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The Game Components

• Rulebook • 16 Hold Cards

The Ships This book explains the game rules. You are
reading it now.
Each ship has a set of 4 Hold
Cards, which you will use to
Armada InvIncible manage the cargo you have
• 1 model of the warship loaded on your ship. Ships can carry additional
Welcome to The Ships: the exciting game of “age of sail” era naval combat! You will take command of the HMS Revenge ammunition, pikemen, musketeers and treasure
famous fighting ships that fought in the greatest naval battles of the age. To win, you must either destroy You will need to assemble chests – even all at the same time. The amount of
all enemy vessels or complete your mission objectives. Do this, and glory will be yours! this model warship before ammunition, soldiers or treasure carried will be
you play. It represents an written directly on the Hold Cards for each ship.
The Armada Invincible starter set includes everything you need for a two-player game. Inside, you will English ship. A ship cannot carry more cargo than the holding
find two finely detailed models of famous XVI Century warships—namely, the English galleon HMS capacity listed on its Ship Card.
Revenge and the Spanish galleon San Martin. You can use these models to represent these great ships, or
other similar warships from the “golden age of sail”. This starter set includes all the cards you need to play • 9 Gunfire Cards
four different ships: the Revenge, the San Martin, the Santiago, and the Swallow, so if you buy 2 additional • 1 model of the warship Every ship has a Gunfire Card for
ship models, you will be able to create even more exciting naval battles! San Martin each broadside (and some ships also
You will need to assemble have one for stern guns as well). You
this model warship before you use these cards to issue orders to your ship’s gunners.
play. It represents a Spanish
ship. • 9 Charge Guns Cards
Every ship has a Charge Guns
Card for each broadside (and
some ships also have one for stern
• Wind direction token guns as well). They are always
This token must be placed on the placed next to the Gunfire cards to show which
edge of the gameboard to show type of ammunition has been loaded on each gun,
the direction of the wind for the and are used when reloading cannons.
scenario played.
• 9 gameboards
• 29 Movement Tokens The 9 double-sided game
Movement tokens are used to boards can be combined in
determine when ships move, based on many ways, allowing you to
their speed. create a new gameboard for
every game. The gameboards
• 4 Fire tokens show hexagon spaces (called
A Fire token is used to show “hexes”). Each hex shows a
that a ship is on fire. It is type of terrain: deep water,
placed on the left or right side shallow water, rocks, shore, and so on.
of the ship model, depending
on which broadside is on fire. • 10 20-sided dice
The Ships uses this type of dice, numbered
• 4 Ship Cards from “1” to “20”. Like regular dice, read
Each ship in the game has a the number on top after rolling. In these rules, we
matching Ship Card, which shows simply call them “dice”.
all the ship’s stats, and has spaces
to mark any damage suffered. • 2 water-based markers
The cards in the game are coated with a special
material that allows you to make marks using
Using This Rulebook water-based markers. The marks can then be erased
• 4 Orders Cards easily.
This rulebook assumes that you have already learned the Captain’s Basic Course. If this is your first Each ship also has a matching
game, we recommend that you set aside this book for now, and read the Captain’s Basic Course instead. Orders Card, which you will use
That booklet is designed to help you learn the basics of the game. Once you have read the Captain’s Basic to issue orders and plot the course
Course and played your first game, then return to this rulebook to learn the more advanced rules. If you for your ship.
have downloaded this rulebook from the internet, we recommend that you visit and
download the Captain’s Basic Course.

After setting up the game, it will look something like this:
Basic Game Rules
So, you have mastered the Captain’s Basic Course and played your first game. Now, you are ready to 1. English Ship Model 10. Spanish Gunfire Cards
learn the Basic Game Rules. But, learning The Ships doesn’t end with these basic rules—at the end of this 2. English Ship Card 11. Spanish Charge Guns Cards
book you will find the Expanded Game Rules, which allow experienced players to play even more exciting 3. English Orders Card 12. Spanish Hold Cards
games! With these advanced rules, a cunning tactician can overcome even the strongest enemy ships. 4. English Gunfire Cards 13. Wind Direction Token
Nevertheless, you should learn the Basic Game Rules first. 5. English Charge Guns Cards 14. 20-sided Dice
6. English Hold Cards 15. English Ship’s Movement Tokens
7. Spanish Ship Model 16. Spanish Ship’s Movement Tokens
8. Spanish Ship Card 17. Water-based Markers
9. Spanish Orders Card
Before You Play

3 2 17
 Before starting the game, you will need to follow 5. Determine the wind direction and place the
the steps below: Wind Direction Token on the gameboard,
pointing in the direction of the wind.
1. Decide with your opponent which of you will 15
play for the English and who will champion the 6. Place the ship models on the gameboard
Spaniards (in any way acceptable to you). as specified in the scenario instructions
(sometimes, you can place your ship anywhere
2. Choose a scenario from the Scenario Book. We in your own “Deployment Zone”).
recommend that you do not choose the last two
scenarios at this time (they are designed for use 7. Take the Gunfire and Charge Guns Cards for
with the Expanded rules). your ship. Decide what type of ammunition you 6
want to load into each set of guns at the start
of the battle, and mark it on your Charge Guns 5
Cards. Note that the scenario instructions may
narios from
You can also download sce include some additional restrictions for your or
our web-site: www.the-ship ship’s guns.
also play an
invent your own! You can 8. Take the Hold Cards for your ship. Mark the
ese rules: just set
“open sea battle” using th cargo that you want loaded on your ship. Note
the action!
up the board and get into that the scenario instructions may specify what
is carried in your ship’s hold: you will need
to fill out your cards accordingly. If it is not 7 1
specified, you may decide for yourself what will
be in your ship’s hold.
3. Each player chooses a ship of the appropriate
nationality and takes the Ship Card and Orders 9. Place the Movement Tokens nearby, in easy reach
Card for that ship. (We assume that you have for both players.
already assembled your ship models while
learning the Captain’s Basic Course. However, 10. Place the dice so both players can reach them
if you are an experienced gamer and you decide with ease.
to start right from this book, you need to
assemble your models now—please follow the 11. Take two water-based markers. Use one of them
instructions carefully, even if you are familiar yourself, and give the other to your opponent,
with assembling model ships. so he won’t have to ask you for one each turn
and distract you.
4. Combine the gameboards on a table or any
other flat surface as shown in the scenario
instructions. Don’t forget that you will need 13
some free space near the gameboard to place
cards and roll the dice!
16 12


2 3
What Are Ship Cards and Orders Cards? You can use one of the water-based markers Each ship also has a matching Orders Card. During the game, you will
Orders Card “plot” (i.e., write down) the movement route for your ship and any
to record changes to the condition of your ship: orders you want to give to your sailors or soldiers on your Orders Card.
Now is a good time to explain what’s on your Ship damage suffered, casulaties, ammo used, and other
Card: stats that will be explained later on.
Furled Sails: The ship Mast Defense Ship’s Name
Each ship has its own matching card. It shows does not move during
a diagram of the ship’s hull (in “plan view”), with the round. But, the ship
gains +2 Accuracy Drop Anchor
symbols that reflect the ship’s current condition.
Around the diagram you will find a number of
les, yo u w ill find explantions of the Raise Anchor
important stats, including the crew, a gunfire In these ru will
ip. These diagrams ds and Battle Sails: The ship
di ffe re nt stat s of a sh ar
stats on the Ship C
accuracy chart, and your ammunition supply. receives the lower number Move Pikemen to Deck
help you find those w, just remember where of Movement Tokens
Order Cards. For noms and refer to them as
for each mast (so, if the
mast says “3/1”, the Move Pikemen to Hold
to find these diagra ship receives 1 token).
needed. Accuracy is not affected. Move Musketeers to Deck
Move Musketeers to Hold
Ship Card Full Sails: The ship receives
the higher number of
Movement Tokens for each Fight Fires
mast (so, if the mast says
“3/1”, the ship receives
Crew Defense Ship’s Name Holding Capacity 3 tokens). But, the ship Board Enemy Ship
suffers -1 Accuracy.
Disembark (on shore)
Foremast Fire Fighting
Musketeers Firing:
Ship’s Fortitude Melee Attack Values: Movement Costs: Range
Sailors The number of Movement Accuracy
Pikemen Tokens spent for each
Mast Durability Musketeers move is recorded here
(determined by the Wind Turn to Move Turn to Pivot
Mainmast Sailor Units Direction). Port Forward Starboard

