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Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

Consequences of raising the height of a landfill in a

water-deficient climate
G.E. Blight *

School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, University of the Witwatersrand, Johannesburg, Private Bag 3, Wits, 2050 South Africa
PO Box 73420, Fairland, 2030 South Africa

Accepted 12 January 2005

Available online 14 June 2005


A large-scale field experiment has been carried out at the Coastal Park landfill which serves the City of Cape Town, South Africa.
The landfill is unlined, and the City Council was under pressure from the central Government to cap and close the existing landfill
and to establish an extension to the landfill with a lining to prevent the escape of leachate into the ground water. Measuring cells,
installed to measure the rate of leachate flow from the landfill had shown that over a period of 9 years, from 1987 to 1995, leachate
flow had averaged only 2% of rainfall. It therefore appeared possible, by increasing the moisture absorption capacity of the landfill,
i.e., by increasing its height, to stop the leachate flow completely. If this could be achieved, there would be no need for a lining, and
the raising would considerably extend the life of the landfill.
The paper describes the experiment and its results, including the effects of the raising on leachate flow, settlement, leachate quality
and the potential for polluting ground water, and the landfillÕs water balance.
 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction the rest of the year, water deficient conditions prevail.

Annual potential evaporation (as measured by the
In semi-arid climatic regions, the potential for evapo- American Standard ‘‘A-pan’’) exceeds annual rainfall
ration from the EarthÕs surface may exceed rainfall, year by 1000–1100 mm and the climate is classified as semi-
on year although actual evaporation cannot exceed arid.
average annual rainfall. If there are clearly defined wet Because of the large excess of potential evaporation
and dry seasons, there may be short periods of seasonal over rainfall, landfills in semi-arid climates are known
water surplus. The atmospheric water balance which to produce little or no leachate even if the landfill
compares rainfall with potential evaporation, is much capping layers are pervious and almost all precipitation
used by climatologists in classifying climate (e.g., Lock- infiltrates (see, e.g., Fourie et al., 1999; Zornberg
wood, 1974). If, over a year, potential evaporation (usu- et al., 1999; and Blight and Fourie, 1999). If the capping
ally measured by evaporation pan) exceeds rainfall, the layer is pervious, water can be stored by capillarity in
climate is water deficient, and classified as semi-arid to the capping and the landfilled waste during the wet sea-
arid. Fig. 1 shows, for example, the long-term mean son, and then be re-evaporated and evapotranspired
atmospheric water balance of rainfall and potential during the ensuring dry season. If the moisture storage
evaporation for Cape Town, South Africa. There is a capacity of the waste body is large enough, the entire an-
small water surplus in the May to June period. For nual rainfall infiltration could theoretically be stored
and re-evaporated, and under these circumstances, the
Tel.: +27 11 717 7105; fax: +27 476 8759. landfill would produce no leachate. Supporting evi-
E-mail address: dence has been advanced by Fourie et al. (1999), who

0956-053X/$ - see front matter  2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
1022 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

Fig. 1. Atmospheric water balance for Cape Town, South Africa.

