of the curriculum, the methods C) urbanization D) illumination
employed, and the amount of education given E) negotiation
to students.

A) worsen B) linger C) pay

D) determine E) scrub

7. It is generally accepted that the experiences of the

child in his first years ----- determine his character,
and later personality.
2. For years non-governmental organizations have
A) merely B) randomly C) daily
been involved in a campaign against the ----- of
human rights in our country. D) annually E) greatly

A) increase B) friction C) rise

D) abuse E) development

8. Someone who wins an ----- majority in an election

has the support of more than half of the voters.
3. Hooliganism is ----- associated with sports fans,
particularly supporters of association football and A) irregular B) absolute C) irrelevant
university sports. D) abrupt E) urgent

A) carefully B) boldly C) luckily

D) silently E) commonly

9. Cycling is ----- in the Netherlands and Denmark

4. The recent sales campaign was so ----- that the
not just because of the weather or the flat terrain
profits for the year nearly doubled.
but because of positive action.
A) vicious B) contradictory
A) narrow B) restricted C) illegal
C) fruitful D) envious
D) popular E) ruthless
E) mandatory

5. The detectives searched the house from top to

bottom, but they found no ----- of the stolen goods. 10. Geographical conditions frequently have an ---
-- on cultural interactions among communities.
A) amusement B) sign
C) astonishment D) highlight A) emotion B) effect C) inclination

E) option D) abbreviation E) enlargement


11. A data bank is a large collection of information 16. Several activities planned for the festival were
which can be searched through quickly, ----- by ----- after one of the companies sponsoring the
a computer. event pulled out.

A) truly B) especially C) casually A) detected B) utilized C) stillborn

D) apparently E) evidently D) designated E) fulfilled

12. Connected to tubes and devices, he gave the -----

of a man supported entirely by mechanical means. 17. Comets usually ----- public interest when they are
large and bright enough to attract attention and
A) trace B) solidarity C) impression receive mention in the newspapers.
D) climax E) punctuation
A) prevent B) terminate C) arouse
D) protect E) reject

13. In industrialized countries, the first mechanical

means of pulling a ----- used steam-power, but 18. Because of space limitations, articles selected for
these were gradually superseded by internal- publication in the magazines are subject to -----.
combustion-powered tractors.
A) illumination B) department
A) safe B) desert C) furnace
C) determination D) abridgment
D) kettle E) plough
E) collaboration

19. After laughing over the photo, they began to talk

in a more serious ----- about the damaging effect
14. Airline services will be disrupted during the it could have on her career.
expansion of the airport in Berlin but normal
services will be ----- next month. A) unity B) intention C) vein
D) taste E) vain
A) annihilated B) resumed
C) cancelled D) crushed
E) ignored
20. Many Aborigines died when they came into contact
with diseases ----- into Australia by Europeans.

A) broken B) reprimanded
C) introduced D) coordinated
15. The election results were flashed up on a --- E) appreciated
-- electronic scoreboard that had been erected
outside the town hall.

A) dark B) genuine C) sincere

D) loyal E) giant Birds of a kind flock together.


6. Recently, with the increase of refugees, there’s

VOCABULARY TEST 26 been a shortage of cheap -----, especially in the
city center.

A) emotion B) reflection
1. Teachers must provide for the ----- learners in
the class, but equally they must teach those who C) accommodation D) curiosity
learn at a slower rate. E) boredom
A) wealthy B) fearful C) barren
D) harmless E) quick

7. Owing to low inflation rates, we have seen the

value of American dollar ----- substantially in value
over the last six months.

A) loot B) increase C) oppose

2. The Beatles were a British rock ----- formed in D) arise E) diminish
Liverpool in 1960 who became one of the most
commercially successful and critically acclaimed
bands in the history of popular music.

A) band B) clown C) cruise

D) port E) mechanic

8. Princess of Wales, Diana and Prince Charles were

divorced in 1996 and Diana ----- her life to her two
sons and to worldwide charities.

A) concealed B) devoted
3. Computer-controlled robots are taking over --- C) estimated D) illustrated
-- jobs in several industries, which gives rise to E) jeopardized

A) spiritual B) cruel C) manual

D) horizontal E) military

9. Some people think zoos should let their animals

roam around as ----- as possible, not keep them
in cages.
4. Environmentalists are doing everything within
A) rigidly B) intentionally
their power to ----- the impact of the oil spill.
C) ruthlessly D) freely
A) minimize B) maximize C) arise
E) temporarily
D) augment E) celebrate

5. The fishermen claimed that ships from another 10. Although more than half of all genetically modified
country had ----- their territorial waters yesterday. foods are ----- in the US, most of it comes from
large, industrial farms.
A) congratulated B) murmured
A) obeyed B) vomited C) produced
C) consoled D) violated
D) lent E) sued
E) rejoiced


11. Stockholm is one of the few magnificent cities of 16. I read a brief ----- of his new novel on the train and
Europe where the ----- of times past makes room it has rather whetted my appetite for it.
for the marvels of a new age.
A) volume B) extract C) destination
A) jungle B) waste C) haste D) trap E) port
D) hazard E) beauty

17. Being one of the most ----- populated places on

earth, the Gaza Strip is a coastal strip of land
12. The famous author loves to communicate her on the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea
ideas to the public, both ----- and through the bordering Egypt and Israel.
written word.
A) bitterly B) densely C) luckily
A) impolitely B) absurdly C) orally D) lazily E) neatly
D) apprehensively E) formally

18. People who are already ----- with one foreign

language tend to find it easier to learn a new one.
13. In the US, a zip code is a series of numbers that A) interested B) excited C) shocked
forms part of an address, and which is used to
help organize post so that it can be delivered D) acquainted E) annoyed
more -----.

A) silently B) mercifully C) anxiously

D) quickly E) slowly

19. The company has achieved the savings by closing

some factories, ----- workers, and economizing on
administration costs.

A) extending B) chopping C) healing

D) peeling E) sacking
14. The success of the missile system is being
interpreted as a ----- vindication of the
government’s policies.

A) harmful B) celestial C) minute

D) holy E) triumphant
20. My mother made a ----- salad with lettuce,
cucumber, tomato and pepper and tossed it in a
vinaigrette dressing.

A) plain B) filthy C) rude

D) prudent E) mixed

15. Several newspapers are always directing public

----- away from important political issues towards
sex scandals and show-business trivia.

A) humidity B) denial C) betrayal When an old man dies, a library burns down.
D) attention E) divergence


6. In Britain a yellow line is line of yellow paint which

VOCABULARY TEST 27 is put along the sides of particular roads to show
that ----- cannot be parked there at stated times.

A) airlines B) vessels C) shuttles

1. A psychologist must get to the root of the matter
in order to find out the ----- cause of her troubles. D) vehicles E) pedestrians

A) frank B) conceited C) primary

D) timid E) nonsense

7. It is sometimes said that there are no true ----- in

the English language, and that all words have a
slightly different meaning.

A) metaphors B) prefixes C) antonyms

2. Facebook is a social utility that ----- people with
D) synonyms E) suffixes
friends and others who work, study and live
around them.

A) imprisons B) hates C) connects

D) accuses E) foresees
8. The footballer is likely to receive either a ----- or a
suspension following an incident in yesterday’s

A) reward B) praise C) proposal

D) rank E) fine

3. Medicines to cause vomiting should not be taken

by a patient who has ----- a corrosive poison.

A) referred B) exported C) rebelled 9. Since the nineteenth century, in most western

D) swallowed E) escorted countries, artists have had greater freedom to
----- the subjects they are pleased.

