Basic Information Required For Service Calls

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Subject : LK_(Inv Model)_(Fault name as per the isolar cloud)_(Customer Name)

Fault code / Name :

Complaint Date :

Company name :

Project name :

Contact name :

Contact number :

Contact mail id :

Site address :

Zipcode / Postal code :

Project capacity :

Fault code :

Inverters serial number :

Inverter commissioning Date :

Customer complaint description :

Information needs to be collected from site :

1) Overall Inverter Installation Photos (from left side , right side , bottom and top side & damaged
part photos)
2) Ac termination and DC termination
3) DC AND AC voltage for all the cables (including with respect to ground) (Mandatory)
4) LOG files (all log files-Both Conventional and Fault Recording) (Mandatory)
5) Screen shots of isolar cloud app as below (Admin Password will be shared by daily)
• Homescreen
• Run info
• Fault records
• DSP information
• Run Information

To Download Log
Go to >> More >>Download Log>>Conventional & Fault Recording Log (Download all the Log).

Note : If logs are not available to download , try two to three times either only by connecting the single
DC cable or only by connecting the AC supply or both supplies .

*** Downloaded logs will be available in “iscfiles” folder in the phone file manager .


Go to file manager >> Android >> Data >> com.isolarcloud.manager >> iscFiles >> (Inverter will
be mentioned)

Select all the logs for the inverter we want and share the log for analysis.

Screenshots :
Home Screen
RUN INFORMATION : Click on the Run info in the Homepage
Records: Click on the records >> Fault Record & Event Records

DSP Information : Go To More >> Developer option >> R&D Parameter >> More Parameter >> Display
& Run Information
After Replacement or Servicing : (Following data should be given for closing the ticket)

1) The picture of the damaged part

2) Part no. of the material & QTY
3) Inverter Running Screen shots ( Homepage & Run info )

Points to be remembered while attending the Service Calls

1) Collect the ticket details from customer and all the information above mentioned .
2) Raise the ticket by sending the above information through mail , and ticket will be shared in mail
3) In case of site visit is required , Sungrow Team will approve for the site visit .and same approval
needs to submit at the time of reimbursement along with the bills.
4) Stock report along with Service call sheets should be submitted at the end every month .

1. This Warranty does not cover any defects or damages caused by:

a. Improper transportation and delivery

b. Failure to properly store the Product before installation

c. Improper installation or inadequate transport conditions, not following the SUNGROW Installation

d. Use and application beyond the definition in user manual of the Product

e. Neglect, abuse, misuse, improper maintenance or lack of maintenance, as set forth in the SUNGROW
User Manual

f. Repairing, adjustment or alteration, not authorized in writing by SUNGROW

g. Voltage surge coming from PV array DC side or from grid AC side

h. Acts of nature such as surge, fire, flood, plagues, earthquake, and lightning

i. Damage or accidents due to the third parties actions or any other reasons different to the standard
use conditions of the inverters and that are out of the control of SUNGROW

j. Non-compliance with applicable regulations and standards

2. This warranty does not cover fuses, surge suppressors, filters,MC4 or cosmetic damages.

3. This Warranty shall be void, if

a. Serial number of the Product has been altered, manipulated, or cannot be clearly identified

b. The End-user fails to make any Product subject of a claim available for inspection, testing and

c. Complaints concern aesthetics, unless they mean a malfunction or a difference in performance

compared to the one announced on the technical and commercial brochures of SUNGROW
4. Any other Warranty right not mentioned specifically on this document is out of the scope of this

Sungrow Service Contact :

Mr .Prabhakaran (+91 7667635197) Mr. Jaganathan (+91 8892410735)

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