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Tarisland Divine Grace

Priest Bible
By Lani (discord: lani)
Lani on ASIA-3(Eng)


Brought to you by

And please consider donating me a Matcha Frappe for Launch day!

Why priest? Why not?

Strongest single target heal in the game for a
whopping 6 seconds out of an entire cycle.
✔️Strongest AoE heals

✔️Best looking

✔️Big staff = big heals (One can hope)

✔️You like suffering but also to bring suffering

to others

Weakest single target heals in the entire

game overall

Hope god forgives because this class

definitely doesn’t

✔️Will wipe entire raids and parties if you use

your skills wrong

✔️The developers hate you and so should you

for choosing this class (at this stage, surely it will get better later!)
Old New

Because doing Damage is Not Your Job! - Level Infinite

If you still for some reason want to play
Priest, let’s begin your journey.
Also, if you didn’t already have the diagnosis, I have some bad news for you….

Table of Contents
Base Stats
Stat Priority
Main Mechanic
Inscribed Stone Skill (Important to learn!)
Healing priorities and skill usage
Detailed explanations
Sample Builds
Inscribed Stone
Gear & Stats
Base Stats

Intelligence Increases you ATK* by a small amount

Crit Affects crit trigger rate

Cooldown Reduces cast time, cooldown, and global

cooldown of skills

Omni Increases Final healing**

Focus Increases healing

Stamina Increases your HP and base HP recovery

Everything else
is irrelevant

*Attack is your main stat for healing multipliers for Skills. Increasing ATK = Increasing
base heal amounts for every skill.

**Final healing means the final multiplier calculation that happens after everything else
has been counted; Crit, ATK, Buffs etc. Omni adds a flat % increase to the whole sum of
everything else.
Stat Priority
You will build large amounts of Intelligence very early on so
prioritising it is not as important as other stats.

What you are looking for in gear varies per piece, but your main
priorities should be:
Crit/Focus > Cooldown > Omni > Intelligence and NEVER Stamina.

Early on, only focus on one; either Cooldown or Omni to hit the
requirements for your Talent point based on the Stat Percentage.
I would personally recommend focusing fully on Cooldown and not
investing in Omni at all until you hit 40 and have cleared at least
Gemini Elite as Cooldown is very easy to stack. After you’ve hit the
10% cut offfor the Cooldown passive, you can start building Omni for
the Omni passive.

We will get more into these stats later as every piece can roll
different sets of stats, so this priority is only something to give an
idea about what you are looking for.

You never want to have Stamina in your gear as we do not need

extra HP and it is blocking way more important stats like the ones
Stamina is for Tanks. If you are tanking you need to fire your actual
Tank and look for a new one.

Recover Light Wave Light Healing Holy Guardian

ngle target heal over time Single target area effect spell Your main AoE heal, Single Target damage
spell for 6 seconds or healing the lowest HP party strongest instant heal, and reduction, and Physical DE
damage for 6 seconds to member. Upgrades to Divine one of the strongest heals in buff. Reduces damage tak
enemies. Blessing when all Wings are the game. Has a maximum by 40% and increases
lit up. stack amount of 2. Physical DEF by 854 for 6

% of ATK + 182 and 36% of 54% of ATK + 140 every 268% of ATK + 407.
TK + 82 every second for 6 second for 6 seconds.
conds halved to enemies.

Main Mechanic

Holy Wings Holy Wings (Ready to activate, 6 wings lit up) Divine Blessing

you cast Recover or Light Wave, Once 6 wings have been lit, the Holy Wings When Divine Blessing is available
g lights up on your Holy Wings. will start to glow indicating you can now cast Wave will upgrade into this glow
reaches 6 wings it will be ready to Divine Blessing, which Light Wave has showing you can use the s
activate. upgraded to.
Divine Blessing is an extremely str
Please note, once Holy Wings are Ready, you Target heal when used corr
can no longer cast Light Wave as it has been It will heal the target for a set am
upgraded to Divine Blessing on your bar. grant them the Divine Blessing b
time the target gets hit during thi
get healed. The buff lasts for 6

224% of ATK initial heal + 112% pe


Important note, you cannot gain any wings during Divine Blessing so try not to cast
Recover during this time to ensure it will be up when you can gain new wings again.