A) choose B) convince C) memorize

D) dismiss E) occupy

4. They continued to make ----- plans although their

prospects of making money were vague and hazy
10. Agricultural researchers are now producing
as the clouds.
plants which are much more resistant to disease
and ----- atmospheric conditions than hitherto.
A) useless B) hopeful C) worthless
D) irregular E) tasteless A) appropriate B) humid C) accurate
D) wet E) adverse

5. The scout was ----- for his courage, leadership and

power to use all means available in directing the
11. A ----- wave is an extremely large wave caused by
rescue operations.
movement of the earth under the sea when there
is an earthquake or a volcanic eruption.
A) commended B) insulted
C) arrested D) sentenced A) lunar B) plain C) smooth
E) ruined D) solar E) tidal


12. Bangladesh is one of the world’s poorest 17. Nobody knows what the result of the election will
countries, with an ----- income per person of only be, but for the time being Mr. Jefferson is ----- as
$ 185 a year, and of the slowest growing. the most likely candidate.

A) increasing B) immediate C) average A) resented B) hampered C) abolished

D) urgent E) obstinate D) regarded E) offended

13. The secret service of a country is a government

organization that is ----- for things such as the 18. As the acoustics in the lecture theatre aren’t very
safety of important politicians and for preventing good, it is often difficult to ----- what is being said.
secret government and military information being
discovered by possible enemy countries. A) knit B) touch C) lodge

A) responsible B) bashful C) indecisive D) hear E) taste

D) indifferent E) scarce

14. There is some evidence that the increase in air

pollution over the past twenty years might have 19. Some cyclists wear a fluorescent strip round their
been responsible for the rise in the number deaths body, or fluorescent armbands, so that they can
----- by asthma. be ----- at night.

A) reduced B) shortened C) polished A) demolished B) obstructed

D) denied E) caused C) forgiven D) massacred
E) noticed

15. A recent public opinion poll has ----- that many

people prefer houses with gardens, however
small. 20. With the arrival of Buddhism in China, and
----- Japan, the Indian architectural tradition
A) interviewed B) offended C) revealed undergoes another transformation.
D) ushered E) interrupted
A) subsequently B) sparingly
C) scornfully D) unfortunately
E) miserably

16. The acknowledgments at the beginning or end

of a book are a short text where the writer -----
people or other works that have helped in writing
the book.
When there is no enemy within, the enemies outside
A) swears B) ejects C) vilifies
can not hurt you.
D) names E) dissuades


6. The book lists all predictable astronomical ----- for

VOCABULARY TEST 28 the coming year, such as planetary, lunar, and
eclipse data.

A) prohibitions B) grades
1. The young man was arrested for shoplifting but
he was ----- on bail after paying a sum of money C) phenomena D) denials
to the law court. E) foundations
A) announced B) intervened
C) released D) isolated
E) stimulated

7. The demonstrators protested about the changes

for a long time, but in the end they had to -----.

A) transmit B) guarantee C) quote

2. The police ----- the possibility that it could have D) refuse E) submit
been an accident because it was so well-timed.

A) adapted B) eliminated C) postponed

D) conveyed E) survived

8. It is commonplace that the war beginning in 1939

is a ----- of the one which ended in 1918, much as
European conflicts of the 18th century were often
3. In the private school, the classes are ----- mainly a return to unfinished business.
of Ukrainian and Russian students.
A) nest B) continuation C) patience
A) advocated B) converted C) inserted D) tradition E) proportion
D) comprised E) disposed

4. Animals that have been reared in captivity can 9. During the mid-19th century, architecture became
find it difficult to ----- in the wild. institutionalized as a profession requiring formal
----- and subject to codes of performance.
A) survive B) estimate C) delay
D) confirm E) utilize A) drawback B) tension C) poverty
D) preparation E) annulment

5. According to the traffic rules, long vehicles are

----- from driving during specified hours in the
city center. 10. In a hierarchical organization employees are ---
-- at various levels within the organization, each
A) differentiated B) innovated level is one above the other.
C) published D) inferred
A) sold B) dismissed C) bought
E) prohibited D) ranked E) refused


11. Some writing systems represent a combination 16. During the first half of the 20th century academic
of sounds that ----- a syllable, rather than a single ----- was recognized broadly in most Western
sound. countries.

A) migrate B) divide C) form A) jealousy B) jeopardy C) empire

D) promise E) abate D) fatigue E) freedom

17. The Athenian Acropolis has been occupied since

12. When the Brooklyn Bridge was opened for ----- Neolithic times, but archaeologists have found
on May 24, 1883, it was the longest suspension few ----- of its early inhabitants.
bridge in the world.
A) refusals B) remains C) toys
A) prohibition B) use C) disapproval D) objections E) masks
D) marble E) clay

18. Switzerland ----- itself on being a neutral country

which does not belong to any military alliance.
13. To mid-19th-century observers, photography A) punishes B) vilifies C) prides
seemed ----- of capturing the world whole rather
than describing and interpreting it as drawing did. D) recites E) penetrates

A) capable B) vague C) illiterate

D) invisible E) indifferent

19. A modest political liberalization began in Chile

in 1978 after the regime announced that, in a
plebiscite, 75 percent of the electorate had -----
Pinochet’s rule.
14. Ballpoint Pen is a modern writing ----- that
distributes oil-based ink with a rolling ball tip A) cancelled B) denied C) rejected
carrying the ink from an internal reservoir to the
paper. D) decayed E) endorsed

A) solidarity B) ideology C) gravity

D) celebrity E) instrument

20. American actress, Julia Fiona Roberts whose deft

performances in varied roles made her one of the
highest-paid and most ----- actresses in the 1990s
and early 2000s.

15. Elvis Presley is one of the best-selling solo artists A) vague B) sluggard C) cheap
in the history of popular music, with ----- between D) influential E) submissive
600 million and one billion worldwide, and he is
regarded as one of the most important figures of
20th century popular culture.
All mankind is divided into three classes:
A) pears B) disorders C) rings Those that are immovable, those that are movable,
D) sales E) tips and those that move.


6. A number of experiments have been carried out to

VOCABULARY TEST 29 ----- the connection between deliberately inflicted
pain and dreaming.

A) scrub B) mitigate C) captivate

1. If you don’t sort out the papers on your desk on
a regular basis they just keep on ----- D) meander E) investigate

A) accelerating B) inducing
C) conveying D) accumulating
E) evaluating
7. The rescue teams used a special ----- for finding
people trapped in collapsed buildings.

A) dimension B) fallacy C) wonder

2. Barbarism is the condition to which a society D) device E) fault
or civilization may be reduced after a societal
-----, relative to an earlier period of cultural or
technological advancement.

A) collapse B) peace C) appreciation 8. Psychological problems very often ----- apparently

D) task E) education physical disorders.

A) underlie B) withdraw C) underline

D) wonder E) download

3. The appearance of the first stone tools nearly 2.5

million years ago almost certainly correlates with
a radical ----- in foraging behavior in order to gain
access to meat.”

A) fluid B) calamity C) shift 9. Although the original budget for the project was
$1 million, the ----- cost is likely to be 40% higher.
D) toe E) sparkle
A) preliminary B) voluntary C) ambitious
D) initial E) eventual

4. A ----- organization is one that is controlled and

supported by people who give their time and
money to it without being paid and that exists to
help other people. 10. Scientists and archaeologists have devoted much
time to researching the problem, but to date no
A) preliminary B) miserable C) deficient really ----- evidence has been produced.
D) voluntary E) classic A) fake B) conclusive C) arbitrary
D) vain E) artificial

5. The name Martha Graham is practically a synonym

for the still young art form known as modern
dance, which ----- from her pioneering days in 11. The government is now demanding the restitution
the late 1920’s. of its ancient treasures that were ----- from the
country in the fifteenth century.
A) dates B) whispers C) curbs
A) prevented B) removed C) suffered
D) fades E) treats
D) concerned E) satisfied


12. In 1945, Britain was still the greatest imperial 17. Plato argued that ideals are ----- inasmuch as they
power in the world history, its territories ----- all represent perfection and can hardly be derived
over the continents and covering a quarter of the from an individual’s imperfect experience.
world’s population.
A) urban B) spicy C) inborn
A) anticipating B) falsifying D) hasty E) rusty
C) stretching D) cracking
E) decreasing

18. Today’s budget figures caused frantic trading on

the international ----- market.
13. The Warren Commission released September 27
a report concluding that Lee Harvey Oswald was A) tombs B) sacrifices C) bans
solely ----- for the Kennedy assassination.
D) commodities E) innovations
A) respectful B) tantamount
C) inaccessible D) responsible
E) feasible

19. Bureaucrats are blamed for ----- the public with

forms and applications and reports to such an
extent that a farmer often spends more time filling
in forms than planning the future of his farm.

