Class-9 Science Extra Questions

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1. Which of the following statement is not correct for an object moving along a straight path
in an accelerated motion?

(a) Its speed keeps changing

(b) Its velocity always changes

(c) It always goes away from the earth

(d) A force is always acting on it

2. According to the third law of motion, action and reaction

(a) always act on the same body

(b) always act on different bodies in opposite directions

(c) have same magnitude and directions

(d) act on either body at normal to each other

3. A goalkeeper in a game of football pulls his hands backwards after holding the ball shot
at the goal. This enables the goal keeper to

(a) exert larger force on the ball

(b) reduce the force exerted by the ball on hands

(c) increase the rate of change of momentum

(d) decrease the rate of change of momentum

4. The inertia of an object tends to cause the object

(a) to increase its speed

(b) to decrease its speed

(c) to resist any change in its state of motion

(d) to decelerate due to friction

5. A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin which falls behind him. It means that motion
of the train is

(a) accelerated
(b) uniform

(c) retarded

(d) along circular tracks

6. An object of mass 2 kg is sliding with a constant velocity of 4 m s–1 on a frictionless

horizontal table. The force required to keep the object moving with the same velocity is

(a) 32 N (b) 0 N

(c) 2 N (d) 8 N

7. Rocket works on the principle of conservation of

(a) mass(b) energy

(c) momentum(d) velocity

8. A water tanker filled up to 23 of its height is moving with a uniform speed. On sudden
application of the brake, the water in the tank would

(a) move backward

(b) move forward

(c) be unaffected

(d) rise upwards


1. (c) 2. (b). 3. (b). 4. (c)

5. (a). 6. (b). 7. (c). 8. (b)

Q.1Define inertia.(1 Mark)

Ans. The property by virtue of which an object tends to remain in the state of rest or of
uniform motion unless acted upon by some force is called inertia. The mass of a
body is a measure of its inertia.

Q.2Define momentum. (1 Mark)

Ans. Momentum is considered to be a measure of the quantity of motion in a body. The

momentum of a body is defined as the product of its mass & velocity. The SI unit
of momentum is kg ms-1.

Q.3Define impulse.(1 Mark)

Ans. The impulse acting on a body is equal to the product of force acting on the body &
the time for which it acts.

Impulse = force x time

Q.4What do you mean by impulsive force?(1 Mark)

Ans. The impulsive force on a body is equal to the product of force acting on the body &
the time for which it acts. Here force is quite large and the time is quite small.

Impulse = force x time

Q.5 When a force acting on a body has an equal & opposite reaction, then why
should the body move at all.(1 Mark )

Ans. The action and reaction act on different bodies. So, the body moves under the
action of the acting force.

Q.6 What force is needed to produce on acceleration of 2 m/s in a body of
mass 3kg?(1 Mark )

Ans. F = ma = 3 x 2 = 6 N.

Q.7How does a person move forward during swimming?( 1 Mark )

Ans. When a person swims, he pushes the water in the backward direction with his
hard. This is action. Due to the reaction, the water pushes the person in the
forward direction with equal force.

Q.8What is meant by balanced forces?( 1 Mark )

Ans. When a number of forces act on a body, & the resultant of these forces is zero,
then the forces are said to be balanced forces.

Q.9 Briefly explain how an expert karate player breaks a slap of ice with a
single blow.(1 Mark )

Ans. The karate player brings his arms downward from a height & then suddenly strikes
on the ice slab in the middle. As time involved is extremely small, for given change
in momentum the force exerted is extremely large consequently, the ice slab may
break even with a single blow.

Q.10 Why does a boxer move his head backwards to minimize the effect of on
coming punch?(1 Mark )

Ans. To minimize the effect of the oncoming punch, the boxer increases time interval for
the strike by moving his head backwards. This causes a decrease in the rate of
charge of momentum. As a result, the force delivered by the punch gets reduced.

Q.11What is force?(2 Marks)

Ans. Force is a push or pull which changes or tends to change the state of rest or of
uniform motion, direction of motion, or the shape & size of a body. Force has
magnitude as well as direction. So, force is a vector quantity.

The SI unit of force is Newton which is denoted by N.

Q.12 A body is moving on a rough level road with a speed of 15m/s along a
given direction. Does any force needed? Why?(2 Marks )

Ans. Yes, a constant force is needed to maintain the motion. The force is needed to
balance the force of friction acting by the road.

Q.13What do you mean by the force of friction? How can it be minimised?