Inscribed Stone Skill (Important to


Inscribed Stone Energy Inscribed Stone Skill

Upon casting Recover or Light Wave, you gain Using this skill will convert Recover to an AoE
Inscribed Stone Energy. When the bar fills up heal, but it will NOT convert an existing
completely, you will be able to cast your Recover to AoE, this needs to be a new
Inscribed Stone Skill. Recover cast.

At the same time Light Wave is doubled, this

also needs to be a new cast. This does not
apply to Divine Blessing even though it’s a
direct upgrade from Light Wave, only Light
Wave gets doubled.
So again, plan accordingly.

But you are in Luck, as casting the Inscribed

Stone Skill will Instantly refresh the Cooldown
on Both Recover and Light Wave, even if
Divine Blessing is Active. So essentially you
can use Divine Blessing first, then Inscribed
Stone Skill and Light Wave right after to have
both Divine Blessing and Two Light Waves

Meaning you can cast Recover on your Tank,

drop Light Wave on the ground. Then
instantly activate your Inscribed Stone Skill
and do it again.

With this, you will have Recover on your Tank

+ Recover on Everyone in the party.
And not one, not two, but Three Light Waves
on the ground healing the lowest HP target in
your party.

Healing priorities and skill usage

ur single target “heal”, if you can call it a heal anymore. You

practically 24/7 as we don’t have to worry about mana
nd you should.

r of Light, every time you critically heal a player, you gain a

ff for 6 seconds. Meaning, as long as you keep casting this on
t are not 100% hp there is a high chance to keep this passive
me. The buff cannot proc from targets that can’t get healed,
rgets that are already 100% HP.

+ passive plays into this as well, as every cast of Prayer has a

ower Light Wave cooldown, meaning you should spam prayer
c this, even if you are not healing anyone. Cast it on a full HP

ot dealing with any mechanics that need other CDs or

keep spamming your Tank with this skill, or any party member.
p Casting. (If you have carpal tunnel I would advise against this, you

airly straightforward, as far as content goes that we have had When you activate your Inscribed Stone Skill, it will ins
his on your Tank who has aggro, always. cooldown.

Guard, every Recover cast reduces the cooldown of Holy With this, what you always want to try to do is wait for
s well since every Recover cast generates a Holy Wing and requires heavy healing, or if you need a lot of healing
nscribed Stone Energy. and everyone is panicking to save the situation. Then
on your Main Tank, then instantly activate Inscribed S
Recover on Cooldown, never let it sit on your bar waiting to Recover again as the cooldown resets and now Recove
heal healing the entire raid, or party.
Divine Radiance is active and it’s about to end. If Divine
active, you cannot gain Wings. If you follow this you will have the single Recover up on
heal on everyone else and your Tank.
use Divine Radiance, you can cast Recover right afterwards if
up, but if Divine Radiance is already running when Recover Try not to waste this, you do not need to use the Inscr
ooldown, wait until it is over to cast Recover to ensure you get away when you have enough energy, you can save it fo
m the cast. of healing.

plays the same as Recover, but you cannot choose your

t Wave will always heal the lowest HP target in the party, Again, same concept as Recover. Activating your Insc
he concept is the same. the cooldown, so you want to play this th
Light Wave on cooldown to gain Wings, Inscribed Stone
d reduce Holy Guardian cooldown with Swift Guard, it will
ally heal whoever is lowest in your party.
Use Light Wave/ Divine Blessing first, then pop your In
r+ you will also be reducing Light Wave’s cooldown on every Light Wave again to multiply i
ntioned above allowing you to gain even more Wings and
tone Energy faster. Note, even though there are three, or two Light Wav
Blessing first, they will follow the same
ept applies with Divine Radiance, read above.
All of the Light Waves will heal the Lowest HP t

You also can use this in case your Tank is taking extre
you and your co-healer cannot keep up, or they are
most likely be the Lowest HP player in the raid at that
heal them for large amounts very q

When you have multiple Light Waves active you may

AoE heal as they will top up every low HP player extre

Use this the same way as Recover above, only when n

will save the day with the insane amounts of healin
activation gives you for a short b

ng is your Strongest Heal that is on a normal cooldown on

simple, but rules exist that you should not ever break.

highest AoE heal with a fairly short cooldown compared to

ght, you need to focus this skill on Party Wide damage.