14. The War in Afghanistan is an ongoing coalition A) showering B) providing

conflict which began in 2001, as the US military’s
Operation Enduring Freedom that was launched, C) plundering D) insulting
with help from the British military, in ----- to the E) accepting
September 11 attacks.

A) unity B) contradiction C) solidarity

D) harmony E) response
20. William Wallace was a Scottish knight and
landowner who is known for leading a resistance
during the Wars of Scottish Independence and is
today remembered in Scotland as a patriot and
15. Michael Jackson’s story was a quintessentially national -----.
American tale of celebrity and excess that took
him from musical boy wonder to ----- pop superstar A) ruin B) sovereignty C) budget
to sad figure haunted by lawsuits, paparazzi and
D) lottery E) hero
failed plastic surgery.

A) petty B) obtainable C) global

D) thorny E) cheap

He who knows not and knows not that he knows not

is a fool. Shun him.
He who knows not and knows that he knows not is a
16. Opponents of the project say that the company did
not adhere to economic ----- during the planning child. Teach him.
and construction of the buildings. He who knows and knows not that he knows is asle-
ep. Wake him.
A) guidelines B) zips
He who knows and knows that he knows is a wise
C) arrivals D) prohibitions
man. Follow him…
E) cushions


6. The police are a regular force established for

VOCABULARY TEST 30 the ----- of law and order and the prevention and
detection of crime.

A) revolt B) vacancy C) preservation

1. Necip Fazıl Kısakürek was one of the ----- poets
of his generation apart from being a successful D) emancipation E) destruction
novelist, playwright and philosopher.

A) dull B) trivial C) foremost

D) arid E) reluctant

7. Unless the birth rate is ----- controlled, the

resources of the world, especially in the poorer
2. The ----- of these twelve companies into a single countries, will soon be used up.
multinational organization will mean big profits
for some and unemployment for others. A) adequately B) clumsily C) casually
D) scarcely E) carelessly
A) aggregation B) accuracy C) lecture
D) trace E) ignorance

8. Television ----- a number of advantages to nations

where there is a need for rapid development of
3. Psychologists believe that group identity and education and communication of information on
cohesion depend to a large extent on having a development.
----- enemy.
A) disgusts B) murders C) celebrates
A) comfortable B) serene C) cute
D) forbids E) offers
D) haughty E) common

9. Tax ----- have been very effective in encouraging

4. At the development phase it was possible to --- people to save or invest more of their income.
-- earlier research which had been performed in
rocket propulsion. A) incentives B) traces C) bonds
D) scopes E) notions
A) diverse B) presume C) utilize
D) attach E) reject

10. High-paying jobs and other social advantages

unavailable to ordinary citizens are ----- available
to celebrities, even for work not connected to
5. Buddhists became very ----- at the Chinese court, the talents or accomplishments that made them
and soon their views penetrated the philosophical famous.
and literary circles of the gentry.
A) hardly B) readily C) insufficiently
A) futile B) weak C) coward D) rudely E) scarcely
D) influential E) worthless


11. The Internet has expanded the range of 16. One of the most important factors causing
copywriting opportunities to include web -----, the generation gap is the parents ----- in their
ads, commercial emails and other online media. children’s lives.

A) conflict B) content C) delay A) scripting B) meddling C) convening

D) robbery E) lie D) praising E) moving

17. It is sometimes easier to illustrate an abstract

12. Discrimination means acting in a way which will concept by ----- with something concrete.
give special ----- to those who frequently fail to
get jobs and other positions in society because A) antonym B) miracle C) hypnosis
they are black, female, etc. D) analogy E) theory

A) benefit B) sweat C) duck

D) tension E) proportion

18. The play is virtually a sympathetic comment on

individuals who stray from the ----- of the society
in which they live.

A) hollows B) holes C) chances

D) vacuums E) norms
13. Today’s schedule of events is organized ----- so
that people can decide for themselves what they
want to do.

A) ambiguously B) flexibly
C) inaccurately D) carelessly
19. A large ----- of the company’s profit goes straight
E) vaguely back into new projects.

A) portion B) integrity C) orbit

D) monster E) influence

14. William Shakespeare concentrate on a span of

about ninety years from the end of the ----- of 20. Crimes as well as systems of justice vary all
Richard II to the seizing of the crown by Henry VII. over the world, but the greatest variation among
countries is in the ----- of punishment that they
A) curiosity B) mask C) ash use.
D) reign E) elation
A) inspirations B) fortifications
C) encouragements D) drawbacks
E) methods

15. Regional conflicts and clashes in that territory

Everyone is a house with four rooms: A physical, a
have become an ----- to peace talks.
mental, an emotional and a spiritual. Most of us tend
A) ore B) estimate C) avidity to live in one room most of the time. But unless we
D) inspiration E) obstacle go into every room, every day even if only to keep it
aired, we are not a complete person.

6. Individualism and materialism are commonly

VOCABULARY TEST 31 cited as having a harmful ----- on family life.

A) luck B) credibility C) opportunity

1. The council is making a ----- study to examine the D) effect E) benefit
situation to decide about the possibility of the
shopping center proposals.

A) decline B) tradition C) label

D) feasibility E) comment

7. In Britain, the national ----- is the set of subjects

that all children have to study at school from age
5 to 16.

2. A ----- anthem is a country’s official song which is A) agenda B) currency C) curriculum

played or sung on public occasions. D) lottery E) nutrient

A) provincial B) painless C) national

D) federal E) rational

8. In 1929, a catastrophic downturn in the New York

Stock Exchange on “Black Thursday” set off the
3. Infection in this part of the foot can make the Great Depression, ----- a chain of bankruptcies
horse permanently -----. and a worldwide economic depression.

A) deaf B) blind C) fit A) grumbling B) escaping C) triggering

D) lame E) vigorous D) enriching E) choosing

4. The drug is still being tested and will not go into 9. The modern rules of football are based on the
commercial ----- for at least two years. mid-19th century efforts to ----- the widely varying
forms of football played at the public schools of
A) accommodation B) production England.
C) publication D) broadcast
A) melt B) load C) impoverish
E) motivation
D) standardize E) twist

5. The problem of poverty is particularly acute in ---

-- areas where one in three adults is unemployed.
10. The 200th ----- of Mozart’s death was the occasion
for hundreds of special films, books and concerts.
A) financial B) rural C) medical
D) emotional E) mental A) wedding B) engagement C) decade
D) appointment E) anniversary


11. A national park is an area of a country that is ----- 16. Oil is another name for petroleum, the black oil -----
by the government because of its natural beauty from below the surface of the Earth from which
or because it has a special history. petrol comes.

A) consumed B) protected C) scattered A) prevented B) obtained

D) chased E) jeopardized C) avoided D) refrained
E) asserted

12. With new branches in every major city, the

company plans to go ----- as soon as possible.
17. Keynesian economics emphasizes unemployment
A) nationwide B) bankruptcy C) rotten resulting from insufficient effective ----- for goods
D) mad E) crazy and services in the economy.