(2 Marks )

Ans. Frictional force is a force which always opposes the motion of a body over a given
surface. whenever a body actually moves over a surface, frictional force appears in
a direction opposite to the motion. And this opposite force tries to oppose the
motion of body. Effect of frictional force may be minimized by making the sliding
body & the plane smooth by providing a lubricant on top of the surfaces.

Q.14 A person is prone to more serious injuries when falling from a certain
height on a hard concrete floor than on a sandy surface. Explain why. (2
Marks )

Ans. When a person falls from a height on a hard concrete floor, he immediately comes
in rest position. It means change in momentum is taking place in an extremely
short time & consequently, force exerted by the floor on the man to destroy its
momentum is extremely large, hence, chances of more injuries, when a person
falls on a sandy surface, the surface gets compressed downward & it increases the
time. As a result, for same change in momentum force exerted by sandy surface
on the person is less & chances of being injured are less.

Q.15 A car with a dead battery, is to be pushed for some time so as to start it
why? What does this example signify?(2 Marks)

Ans. If we want to start a car with a dead battery, then we have to push it along a
straight, road to give it a certain minimum speed (of about 1 m/s) when one or
two persons give it a sudden push, they are unable to give desired speed to the car
& it does not start. However, a continuous push over sometime results in a gradual
acceleration of the car to this minimum speed & car starts.

The example signifies that effect of a force depends on (i) magnitude of the force,
& (ii) time for which the force is applied.

Q.16 An automobile vehicle has a mass of 1500 kg. What must be the force
between the vehicle & road if the vehicle is to be stopped with a negative
acceleration of 1.7 ms-2?(2 Marks )

Ans. Mass of the 1500 kg, m = 5 kg

Force applied on the body, f = ?

Acceleration of the vehicle, a = - 1.7 ms- 2

Force =mx a

= 1500 kg x (- 1.7 ms- 2)

= - 2550 kg ms- 2 = - 2500 N.

The - ve sign indicates that the force is acting in the direction opposite to the
motion of the vehicle.

Q.17 What happens when you shake a wet piece of cloth? Explain. (2Marks)

Ans. When a wet piece of cloth is shaken, small droplets of water fall down. This is
because in the beginning both water & the piece of cloth were at rest. when the
piece of cloth is shaken, it set into motion. The water tends to remain in the state
of rest due to the inertia of rest.As a result, water falls down in the form of

Q.18 In oil tankers some space is left at the top while filling them. Explain why?
( 2 Marks )

Ans. When a moving oil tanker suddenly stops, the oil inside the tanker continues to be
in the state of motion due to inertia of motion. As a result it splashes in the
forward direction. similarly, when a stationary tanker suddenly sets into motion,
the oil inside the tanker splashes in the backward direction. If no space is left at
the top of the oil, it will overflow. Therefore, to prevent any overflow of the oil due
to sudden start or stop of the tanker, some space is left vacant at the top while
filling the tanker.

Q.19 Why it is advised to tie the luggage with a rope on the roof of buses?

( 2 Marks )

Ans. The luggage placed on the bus roof is not fixed to the bus. When the bus starts
suddenly, the luggage tends to remain in the state of rest due to inertia of rest. As
a result the luggage might fall towards the backside of the bus.

When a moving bus stops suddenly, the luggage continues to remain in the state
of motion due to inertia of motion. As a result, the luggage might slide towards the
front side of the bus and fall. To prevent fall of the luggage from the roof of the
bus, it is advised to tie the luggage with a rope.

Q.20Give a simple experiment to illustrate the inertia of rest.(2 Marks )

Ans. Take an empty glass tumbler and put it on a table. Cover the tumbler by a stiff
playing card over its mouth. Now place a coin on the card as shown in fig. Give a
sudden, sharp horizontal flick to the card with a finger. The card moves along the
direction of flick but coin is found to fall vertically into the glass tumbler due to its
inertia of rest.

Q.21Write Newton’s Laws of Motion.(3 Marks )

Ans. Newton studied motion of moving bodies in much detail & gave three basic laws of

a) Newton’s first law of Motion - A body continues to be in the state of rest, or of

uniform motion unless it is acted upon by an external (unbalanced) force.

Newton’s first law of motion is also called Galileo’s law of inertia. it provides the
qualitative definition of force.

b) Newton’s second law of motion - The force acting on a body is directly

proportional to the product of its mass & acceleration produced by the force in the

It provides the quantitative (mathematical) definition of force.

c) Newton’s third law of motion

To every action there is an equal & opposite reaction. The action & reaction act on
two different bodies simultaneously.

Q.22 The following is the distance time table of an object in motion.