investigated six long-established unlined landfills in periods 1987–1995 and 1996–1997. Reasons for the dif-
South Africa that are located in both water deficient ference between the two periods will be explained below.
and marginally water surplus climatic zones. The sites However, it will be noted that from 1987 to 1995, the
were all characterized by an upper layer (between 0.5 measured flow of leachate averaged only 2% of rainfall.
and 1 m thick) of transported soils (usually colluvium) The beach sand on which the landfill is built was used
that was considerably more permeable than the underly- for intermediate and top cover layers. The saturated
ing residual soil. The saturated infiltration rates for the steady state infiltration rate into the sand cover layer,
upper transported soils, range from 0.3 to 63 m/y. The measured by means of a 2 m diameter ring infiltrometer,
waste was deposited on the surface of this upper layer varies from 0.5 to 17 mm per min (720 to 25,000 mm per
which would have acted as a drain to any leachate issu- d) while the saturated permeability measured in the lab-
ing from the waste. The soils at the toes of the landfills, oratory was 3.5 mm per min (5000 mm per d). As fewer
downstream with reference to the direction of ground than 6% of rainfall events at Coastal Park exceed 50 mm
water flow, were sampled to a depth of 2.5 m. Analysis in 24 h, it was accepted that there would be very little
of the samples showed that only slight and localized surface run-off and almost the entire rainfall would infil-
contamination of the soil had occurred, even at the trate into the waste. Hence the figures for rainfall in Ta-
two landfills located in marginally water surplus climatic ble 1 can, with little error, be taken to represent annual
zones. This is a strong indication that all, or almost all, infiltration into the landfill. The rainfall figures further
of the annual rainfall that is stored in the waste during illustrate that the climate in which the landfill is situated
the wet season is re-evaporated during the dry season is semi-arid, with a large annual water deficit.
without issuing as leachate. The reader is referred to New landfilling regulations were introduced in South
the original report (Blight and Fourie, 2000) for further Africa in 1994 (Anon, 1994). According to these, land-
details of the contamination profiles, etc. fills are classified in terms of the climate in which they
The case that is considered in this paper is that of the are situated, as well as by size and by the type of waste
Coastal Park Landfill in Cape Town. The landfill is sit- they accept. The climatic classification decides on
uated 500 m from the sea on permeable beach deposits whether or not a landfill is required to be under-lined.
of sands and silty sands, and the original landfill has If the landfill is situated in a climate for which the esti-
no underliner. In 1986, the year the landfill was commis- mated evaporation from the landfill surface during the
sioned, an underlining was not legally required. Water wettest six months of the year has more than an 80%
balance studies undertaken in 1985 had indicated that probability of exceeding the corresponding rainfall, no
little or no leachate would be produced, and as the aqui- liner is required, and vice versa. In the 1994 version of
fer under the landfill is appreciably saline and does not the landfilling regulations, evaporation from the landfill
constitute a usable water resource, an underliner was surface was taken to be 70% of A-pan evaporation (after
not considered necessary by the local authority. How- Penman, 1963). The difficulty with the Coastal Park
ever, before landfilling began, five lysimeters or measur- landfill was that the relevant probability was almost ex-
ing cells were constructed beneath the landfill as actly 80%, and the national authority decided to insist
described below. Their purpose was to sample actual that the existing landfill be closed and an extension,
leachate flows from the landfill and to check that these incorporating an underliner, be constructed. Because
were acceptably small. the existing landfill was at that time only 5–6 m high,
Table 1 shows the annual mean values of leachate there was a potential for raising it by at least 10 m,
flow measured by the five lysimeters, rainfall and Amer- and if this were done, the moisture storage capacity
ican Standard A-pan evaporation for the landfill for the would be increased considerably. Seeing that the leach-
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Table 1
Annual mean values for leachate, rain and A pan evaporationa at coastal park landfill
1987–1995; average annual rain: 691 mm/y; A-pan 1996–1997; average annual rain: 620 mm/y; A-pan
evaporation: 1618 mm/y evaporation: 1756 mm/y
Leachate Leachate
mm/y mm/day % of rain mm/y mm/day % of rain
Cell 1 24.8 0.068 3.6 26.7 0.073 4.3
Cell 2 21.9 0.060 3.2 33.6 0.092 5.4
Cell 3 8.9 0.024 1.3 27.1 0.074 4.4
Cell 4 12.5 0.034 1.8 113.3 0.310 18.3
Cell 5 5.2 0.014 0.8 21.5 0.058 3.5
Mean (1–5) 14.7 2.1 44.4 7.2
Mean (2–5) 12.1 1.8 48.9 7.9
Supplemental wetting, Cell 4: 1 485 mm over January–July 1996.
A-pan = American standard evaporation pan.