A) mess B) demand C) peace

D) tradition E) device

13. Native-speaker dictionaries are ----- different from

those intended for the foreign learner of English. 18. Though best known for the funny and outspoken
roles that he plays on screen, offstage the actor
A) merely B) abruptly C) eagerly is ----- and rather serious.
D) quite E) cunningly
A) happy B) shy C) cheerful
D) comic E) glad

14. Turkish folk music has ----- the distinct cultural

values of all those civilizations which have lived
19. It was said at the start of the broadcast that the
in Anatolia and the Ottoman territories in Europe
interview ----- language that some viewers might
and Asia.
find offensive.
A) disturbed B) combined C) shouted
A) excluded B) owed C) contained
D) forgotten E) convinced
D) betrayed E) exempted

15. William Wilberforce campaigned for the ----- of

slavery in the late 18th and early 19th centuries.
20. The houses on this side of the street have all got
A) astonishment B) embarrassment odd numbers and on the other side they’ve got
----- numbers.
C) abundance D) abolition
E) amazement A) cardinal B) ordinal C) natural
D) even E) estimated


6. If your wife wash your wool sweater in hot water,

VOCABULARY TEST 32 it -----.

A) shrinks B) folds C) clicks

1. One of the many mind-boggling statistics about D) squashes E) rinses
Facebook is that the social ----- also happens to
be the Web’s largest photo-sharing service.

A) counsel B) allowance C) furniture

D) network E) penalty

7. When the rebel troops arrived, the village had

already been -----.

A) motivated B) encouraged
C) assassinated D) abandoned
2. The entire history of the human race has been E) threatened
marked by ----- of cultural and technological
advances from one civilization to another.

A) appointments B) obsessions
C) prejudices D) dilemmas
E) transfers
8. As she was born and grown in a seaside town, she
couldn’t get ----- to the cold and windy weather.

A) acquainted B) addicted
C) allergic D) accustomed
3. Rock and roll is a genre of music that ----- as
a defined musical style in the Southern United E) appropriate
States in the 1950s, and quickly spread to the rest
of the country, and the world.

A) broke B) obeyed C) emerged

D) annoyed E) evaluated

9. The lands in the deserts are so ----- that you can

grow almost nothing there.

A) barren B) fertile C) priceless

4. The manager believes that Caroline will be a great
----- to the company, for she really does have a D) agricultural E) accessible
good eye for business.

A) asset B) interest C) jeopardy

D) harm E) hazard

10. Between the years 1996 and 2000, Galatasaray

football club confronted stiff ----- in both in Europe
5. Although we don’t approve what Mr. Parker has and at home.
done so far, we must ----- that he is very clever.
A) expedition B) competition C) investment
A) refuse B) admit C) ignore
D) publication E) curiosity
D) repent E) regret


11. Even though he long ----- to marry Sarah, he met 16. Jessica asked us all what we thought of her new
Caroline and married her abruptly. hairstyle, but she was really only fishing for -----.

A) promised B) encircled C) cancelled A) disputes B) investments

D) changed E) rectified C) pills D) settlements
E) compliments

12. According to Turkish traditions, when two fellows

meet, they usually ----- hands.
17. A chameleon is a kind of lizard known for its ---
A) shake B) throw C) fling -- to change hue.
D) hide E) spit
A) disorder B) magnitude C) price
D) ability E) patience

13. Despite the well-known benefits of physical

activity, many adults lead a relatively sedentary
lifestyle and are not ----- enough to achieve these 18. The two major political parties in Britain are
health benefits. currently committed to extreme and radically
different approaches to the ----- of Britain’s
A) irresponsible B) loose economic problems.
C) daunting D) active
A) quality B) solution C) sovereignty
E) irrespective
D) refusal E) hurricane

19. The Turkish and Armenian foreign ministers

14. Some model aircrafts are made ----- of wood, and
signed the accord in the Swiss city of Zurich after
some have a wooden framework covered with
a ----- over the final statements they would make.
paper or light, thin cloth.
A) laxity B) commodity
A) intimately B) completely
C) hospitability D) siege
C) generously D) incessantly
E) dispute
E) awfully

20. The European Union has embarked on a new

15. The ozone layer, which ----- the earth from the
programme of economic change that the majority
sun’s destructive UV rays, is a thin veil in the
of member states can’t -----.
A) bless B) rescue C) launch
A) suffers B) supplies C) protects
D) sustain E) save
D) supports E) impairs


6. The Nile River Basin, ----- a surface area of about

VOCABULARY TEST 33 3 million square kilometers, is home to over 150
million people in 10 African countries.

A) screaming B) itching C) frowning

1. Astronomical observation begins with the early
civilizations of Mesopotamia, where prominent D) covering E) ceasing
constellations are ----- and named soon after 3000

A) shortened B) recognized C) caressed

D) sued E) blamed

7. Several pictures sent from the planet Mars are

currently on ----- in the public library.

A) duty B) account C) exchange

2. High fever which is ----- among young children
sometimes can cause permanent brain damage. D) reinforcement E) display

A) invalid B) deliberate C) profitable

D) prevalent E) beneficial

8. It is not the beauty so much as the range of his

voice that ----- him from other tenors.
3. Banking activities in Greece are more varied and
----- than in any previous society.
A) organizes B) murmurs
A) inappropriate B) curable C) distinguishes D) illuminates
C) sophisticated D) slim E) determines
E) reluctant

4. Babylon is just one among many small 9. The magician tricks the audience with ----- optical
Mesopotamian kingdoms when Hammurabi illusions, making things appear and disappear.
becomes its ----- in about 1790.
A) skillful B) irrelevant C) illegible
A) ruler B) porter C) tailor D) unstable E) predictable
D) toddler E) hunter

10. Although other people can advise him, the ---

-- decision about who to employ lies with the
5. The little girl was given a school set ----- pencils, manager of the corporation.
ballpoint pens, erasers, etc.
A) incumbent B) ultimate C) minimal
A) insulting B) harvesting C) baking
D) daily E) annual
D) concluding E) including


11. A quake is a ----- of the earth’s surface which 16. King Edward VIII abdicated the British ----- in 1936
follows a setting free of energy at the surface of so that he could marry Mrs Simpson, a divorced
the earth. woman.

A) defiance B) flattery C) cement A) bucket B) riot C) throne

D) flight E) movement D) invasion E) slavery

17. Despite efforts to improve security, Mexico

remains the country with the highest rate of ---
-- in the world, with only Pakistan and Venezuela
12. Critics are continually stressing the idea that rivalling it.
reading book is like having a ----- with the author.
A) kidnap B) laundry C) spa
A) bias B) dilemma C) contrast
D) qualification E) benefit
D) turmoil E) conversation

13. As soon as air is heated, it becomes lighter, rises 18. With 200 million copies sold, “A Tale of Two
and seeks escape through any openings that may Cities” written by Charles Dickens is the most
be -----. printed original English book, the most printed
and among the most famous ----- of fiction.
A) extensive B) irresistible
A) casualties B) works C) traitors
C) available D) invaluable
D) pears E) tents
E) genuine

14. The fact that the movie doesn’t work as well today
as it did in 1980 in no way ----- its importance in 19. In the 19th century archeology was often a -----
recent motion picture history. to history, and the goal of archeologists was to
identify artifacts according to their typology.
A) sells B) interests
A) purity B) hindrance C) damage
C) diminishes D) prevents
D) fist E) supplement
E) merges

20. In the absence of any more suitable candidates,

15. Police are trying to ----- a man whose body was we decided to ----- the job to Mr. Parker.
found in a waste-box wrapped in chains.
A) convey B) violate C) ensure
A) rectify B) identify C) encourage
D) offer E) offend
D) repent E) neglect


6. The new rock-fill dam, ----- on the Tigris, is strong

VOCABULARY TEST 34 enough to withstand the most severe earthquakes.

A) terminated B) absorbed C) frozen

1. Generally in poor countries, many people think D) collapsed E) constructed
that a low paying job is better than being -----.

