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SESSION Nº5: astronats and planets


What astronats need to train?

ACTIVITY 2 : Read the conversation and complete:

1. Astronauts are space scientists. They work in space laboratories.

They have to study a lot and learn abour space science and
technology. They must be good at languages (english and russians).
2. Astronauts are space pilots. They must learn to fly space craft to the
international space station and back to world. They learn on a
3. In space, astronauts float in zero gravity. Astronauts learn in special
aircraft. It looks fun but is strange and makes you feel ill.
4. Astronauts have to work in space when they work outside the
international space station. They practice this by learning scuba
diving. Being under water feels similar. Astronauts wear special suits
and practice how to move in them.
5. All astronauts must be very fit and healthy. They must exercise every
ACTIVITY 1: Circle the correct option according to the audio:
My Robot

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