At Anchor Pikeman Units

Musketeer Units You can easily tell which Ship Card or Orders Card belongs to each ship
Port side Durability by looking at the ship’s name written on the card. You should also place the
plaque with the appropriate ship’s name on your model’s game base.
Cannon Starboard side
Bonaventure Mast Durability Let’s take a closer look at the preparation steps:

Straight Movement Officer Chart: 1. Choose sides

(Mark this if the ship Captain Every ship in the game has her own advantages and disadvantages. You should carefully study the ship
did not make a turn First Mate cards before choosing your ship. If you still can’t decide, we recommend playing with the English galleon
as her last movement Quartermaster HMS Revenge against the Spanish galleon San Martin. They have different traits, but are still reasonably
in a round) Boatswain
Master Gunner well balanced.
Sails Furled
(Mark if sails were Penalties suffered if
furled last turn and 2. Choose the scenario
ship didn’t move) officer is killed You can choose any scenario from the Scenario Book you like. For your first few games, we recommend
that you choose the first scenario.
Movement Tokens Gunfire Chart:
received when under 3. Choose your ship
Full Sails Range At this point, pick a ship to command, and take the Ship Card, Orders Card, Gunfire Cards, Charge
Cannonball Fire Guns Cards, and Hold Cards for that ship. Each nationality has two ship choices in this starter set: the
Movement Tokens Bar Shot Fire
received when under Grapeshot Fire English can choose between the Revenge and the Swallow, while the Spanish have the San Martin and the
Battle Sails Santiago. Regardless of which ship you choose, you can use the Revenge model to represent the English
ship and the San Martin model for the Spanish one.
Stern Durability Rudder Ammunition Supply Place for Gunfire and
Charge Guns Cards 4. Prepare the gameboard
The scenario you have chosen will have a map that shows you how to assemble the game board. Once the
board has been assembled, you need to determine on which side of the gameboard each player will place
his ships. In most scenarios, the starting locations for all ships are already determined, so you just have
4 5
to sit on the side of the table closest to your ships. You can use the clips provided to fix the board pieces
together securely (so they don’t move apart during play), as described in the Captain’s Basic Course. Charge Guns Cards

5. Set Wind Direction Port Side Stern Starboard

Before you deploy your ships, you need to 1–3 4–6 Side
determine the direction that the wind is blowing.
Arrange dice on the game board around any hex as
shown in the picture.
Then, roll one die to determine the Wind Direction: Mark one of the
Charging Box: three Ammunition
Find the hex marked with a die that has the lowest These are used types
number that is equal to or higher than the number 16–18 7–9 when you reload (Cannonballs, Bar
you rolled. If you roll a “19” or “20”, re-roll the die. your guns Shot, Grapeshot)
Place the Wind Direction Token on the game board
pointing in the Wind Direction (according to the die Before the game begins, you must choose which type of ammunition you want loaded in each of your
roll result). ship’s gun batteries (unless the scenario has specific instructions), and mark the front of each Charge Guns
Example: Card. Place the cards face down next to your Ship Card and mark all of the Charging Boxes on the back of
If you roll “6”, the wind will blow each card.
towards the die showing “6”. 13–15 10–12
Later on, you will learn how to use these cards during the game.

6. Deploy Ships 8. Load up your holds

Now is the time to place your ship on the game board. Now you must decide what cargo you will carry in your ship’s hold. Write the number of Musketeers,
Sometimes, the scenario will specify the exact location for Pikemen, and extra Ammunition you are carrying on the matching cards, and place them face down next
all ships. Other times, it will show a “Deployment Zone” to your Ship Card — your opponent won’t know what you are hiding in your hold until you reveal it!
for one or both sides. The scenario may tell you which
player must deploy his ship first. Otherwise, determine the
order randomly: each player rolls one die and the player
who rolls higher must place his ship first (we recommend Deployment Zone
using this option if you are playing an open sea battle—in
this type of game, your Deployment Zone is the 2 hexes
closest to your edge of the board, as shown here).

When you deploy your ship, place the model on the Mark the amount Mark the number Mark the number Mark the number
gameboard so the base covers two adjacent hexes. Both of Ammunition of Musketeer units of Pikeman units of Treasure Chests
hexes must be part of your Deployment Zone. You may transported in your transported in your transported in your transported in your
start your ship facing in any direction. Hold Hold Hold Hold

Remember that your ship is placed after the wind direction has been determined. Use this information
to help decide where to deploy your ship, and which direction to face.
The total number of Musketeers, Pikemen, and Ammunition points
7. Prepare Your Guns (plus any treasure, if carried) cannot exceed your ship’s Holding Capacity
Take the Gunfire and Charge Guns Cards for your ship (the ship’s name is at the top of the card). You (as listed on the Ship Card).
will need all the cards for your ship.
9. Ready the Movement Tokens
Each card is related to one of your ship’s gun batteries, indicated by the direction the gun on the card is These tokens are used to represent the simultaneous movement of the ships on the gameboard. You will
pointed: Port side, Starboard side, or Stern. Each battery has one Gunfire Card and one Charge Guns Card. receive tokens at the beginning of each round. Both players will lay out tokens simultaneously, then spend
them on their ships’ movement. We will explain this later, but for now you should collect enough tokens
for all the masts on your ship: Add up the higher number under each mast on your Ship Card. The total is
the number of tokens you will need. Set the tokens to the side of the game board.
Gunfire cards
Port Side Stern Starboard 10. Set out the dice
Side Place all the dice near the gameboard. They should be within reach of both players.

11. Get water-based markers

Each player should have his own marker. It is used to make marks on the cards that can be erased easily
Mark the afterwards. Whenever these rules mention “marking”, “writing”, or “crossing out” something, it means
maximum range doing this on a card using these markers.
at which your
gunners will fire

6 7
Playing the Game The Movement Cost is always determined before each move or turn is performed.

The game is played over a series of “game rounds”, until either all ships on one side are destroyed or the When you plot your ship’s course, write down the
scenario objectives are completed. Each game round is divided into 5 “phases”, which must be played in movement cost for each move or turn in the Movement
order: Cost column of the Orders Card. The total cost of all moves
and turns may not exceed the number of Movement Tokens
1. Issue Orders the ship has available for the current round.
2. Fortitude Tests (only used in the Expanded Game Rules)
3. Receive Movement Tokens
4. Execute Orders
5. Update Ship Cards

During each phase, both players take actions simultaneously. A phase is complete only when both
players have completed all of their actions for that phase. You may not start taking actions for the next
phase before the previous one is complete. Some ships cannot make two turnsOrdeback to back. These ships have this symbol
on the Ship’s Course Track of their rs Cards:
Phase 1. Issue Orders one hex straight ahead before making
A ship of this type must move at leastemen
each turn. It may only begin its mov gamtefor a game round with a turn if
During this phase, you will decide which actions your ship will take during the current game round. was straight ahead.
You must write down the orders you want to give your ship on the matching Orders Card. When you the last move it made in the prev t be marked don the Ship Card.
ious roun
The Straight Movement symbol mus
write orders, keep them secret from your opponent! When you are finished writing your orders, place the at
Orders Card face down. Ships with this type of turning symbol may make turns at any time, even row.
num ber of turn s in a
the beginning of a game round, and may make any
• Choosing the Set of the Sails
Each round, you must choose how to set your ship’s sails by marking the corresponding symbol on the
Orders Card:
You must mark the path for your ship (considering the wind direction and your ship’s manoeuverability)
on the Ship’s Course Chart of your Orders Card. This is called the Movement Path.

