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Ma’am Aliah’s Topic


I. Tell whether the statement is true or false. Write T if it is true, and F if it is false. Place
your answers in your notebook or on a separate sheet of paper.
1. An argumentative essay presents one side of an issue. F
2. An argumentative essay has three parts-introduction, body, and conclusion. T
3. The claim is also known as the main thesis of the essay. T
4. The body states the claim of an argumentative essay. T
5. The opposite view that challenges the claim is known as rebuttal. F
6. The purpose of the conclusion is to provide more arguments that will support your
7. Facts and statistics are examples of evidence. T
8. The introduction states the context of the topic. T
9. Every supporting detail should be explained thoroughly. T
10. You may fabricate the evidence you present. F

II. Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write your answers in your notebook or on a
separate sheet of paper.
1. It is the main thesis or position of the essay.
a. Claim
b. Counterclaim
c. rebuttal
2. It is the opposing view that offsets the main thesis of the argumentative essay.
a. Claim
b. Counterclaim
c. rebuttal
3. It contains the hook that will entice the reader to read the essay.
a. Introduction
b. Body
c. conclusion
4. An argumentative essay writer aims to his or her stand.
a. Undermine
b. Withdraw
c. Justify
5. In writing an argumentative essay, you should avoid
a. using news articles
b. using reliable sources
c. using emotional language

III. Identify what is being described in each number. Write your answer in your notebook or
on a separate sheet of paper.
1. This is the part of the argumentative essay that contains the evidence. Counterclaim,
and rebuttal. Body
2. This is the statement of arguments that negate or disprove the counterclaim.
3. This is also known as the claim or position of the argumentative essay. Main Topic
4. This type of essay aims to convey and defend an opinion or stand by providing sound
and solid evidence in order to convince the reader to accept and side with an idea.
Argumentative Essay
5. This part summarizes the main points of the argumentative essay. Conclusion
6. This is the opposing view that challenges the position of the writer. counterclaim
7. These are materials that support the claim. Evidences
8. This part of an essay contains a hook that will motivate a person to read the entire
work. Introduction
9. This part of the argumentative essay states the context of the topic being written
about. Introduction
10. This part of the essay presents a call to action to the readers. Conclusion

Ma’am Irish’s Topic

1. Persuasive essay convinces a reader to believe or to adopt a viewpoint on a certain
2. Persuasive essay is written in three to five paragraphs.
3. Persuasive essay convinces a reader to believe or to adopt a viewpoint on a certain
4. Informative essay typically explains any idea or short theme as well as different issues.
5. Support your points with facts and reliable data.
6. Informative essay is usually written in three paragraphs long.
7. Make it concise and give it a clear ending.
8. Be clear and concise with your position.
9. Keep your paragraphs engaging by using vivid words.
10. Develop one idea and use connectives or transitions to have a logical flow of idea.
11. Be clear with the audience that you want to convince in your position.
12. In writing an informative essay, make it concise and give it a clear ending.
13. End with a striking conclusion.
14. Develop one idea and use connectives or transitions to have a logical flow of idea.
15. Persuasive essay convinces a reader to believe or to adopt a viewpoint on a certain
16. – 18. What are the three parts of an essay?
 Introduction
 Body
 Conclusion
19. – 20. What are the two types of essay discussed to you?
 Informative essay
 Persuasive essay
20. -25. In less than 5 sentences, write what have you learned from the discussion.

Ma’am Danj’s Topic

1. A technique that aims to study, discuss, evaluate, and interpret literary works. Critique
2. A formal word that typically refers to a careful judgement in which someone. Critique
3. Something that you do every day but you are not aware that is a form of critiquing.
4. State the title of the work and the author’s name. Introduction
5. Outline main ideas and identify the author’s thesis. Summary
6. Summarize the text in your own words. Summary
7. State what you like and do not like about the text. Interpret and evaluate the text based
on how the text is organized. Analysis
8. How the text appealed to its target audience. Analysis
9. Summarize your main ideas, if possible, with new and stronger words. Conclusion
10. Include a call to action. Conclusion
State 2 definition of critique
11. To judge
12. To evaluate
State 2 reasons on why do we critique
13. To know its overall value
14. To determine its strengths and weaknesses
In introduction part of a critique, what do we need to state? Give at least 2.
15. The Author’s Name
16. Title of the Work
What are the 4 parts of a critique?
17. Introduction
18. Summary
19. Analysis
20. Conclusion
For 5 points, write 2 sentences on why it is important to critique a literary works.

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