ate flow was a small percentage of the rainfall, it ap- and Papageorgiou, 1995). Fig. 2 shows the suction–
peared possible that raising the height of the landfill water content curve superimposed on the three sets of
would eliminate the leachate flow entirely, thus provid- water content versus depth relationships. Even though
ing a large volume of usable air space with a minimum power station ash is a reasonably uniform product, its
of extra cost. It was therefore decided to embark on properties are still variable, but Fig. 2 shows that there
an experimental raising in which a section of the landfill was a reasonable correspondence between the labora-
incorporating four of the five leachate measurement cells tory curve and the field measurements. In other words,
would be raised by 10 m, and its behaviour monitored the ash dump was close to being at its moisture absorb-
closely for a period of 5 y. tion capacity and was not leaching to the ground water
The paper will describe the considerations that went to any appreciable extent.
into planning the 5-y raising experiment, the experimen- Landfilled waste is much less homogenous than
tal methods used, and the results of the observations. power station ash. Nevertheless, it is possible to measure
Basically, only the 5-y experiment is described. How- a suction–water content relationship in the laboratory
ever, it also became necessary to consider earlier mea- and to make super-positions on field measurements,
surements and observations when these were clearly close to the moisture absorption capacity, like that
impacting on the behaviour of the experimental raising. shown in Fig. 2. An example is shown in Fig. 3 (Blight,
Such considerations are referenced to dates prior to 1997). In this case the waste was contained in a lysimeter
November 1998 when the 5-y experiment was started. 3 m deep, buried in a landfill (Roussev, 1995), with the
lysimeter separated from the surrounding waste by flex-
ible geomembrane walls. The scatter in water content
2. Some effects of raising the height of a landfill measurements is large, but there is some correspondence
between the laboratory suction–water content curve and
The effects of raising the height of a landfill are by no the water content–depth data.
means as simple as might appear from the reasoning set Another apparent problem is the belief that water can
out above. only be drawn to the surface, to evaporate, from a lim-
The moisture absorption capacity of a landfill is the ited depth of 1 or 2 m. Field measurements in landfills
maximum moisture content that can be held by capillar- have, however, disproved this (Blight et al., 1992; Blight,
ity in the voids of the landfilled waste. Theoretically, if a 1997). Water content profiles measured at the ends of
landfill is at its moisture absorption capacity, the addi- the wet and dry seasons have demonstrated that evapo-
tion of 1 L of water at the surface will, in the absence rative drying can occur down to at least 15 m. Experi-
of evaporation, result in 1 L of leachate emerging from ments on lysimeters have shown similar effects. In an
the base. For this to happen, the waste must be in equi- experiment by Roussev (1995) the rate of evaporation
librium with its suction–water content relationship. This from a waste-filled lysimeter 3 m deep (also mentioned
has been demonstrated for a dump of power station ash above) over a period of 295 d averaged 0.16 mm per m
in an experiment reported by Blight and Roussev (1995). depth per d, while from a similar lysimeter 5.5 m deep
In this experiment, a 30-m high ash dump was sampled the rate of evaporation averaged 0.22 mm per m depth
for moisture content in June 1987, October 1993 (the per d. Thus there is no doubt that during an extended
end of the dry season) and April 1994 (the end of the dry season, evaporation can remove water from waste
wet season). The suction–water content relationship down to depths of many metres. The generation of heat
for the ash was established in the laboratory (Fourie in decomposing waste probably assists the loss of water
1024 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

Fig. 3. Comparison of water content–depth measurements in a

lysimeter of municipal solid waste with laboratory suction–water
content relationship for the waste.