O NOT use this to heal a DPS who got hit because they were
g spot. If you do this, you will find out you actually needed this
next Party Wide damage attack and now you don’t have it

this skill to cover for one or two DPS getting hit by random

ng DPS, and there is a reason for that.

e this skill to heal a Single Tank if you Know they might get
y the next hard hitting skill made by the boss and you need to
Right Away. These cases are Rare, but they might happen.

learn the fights you are healing, and save this spell for Party
ge as you can heal tanks with your kit fairly efficiently.

ian is your only mitigation skill, and it should be used exactly


do not use it on a Tank who is not getting hit by anything.

tank that is getting hit by the next heavy hitting attack, or
w HP to boost their survivability so you can heal them up
hey are now taking less damage for 6 seconds.

ian also works extremely well on tanks who are on add duty as
damage taken by 40%.

unning 2 priests in one raid, please coordinate with your co-

tate these together for different mechanics. I.e, you can use it
add spawns, and the other priest uses them on the next one,

do not use this on a single dps who is failing to dodge

Save it for when you need it, and throw it on your tank. Or in
ses, your co-healer if they cannot survive any other way for

ght is your Ultimate skill, it is your Strongest heal but also on


ould only be used on mechanics where you know you are

dealing with very high raid wide damage. Or if your party has
hanics and taken too much damage to survive the upcoming

ples of this would be; Merfolk King Shaman Bubble AoE,

octor add + aoe spam, and Arch Druid 2nd phase AoEs.

a fight has these mechanics, do not waste this skill on healing

you can heal with your other skills.

Harmony casting Light Healing reduces Hymn of Light

and with the Hymn Light+ passive you can reduce this skill’s
ven further to make sure you can have it up for heavy
Ultimate skill, use and think of it as such. Good planning and
allow you to completely reset tricky or bad situations as you
e entire raid alone.

annot move or jump while casting this so make sure you don’t
dge anything for the next few seconds. The worst thing you
ast Hymn of Light, move and not even start the cast. The skill
oldown the moment you tap it.

tarted casting Hymn of Light, your raid needs healing and

ng to get hit, DO NOT MOVE. You can easily take a hit or two
ng Hymn of Light as you will heal right back up again. It is
eep casting and heal your party than stop and dodge
that would not kill you.

This will give an idea on what you should be focusing on when
building your Priest.
We will go more in depth later on in the guide and detail every talent,
where they excel at and why you should be using them.
have Talent for Prayer Pick these if you have more These are very situational. Will These should not be pic
. These are the Core of points left over, also important go more in depth below to all, your Talent points ar
r Build and should be Talents for building your class. when you could pick these. used elsewhere.
picked Always. Has value in some scenarios.

Detailed explanations

Amp. Recovery Prayer of Light Crit Specialization

Critically healing with Prayer Increases base crit r

Directly heals towards allies grants a 6 second increased
who have Recover heal for healing buff

This is your main heal buff Everyone has this by de

This is a decent Talent to pick talent. When casting prayer the healing spec.
as most content you will do has continuously on allies that are
AoE damage. And it has good NOT 100% hp you will keep the
synergy with your Inscribed buff 24/7 thus increasing your
Stone Skill as it will apply to overall healing for every other
everyone who has Recover. skill.
Good talent for boosting
scenarios where heavy AoE
healing is required. And a good
buff to keep on your main tank
all the time for increasing
healing received.
Avatar of Light
Light Mastery Recovery+

Base healing and healing over When light wave is active, heal
ncreased crit rate time increased for Recover crit chance increases

Same concept as above but As Light Wave is one of your

talent boosts your crit with a weaker effect. main skills, and a lot of synergy
te but not by a huge The talent only increases for this skill exists, it will allow
nt.. Take it at least at 40 Recover on its own. you to heal for more when you
you start stacking more Still has decent synergy for crit. With Light Wave being up
o reach the passive cut heavy AoE healing with most of the time due to Prayer
you do not reach a cut Inscribed Stone Skill. And for synergy to reduce Light Wave
or the “Holy Radiance” keeping Recover on your main cooldown on Cast.
e, do not spec this at all. tank.
use it if you need extra
to get the passive level.