You must record your Movement Path starting from the bottom of the chart and working upwards.
In each row of the chart, mark one of the three options and write down the cost of your chosen move.
Furled Sails Battle Sails Full Sails Continue choosing and marking actions on the Ship’s Course Chart until you have used all of the ship’s
Mast Defence is 16. The ship Mast Defence is 10. The ship Mast Defence is 6. The ship receives
does not receive any Movement the higher of the two numbers of Movement Tokens for the round.
receives the lower of the two
Tokens. The ship’s Accuracy is numbers of Movement Tokens Movement Tokens for each mast. The
increased by +2. for each mast. ship’s Accuracy is decreased by –1. • Board the Enemy!
Boarding an enemy ship means grappling your ship to theirs so
your crew and soldiers can swarm the enemy ship and attempt
to kill their crew. If you want to board an enemy ship, you must
You’ll learn about Mast Defence later, when we explain shooting with Bar Shot . mark the Board Enemy Ship order. Do not mark a Movement
Path! Instead, your ship will move directly toward the target
• Plotting a Course enemy ship (see “Execute Orders” for more information).
When you give the “Battle Sails” or “Full
Sails” order to a ship, you must also write
down the exact path the ship will follow
when she moves. A ship under sail cannot
stay still. Turn to Port Move Straight Ahead Turn to Starboard Important: You cannot issue this
order to your ship if the enemy ship is Example:
When you plot a course, you should consider the following rules: more than 2 hexes away. Remember to This ship will move
Each time a ship moves or turns, it must spend 1, 2, or 3 Movement Tokens, depending on the Wind set your sails when you issue the Board under Battle Sails, her
Direction: the Enemy order, or your ship will not right broadside guns will
move at all! be recharged, and her
Fair Wind: Side Wind: Head Wind: musketeers will move onto
You can issue a number of additional the deck when she makes
her turn.
orders to your ship. Most of them are
connected with the ship’s movement.
Some, however, may be issued only to
a ship that doesn’t move. You may give
a ship several of these additional orders
during the same game round.

Moving or making a turn when Moving or making a turn when Moving or making a turn when
the wind is off the stern of the the wind is off the broadside of the wind is off the bow of the ship
ship (coming from behind) costs the ship (coming from the side) (coming from the front) costs 3
8 1 Movement Token. costs 2 Movement Tokens. Movement Tokens. 9
• Charge the Guns You can only set a gunfire range if it is within the range of the guns, determined by the type of
Before your cannons can fire at the enemy, they must be Important! Each ship has her Ammunition they were charged with. The Gunfire Chart on your Ship Card shows the different ranges that
“charged” (loaded). This order is given separately for each battery: own matching set of Charge your guns may fire. If the chart shows an “x” for that type of Ammunition, your guns cannot fire at that
port side, starboard side, and stern (if the ship has stern guns). Guns Cards. You cannot use range. Usually, this means that the target is too far away, but in the case of Cannonballs and Bar Shot, it
the Charge Guns Cards from
You may issue this order during the Issue Orders Phase in any a different ship! can also mean that the target is too close.
game round, even if your guns are already charged. After setting the range, place the Gunfire Card face down on top of the matching Charge Guns Card.
You must reveal your Gunfire Card when you fire the guns in that battery. If you reveal a card that has no
Ammunition Types: When you issue an order to charge the guns, mark one of range marked, or one that is marked incorrectly, your crew will be confused and the guns do not fire!
the three types of Ammunition on that battery’s Charge Guns Card:
• Pikemen: Move to the Deck! Example:
Pikemen in your hold are safe from This ship received the
enemy cannonfire, but before they can Pikemen: Move to the
fight in a boarding action, they need to be Deck order. The Pikemen
on deck. Mark the Move Pikemen to Deck will move on deck when
order on your Orders Card, then draw an the ship performs its
second planned move
arrow to a row of the Ship’s Course Track action.
to tell your Pikemen when to move onto
the deck. If your ship doesn’t move this
Cannonballs are used to fire Bar Shot is used to fire at the Grapeshot is used to fire at turn, don’t draw an arrow – pikemen will
at the enemy ship’s hull. Only enemy ship’s sails and masts. enemy sailors and soldiers. move onto the deck at the beginning of
Cannonballs can damage forts Grapeshot has the shortest the phase 4 (execute orders). Pikemen
and other buildings. Cannonballs range.
have the longest range. can move to the deck during any turn or
When you execute this order, you should
Do not show your opponent which type of turn the Pikemen hold card face up so
Ammunition you are using until you open fire! that all players can see the number of
After you mark your Ammunition choice, place the pikemen on board your ship.
Charge Guns Card face down next to your Ship Card,
as shown in the picture. Make sure all of the Charging • Pikemen: Get Below!
Boxes on the back of the card are blank. Pikemen on deck are vulnerable to enemy cannonfire. To keep them safe, you can order them back into
your ship’s hold. Mark the Move Pikemen to Hold order on your Orders Card, then draw an arrow to a
Charging Boxes: The boxes on the back of your row of the Ship’s Course Track to tell your Pikemen when to move into the hold. If your ship doesn’t move
Charge Guns Card shows how many game rounds it this turn, don’t draw an arrow – pikemen will move into the hold at the beginning of the phase 4 (execute
will take to fully charge your guns. Each round, during the Update Ship Cards Phase, you will add a mark to orders).
one of the Charging Boxes on each Charge Guns Card. If all of the Charging Boxes on a card are full at the Pikemen can move to the hold during any turn or movement.
beginning of a game round, those guns are ready to fire!
• Musketeers: Move to the Deck!
You must reveal your Charge Guns Card when you fire the guns in that battery. If you reveal a card that Musketeers in your hold are safe from enemy cannonfire, but before they can fire their guns or fight in a
has no Ammunition type marked, or one with multiple types marked, your crew will be confused and the boarding action, they need to be on deck. Mark the Move Musketeers to Deck order on your Orders Card,
guns do not fire! then draw an arrow to a row of the Ship’s Course Track to tell your Musketeers when to move onto the
deck. If your ship doesn’t move this turn, don’t draw an arrow – musketeers will move onto the deck at the
• Set Gunfire Range beginning of the phase 4 (execute orders).
Once your cannons are charged and ready to fire, you must also tell your gunners the maximum range Musketeers can move to the deck during any turn or movement.
that you want them to fire at the enemy. Like the Charge the Guns order, you must issue this order
separately for each gun battery (left broadside, right broadside, and stern, if available). You can only issue • Musketeers: Get Below!
this order during the Issue Order Phase of a game round, and only if the guns are fully charged. Musketeers on deck are vulnerable to enemy cannonfire. To keep them safe, you can order them back
into your ship’s hold. Mark the Move Musketeers to Hold order on your Orders Card, then draw an arrow
Example: You must write the maximum firing range for to a row of the Ship’s Course Track to tell your Musketeers when to move into the hold. If your ship doesn’t
your guns on the matching Gunfire Card. move this turn, don’t draw an arrow – musketeers will move into the hold at the beginning of Phase 4
The guns of this broadside (execute orders).
battery will only fire at an
enemy ship if the range is 5 Musketeers can move to the hold during any turn or movement.
hexes or less.
• Musketeers: Open Fire!
If you have Musketeers on deck at the beginning of a round, you can order them
to fire their muskets at an enemy ship. Mark the Musketeers Firing box and the
maximum range that you want them to fire (much like using the Gunnery Cards).
If you do not mark the range, your musketeers will be confused and do not fire.