A) wealthy B) lucky C) perpetual

D) costly E) unemployed

7. The primary value of a business plan is to

create a written outline that ----- all aspects of
the economic viability of the business venture
including a description and analysis of business
2. Gold is the most ----- of all the metals, and
throughout history people have longed for it.
A) fastens B) evaluates C) annoys
A) worthless B) raw C) fearless D) melts E) hides
D) precious E) virtual

8. The Winter Olympics are ----- every four years and

include a variety of events, from skiing to skating.
3. A ----- feature of an ideal house is its accessibility
to the occupant’s place of work, to bazaars, stores
A) trained B) sedated C) influenced
and schools.
D) held E) seized
A) vital B) sole C) contradictory
D) brief E) military

9. Mountaineering is regarded as a very dangerous

4. With the holes in the ozone layer, acid rains, sport, ----- at the professional level.
pollution of the oceans and destruction of twenty
thousand species of life each year, our world is at A) particularly B) briefly C) eventually
the ----- of a great environmental crisis. D) approximately E) gradually

A) bottom B) range C) option

D) threshold E) aid

10. Systematic errors are accumulative in their

influence, having either positive or negative
effects; whereas accidental errors are the ----
5. Computer programs, also called software, are - inaccuracies to which every measurement is
detailed sequences of instructions directing the prone.
computer hardware to ----- operations.
A) dependable B) reasonable
A) cease B) quote C) perform
C) circular D) predictable
D) devote E) impair
E) unavoidable


11. In the development of nuclear science and 16. On the surface of Mars, the fourth nearest planet
technology, the neutron has ----- a very important to the sun, one sees vast plains which have been
role. subject to ----- rain over hundreds of millions of
A) shared B) selected C) delivered
D) chose E) played A) inadequate B) scarce C) bare
D) slight E) excessive

12. In 1848, gold was discovered in Sutter’s Mill, near

San Francisco, and the first great gold ----- began. 17. It was revealed that state witnesses had ---
-- themselves and that evidence had been
A) rush B) hint C) hoax suppressed which could have established the
D) voyage E) census men’s innocence.

A) hired B) mourned C) enlivened

D) perjured E) commenced

13. The mean sea level is designated as zero, and

the elevation of any other point can then be
designated by a number of feet ----- above or
below sea level.
18. His latest computer is, in fact, simply a miniaturized
A) periodically B) randomly
version of the previous model, with the advantage
C) vertically D) profoundly that it can be ----- into a briefcase.
E) casually
A) rented B) embarked C) fitted
D) stunned E) magnified

14. Unlike breakfast, a big lunch usually makes a

person sleepy, and thus affects his performance
19. Any ----- you have at starting a new job is always
A) positively B) coherently mingled with a certain amount of fear.
C) moderately D) relevantly
A) vain B) disarmament C) betrayal
E) negatively
D) flattery E) excitement

15. Mirrors and other reflectors came into use in the

18th century to increase light intensity and ----- it 20. The theory of natural selection made the idea
into a beam. of organic evolution ----- to the majority of the
scientific world.
A) spoil B) focus C) rectify
A) inexplicable B) acceptable C) stingy
D) abolish E) rub
D) obstinate E) snobby


6. In nearly every country, it is illegal to drive a car

VOCABULARY TEST 35 that it is not taxed and -----.

A) insured B) urged C) flickered

1. Some people are ----- about new computer D) swollen E) stuttered
programs, until they have actually tried them out
for themselves.

A) eager B) apprehensive C) fond

D) astonished E) indulged
7. Barricades were ----- against the advancing
government troops and they were manned
throughout the night.

A) extinguished B) amused
2. A suicide attack is an attack intended to kill others C) erected D) tiptoed
and inflict ----- damage in the knowledge that
oneself will die in the process. E) recited

A) charming B) compassionate
C) thrifty D) careless
E) widespread

8. The company has ----- over the years into a multi-

million dollar organization.

A) contemplated B) bewildered
3. Our school director was full of good intentions,
but none of them could be put into ----- last term. C) frustrated D) evolved
E) faltered
A) consideration B) description
C) practice D) monument
E) quantity

9. Drug addiction is perhaps the greatest social evil

that ----- Western society today.
4. Many famines are caused by imbalance of food
production compared to the large populations A) encourages B) fosters
of countries whose population ----- the regional C) confronts D) preserves
carrying capacity.
E) contributes
A) utilizes B) barks C) exceeds
D) narrates E) groans

10. Nobody ----- understands the enormity and

5. Over a period of very many years various complexity of the task of reviving the country’s
international agreements have been drawn up to economy.
prohibit the use of chemical weapons in wartime,
but they have ----- been effective. A) ambiguously B) irregularly
C) compassionately D) obscurely
A) perennially B) hardly C) surely
E) fully
D) continually E) fairly


11. As early as the 1600s, the American colonies 16. Consumer spending is often thought to be a
passed laws banning the ----- of alcohol to Native reliable index of public ----- in the government’s
Americans. economic policies.

A) tale B) toll C) hole A) coherency B) confidence

D) roar E) sale C) pessimism D) illumination
E) arrival

12. Fugitive families who have ----- the conflicts in the

cities are now trying to survive in the mountains.

A) fled B) clapped C) ignored 17. The instigators of the ----- have received 20-year
D) benefitted E) amused prison sentences.

A) victory B) feat C) riot

D) passion E) elation

13. Thousands of fish were killed as a result of a

discharge of ----- chemicals from a nearby factory.

A) beneficial B) obvious C) desired 18. We were stationary at a set of traffic lights when a
30-ton truck failed to stop and ----- us from behind.
D) poisonous E) valid
A) hit B) differentiated C) camped
D) obeyed E) threw

14. Before we leave work each day, we make a backup

of all the records we have ----- into the computer 19. The ship underwent emergency repairs and was
that day. declared seaworthy for a ----- to Germany, where
permanent repairs will be made.
A) escaped B) deleted C) jeopardized
D) murdered E) entered A) destiny B) burglary
C) privatization D) investigation
E) voyage

15. Collectivism is a political system based on the

principle that all of the farms, factories and places 20. Certain ----- have been taken to help improve the
of work in a country should be ----- by all the working conditions of the lower levels of staff.
people in that country.
A) assassinations B) appointments
A) caught B) owned C) banned
C) trials D) measures
D) abused E) despised
E) symptoms


6. The soldiers have promised to treat the ----- that

VOCABULARY TEST 36 they capture with generosity and kindness.

A) pillars B) hackers C) shoulders

1. Being the main source of ideas and opinions, the D) beams E) hostages
power of media lies in the fact that it can ----- what
we know about the world.

A) applaud B) join C) sell

D) shape E) jeopardize

7. The President, on a visit to a foreign country, had

to ----- it owing to the unfavorable circumstances
developing in his home country.

2. Unless you are going to be in a position to use A) lure B) retard C) curtail

them, learning several languages would just be D) devote E) inspire
a ----- of time.

A) haste B) wonder C) bar

D) waste E) deal

8. The foreign tourists and other customers are

3. The fans’ bad behavior has resulted in the ----- of waiting to buy the ----- which are very cheap.
their football team from the championship.
A) debts B) wastes C) additives
A) prize B) disqualification D) troubles E) souvenirs
C) sanitation D) measurement
E) trial

9. From their hotel room window, the tourists had a

4. Some illnesses are caught by coming into contact very good ----- of the parade.
with the bodily fluids of people who are ----- from
them. A) smell B) smoke C) view
D) sale E) fake
A) suffering B) interested C) associated
D) preventing E) lacking

10. It was really a very ----- decision for George to quit

his job and start up his own business.
5. The children will not be allowed to come with us
if they don’t ----- themselves better. A) incoherent B) inappropriate
C) courageous D) arid
A) torture B) betray C) forbid
E) fallacious
D) insult E) behave


11. Free enterprise is an economic system in which 16. Wheat was planted in two of the fields and the
private businesses ----- with each other to sell remaining land was dug over and left -----.
goods and services to make a profit, and in which
government control is limited to protecting the A) polite B) bare C) charming
public and running the economy. D) foggy E) ripe