( 3 Marks )

Time (s) 0 1234567

Distance(r) 0 182767125216343

a) What conclusion can you draw about the acceleration? Is it constant? Increasing?
Decreasing? Or Zero?

b) What do you infer about the forces acting on the object?

Ans. As shown in the graph, the slope of the curve increases with time. This means,
velocity of the body is increasing with time. This change in velocity is non -uniform.

a) Acceleration of the body is increasing

b) The body is acted upon by an unbalanced force.

Q.23 A force of 5 N gives a mass m, an acceleration of 10 m/s & on mass m2,
an acceleration of 20 m/s what acceleration would it give if both the
masses were tied together?( 3 Marks )

Ans. F = ma

f 5
We have m1= = = 0.50kg
a1 10

a2 5
m2 = = = 0.25kg
f 20

If the two masses were tied together, the total mass, m would be

m = 0.50 kg + 0.25 kg = 0.75 kg.

The acceleration produced in the combined mass by the 5 N force would be

f 5
a= ie a=
m 0.75
5 ´100
a= ! 6.6m/s -2

Q.24 An 8000 kg engine pulls a train of 5 wagons, each of 2000 kg, along a
horizontal track. If the engine exerts a force of 40000 N & the track offers
a friction force of 5000 N, calculate.( 3 Marks )

a) The net accelerating force

b) The acceleration of the train

c) The force of wagon 1 on wagon 2.


a) Net accelerating force = 40,000 N-5000N = 35,000 N

b) Mass of the train, m = 10,000 kg

Net force acting on the train = 35000N

So, Acceleration of the train =

F 5
m1 = = Nm ' s -1 = 0.50kg
a1 10

35000 N kg 35000
= = ms - 1
10000 10000
= 3.5ms - 1

c) Force exerted by wagon 1 on wagon 2

= Net accelerating force - force acting on wagon 1

= 35000 N - 2000 kg x 3.5 ms- 1

= 35000 N - 7000 N = 28000 N

Q.25 How many types of inertia do the material bodies have?( 3 Marks )

Ans. All material bodies can have three types of inertia.

(i) Inertia of rest - A body at rest does not change its state of rest unless a force is
applied on it.

(ii) Inertia of motion - A moving body continues to remain in motion, unless stopped
by a certain force.

(iii) Inertia of direction - The property by virtue of which a body is unable to change
its direction of motion without applying an external force.

Q.26 Two persons manage to push a motorcar of mass 1200 kg at a uniform

velocity along a level road. The same motorcar can be pushed by three
persons to produce an acceleration of 0.2 ms -2 with what force does each
person push the motorcar?( 3 Marks )

Ans. Mass of the car, m = 1200 kg

If F is the muscular force applied by each person, then force required to move the
car with uniform speed = 2 x F

= 2F

Total force applied by three persons,

F* 3 =3F

So, force needed to produce acceleration in the car = 3 F - 2 F = F

Acceleration produced in the car, a = 0.2 m/s2

F =mxa

= 1200 kg x 0.2 m/s2

= 240 N.

Q.27 Two cars weighing 1500 kg are made to collide with a wall. The initial &
final velocities of the car are - 15.0 m/s & 2.6 m/s respectively. If the
collision lasts for 0.15 s, then find

a) Impulse force

b) Exerted on the car.( 3 Marks )

Ans.Mass of the car, m = 1500kg

Initial velocity, u = - 15.0 m/s

Final velocity, b = 2.6 m/s

Time taken, t = 0.15 s

Impulse, I = m (v - u)

I = 1500 kg x [(2.6 m/s) - (- 15.0 m/s)]

I = 1500 x 17.6 kg m/s

= 26400 kg m/s

I =Fxt

= Impulse
Average force = f av =

26400 kg m/
0.15 s

= 176000 kg m/s2

= 176000 N.

Q.28 Which would require a greater force accelerating 10g mass at 5 m/s2, or a
20 g mass at 2 m/s2?(3 Marks )

Ans. F=m x a

First casef1= m1 a1 = 10 x10-3* 5 = 5 x 10 -2 kg m/s2 = 5 x 10-2 N

Second caseF2 = m2 a2 = 20 x10-3 *2 = 4 x 10 -2 kg m/s2 = 4 x 10-2 N

Since F1> f2, so the force reqd. In first case is greater.

Q.29Explain why does a gun recoil when a shot is fired from it? (3Marks)

Ans. When a gun is fired, the bullet goes out due to the force applied on it through the
trigger ( action). The gun recoils backward due to the reaction acting on it in the
opposite direction. This gives a backward jerk to the shoulder of the gunman. The
change in the momentum of the bullet is equal & opposite to that of the gun.


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