The order is given correctly The order is given incorrectly • Raise Anchor
You may only issue this order to a ship which is at anchor. If an
anchored ship is given Battle Sails or Full Sails orders, she must also be
given the Raise Anchor order.
10 11
Phase 4. Execute Orders
• Drop Anchor
You may only issue this order to a ship that had Furled Sails orders and Moving ships
did not move during the previous game round. Also, at least one of the
hexes occupied by the ship must be coastal water. For each ship, you must place 1 or 2 Movement Tokens on the board next to the ship model, taken from
the tokens assigned to the ships in Phase 3:
The ship will remain in place and
receives a bonus when firing. • If the ship is under Battle Sails, place 1 Movement Token.
• If the ship is under Full Sails, place 2 Movement Tokens.
• Pivot
A ship will move as soon as it has enough Movement Tokens to pay the Movement Cost for the first
You may only issue this order to a ship that has Furled order on her Ship’s Course Chart (on the Orders Card). If a ship has enough Movement Tokens, she must
Sails. Any ship, including one that has lost all of her make the next ordered move. You cannot choose not to follow orders!
masts or her rudder, may execute this order.
It is possible for a ship with Full Sails to have enough Movement Tokens to make two moves at once.
Mark the Pivot Front or Pivot Rear box on your If this happens, the ship with Full Sails makes her first movement, then all ships make their movements
Orders Card. You must also indicate if the ship will (with the Full Sails ship making her second move at this time).
pivot to the right or left, using the arrows in the
bottom row of the Ship’s Course Track.

A ship with the Pivot order cannot receive any other movement order this turn.

These are all of the orders used in the Basic Game Rules.
There are several more orders that will be explained in the Don’t forget:
Expanded Game Rules, later on. For now, you are ready to When you are done issuing orders, place
begin carrying out orders and fighting enemy ships. After your Orders Card face down on theh orde rs
so your oppo nent cannot see whic
playing several games, you will be familiar with these basic you have given!
rules, and ready to move on to the Expanded Game Rules!

After moving, remove a number of Movement Tokens equal to the Movement Cost paid from the ship
Phase 2. Fortitude Tests model (on the board—not the Ship Card!) and erase the order from the Orders Card. If the ship has more
Movement Tokens available than the Movement Cost, the leftover tokens remain on the board to be used
Fortitude Tests are part of the Expanded Rules, and are explained fully in that section. For now, we will later.
just mention that Fortitude Tests are made right after the Orders Phase, and move on to the next phase.
Continue placing tokens and taking actions until all available Movement Tokens (on all ships) have
been placed and all possible actions have been completed. If a ship still has unused tokens (on the board)
Phase 3. Receive Movement Tokens at the end of the last action turn (i.e., she does not have enough to make another move), those tokens are
discarded (you cannot save tokens for the next round).
Once all players have issued their orders, Important! Do not reveal Gunfire Cards,
the Orders Cards are revealed. Charge Guns Cards, or Hold Cards until If the last move that a ship makes in a round is a straight forward move, mark the Straight
they are needed to execute an order! Movement box on her Ship Card.

Now, you must give

Movement Tokens to the
ships. A ship with Furled
Sails orders does not
receive any Movement

A ship under Battle This ship is This ship is

Sails receives the lower moving under moving under
Full Sails, but Battle Sails,
of the two numbers of one of its masts so she receives
Movement Tokens for is destroyed, 4 Movement
each mast. so she receives Tokens.
4 Movement
A ship under Full Tokens, and not 6.
Sails receives the higher
of the two numbers of
Movement Tokens for
each mast.
If the ship’s mast is destroyed, the ship doesn’t receive
Movement token(s) for it.
12 13
San Martin will receive 6 Movement Tokens

Movement Exam
The total Movement Cost of a ship’s moves and
The Spanish sh turns cannot exceed the number of Movement
while the Engliship is moving under Full Sails, Tokens that she will receive for the round. If a
Sails. In the first ship is moving under Battle ship runs out of Movement Tokens, she must
2 Movement Toketurn, the Spanish ship receives stop even if she has not completed all of her
Since the English ns and the English ship gets 1. ordered moves and turns.
she needs 3 token ship is moving into a head wind,
enough, so she dos to move. Her 1 token is not
esn’t move in this
action turn.

This card is filled out This card is filled out

correctly incorrectly
The Spanish ship is moving with a tail wind, so
her movement costs only 1 token. The Spanish ship Example: This ship will receive 9 Movement Tokens. When all
will actually make 2 moves: moving forward 1 hex, planned movements were finished, 3 tokens remain.
then making a turn. 1,2,3 – planned moves
If a ship completes all of her 4,5,6 – moves that will be
ordered moves and turns, but still performed after planned moves
has unused Movement Tokens, she
The players again lay down 1 Movement Token for must continue to spend them to
move straight forward. If there are
the English ship and 2 tokens for the Spanish ship. not enough Movement Tokens left to
The English ship still doesn’t have enough tokens to move forward, the leftover tokens are
move, so she stays in place. The Spanish ship is now discarded.
moving in a side wind, so her next move will cost 2
tokens. The Spanish ship only moves once this turn:
forward 1 hex.

The players lay down 1 more Movement Token for the

English ship and 2 more for the Spanish ship. Planned moves The ship will perform
The English ship now has 3 Movement Tokens and finally these actions instead
gets to make a move. The Spanish ship also has enough If a ship cannot make a planned
turn (because she cannot turn twice
tokens to make her next in a row), she must move straight
move. The two ships make ahead instead.
their moves simultaneous-
ly: the English ship makes
a turn and the Spanish
ship moves forward.

Now both ships are in side wind.

There are no more tokens on the Spanish ship’s Ship Card, so her
movement is done for this game round. The English ship receives her last
token, but it is not enough to make a move in a side wind. Since that
was her last token also, she will not move any further this round. Her
leftover token cannot be used and is discarded.

14 15
Collisions Colliding With Terrain
When a ship moves, she may collide with another ship or a terrain object. If a planned move cannot be There are two possible ways that a ship can collide with terrain:
completed because of an obstacle, the ship immediately stops moving. It won’t move for the rest of the turn.
Colliding ships receive different amount of damage, depending on how exactly they collide. Head-on Collision:
The ship suffers 8 damage to each

Head-on Collision:
Both ships suffer 4 damage to each broadside. Sideways Collision:
The broadside that hit the obstacle
suffers 4 damage.

Bow-to-Stern Collision:
The stern of the ship hit from behind suffers 4
damage. The ship hit from the front suffers 1
damage to each broadside and 1 damage to Boarding Movement
her front mast.
When a ship has been issued the Board Enemy Ship order, she receives Movement Tokens as normal, but
she does not move according to a pre-planned course. Instead, her movement is determined by the target
Broadside Ram: ship’s position.
When the boarding ship has enough Movement Tokens to make a move, she must:
The rammed ship suffers 4 damage to the
broadside that was hit, while the ramming ship
suffers 1 damage to each broadside. Move forward, if she faces the target ship. Turn towards the target ship, using the shortest
path, if she does not face her target.

Both ships suffer 2 damage to the broadside
that was hit.

The ship being hit suffers 4 damage to her
stern. The turning ship suffers 2 damage to
the broadside that hit the other ship.

The ship being hit suffers 1 damage to each In all these cases the attacking ship faces In these cases the attacking ship doesn’t
broadside, while the turning ship suffers 2 the target ship. face the target ship.
damage to the broadside that hit the other ship.
– Attacking ship – Target ship

Movement paths crossing If it is unclear what move your ship should make, you must decide which possible move to make.