may not be possible completely to stop the generation

of leachate by increasing the height of a landfill.
Finally, raising the height of a pre-existing landfill
will have the effect of compressing both the old and
the new waste, thus driving leachate out at the base of
the landfill. It should therefore be expected that raising
Fig. 2. Comparison of water content–depth measurements in a dump
of power station ash with laboratory suction–water content relation-
a landfill will initially increase the leachate flow. It is
ship for the ash. only once most of the compression has occurred that
the leachate flow can be expected to subside and eventu-
ally slow to zero or to what may be considered an
by evaporation both by providing latent heat of vapor- acceptably low value. As the waste compresses, its per-
ization and by setting up temperature gradients that meability will also tend to reduce thus assisting a long-
drive moisture from the interior of the waste body to- term reduction of leachate flow.
wards the surface. Bengtsson et al. (1994), however, esti-
mate that self-heating would only increase evaporative
losses by up to 12 mm per y, which is a minor part of 3. The measuring cells and their prior use
the overall evaporative loss potential arising from solar
heat, of hundreds of mm per y. Fig. 4 shows the layout and construction of the lysi-
Landfilled waste is inherently heterogeneous and flow meters in both section (above) and plan (below). Each
of leachate through the waste mass will occur simulta- lysimeter or measuring cell consists of a plastic (HDPE)
neously through macropores in coarse waste and (at a geomembrane liner measuring 15 · 15 m which is buried
slower rate) through micropores in finer waste. The dual at a depth of 2 m below the original ground surface at
flow characteristics have been well documented and ex- the landfill site. The site is underlain by approximately
plored by Bengtsson et al. (1994); Powrie and Beaven 20 m of fine silty sand and the depth of the regional
(1999); Rohrs et al. (2001) and others. The consider- water table varies seasonally from a highest observed le-
ations relating to moisture absorption capacity will vel of 2 m below natural ground level at the end of the
probably apply to the micro-pored waste in a landfill. wet season to 3 m at the end of the dry season. Three
Even though the moisture content of the waste may be boreholes adjacent to the lysimeters enable the water ta-
below the theoretical moisture absorption capacity, infil- ble depth to be monitored. Each liner was laid with its
tration could still penetrate the waste and emerge from edges turned up by 0.5 m all round to form a lined
the base via flow through the macropores. Hence it impervious basin of 200 m2 plan area. Each basin is
G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036 1025

Fig. 4. Arrangement of observation cells (or lysimeters) at Coastal Park landfill.

graded to a corner from which a pipe leads to a deep col- depth of 5 m, in two 2.5 m lifts. The two lifts of waste
lecting and measuring sump. The low point of each ba- were separated by a 0.2 m layer of sand intermediate
sin is just above the highest observed seasonal water cover. After covering the surface of the 5 m of waste
level so as to give the collecting basin a minimum free- with a 0.3 m cover-layer of sand, the area of landfill di-
board above ground water level of at least 0.5 m. In this rectly above each collecting basin was surrounded by a
way, all liquid percolating out of the bottom of each low bund of compacted clay.
lysimeter can be separated from ground water, recov- The first observation cell (Cell 1) had been installed to
ered, its quantity or flow rate measured and chemical detect and measure leachate flow quantity and quality.
analyses made for leachate quality assessment. The remaining four cells, constructed about 200 m away
The collecting basins were designed to remain empty from Cell 1, were constructed to confirm the measure-
except for the film of water percolating across the geo- ments of Cell 1, but were later used as part of an exper-
membrane surface towards the outlet drain pipe. This iment to test if water-soluble hazardous substances
drain leads to a deep buried chamber where 200 L recep- could safely be co-disposed with domestic refuse. This
tacles collect the leachate issuing from each measuring experiment and its results have earlier been fully docu-
cell. These receptacles are pumped out every working mented by Blight (1996) and Ballard (1997) and in a
day and the volume of collected leachate measured. South African Water Research Commission Report
The advantage of this ‘‘empty basin’’ system is that if (Novella et al., 1999). The water-soluble substances dis-
a defect in the geomembrane provides a pathway for a posed on the surfaces of the various cells are indicated
potential leak, the pressure head available to drive the on the plan layout of the cells in the lower part of Fig. 4.
leakage will be negligible. Also, if in an exceptionally It was surprising to find that even after 7 y of expo-
wet year the ground water level rises and overtops the sure to rain, the water-soluble substances did not appear
rim of the basin, or even presses on the underside of in the leachate collected from the cells (see Blight, 1996;
the geomembrane, there will be an immediate surge of Novella et al., 1999). A comprehensive series of samples
flow into the receptacles, which should be easily detect- of the waste surrounding the bunded areas was taken,
able. As indicated in Table 1, annual rainfall has gradu- the analyses of which were documented by Blight
ally declined since 1987 and the ground water level has (1996). It was found that the various substances dis-
remained well below its earlier maximum level. posed on surface had spread laterally and vertically
After replacing the 2 m of sand excavated to place the through the waste, but did not appear in the underlying
geomembranes, waste was landfilled and compacted to a sand. Arsenic and copper salts, for example, had spread
1026 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