A) listen B) shout C) compete

D) kiss E) approach

17. The 2009 Global Peace Index survey ----- Denmark

as the second most peaceful country in the world,
after New Zealand.
12. The campaign is designed to make people less
prejudiced about AIDS and more aware of how A) conceals B) chews C) ranks
to ----- themselves against it. D) stabs E) bets

A) protect B) adorn C) swear

D) accumulate E) amuse

18. Such high levels of smog would not normally

be expected in a coastal city, where sea breezes
should help to ----- it.
13. In estimating the costs of printing, it is ----- to
allow for a certain amount of wastage. A) gather B) estimate C) encourage
D) approach E) disperse
A) necessary B) adequate C) illegal
D) naked E) empirical

19. It was a strange spectacle to see the two former

14. Such a passive acceptance of whatever fate has
enemies shaking hands and ----- each other.
in store is an attitude completely ----- to most
American managers. A) itching B) quarrelling C) hugging
A) distant B) reluctant C) candid D) beating E) suing
D) remote E) alien

20. The supersonic travel ----- began on May 24,

1976 when Concorde first flew from London to
15. After the plane crash, the rescue teams were long
searching the sea bottom for the plane’s -----.
A) war B) battle C) riot
A) chest B) fuselage C) lip
D) age E) orbit
D) elbow E) liver


6. Almost all the votes have been counted now, so I

VOCABULARY TEST 37 think it is ----- to say that we have won the election.

A) hazardous B) casual C) safe

1. Short-sightedness can be ----- by using a laser D) involuntary E) haphazard
beam to vaporize microscopic layers of the eye’s
surface in order to reshape the eye.

A) corrected B) worsened C) denied

D) polished E) reproduced

7. Self-esteem, self-judgment and self-will are said

to be the three ----- of independence.

2. It is sometimes difficult for the able-bodied fully A) pests B) ropes C) spectators

to appreciate the difficulties that disabled people D) requisites E) letters
----- in their daily lives.

A) quit B) forgive C) encounter

D) order E) erase

8. Since the little girl was his legitimate daughter,

she would ----- a share of his fortune when he died.
3. There was a debate in Parliament this morning
concerning the government’s proposals for the A) inherit B) forgive C) jump
----- of certain major public enterprises.
D) overflow E) mourn
A) wonder B) nomination C) privatization
D) conquest E) citation

9. Lego is a toy for children consisting of small

plastic bricks and other pieces such as wheels
and windows, which can be ----- together to make
4. “Speed bump” seems to be the generally accepted models of many different objects.
term for those ----- in the road that slow traffic
down. A) dispersed B) joined C) scattered
D) boiled E) swallowed
A) riddles B) puzzles C) hints
D) ridges E) tips

10. The professor plans and writes the books himself,

5. Each season is associated with a ----- type of
but he has an assistant who does the legwork,
weather and with natural events that are affected
gathering ----- information and other facts.
by the weather.
A) dirty B) indifferent C) huge
A) mutual B) clumsy C) particular
D) background E) spilt
D) hectic E) eternal


11. Extended lunar stays build the experience and 16. No writer’s living reputation can ----- to that of
expertise needed for the long-term space ----- Shakespeare, whose plays, written in the late
required to visit other planets. 16th and early 17th centuries for a small repertory
theatre, are now performed and read more often
A) creatures B) missions and in more countries than ever before.
C) restrictions D) fallacies
A) sneeze B) imprison C) compare
E) sanctions
D) gnaw E) flicker

12. A thorough understanding of what civilization

and culture are requires a knowledge of all the 17. You should only buy a second hand car when you
qualities that make up human nature and a ----- are sure the ----- is absolutelyreliable.
understanding of world history and all historical
developments. A) impostor B) counterfeiter C) profiteer
D) smuggler E) dealer
A) scarce B) insufficient C) full
D) dim E) deficient

18. Faxing is a ----- of telecommunication, which has

13. Politicians usually spend so much time mending developed very quickly over the past few years.
political fences in the capital that they ignore what
is happening in the ----- of the country. A) value B) measure C) tenet
D) means E) hostile
A) verge B) rest C) opposition
D) border E) tail

19. When a person cannot stop thinking about

14. The rise in crime has led to many people
something, we can say that he or she has an ---
developing a siege mentality, in which they see
-- about it.
everyone as a threat and are ----- to go out alone.
A) obstruction B) enumeration
A) ashamed B) contented C) blushed
D) scared E) absorbed C) allusion D) obsession
E) innovation

15. Copernicus, whose discoveries make him the 20. In the 14th century, Barcelona was the seat of
great ----- of Kepler and Newton, did not come from a Mediterranean empire that ----- to Naples and
a noble family, as certain other early astronomers Athens.
have done, for his father was a tradesman.
A) stretched B) sedated
A) graveyard B) sailor
C) ascended D) descended
C) predecessor D) storm
E) impoverished
E) aviator


6. As a general rule, it is assumed that snow lying

VOCABULARY TEST 38 on a clear slope steeper than 22° is liable to -----.

A) vapor B) hurricane C) avalanche

1. A breakdown in law enforcement in the inner cities D) thunder E) territory
is frequently ----- as a factor for the increase in

A) inhibited B) cited C) prohibited

D) assigned E) promoted

7. An adequate exercise program is necessary to

----- physical and emotional fitness and to deal
2. It seems likely that, by the end of this month, effectively with everyday stress situations.
the costs involved in the ----- of the new railway
will have been announced by the Minister of A) maintain B) snore C) snooze
D) impair E) murmur
A) obstruction B) gratitude
C) digression D) coincidence
E) construction

8. The ancient Egyptians stored information on -----,

which could be carried around more easily than
3. FBI files ----- fingerprints of millions of veterans,
clay tablets.
police officers, civil servants, and bonded
couriers, in addition, of course, to those of
A) saws B) blades C) bugs
D) scrolls E) bullets
A) postpone B) contain C) resemble
D) revolve E) reject

4. Animation refers to the process in which each 9. Nationalism brought about increased taxation and
frame of a film or movie is produced individually, the growth of armies, and many young men fled
whether ----- as a computer graphic, or by Eastern Europe to ----- military service.
photographing a drawn image, or by repeatedly
making small changes to a model, and then A) join B) attend C) penetrate
photographing the result.
D) vote E) avoid
A) denied B) conserved
C) generated D) booked
E) forsaken

10. Artificial languages are languages that have been

----- invented, unlike typical world languages
5. It is said that the recent ceasefire between Israel which have developed naturally and without
and Philistine can only provide a ----- solution to conscious planning.
the crisis.
A) hesitantly B) falteringly
A) generous B) permanent C) real C) fluently D) deliberately
D) clear E) temporary E) dully


11. The brain has a filter which only allows ----- that is 16. Since China was one of the busiest of the world’s
of immediate interest to pass on to the STM, also trading nations, it was only a matter of time before
known as the working memory. the ----- of plague in China spread to western Asia
and Europe.
A) stimuli B) replacement
A) peculiarity B) verification
C) inhibition D) emancipation
C) outbreak D) extinction
E) despair
E) substantiation

17. As to the spokesman, the majority of people -----

12. It is safe to say that the chronicles of the Trojan
the Government’s economic policy as a success.
War through Homer’s writings were at least a little
----- to make the Greeks look glorious and just.
A) measure B) consider C) swear
A) procured B) distorted D) blame E) magnify
C) yielded D) enhanced
E) harvested

18. For centuries Rome has been the ----- power in

the Mediterranean.

A) ominous B) superficial C) stingy

13. Apart from their ability to run fast, roadrunners are
equally famous for their ----- in killing one of the D) supreme E) timid
world’s most poisonous snakes – rattlesnakes.

A) malnutrition B) royalty
C) fertility D) cowardliness
19. Nationalism brought about increased taxation and
E) expertise the growth of armies, and many young men fled
Eastern Europe to ----- military service.