Often, a collision will occur when two ships try to enter the same hex at
the same time. In this case, roll 1 die for each ship: the ship that rolls the
lower number enters the contested hex, then the ships collide. Both
ships stop moving for the round (any leftover Movement Tokens are

16 17
Other Orders
There are a number of actions that a ship might take during or after moving, if she received orders to do so: This ship pivots
Pivot around her stern
Drop Anchor to the right.
You do not have to spend
This order is always executed at the beginning of the Execute Orders Phase. any Movement Tokens to
Mark the “At Anchor” box on the Ship Card. pivot your ship. The ship This ship pivots
As long as the ship is at anchor, she receives a bonus to her gunfire Accuracy, pivots at the end of the around her front
as indicated on the Orders Card. Execute Orders Phase, to the left.
at the same time that the
Raise Anchor other ships make their last
This order is executed in the first action turn of the phase. You must spend the first moves. A ship with Pivot order cannot make any other
moves this turn.
Movement Token received by your ship to haul in the anchor. Only 1 token is spent,
regardless of Wind Direction. Any remaining Movement Tokens can be used normally.
As soon as your ship raises anchor, you must erase the mark in her “At Anchor” box.
Move Musketeers or Pikemen to Deck
Port Side Fire Zone Starboard Side Fire Each ship’s broadside and stern battery (if it has
stern guns) has its own Fire Zone. You can only fire
on an enemy ship if it is in a hex that is inside your
The Musketeers are executing the cannons’ Fire Zone.
“Move to Deck” order. There are You must also tell your gunners the maximum
currently 4 Musketeer units in range that you want them to fire, which must be
Musketeers and Pikemen the hold. You need to cross out written on your Gunfire Cards.
all but 4 Musketeer symbols on
must move to the deck the Ship Card. The hexes that are inside your Fire Zone and
when their ship makes the within the maximum range you have chosen are
movement action marked. called the “Kill Zone”.
When you execute this order, Stern Fire Zone Before your guns can fire, they must be charged.
you must reveal the matching Guns that are still recharging do not have a Fire
Hold Card so all players can Zone and cannot fire.
see the number of Pikeman or
Musketeer units on your ship.
As soon as an enemy ship enters your Kill Zone, your gunners
When Musketeers or immediately fire. You cannot choose to hold your fire. If two ships
Pikemen move to the deck, both move into each other’s Kill Zones at the same time, they both
you must mark the appropriate fire simultaneously: the damage to both ships is only applied after all
boxes on the Ship Card: Each appropriate dice rolls are made. If an enemy ship begins a game
Musketeer or Pikeman unit in the hold corresponds to 1 Musketeer or Pikeman box on the Ship Card. round in your ship’s Kill Zone, your gunners will fire before either
Cross out all excess boxes, so the number of unmarked boxes matches the number of Musketeers or ship moves.
Pikemen units on your ship. When you fire, you must show your Gunfire Card to your opponent
to confirm that his ship is in your Kill Zone. You must also show your The Kill Zone of the starboard
Musketeers and Pikemen that are on deck can be killed during Gunfire or Melee Combat. If Charge Guns Card and declare the type of Ammunition being used. side battery is 3 hexes deep.
your Musketeers or Pikemen are killed, cross off a matching symbol on your Ship Card for If your Gunfire Card or Charge Guns card is not filled out correctly,
each Musketeer or Pikeman unit lost. your gunners will be confused and they do not fire.
If more than one enemy ship enters your Kill Zone at the same time, you may choose which one enemy
Move Musketeers or Pikemen to Hold ship to fire on.

Musketeers and Pikemen must move back to the hold when their ship makes Line of Sight
the movement action marked.
Sometimes, an enemy ship can be concealed behind
terrain features or other ships. The following rules are used
to determine which ships can be «seen» (and shot at):
Draw a straight imaginary line from the center of the
Write the number of Musketeers or Pikemen you firing ship’s base to the center of the target ship’s base. You
currently have on board on the matching Hold Card. may use a string or ruler if drawing an imaginary line will
Place the Hold Card face down next to your Ship Card prove difficult.
to show that your Musketeers or Pikemen are in your If this line passes through a land hex or the base of
hold. another ship (friend or foe), the target cannot be fired
upon. If the line does not cross a land hex or the base of
another ship (except when it only passes along the side of
such a hex), the target can be fired upon.
18 19
The Fire Test Once your Gunfire is complete, you must cross out one Ammunition barrel on your Ship Card
When your ship opens fire on an enemy ship, you must make a Fire Test to see if you hit and determine and erase all marks from the Gunfire Card and Charge Guns Card for the battery that fired. You
the amount of damage done. will need to recharge the guns for that battery before it will be able to fire again. Remove the Gunfire Card
and Charge Guns Card from your Ship Card to show that your guns cannot fire.
• Look at the Gunfire Chart on your Ship Card and find the row
for the Ammunition type you are firing. Cannonball Fire
• Then, find the column that shows the range to the target. Range to the Target:
4 Hexes When you hit a ship with Cannonballs,
• Range is always counted using the shortest path to the closest hex you will cause damage to the ship’s hull. Each
occupied by the target ship. ship’s hull is divided into three sections, each
with its own Durability: Right Broadside, Left
Broadside, and Stern. The section of the target
ship that suffers damage is determined by the
position of the two ships.

The value shown on the Gunfire Chart is the “Accuracy” for your gunfire. If the chart shows
an “x” symbol, that means that the range is either too long or too short to hit a target with
that type of Ammunition. Your gunners do not fire. Damage goes to the starboard side Damage goes to the port side Damage goes to the stern

In this case, where the front of the ship is hit by stern guns, the hits are
This broadside has 7 guns, so you 2 guns have been destroyed, so you divided equally between the target ship’s two broadsides. If there are an odd
will roll 7 dice when it fires. only roll 5 dice when this broadside number of hits rolled, the controller of the target ship chooses which
fires. broadside suffers 1 point of damage more than the other.