Swift Guard Holy Radiance

Light Harmony

Everytime a holy wing lights up, Everytime Prayer crits, th

ses Light Healing heals, Holy Guardian cooldown small chance to apply
very Light Healing cast reduces Radiance to the targ
duces Hymn of Light
cooldown Passive level increases w
% up to 6 times boo

This talent is fairly important This is fairly straightfor

alent boosts the healing as both Recover and Light
ur strongest skill as well Wave generate Wings, as well You need to build your
educing your ultimate as your Mighty Wing talent. stat up to gain this tale
own. It’s a must have in Having Holy Guardian up often every Crit % step this t
Every Build. will make clearing raids a lot gets stronger.
easier as the damage
reduction buff is very strong You don’t need to spen
and some bosses deal a lot of points towards this as y
single target damage to the gain all the levels natu
tanks. when you get better gea
Combined with Wide Protection
Passive you can reduce the
damage taken for your entire
raid more often.

Gospel Chain Blessing


ps Prayer with Oracle Increases healing to targets After every 3rd Prayer,
with less than 35% HP increases healing for Prayer

O NOT use Oracle, ever. You will very rarely see people With the new single target
under 35% HP in PvE. healing and Prayer scaling
ingle target healing Even without this talent healing changes they have made,
ancing changes, I will past 35% is fairly quick and this Prayer heals for very little on its
e this. But as of now, DO talent does nothing above 35%. own and is mainly used as a
NOT use Oracle. synergy tool for the other skills.
If you are doing PvP however, This passive only increases the
this talent is a must pick. healing for Prayer, nothing else.
Thus should not be taken ever,
you can use your points

Oracle Shield Sacred Sound Light Wave+

Oracle crits, target gets When Recover crits, change to Increases Light Wave healing
amage reduction buff apply Holy Radiance to the and converts expiring Light
target Waves to a small AoE heal

Not a great talent, you can use As we can have Light Wave up
O NOT use Oracle, ever. your points elsewhere. very often, increasing its
This talent relies on Recovery healing is a very good pick.
ingle target healing and landing a Critical heal. This talent also converts the
ancing changes, I will Upon which it grants the target Light Wave to a small AoE heal
e this. But as of now, DO a stack of Holy Radiance which to nearby allies. A small Light
NOT use Oracle. will heal for a fairly small Healing if you will. It also
amount when the target gets applies to Every Light Wave
hit. you have placed on the
Divine Oracle Prayer+ Fast Recovery

e casting time reduced Increases Prayer healing and Increases Recover tick s
Divine Blessing is active has a chance to reduce Light and every Recover c
Wave cooldown on every cast reduces Light Heali

Passive level increases

Cooldown % up to 2 se
cooldown reduction pe

This is one of your main One of the best passiv

O NOT use Oracle, ever. Synergy talents that is a Must have as every Recovery
pick for Prayer builds. It is not reduces your strongest
ingle target healing much for increasing Prayer cooldown. When you r
ancing changes, I will healing, but it is mainly for rank 3 you will reduce
e this. But as of now, DO reducing Light Wave cooldown Healing CD by 2 second
NOT use Oracle. as with this talent Light Wave Recover cast.
will be up most of the time.
You get this by gain
Cooldown % stat.

You don’t need to spen

points towards this as y
gain all the levels natu
when you get better gea

Wide Protection Holy Guardian+


ses Oracle crit rate and Grants Holy Guardian to all Increases Holy Guard
healing nearby allies with a smaller % duration and grants a
over time to the targ

Passive level increases

Omni % up to 30% of AT
per second

This passive converts holy This passive is a good a

O NOT use Oracle, ever. guardian to an AoE guard skill, to Holy Guardian especi
however with a smaller % than fights where there is con
the selected target. This has heavy damage that mig
good synergy with Holy difficult to deal with oth
ingle target healing Guardian+ as it will apply the
ancing changes, I will healing for everyone, but WIth Wide Protection pa
e this. But as of now, DO reaching that talent takes the heal will apply to the
NOT use Oracle. some time. So right now this party as well.
passive is not a high priority
unless you are struggling to For this you need Omni
keep the party alive during AoE which is fairly hard to
heavy fights. early on, but you will g
enough to get Rank 3 on
get decent gear after