A) join B) attend C) penetrate

D) vote E) avoid

14. New legislation makes it possible for the

Government to ----- protest marches.

A) ban B) foresee C) anticipate

20. William Wallace’s huge act of rebellion ----- the
D) deny E) fortify
attention of common folk and Scots nobles alike,
all of whom were unwilling to bear Edward the
Longshank’s laws.

A) murmured B) overhauled
C) blighted D) attracted
15. The idea behind a limited company or corporation
was that it should acquire an identity separate E) ruined
from the people who had set it up or the people
who ----- it.

A) cost B) threatened C) tortured

Teachersopenthedoor, but studentsmustenterbyt-
D) owned E) blurred


6. Economists distinguish between perishable and

VOCABULARY TEST 39 ----- goods.

A) durable B) perilous C) filthy

1. Many people now carry a range of credit and store D) mutual E) notorious
cards, which enable them to rack up high levels
of personal -----.

A) affluence B) fame C) debt

D) anachronism E) enemy

7. They have been testing out the ----- for a new

generation of supersonic passenger aircraft.

2. There are frequently serious value ----- to be made, A) curfew B) prototype C) obstruction
ones that the patient will have to live with ever
D) denial E) tapestry

A) similarities B) rivals C) orbits

D) rascals E) judgements

8. Some people think that video games have a -----

influence on children.

3. Almost without exception you will be ----- A) boring B) pernicious C) bashful

everywhere with “welcome” and later you will be D) timid E) rusty
asked a barrage of questions about yourself and
the world.

A) vilified B) greeted C) rendered

D) mugged E) slandered

9. The new bikes are equipped with suspension to

----- shocks.

A) suffer B) experience C) improve

D) emit E) prevent
4. The first ATMs were off-line machines, meaning
money was not automatically ----- from an account.

A) wandered B) withdrawn C) scrutinized

D) abstained E) referred

10. Not until the potato was introduced into Ireland

was it ----- for its great food value rather than as
a curiosity, and by the 1600s it was cultivated
extensively in that country.
5. The golden rule for acquiring the ----- of doing
your duty without pain is to do something every A) recognized B) polished C) nominated
day that you don’t want to do. D) fixed E) curbed
A) evasion B) custody C) habit
D) doll E) devil


11. The metal becomes ----- at cold temperatures and 16. Putin emphasized that Türkiye’s integration with
breaks easily. the European Union would help ----- relations with
Russia even more and open up new horizons.
A) tidy B) ripe C) brittle
D) tactile E) mature A) deter B) boost C) alleviate
D eliminate E boast

12. The house-owner caught a ----- of the burglar as 17. Two people were arrested away from the building
he made his get-away. in connection with the robbery and two others at
the ----- were detained for questioning.
A) mixture B) fluctuation
A) summit B) toe C) scene
C) frustration D) glimpse
D) gadget E) rubble
E) inspiration

18. In contrast to Germany, which has a large area

----- to agriculture, Switzerland is limited by its
geography to a smaller area for production.
13. At the universities of Oxford and Cambridge the
----- of lecturers to students is very high. A) devoted B) preferred C) opposed
D) affirmed E) memorized
A) fraction B) spy
C) ratio D) petition
E) hindrance

19. Nowadays there are ----- for a great many of the

once fatal diseases, including polio, diphtheria,
tetanus and Covid-19.
14. Cholesterol is not bad by itself; in fact, it is
essential to several ----- body processes. A) emancipations B) tortures
A) tentative B) dependable C) negotiations D) vaccines
C) privileged D) devoid E) reconciliations
E) vital

20. People living near airports sell their property

and move somewhere else due to ----- amount
15. In the zoo a ----- lion is probably better fed and of noise.
cared for, but it is evidently bored and frustrated
for lack of company. A) flexible B) tiny C) costly
A) tipsy B) trustworthy C) dizzy D) weary E) excessive
D) captive E) vertiginous


6. The purpose of the survey was to ----- the

VOCABULARY TEST 40 inspectors with local conditions.

A) inform B) require C) imitate

1. Recession is a ----- in economic activity within D) cease E) forge
an economy, usually characterized by higher
unemployment and less investment in new plants
and equipment.

A) suggestion B) flight
C) beauty D) decline
E) zenith 7. For the ----- of our children our society, television
must be better regulated and the young should
be discouraged from watching.

A) sorrow B) apathy C) cruelty

D) indifference E) sake

2. The police have been ordered not to ----- if the

demonstrators attack them.

A) annihilate B) retaliate C) encourage

D) blow E) allocate
8. Were further rioting to ----- again, the government
would be forced to use its emergency powers.

A) hesitate B) stutter C) occur

D) plead E) mourn
3. The woman was ----- from hospital yesterday only
a week after her operation.

A) beaten B) expelled C) erected

D) discharged E) dismissed

9. At 8 a.m. in the morning, a ----- 9.3 earthquake

ripped apart the seafloor off the coast of northwest

A) realm B) magnitude
4. Our salesmen normally ----- their travel expenses C) expansion D) scale
from the company once a month.
E) bulk
A) settle B) reimburse C) cover
D) allege E) decay

10. It is the Prime Minister’s natural right to ----- an

5. Elephants like to have one master just as dogs
election at any time he desires.
do, and are capable of a considerable degree of
personal -----.
A) suppress B) nominate
A) distortion B) flirt C) woe C) call D) subscribe
D) affection E) revenge E) flutter


11. He was disqualified for failing to ----- with the rules 16. The name Britain comes from the Latin name
of the competition. Britannia, which the ancient Romans applied to
the island, and this name is still ----- used to mean
A) accommodate B) compete Great Britain.
C) confess D) lure
A) narrowly B) widely
E) comply
C) scantily D) rarely
E) extravagantly

12. The ----- of the walls in the museum caused the

17. Should the government fall, the stock market will
paint to break off.
A) morality B) dampness C) notion
A) crawl B) allure C) crash
D) validity E) collaboration
D) breed E) validate

18. All courses at the university are ----- on a full-time

basis unless differently indicated.
13. Unfortunately the local cinema in the town is on
the ----- of closing down. A) collapsed B) seized C) besieged
D) offered E) forgiven
A) fake B) hint C) pressure
D) threat E) verge

19. All cartoons on this website are ----- material and

may not be published, posted on any web page
14. No sooner had they recovered from the first or used for any commercial purposes whatsoever
earthquake than they felt the second -----. without prior writing permission.

A) hail B) fog C) tremor A) pitied B) stolen C) smuggled

D) dew E) missile D) grabbed E) copyrighted

15. Animals such as woodchucks and bears often

----- for the winter. 20. The unscrupulous salesman ----- the old couple
out of their life savings.
A) domesticate B) dominate
C) reinforce D) tame A) deprived B) swindled C) chased
E) hibernate D) extracted E) squeezed



BARUTLU, Banu, Ed. Reading Comprehension. Ankara: Middle East Technical University, 1987.

DEMİREL, Özcan; Mirici İ. Hakkı. Developing Reading Skills For Proficiency At KPDS and TOEFL. Ankara: Ha-
cettepe Taş, 1998.

ÖZTÜRK, Cesur. Building Skills for Proficiency. Ankara: Hacettepe Taş, 1999

TUNCAY, Hidayet. Best Book For Intermediate Learners of English. İstanbul: Alfa Basın Yayın Dağıtım, 1995.






