more than 15 m laterally beyond the limits of the bun- The basic instruments would be the engineerÕs level
ded area on which they had been disposed, and other and tacheometer with water contents of the waste being
substances had spread to similar lateral distances. All measured in situ by TDR probes buried in the waste.
of the substances, however, appeared to have become Unfortunately, the first 10 TDR probes that were
bound to the waste and were not detected in the sand buried in the waste embankment were dug out and sto-
or the leachate from the collecting basins. At the time, len during the next night and it was decided to abandon
the phenomenon was put down to strongly preferential this part of the experiment. It was expected that flow
lateral flow in the waste, at least partly caused by the rates of leachate would increase as additional overbur-
high content of waste plastic bags and sheets. Up to this den was added to the existing waste. It was also decided
time, the cells had only been leached by natural rainfall. to analyse the leachate to observe any changes in quality
As recorded in Table 1, in 1996 an attempt was made as the raising proceeded. Not much difference was ex-
to flush phenol from Cell 4 by flooding the surface of the pected at first, although a concern had been voiced that
cell with the equivalent of more than twice the annual leachate expressed from the test cells might contain
rainfall, over a 6-mo period. The leachate flow from Cell raised levels of arsenic, chromium, and copper residual
4 increased by a factor of 9 as a result (see Table 1). The from the earlier co-disposal experiment. When the
flows from every other cell in the set of four were also freshly added waste started to generate acidic leachate,
affected, with that from Cell 2, 48 m away from Cell 4, there might be a lowering of the pH in the original waste
increasing by a factor of 1.5, and that from Cell 5, with the result that these metals might be remobilized
15 m away by a factor of 4.1. and emerge in the leachate.
No phenol was detected in the leachate from Cell 4 The raising experiment was started on 25 November
or any other cell, but the failed flushing experiment 1998 (day 1) with the placing of the first 2.5 m lift of
confirmed that preferential horizontal flow occurs very waste and was ended 5 y later (day 1825), although mea-
strongly in the waste when water is applied to the sur- surements of settlement and leachate flow and quality
face. The lateral flow and resultant overall increase in are still being made once per year.
leachate flow exerted an appreciable influence on the As a result of holdups caused mainly by labour prob-
raising experiment that was to follow, by upsetting lems, it was eventually decided to limit the raising to
the state of near-equilibrium that had existed at the three lifts of 2.5 m each. Final profiles of the raised por-
end of 1995. tion are shown in Fig. 5. A set of experimental evapora-
tive covers was installed on the crest of the raising, but
these are not described in this paper. (Preliminary results
4. The experimental raising and its effect on settlement of the cover experiment have been reported by Blight
and leachate flow et al., 2003.)
The full records of settlement and leachate flow rate
It was decided to raise the height of the test section of for Cells 2–5 are shown graphically in Fig. 6. Experi-
the landfill in two stages. In the first year (1998/1999) an mental point measurements have not been shown on
additional 5 m would be added, and this would be re- Fig. 6, but level measurements were made each week
peated in the following year (1999/2000). The test sec- in year 1 and every two weeks in years 2 and 3 up to
tion would be in the form of a compacted waste berm day 820. Thereafter, levels were measured monthly.
covering Cells 2–5, about 300 m long, 90 m wide at the Leachate flow measurements were made over 24 h on
base and 40 m wide at the crest. Because of the difficult every working day throughout the 5-y period, but were
working conditions on the landfill, it was decided to aggregated and plotted for each week.
keep the instrumentation simple. A major difficulty with Table 2 shows selected numerical values of settle-
instrumentation existed because of the presence of scav- ment for the original landfill surface between 0 to
engers on the landfill who tend to appropriate every- 690 d, 0 to 820 d and 0 to 1825 d (5 y). (Day 690
thing with a potential scrap value. Observations were marks the start of the third 2.5 m lift, and day 820
to be made of the following variables: was when work on the experimental covers was
started.) The settlements are given both as a percent-
 Levels of original waste surface. age of the original thickness of the waste, and as mil-
 Levels of surface of first 5 m raising. limeters of settlement. The settlement versus time
 Levels of surface of second 5 m raising. graphs show the initial quick compression under the
 Time domain reflectometry (TDR) measurements of weight of the first 2.5 m raising, giving way to slow
water content of waste. settlement which continues to increase as the waste
 Leachate flow rates. creeps and decomposes and, as a result, slowly com-
 Leachate chemical analysis (COD, pH, ammonia, presses. Application of the 2 · 2.5 m first raising and
arsenic, chloride, chromium, and copper). the 2.5 m second raising caused the settlement to
 Density and composition of in situ compacted waste. accelerate for the periods from 60 to 240 d and 700
G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036 1027