You don’t need to spen

points towards this as y
gain all the levels natu
when you get better gea

Prayer Hymn Light+

When Divine Blessing ends, it Increases Hymn of Light

heals the lowest hp ally for a healing and reduces its
small amount cooldown

Honestly not a great talent but If you know a fight is AoE heavy,
a good addition to Divine take this every time. This talent
Blessing as Divine Blessing gives a good buff to your
does not heal targets that do ultimate and reduces its
not get hit. Apart from the cooldown. This works great with
Initial cast heal. Take it if you the Light Harmony passive as
have points and the fight is well to reduce the cooldown
single target heavy. even further. In Raids such as
Aslow this would be a good
pick as it is heavy on raid wide

Mighty Wing Crit Damage Specializ

Hymn of Baptism
ally healing with direct Hymn of Light makes targets Increases base crit dam
g spells have a chance of receive more healing for 10 10% upon reaching
g up an additional Holy seconds
, and increases Divine
Blessing healing

ost raids, the damage Same as above, direct synergy Everyone gets this when
es deal to tanks can be with Hymn Light+ as the very hit 40..
threatening to Priests first pulse of Hymn of Light will
cially due to our overall already proc this on the target,
single target healing increasing the healing for every
bilities, this talent allows pulse afterwards.
use Divine Blessing more
and increase its healing
e same time. This is an
ng addition to the spec
ivine Blessing has the
tial to be the Best single
get heal in the game.
ally in Raids where there
multiple adds and tanks
struggling on survival.

Sample Builds

Using 32 Talent points available

PVE Battleground

Level 26 Level 30 Level 34

(11+4 Talent Points*) (13+6 Talent Points*) (15+8 Talent Points*)
*The extra talent points come from completing quests towards the 7 day login. You can
see where you are gaining extra Talent Points from by pressing the + sign in the Skill

Inscribed Stone

The Path below is the overall one you will want to focus on, in that exact order
when leveling up. The Emblems are extremely important for healing, whereas the
Echo nodes are not. Echo nodes are important for DPS, as healing is a constant
activity we don’t need to rely on Echo bursts that much at all. We can get the
Echo nodes later once all the other key nodes have been taken.

The focus points after reaching the last image are Capping every Resonance
node you can find, Resonance is the most important stat you can get from the
Inscribed Stone tree as it will allow you to gain energy way faster. For example, at
314 Resonance I’m already gaining energy 40% faster. This will allow you to burst
heal way more often using the Inscribed Stone Skill.

After Resonance nodes have been capped, you may navigate through the board
to get the Omni, Cooldown, and Crit nodes while also getting the Echo nodes all
to Level 1.

You do not want to get Intelligence or Stamina at all. But if you must go through
one to get the more important stats, you can do so. Also the Specialization Effect
is not very important as it only increases your Critical Damage.

Overall, the stat priority should look like something like this:
Resonance > > > > Crit/Omni/Cooldown > Focus >
Specialization Effect > Intelligence > > > > Stamina

ond Fairly straight forward, this This emblem heals you for a set Has a low chance to grant a This Em
ld emblem has a constant amount and increases your blessing on a target on every and run
m slots rotating ATK and DEF buff Inscribed Stone Energy every direct heal. the con
you which swaps every 15 seconds. time you use an Ultimate.
The blessing heals the target It will inc
You can consider this a flat As Inscribed Stone Energy is for a fairly small amount if they ATK Spe
l, it has ATK+DEF buff, this should also important for your big burst go below 50% hp. target b
ocus be high priority when building heal phases, running this
you get your emblems. emblem solely to gain it faster You can theoretically pop this In some
lem). is a very good choice. on anyone in the party with never b
AoE healing but still the heal PvP this
of the You will generally be using this provides is so little I would Emblem
ultimates often in both PvE and not use this over Robustness
PvP so I would recommend unless I know the content will If you kn
using this as a stable emblem not trigger Robustness actively. your pa
in your builds. HP often
There are not many reasons to the time
take this one out.
Also run
often an

In BG an

You may choose 5 of these Emblems to use according to their description and
use case, everything else is not worth it or plain un-usable for a healer.