This ship’s port side has

Each hit by a Cannonball destroys 1 suffered 6 damage.
Durability Point on the target ship. Cross off 6 durability points of
1 box in the appropriate section of the ship the port side must be
crossed out.
diagram on the Ship Card. Damage to a ship’s
Roll 1 die for each active gun in Don’t roll a die for any broadside is always marked starting from the This means that the ship
the battery. destroyed guns. loses 2 cannons which,
bow and moving towards the stern. Damage to in turn, results in the loss
the stern is always marked starting from the left of 2 Sailor units.
side and going to the right.
If both Durability Points next to a cannon are
Compare the results of your roll with the The numbers rolled are: crossed off, that cannon is also destroyed. Cross
Accuracy shown in the Gunfire Chart: each die 4, 8, 11, 19, 10, 2, 15 off the destroyed cannon.
that rolls lower than or equal to the Accuracy
are “hits”. Any die that rolls higher than this 3 hits: 4, 8, 2
value are “misses”. 4 misses: 11, 19, 10, 15
Each time one of your cannons is destroyed, you also lose 1 Sailor unit.
Cross off 1 Sailor symbol on your Ship Card for each Sailor unit lost.
Some orders or ship statuses can modify your
Accuracy when you fire.
+4 to basic Accuracy value You also lose 1 Sailor unit for each point of damage that is applied to the Stern of
your ship. Cross off 1 Sailor symbol on your Ship Card for each Sailor unit lost.
The numbers rolled are:
4, 8, 11, 19, 10, 2, 15 If all of the Durability Points from any broadside or stern section are crossed off, the ship immediately
All modifiers must be applied to the sinks: remove the ship model from the game board.
5 hits: 4, 8, 11, 10, 2 Accuracy values on the Gunfire Chart.
2 misses: 19, 15
20 21
Numbers rolled: 2, 3, 5, 8, Grapeshot Fire
Bar Shot Fire 11, 14, 19
When your ship is the target of Bar Shot fire, 5 hits: 2, 3, 5, 8, 11 When your ship is the target of Grapeshot fire, you get to make a Crew Defense Test for each hit rolled
you get to make a Mast Defense Test for each hit 2 misses: 14, 19 on the Fire Test. Roll 1 die for each hit and compare the results to your Crew Defense value, shown on
rolled on the Fire Test. Roll 1 die for each hit and your Ship Card.
compare the results to your Mast Defense value. Each die that rolls lower than or equal to the Crew Defense cancels 1 hit. If the roll is higher than the
The Mast Defense is determined by the set of Crew Defense, your ship loses 1 Sailor unit.
your sails for the current round. The crew losses must be marked on your Ship Card immediately.
Roll 5 dice for the 5 hits scored and compare
the numbers rolled with Mast Defense. Numbers rolled:
2, 4, 5, 8, 8, 16, 17 Numbers rolled: 3, 7, 10, 15, 17
Each die that rolls lower than or equal to the 5 hits: 2, 4, 5, 8, 8 3 of them don’t inflict damage: 3, 7, 10
Numbers rolled: 11, 12, 16, 1, 7
Mast Defense cancels 1 hit. If the roll is higher 2 misses: 16, 17
3 of them inflict damage: 11, 12, 16 2 of them inflict damage: 15, 17
than the Mast Defense, your masts will suffer 2 of them don’t inflict damage: 1, 7 Roll 5 dice for the 5 hits scored
damage. Each hit that is not cancelled inflicts 1 and compare the numbers
Durability Point of damage. rolled with Crew Defense.

Most ships have several masts. To determine which mast suffers damage,
look at the position of the two ships: Musketeer Fire
Gunfire from the side affects the masts starting Like cannon, Musketeers have their own Fire Zone, as
with the one in the middle of the ship, then shown to the right.
moving to the mast next to it (chosen by the
controller of the damaged ship). Their Kill Zone will be 1 or 2 hexes, as specified when you
ordered them to fire.

As soon as an enemy ship enters your Musketeers’ Kill Zone, they start to fire.
Roll 1 die for each Musketeer unit on deck. No more than 5 Musketeer units
may fire at once, however, so if you have more than 5, you still only get to roll 5
Gunfire off the beam affects the Gunfire off the stern affects the dice:
masts starting with the one at the masts starting with the one at the
front of the target ship. rear of the target ship.

If a mast loses all of its Durability Points, it is destroyed. You must immediately discard unspent Movement
Tokens equal to the number you received for that mast during Phase 3 of the game round (if possible). For
the rest of the game, your ship does not receive any Movement Tokens for the destroyed mast. You roll 3 dice You roll 5 dice You roll 5 dice
Each time your ship suffers damage to her masts, she also loses 1 Sailor unit. Cross off 1 Sailor Compare the results of your die roll with the Accuracy value for your
symbol on your Ship Card for each mast Durabilty Point lost. Musketeers at the current range. Dice rolls that are less than or equal to the
Accuracy are hits. Dice rolls which are higher than the Accuracy are misses.
San Martin moves under Accuracy
full sails, so it receives
6 Movement Tokens.
Like grapeshot attacks, you get to make a Crew Defense Numbers rolled: 1, 5, 7, 15, 20
Test when your ship is hit by Musketeer fire. Roll 1 die 3 hits: 1, 5, 7
for each hit and compare the results to your Crew 2 misses: 15, 20
Defense value, shown on your Ship Card. Each die that
It was targeted by an enemy firing with bar shot, and its masts have rolls lower than or equal to the Crew Defense cancels 1 Roll 3 dice for the 3 hits scored and compare
suffered 5 damage points. The enemy ship fires off the beam, so the hit. If the roll is higher than the Crew Defense, your ship the numbers rolled with Crew Defense.
foremast suffers damage first. loses 1 Sailor unit. Numbers rolled: 8, 12, 5
It loses 3 Durability points and is destroyed. 2 of them don’t inflict damage:
The ship loses: Mark any losses on your Ship Card. 8, 5
2 unspent Movement tokens Your Musketeers can only shoot once per game round. 1 of them inflicts damage: 12
But, they do not need time to recharge and never run
3 Sailor units out of Ammunition, so they can fire every game round.

The remaining 2 damage points are then allocated to the

2 more sailor points are lost and must be crossed out .

22 23
Crew Casualties Roll one die for each unit in the Close Combat Test (you Close Combat
should roll separately for each type of crew to avoid value of Sailors
Every time your ship loses a Sailor unit to Grapeshot confusion).
fire, Musketeer fire, or damage to the stern, you must Compare the roll results to the Close Combat value of the
also cross off either 1 cannon from either broadside, or This gun was destroyed Sailors, Pikemen, or Musketeers that are attacking. If the
because the ship lost a Close Combat
1 Durabilty Point from any mast (your choice). If you sailor unit. result is less than or equal to the Close Combat value, the value of
choose to cross off a cannon, you must start from the enemy ship loses 1 unit. Pikemen
stern end of the broadside. Note: You do not get to make a Crew Defense Test to avoid Close Combat
casualties during Close Combat! value of
When you suffer Close Combat losses, you must always Musketeers
lose Pikemen first. If you have no Pikemen on deck, then you
If you have Musketeers and/or Pikemen on deck when you lose a Sailor unit, you must lose Musketeers. If you also have no Musketeers, you
also lose 1 unit of Musketeers or Pikemen (your choice). lose Sailors. Cross off the corresponding symbol on your Ship Card for each unit lost.

If a ship has no Sailors, Musketeers, or Pikemen remaining, that ship is disabled. Sailors Pikemen Musketeers
It stays on the game board, but does not move or execute any orders. The ship
counts as destroyed for scenario victory purposes. All Close Combat is
always simultaneous: all San Martin San Martin
losses are only applied after During the Close Combat
both players have made test, the Spanish rolled the
Boarding Actions their Close Combat Tests. following numbers:
· Sailor:
If your ship is executing the Board Enemy Ship order, and after moving it is If you have Musketeers 2 – hit
in a hex adjacent to an enemy ship, you must attempt a Grapple Test – roll 1 die: or Pikemen in your hold · Pikemen:
when you are boarded, 1, 10 – hits
• if the result is higher than “12”, the grappling hooks fail to grab the other ship, these soldiers must move to 15 – miss
and they both continue to move as normal. the deck at the beginning · Musketeer:
of the next game round. 6 – hit
If your ship is still in contact
with the enemy ship after the Close Combat continues
next action turn, you must until one of the engaged HMS Revenge HMS Revenge
make another Grapple Test. ships is defeated (i.e., she During the Close Combat
You make this test each action has lost all of her Pikemen, test, the English rolled the
turn that your ship is in contact Musketeers, and Sailors). following numbers:
with the enemy ship. · Sailors:
The victorious ship is 5 – hit
• If you roll a 12 or less on the Grapple Test, the enemy ship is hooked. Both ships immediately stop no longer engaged in 9, 7 - misses
moving and ignore the rest of their given orders for the round (except Move musketeers/pikemen to the Close Combat, and may · Musketeers:
deck, which is carried out as normal). Any unspent Movement Tokens are lost. receive and execute orders 6 – hit
The crew of both ships are now engaged in Close Combat. They cannot be given any new orders, cannot (including movement) as 18 – miss
move, and cannot be the target of any firing (including Musketeer fire). normal starting with the
next game round. Your
• If you have any Pikeman units on deck when you attempt a Grapple Test, you receive a +4 bonus to the ship may not start the next round with a turn. If moving straight ahead would cause a collision, it must be
roll (i.e., you succeed on a roll of 16 or less). given the Pivot order instead.