Test 1 Test 2 Test 3 Test 4 Test 5 Test 6 Test 7 Test 8 Test 9 Test 10

1. A 1. D 1. C 1. E 1. B 1. B 1. D 1. A 1. C 1. D

2. B 2. B 2. B 2. D 2. A 2. D 2. A 2. E 2. C 2. B

3. E 3. C 3. C 3. B 3. E 3. C 3. E 3. E 3. B 3. E

4. C 4. E 4. D 4. C 4. A 4. B 4. B 4. B 4. B 4. A

5. D 5. C 5. E 5. E 5. D 5. E 5. B 5. C 5. A 5. D

6. B 6. C 6. D 6. B 6. B 6. E 6. C 6. E 6. C 6. A

7. C 7. B 7. A 7. B 7. C 7. D 7. D 7. A 7. E 7. E

8. D 8. C 8. B 8. A 8. B 8. D 8. E 8. C 8. A 8. C

9. A 9. E 9. C 9. A 9. D 9. A 9. B 9. E 9. E 9. B

10. E 10. A 10. A 10. C 10. A 10. D 10. B 10. C 10. B 10. C

11. E 11. D 11. B 11. D 11. A 11. E 11. E 11. C 11. B 11. D

12. B 12. C 12. C 12. E 12. B 12. B 12. A 12. C 12. D 12. A

13. D 13. E 13. A 13. D 13. E 13. C 13. D 13. B 13. B 13. D

14. C 14. C 14. E 14. B 14. C 14. A 14. B 14. E 14. B 14. A

15. A 15. D 15. D 15. C 15. C 15. D 15. C 15. C 15. B 15. B

16. A 16. E 16. E 16. A 16. D 16. E 16. E 16. D 16. C 16. B

17. B 17. A 17. B 17. E 17. A 17. D 17. C 17. E 17. C 17. D

18. C 18. B 18. D 18. B 18. D 18. D 18. D 18. B 18. A 18. C

19. D 19. C 19. D 19. D 19. C 19. E 19. E 19. C 19. B 19. E

20. E 20. A 20. C 20. E 20. E 20. A 20. A 20. A 20. E 20. A


Test 11 Test 12 Test 13 Test 14 Test 15 Test 16 Test 17 Test 18 Test 19 Test 20

1. B 1. C 1. B 1. B 1. C 1. C 1. C 1. D 1. D 1. D

2. A 2. B 2. D 2. C 2. D 2. E 2. D 2. D 2. B 2. E

3. E 3. A 3. E 3. D 3. E 3. D 3. A 3. A 3. C 3. A

4. D 4. A 4. C 4. E 4. E 4. A 4. C 4. E 4. E 4. A

5. D 5. D 5. A 5. C 5. B 5. E 5. D 5. C 5. A 5. C

6. B 6. B 6. C 6. A 6. A 6. D 6. E 6. B 6. C 6. C

7. C 7. B 7. C 7. D 7. D 7. B 7. B 7. C 7. A 7. E

8. B 8. A 8. A 8. A 8. B 8. E 8. A 8. E 8. D 8. B

9. D 9. A 9. D 9. B 9. D 9. C 9. E 9. D 9. C 9. C

10. A 10. B 10. D 10. E 10. C 10. D 10. C 10. E 10. D 10. C

11. A 11. B 11. A 11. A 11. B 11. A 11. B 11.A 11. E 11. D

12. B 12. C 12. B 12. B 12. D 12. E 12. D 12.B 12. A 12. B

13. E 13. C 13. C 13. D 13. D 13. D 13. C 13.E 13. A 13. D

14. D 14. C 14. C 14. C 14. D 14. B 14. E 14.C 14. C 14. C

15. C 15. E 15. D 15. E 15. E 15. A 15. A 15.C 15. D 15. E

16. D 16. D 16. E 16. A 16. B 16. E 16. C 16.B 16. A 16. B

17. A 17. B 17. C 17. B 17. C 17. C 17. B 17.D 17. B 17. D

18. D 18. D 18. C 18. A 18. D 18. E 18. A 18.D 18. E 18. C

19. C 19. E 19. A 19. D 19. C 19. B 19. D 19.C 19. B 19. D

20. E 20. E 20. B 20. C 20. D 20. D 20. A 20.D 20. C 20. E


Test 21 Test 22 Test 23 Test 24 Test 25 Test 26 Test 27 Test 28 Test 29 Test 30

1. C 1. C 1. E 1. D 1. D 1. E 1. C 1. C 1. D 1. C

2. B 2. D 2. B 2. C 2. D 2. A 2. C 2. B 2. A 2. A

3. E 3. C 3. B 3. E 3. E 3. C 3. D 3. D 3. C 3. E

4. D 4. D 4. A 4. B 4. C 4. A 4. B 4. A 4. D 4. C

5. A 5. A 5. E 5. A 5. B 5. D 5. A 5. E 5. A 5. D

6. E 6. E 6. B 6. E 6. A 6. C 6. D 6. C 6. E 6. C

7. D 7. D 7. D 7. B 7. E 7. E 7. D 7. E 7. D 7. A

8. B 8. B 8. D 8. C 8. B 8. B 8. E 8. B 8. A 8. E

9. D 9. D 9. C 9. A 9. D 9. D 9. A 9. D 9. E 9. A

10. A 10. E 10. B 10. E 10. B 10. C 10. E 10. D 10. B 10. B

11. D 11. C 11. C 11. B 11. B 11. E 11. E 11. C 11. B 11. B

12. B 12. E 12. E 12. D 12. C 12. C 12. C 12. B 12. C 12. A

13. C 13. B 13. D 13. E 13. E 13. D 13. A 13. A 13. D 13. B

14. E 14. D 14. A 14. C 14. B 14. E 14. E 14. E 14. E 14. D

15. C 15. E 15. C 15. A 15. E 15. D 15. C 15. D 15. C 15. D

16. B 16. C 16. E 16. C 16. C 16. B 16. D 16. E 16. A 16. B

17. E 17. A 17. C 17. E 17. C 17. B 17. D 17. B 17. C 17. D

18. C 18. D 18. D 18. B 18. D 18. D 18. D 18. C 18. D 18. E
19. E 19. B 19. C 19. B 19. C 19. E 19. E 19. E 19. A 19. A
20. D 20. C 20. E 20. E 20. C 20. E 20. A 20. D 20. E 20. E


Test 31 Test 32 Test 33 Test 34 Test 35 Test 36 Test 37 Test 38 Test 39 Test 40

1. D 1. D 1. B 1. E 1. B 1. D 1. A 1. B 1. C 1. D

2. C 2. E 2. D 2. D 2. E 2. D 2. C 2. E 2. E 2. B

3. D 3. C 3. C 3. A 3. C 3. B 3. C 3. B 3. B 3. D

4. B 4. A 4. A 4. D 4. C 4. A 4. D 4. C 4. B 4. B

5. B 5. B 5. E 5. C 5. B 5. E 5. C 5. E 5. C 5. D

6. D 6. A 6. D 6. E 6.A 6. E 6. C 6. C 6. A 6. A

7. C 7. D 7. E 7. B 7.C 7. C 7. D 7. A 7. B 7. E

8. C 8. D 8. C 8. D 8.D 8. E 8. A 8. D 8. B 8. C

9. D 9. A 9. A 9. A 9.C 9. C 9. B 9. A 9. E 9. B

10. E 10. B 10. B 10. E 10. E 10. C 10. D 10. D 10. A 10. C

11. B 11. A 11. E 11. E 11. E 11. C 11. B 11. A 11. C 11. E

12. A 12. A 12. E 12. A 12. A 12. A 12. C 12. B 12. D 12. B

13. D 13. D 13. C 13. C 13. D 13. A 13. B 13. E 13. C 13. E

14. B 14. B 14. C 14. E 14. E 14. E 14. D 14. A 14. E 14. C

15. D 15. C 15. B 15. B 15. B 15. B 15. C 15. D 15. D 15. E

16. B 16. E 16. C 16. E 16. B 16. B 16. C 16. C 16. B 16. B

17. B 17. D 17. A 17. D 17. C 17. C 17. E 17. B 17. C 17. C

18. B 18. B 18. B 18. C 18. A 18. E 18. D 18. D 18. A 18. D

19. C 19. E 19. E 19. E 19. E 19. C 19. D 19. E 19. D 19. E

20. D 20. D 20. D 20. B 20. D 20. D 20. A 20. D 20. E 20. B


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