Personally I run Empowerment, Warlike Surge, Intertwined Fates, Challenger’s

Decision, & Recharge pretty much always. Swapping Recharge to Robustness in

You might also ask “But what about the Stats when we level up the Emblems?”
This is the most frustrating and time / money consuming aspect in the entire
game. I can tell you the absolute best stats to get is 4x Emblem’s Skill Level+1 on
every emblem you get, as it would make the Emblems maximum level 14 and
increase the stats it gives by a ton, but this will never happen and you are more
likely to get ran over by a car on a fishing boat.

Try to focus on getting At Least One Emblem’s Skill Level+1. If you get more, great,
you have won the lottery. What most people will want to get is Emblem’s Skill
Level+1 and Node Attribute +% on the Emblem so it will buff the Node stat by a
certain percentage.
You want to focus on boosting your Main Stats, boosting Stamina and
Intelligence IS NOT WORTH IT. Try to slot your emblems so they boost according
to the Inscription stat priority mentioned above.

So your emblem might look like this:

Emblem’s Skill Level +1

Lower left node’s attributes +50%
Upper left node’s attributes +50%
Emblem’s Skill Level +1

This would already be decent as long as it buffs the Important stats mentioned
You do not want Flat stats on the Emblem additional levels as those are
extremely miniscule. Always aim for the Node bonus % or Skill Level.

Gear & Stats



Recover Heal+ +Echo

Prayer Heal+ +Echo
Light Wave Heal+ +Echo

Recover Heal+
Light Wave Heal+

Holy Guardian PhysDEF+

Oracle Heal+ +Echo

Accessories & Gauntlets Rings


Enhanced Focus Intelligence Cooldown
Attributes Hit Focus Omni
Stamina Hit Intelligence
Stamina Stamina
Recover Heal+ +Echo
Prayer Heal+ +Echo Recover Heal+ +Echo Recover Heal+ +Echo
Light Wave Heal+ +Echo Light Healing Heal+ +Echo Light Healing Heal+ +Echo
Special Light Wave Heal+ +Echo Light Wave Heal+ +Echo
Aptitudes Recover Heal+
Light Wave Heal+
Recover Heal+ Recover Heal+
Holy Guardian PhysDEF+ Light Wave Heal+ Light Wave Heal+

Oracle Heal+ +Echo Holy Guardian PhysDEF+ Echo Holy Guardian PhysDEF+ Echo
Holy Guardian PhysDEF+ Holy Guardian PhysDEF+

Helmets & Boots Badge houlders & Capes & Belts

Cooldown Crit Crit

Omni Cooldown Focus
Enhanced Intelligence Omni Intelligence
Attributes Stamina Stamina


Recover Heal+ +Echo Recover Heal+ +Echo Light Wave Heal+ +Echo
Prayer Heal+ +Echo Prayer Heal+ +Echo Recover Heal+ +Echo
Light Wave Heal+ +Echo Light Wave Heal+ +Echo
Recover Heal+
Recover Heal+ Recover Heal+ Light Wave Heal+
Light Wave Heal+ Light Wave Heal+

Special Holy Guardian PhysDEF+

Holy Guardian PhysDEF+ Holy Guardian PhysDEF+

Aptitudes Oracle Heal+ +Echo

Oracle Heal+ +Echo Oracle Heal+ +Echo

Note: Try not to stack the same aptitude on all pieces. Mix them up.
E,g. 4 Prayer / 3 Recover / 4 Light Wave has more value than 11 Recover on your gear.
If you are unlucky and do get the same aptitude more than what would be optimal, that is
alright as long as it is not Orange or Red.
Try to aim for Green on all pieces, or mix Green and Yellow to ensure there are less of the
same aptitudes.

v0.9 - Guide created 05/31/2024
v1.0 - Adjusted skill values to match recent buffs, finalized guide for Global Launch
V1.01 - Added a new Stat Priority detail for Cooldown & Omni prioritization

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