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Reading II

Match the words with the correct weather symbols.

a. cloudy b. partially cloudy c. snowy
d. stormy e. rainy f. sunny

Weather Instruments
Until the 18th century, people completely depended on sensory
observations for any weather data. They understood the wind
direction through the movement of leaves or estimated the time
of rain through the number of clouds in the sky.
Now, the times have changed. Today, we are blessed with modern
English 9 139
technology which includes different weather instruments and weather
stations that help us to accumulate accurate weather data. There are
different types of instruments for measuring different parameters.

A THERMOMETER is a device that is used for measuring the

or the temperature gradient. This can be used in industry, in meteorology,
and even in medicine. This device has two important things that help in
measuring the temperature. The first one is a sensor that uses different
physical parameters like the expansion of different states of matter for
sensing the change. The second one is a converter that converts the change
of temperature into a numerical number.
There are different types of thermometers. In weather stations, mainly
mercury-filled thermometers are used. Mercury-filled thermometers can
measure the temperature from -35 to 40 degree Celsius. It has a scale
division of 0.2 degrees. But if the temperature is less than -35 degree
Celsius, then this thermometer cannot give an accurate result and
becomes unreliable. To measure the temperature under -35 degree
alcohol-filled thermometers are used. This type of thermometer can
measure from -65/-75 degree Celsius to 20/25 degree Celsius.

A BAROMETER is an instrument that measures

the atmospheric pressure. It measures pressure in
measurement units called bars or atmospheres. The
earth is wrapped with layers of air which is called
atmosphere. The air has weight, and it presses everything
against gravity. A barometer measures this pressure.
When a barometer shows low-pressure, it means that
the weather is rainy, windy or cloudy and when the pressure is high, it
means that the weather is fair.
There are different types of barometer such as the mercury
barometer, aneroid barometer, and the digital barometer.
Among these three, the digital barometer is the latest one
that gives more accurate data.

A HYGROMETER measures the humidity or the amount

of water vapour in the air. There are mainly two types of hygrometers.
They are dry and wet bulb hygrometers and a mechanical hygrometer.

AN ANEMOMETER is used to measure the speed of the wind. The

140 English 9
speed of wind gives plenty of information about the
weather. For example, if the speed of the wind is high,
it indicates a storm. With the help of the anemometer,
we can determine the speed of the wind which helps us
to protect ourselves from many natural disasters.
A WIND VANE is also called a weather vane or a
weathercock. This is an instrument that is used for
showing the direction of the wind. It has a similar
feature like the traditional cockerel design with letters
that indicate the points of the compass.
The tool is placed on top of a weather station and gives accurate results
about the direction of the wind which provides a lot of information about
the changes that take place in the weather.
A RAIN GAUGE is an instrument used by meteorologists
for measuring the amount of precipitation occurring over
some time. It is one of the instruments that is used in most
weather stations. The rain gauge must be placed at an open
place without any obstacle. The amount of precipitation
is measured either manually or by an automatic weather
station. The instrument has some limitations. It is
impossible for rain gauge to collect rain during a hurricane.
A. Complete these sentences with the appropriate words from
the text above.
a. Most of the FM …………. broadcast the news at 7:00.
b. The function of a ………….is to convert the change of temperature
into numerical numbers.
c. The Earth is ………. by the atmosphere.
d. The amount of water in the air is called …………….
e. The wind vane is also known as a …………………
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B. Choose the correct answer.
a. How did people get the weather information until the 18th
i. with weather instruments ii. through their physical senses
iii. through their intuitions
b. Which one of the following barometers is the latest one?
ii. digital ii. mercury iii. aneroid
c. What does a barometer measure?
i. atmospheric temperature ii. atmospheric humidity
iii. atmospheric pressure
d. Which of the following devices is NOT used to get weather
i. thermometer ii. galvanometer iii. anemometer
e. Which of the following devices is used to measure the speed of
the wind?
i. wind wave ii. anemometer iii. hygrometer
C. Answer the following questions.
a. Where is an alcohol-filled thermometer mostly used?
b. What is a barometer used for?
c. What are the two kinds of hygrometer?
d. Give two examples of how an anemometer gives information
about the weather.
e. Name the device that is used to measure the changes in weather
f. What precaution should be taken while using a rain gauge?
D. How do you usually find out what the weather will be like?
Talk to your friends.
142 English 9
A. Look at the pictures and answer these questions
a. What do you think the profession of the man is?
b. What does the second picture show?
B. Listen to the audio and tick (√) the correct answer.
a. Where did the chef learn to cook?
i. at a cooking school ii. at a family member's home
iii. in a friend's kitchen
b. What is special about the chef's cookies?
i. He makes them by following a healthy recipe.
ii. He prepares them by using cheap ingredients.
iii. He sells them at many local stores.
c. Which ingredient does the chef NOT use to make his cookies
i. baking powder ii. flour iii. sugar
d. At what temperature should the cookies be baked?
i. at 305 degrees ii. at 315 degrees iii. at 350 degrees
e. What is the topic of the next cooking programme?
i. Fun Cookies for Teenagers ii. Inexpensive Meals
iii. Tips for Cleaning your Kitchen
English 9 143
C. Listen to the audio again and complete the sentences with the
correct words from the box.
switch entire ingredients preheat pinch
a. Don't forget to ………….. the oven to 375 degrees.
b. It looks like we don't have all of the ………….. to make dinner.
Let's go to the store and buy them.
c. If the meat doesn't taste just right, try adding a ……….. of salt.
d. Please put the ………….. mixture in a baking pan.
D. Do you watch cooking shows on television? Share your reasons
why you do or do not with your classmates.
Grammar II
A. Change the following sentences into indirect speech.
a. He said, "Don't use my camera."
b. The doctor said, "Give up smoking."
c. "Don't touch the wire." The electrician said to me.
d. “Could you explain number four, please?” said the student.
e. "Don't worry about it, Mrs. Shrestha." She said.
f. "Finish this job in an hour." He said.
g. Amrita said to me, “Please help me.”
B. Complete the following sentences with the correct alternatives
from the brackets.
a. Anju said that she…………….(had seen/has seen/was seen) the
accident the day before.
b. She says that ……………(she could not stay there anymore/I
can’t stay there anymore/she can’t stay there anymore)
c. The teacher told us that……………….(the Earth revolves round
the Sun/the Earth revolved round the Sun/the Earth revolve
round the Sun)
d. Pramesh said that………………(he had done his homework/I
have done my homework/he has done his homework)
e. The policeman ………………(requested/told/ordered) the thief
not to move.
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