Post-Hypnotic Suggestion: Explanation

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Post-Hypnotic Suggestion

A post-hypnotic suggestion is a specific type of negative vibrational frequency, in the form of a statement, stuck in the subconscious

Post-hypnotic suggestions always come from outside sources and are not of your own creation. However, you may be vulnerable to
specific vibrations depending on any associated imbalances that are also present.
You can become vulnerable to post-hypnotic suggestions when exposed to specific types of repetitive music or other vibrations that
desynchronize the cerebral hemispheres of the brain. This opens the subconscious mind to “suggestion,” much like being
It is also possible that post-hypnotic suggestions may be trapped while sleeping, therefore, it is highly recommended to play only
high vibrational music while sleeping.
A post-hypnotic suggestion may come from an entity, a very negative person, or negative vibrations embedded in whatever music,
video games, or other entertainment you were exposed to during the brain desynchronization period.
Post-hypnotic suggestions can potentially create troubling symptoms, such as:

Mood issues
Dark thoughts
Anger at self
Depression related feelings
Use the chart of Despair Anchors and Post-Hypnotic Suggestions to determine what the message is, or close to it. The chart is not
exhaustive, and the actual vibration may be a little different.
Use intuition and common sense when decoding. Keep in mind that this is an interpretation process—you may interpret the
vibration a little differently than was originally stated. The key is getting close enough when decoding.

Step 1:

Ask: Is it necessary to identify the wording of this post-hypnotic suggestion?

If no, move to Step 7

If yes, use the Despair Anchor & Post-Hypnotic Suggestion chart (if desired), in addition to intuition, common sense and muscle
testing, to help decode the wording. Directions follow.

Step 2:

Ask: Is the post-hypnotic suggestion (or something similar to it) in Column A?

If yes, it is in Column A. Move to Step 3.

If no, ask: Is it in Column B?

If yes, it is in Column B.
If no, it is in Column C.

Move to Step 3.

Step 3:

Ask: Is it in an Odd Row?

If yes, it is in an Odd Row (1, 3, or 5).

If no, it is in an Even Row (2, 4, or 6).

Move to Step 4 when you have your answer.

Step 4:

For Odd, ask: Is it in Row 1? (Name odd rows one by one).

For Even, ask: Is it in Row 2? (Name even rows one by one).

Move to Step 5 when you have your answer.

Step 5:

Ask: Is it ______?

State each post-hypnotic suggestion in that box, one by one until you get one that tests strong. Then move to Step 6.

Step 6:

Ask: Is this phrased closely enough?

If no, try similar variations of this phrase, testing as you go, and repeating the above question until your answer is yes. Then move to
Step 7.

Step 7:

Ask: Is it necessary to identify more about this post-hypnotic suggestion?

If no, move to Association.

If yes, you may need to identify one or two of the below pieces of information:

The age of occurrence

Use a process of elimination to find the age.

Divide the subject’s age roughly in half, and muscle test to determine if the energy became trapped during the first or
second half of life.
Continue dividing and muscle testing in this fashion until you’ve determined the age when the energy became trapped.
The source
Video game
Other entertainment
Other person

Use common sense and a process of elimination to identify more information about the source if needed.
When you do not need to know more, move to Association.

Ask: Is there an associated imbalance that needs to be decoded?

If no, move to Intention.

If yes, return to the home page, decode and address any associated imbalance(s), then return here and repeat the above question.
Swipe three times with a magnet or your hand on any length of the governing meridian while holding the intention to release the post-
hypnotic suggestion.

Despair Anchors & Post-Hypnotic Suggestions


1 Everyone hates me I should be dead I’m afraid

Everything is ruined I shouldn’t be here I’m not allowed to ___
Everything is scary I shouldn’t exist I’m not attractive
I always get rejected I'll always be vulnerable I’m not enough

2 I am worthless I'll be rejected I’m not good enough

I can't do this I'll never be accepted I’m not safe
I can’t be myself I'll never be forgiven I’m powerless
I can’t do good things I'm a fool I’m ugly

3 I can’t feel at peace I'm a stupid person It's dangerous to be me

I can’t handle it all I'm a terrible person It's never enough
I can’t live with myself I'm all alone It's not fair
I can’t stand this I'm broken It's pointless to try

4 I don't deserve love I'm damaged It’s out of my control

I don't deserve to live I'm never enough My life is a waste
I don't have control I'm not important No one cares
I don't know anything I'm not okay Nothing works out for me

5 I don’t deserve forgiveness I'm ruined Nothing turns out right

I don’t receive respect I'm trapped People want to hurt me
I give up I'm unworthy Something is wrong with me
I hate everything I'm weak and pathetic The universe hates me

6 I hate myself I’ll never be loved There's not enough

I have no one I’ll never be wanted They despise me
I have nowhere to go I’ll never get ahead They’re ruining it
I ruin everything I’m a fraud This is too much

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