• If the enemy ship has any Musketeer units on deck when you attempt a Grapple Test, you suffer a -4 Multiple Boarders
penalty to the roll (i.e., you only succeed if you roll an 8 or less).
Sometimes, your ship may be boarded by several enemy ships at the same time. If this happens,
Both Pikeman and Musketeer Grapple Test modifiers apply at the same time (and cancel each other out). you make a Close Combat Test using up to 5 crew against each enemy ship (if you have enough crew
remaining). But, each of your units can only be part of one Close Combat Test per exchange. At the start of
Ships that enter Close Combat, and any ships engaged in Close Combat at the beginning of a round, each Close Combat Exchange, you must decide how to allocate your crew to each Close Combat Test.
immediately receive 4 Movement Tokens, which are placed on the ships as if they were moving under
Battle Sails (1 token per action turn). Each time a token is placed on the ships, a single Close Combat Example:
Exchange is resolved. This ship has been boarded by 2 enemy ships.
Her captain declares that 3 Pikeman units
A Close Combat fight is divided into a series of Close Combat Exchanges. There will be a total of 4 Close and 2 Sailor units will attack one enemy ship,
Combat Exchanges during each game round. During each exchange, both players make a single Close while all 5 Musketeers will attack the other.
Combat Test.

You can use up to 5 units of Pikemen, Musketeers, or Sailors (5 units total, not 5 each) for your Close
Combat Test. Pikemen must always be used first, then Musketeers, and lastly Sailors (if there is room for
24 25
Simultaneous Play and Sequence of Actions
Each hex on the game board shows one type of terrain. The different possible types of terrain are:
The Ships is based on a simultaneous action mechanic. Sometimes, this can lead to tricky situations
where a strict order of events must be established. The general rule is this: gunfire is always resolved either
before or after movement, while other actions, such as Pikemen moving to the deck, are resolved during Deep Water Shallows
movement, at the same time as the placement of the first Movement Token that will pay for that movement
action. These examples illustrate the most common situations: Your ship may move Your ship cannot move
through deep water over shallows. If your ship
normally, but you cannot enters a shallows hex, she
drop anchor there. immediately stops moving
1. At the beginning of the game round, both ships are ready to fire, and cannot move again for
and they both have Musketeers on deck. In this case, both ships fire the rest of the game.
(including Musketeer fire) before they start performing any other
actions. The shooting is resolved simultaneously—while it is more Coastal Water Land
practical to take turns making the appropriate dice rolls, all effects (i.e.
damage suffered) are applied only after all rolls are done. Your ship may move Your ship cannot move
through coastal water over or even enter a land
normally. You may drop hex. If a ship attempts
anchor if at least one hex to enter a land hex, she
of your ship’s base is on a suffers collision damage as
coastal water hex. normal, but she does not
2. Two ships move under full sails in the same enter the land hex. The ship
direction. Both of these ships make their moves immediately stops moving for the current game
simultaneously. As a result, neither ship will be round.
able to fire at the other, since they will be outside
of each other’s Fire Zones.

Partial Hexes and the Edge of the Board

Unless the scenario you are playing says otherwise, your ship may not
enter the half-hexes or leave the game board. If your ship attempts such a
3. Two ships move under battle sails. The Musketeers of Ship 2 are move, she stops instead. You may immediately turn the ship either way, as
ordered to move onto the deck during the first action. Since Ship 1 is if you were executing the pivot order. All remaining movement for your
moving with a fair wind while Ship 2 has a head wind, Ship 1 will take ship this game round is lost.
her action (to turn) before Ship 2 can complete her action. This puts
Ship 2 in Ship 1’s Kill Zone, so gunfire is resolved immediately. Since
Ship 2 has started to take her action (by placing the first Movement
Token required), and moving Musketeers to the deck occurs during
movement, the Musketeers have already moved to the ship’s deck and In some scenarios, your objective will be to get your ship off the game
may suffer casualties from Ship 1’s gunfire. board. In this case, your ship may only move off the game board in the
places indicated on the scenario map. As soon as your ship enters a half-
Note that Ship 2’s Musketeers cannot fire because they were not on hex or partially leaves the game board, it counts as having left the area and
deck at the beginning of the game round. is removed from the game board.

In an «open sea battle», there is no limit to the distance that ships can move. If a ship’s movement would cause
it to leave the game board, relocate one board (or several, if needed) from the opposite side of the gameboard
so that the ship can continue its movement. You may only do this if there are no ships on the board being
relocated, and only if the entire game board consists only of deep water hexes.

26 27
Expanded Game Rules explodes! (Remember that only the lowest die roll is counted for your Fire Fighting Test.)
If your crew is Panicked, they cannot execute the Fight Fires order, and the Fire Fighting Test
Once you are comfortable with the Basic Game Rules, you can add these Expanded Game Rules to get automatically fails. However, you still have to roll a single die. If you score 20, the powder magazine
the complete Ships experience! explodes. Any other number rolled causes the normal fire damage.
Critical Damage
Loss of an Officer
A lucky hit can cause serious damage to an enemy ship. If her rudder is destroyed, for example, a ship
would be unable to turn, while the death of an officer could affect the morale of the crew. But the worst Your ship’s officers are critical to the efficient operation of your ship. But in combat there is always a
thing that can happen to a wooden ship is fire. These rules cover all of these critical hits. chance that one of these important men will be killed.
Each time your ship loses a Sailor unit (but not Musketeers or Pikemen!), you must roll 1 die: On a roll
Damaged Rudder of “1”, “2”, or “3”, one of your officers has been killed. Note that your officers can be killed during Close
If the stern section of your ship is hit Roll another die to see which officer was killed:
by Cannonballs, there is a chance
that your rudder will be damaged. At the beginning of the round. this ship was
Roll 1 die for each Durability Point the target of Gunfire and her rudder was
damaged. Now she cannot execute her turn
of damage your ship suffers in the orders, and must move only in a straight 5-8 9-12 13-16
stern: on a roll of “1” or “2”, your line.
ship’s rudder is damaged. Cross off 1-4 First Mate Quartermaster Boatswain
the rudder on your Ship Card. Captain 17-20
Master Gunner
If your ship’s rudder has been
damaged, she cannot turn—you can Crew Fortitude Loss
only move straight forward for the
rest of the game. Melee Combat
Value Penalty
Catching Fire Fire Fighting Penalty
Gunfire Accuracy Penalty
If your ship is hit by Cannonballs, there is a chance that she will catch on fire. The player Movement Tokens Taken
whose ship fires rolls 1 die for each Durability Point of damage: on a roll of “1”, “2”, or “3”, Each Game Round
your ship is on fire.

Place the Fire token on the ship’s base, near the broadside
that was shot at. If the enemy ship fired at your stern, or if the hits were divided Example:
between two broadsides, roll a die. If you roll odd, the port side is on fire, if you Cross off the symbol on your Ship
roll even, the starboard side is on fire. Card for the officer that was killed. Enemy gunfire has killed this ship’s
Mark the “Fight Fires” order immediately. For the rest of the game, your ship and Master Gunner. The player declares
that his First Mate will replace the
crew suffers the penalties listed below dead gunner. He crosses off the First
Fighting Fires that officer. If the die result is for an Mate instead of the Master Gunner
officer that was already killed, reroll on his Ship Card.
Basic Fire Fighting value If your ship catches on fire, all orders issued to her are immediately the die.
cancelled. She interrupts her movement, and is given the Fight Fires
order. This order is executed immediately. The First Mate can replace any other officer except the Captain. When any officer is killed (except your
Captain), you may choose to cross off the First Mate instead, suffering those penalties instead of the ones
If your ship is still on fire at the beginning of the next game round, you below the other officer.
can only issue the Fight Fires order, which is executed at the beginning
of the Execute Orders Phase. Your ship cannot move or execute any If all of the officers on your ship are dead, your ship cannot be issued any orders and does not take any
Current Fire Fighting value other orders (and does not fire her guns, even if an enemy ship enters actions. The ship still remains on the game board, and counts as having “surrendered”. If the goal of the
her Fire Zone!). scenario is to destroy the enemy ship, this ship counts as being destroyed. If your ship is boarded, there is
no Close Combat. Instead, cross off all the remaining Sailors, Pikemen, and Musketeers on the Ship Card.
To fight fires, divide your crew units by 5, rounding down, to determine the
number of dice you will roll for a Fire Fighting Test (with a minimum of 1 die, The Disembark Order
even if you have less than 5 units of crew left).
Your value for the Fire Fighting Test is the single lowest die rolled. Compare In some scenarios, you must send your crew ashore
this result with your ship’s Fire Fighting value (on the Ship Card). in order to complete your objectives. To do so, you
If the result is less than or equal to your Fire Fighting value, the fire has been must issue the Disembark order.
extinguished, and your crew can receive and execute orders normally in the
next round. You may only issue this order to a ship that is at anchor
If the result is higher than your Fire Fighting value, the ship continues to burn. In the Update Ship Cards in a hex that is adjacent to a land hex. Your ship receives 4 Movement
Phase at the end of the game round, your ship suffers 4 Durability Points of damage to the broadside that Tokens, which are placed as if she was under Battle Sails (1 per action
is on fire and 1 Durability Point of damage to the mast of your choice. turn).
If the result of your Fire Fighting Test is “20”, the fire has ignited the powder magazine and your ship
28 29
Each time one of these tokens is placed, a single unit of Musketeers or Pikemen (your choice) The Fortitude Test Phase
disembarks onto the shore.
If your ship’s crew is Panicked at the beginning of a game round, you must still issue orders to that ship
Cross out the appropriate symbol in your Ship Card. normally in the Issue Orders Phase. But, the crew will only execute their orders if they can pass a Fortitude
Test in Phase 2!
Only Musketeers and Pikemen that are already on deck may disembark. During the Fortitude Test Phase (phase 2 of the game round), you must make a Fortitude Test for each
Panicked crew.
Panic If the crew passes the Fortitude Test, it is no longer Panicked, and will execute its orders normally for the
rest of the game round.
When a ship suffers critical damage, the crew may start to panic. To see if the crew panics, you must If the crew fails the Fortitude Test, all of the orders you issued to that ship for the current game round are
attempt a Fortitude Test. Your ship must attempt a Fortitude Test each time: cancelled. The ship does not move or take any actions. Its sails count as furled. The crew remains Panicked,
– One of her masts is completely destroyed; and you will have to test their Fortitude again during the next Fortitude Test Phase.
– One of her officers is killed;
– She catches fire. Now that you are familiar with the Expanded Game Rules, you are ready to play all of the scenarios
presented in the Scenario Book. Good luck with your new command and may the wind always be at your
The Fortitude Test must be attempted immediately, before any other back!
actions take place. If more than one event that would force a Fortitude Basic Fortitude
Test occurs at the same time (such as a ship catching fire during the
same attack that an officer was killed), you only have to make one
Fortitude Test. Any reduction to Fortitude caused by a lost officer is
applied before any Fortitude Test is attempted.
To make a Fortitude Test, roll 1 die and compare the result to your
ship’s current Fortitude Value.
Your ship’s Fortitude Value can decrease if certain officers are killed. Current Fortitude
Each time an officer dies, write down the decreased Fortitude value in
the Fortitude chart of your Ship Card.

If the First Mate is killed,

the ship’s Fortitude is
decreased by 2.

If the result is less than or equal to your current Fortitude Value, the ship passes the test. If the result is
higher than the current Fortitude Value, she fails the test: the crew is now Panicked, and all orders the ship
has not yet executed in the current game round are immediately cancelled. The ship will not fire her guns,
even if an enemy ship enters her Fire Zone. If a panicked ship has any Movement tokens remaining, it
must spend them all on moving straight forward.

If a ship with a Panicked crew is boarded, there is no Close Combat: the crew automatically surrenders.
Immediately cross off all of the remaining Sailors, Pikemen, and Musketeers on her Ship Card.

The foremast of this ship has just been destroyed,
so she must attempt a Fortitude Test. Her basic
Fortitude Value is 16, but two of her officers—the
Quartermaster and the Boatswain—have been
killed, reducing her current Fortitude to 14.
The player rolls 1 die and gets a “15”. Since that is
higher than the current Fortitude Value, the crew
All of the ship’s orders for the rest of the current
game round are cancelled. Until the end of the turn
the ship will have to move straight forward.

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index Credits:
The Game Components . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 Other Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Konstantin Krivenko – game author
Basic Game Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Drop Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Anton Hvalko – brand-manager, chief game designer
Before You Play . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Raise Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 William Niebling – chief editor
Ship Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Move Musketeers or Pikemen to Deck . . . . .18
Move Musketeers or Pikemen to Hold . . . . . 18 Will Niebling – creative & marketing manager
Orders Card . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Playing the Game . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Pivot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Evgeny Kurbatov – marketing director, PR manager
Phase 1. Issue Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Gunfire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Konstantin Komarov – director of product development
Choosing the Set of the Sails . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Line of Sight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
Konstantin Yershow – brand-manager
Plotting a Course . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 The Fire Test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Cannonball Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Alena Amelina – head of the pre-production department
Board the Enemy! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
Charge the Guns . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Bar Shot Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 Andrei Aksenov – chief model designer
Set Gunfire Range . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Grapeshot Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 Sergei Sergeev – deputy chief model designer
Pikemen: Move to the Deck! . . . . . . . . . . 11 Musketeer Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Alexander Krivenko – model designer
Pikemen: Get Below! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Crew Casualties . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24
Boarding Actions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Vladimir Kozakov – model designer
Musketeers: Move to the Deck! . . . . . . . . . 11
Musketeers: Get Below! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Multiple Boarders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25 Andrey Smirnov – model designer
Musketeers: Open Fire! . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Simultaneous Play and Sequence of Actions . 26 Renat Zalyaliev – model designer
Raise Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
Timur Astanov – model designer
Drop Anchor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Partial Hexes and the Edge of the Board . . . . . 27
Expanded Game Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Dmitry Klochkov – model designer
Pivot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12
Phase 2. Fortitude Tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Critical Damage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Dmitry Dyachenko – photographer
Phase 3. Receive Movement Tokens . . . . . . . . 12 Damaged Rudder . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28 Ekaterina Samukhina – leading designer
Phase 4. Execute Orders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Catching Fire . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Tatyana Romanova – designer
Moving ships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Fighting Fires . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28
Loss of an Officer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Liliya Nikonova – designer
Collisions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Movement paths crossing . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 The Disembark Order . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 Sergei Mirasov – designer
Colliding With Terrain . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 Panic . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 Dmitry Dudchik – artist
Boarding Movement . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 The Fortitude Test Phase . . . . . . . . . . . . 31
Africa Mir – artist

Timofei Shishkin, Pavel Rosenberg, Nikolai Kuzmin, Lev Skorbunov, Oleg Sheglov,
Ivan Drobotov, Leonid Pavliukhin, Yuri Zhuravlev, Yaroslav Pavlishinets,
Natalia Telezhkina, Sergei Mitskevitch, Vyacheslav Lysenko, Leonid Umanskii,
Vitaly Lebedev, Aleksandr Vilkov, Petr Misiura, Pavel Ganin, Viktoria Smirnova,
Egor Ulbik, Stanislav Spirin

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