Fig. 5. Transverse and longitudinal profiles of raised portion of landfill (vertical scale exaggerated).

to 750 d and thereafter the settlement rate started pro- possible after this. At the end of the experiment (5 y
gressively reducing. Unfortunately, because of a mis- after the start) the lost settlement slabs were exhumed
understanding between the project leader and the and leveled to establish their final settlement. The final
field staff, compounded by the introduction of staff settlements are shown on Fig. 6 at a time of 5 y.
new to the project, the settlement rods for the surface It is interesting to note that the waste above each cell
of the first 5 m raising were not carried through to the behaved differently. In particular, Cell 5 showed the
surface of the 7.5 m raised surface, making settlement least settlement under the first 2.5 m lift of the raising,
measurements impossible from day 840 onwards. Only but the underlying waste then appeared to yield, and un-
measurements on the original landfill surface and the der the second 2.5 m lift, settled to an extent similar to
final surface of the combined 7.5 m total raise were the other cells.

Fig. 6. Records of settlement and leachate flow during the 5 year duration of the raising experiment.
1028 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

Table 2
Settlements and leachate flow data for first and second raises of Coastal Park landfill
Cell no: 2 3 4 5 Mean 2–5
Part 1 Settlement: % original 5 m high fill (mm)
0–690 days (0 = 25 Nov 1998) 16 20 19 17 18
0–820 days 19 24 23 21 22
0–1825 days (25 Nov 2003) 26 (1326) 32 (1601) 31 (1545) 27 (1357) 29 (1457)
Part 2 Settlement: % 5 m raising (mm)
210–690 days 10 10 9 11 10
210–820 days 18 (910) 16 (800) 14 (700) 18 (900) 16 (827)
210–1825 days (25 Nov 2003) 26 (1350) 21 (1059) 24 (1201) 26 (1350) 24 (1240)
Part 3 Settlement: % 7.5 m raising (mm)
690–1825 days 13 (956) 10 (754) 11 (811) 11 (848) 11 (842)
Part 4 Flow rate in 1995 mm/y 22 9 12 5 14
Part 5 Flow rate (mm/y)
Day 0 55 44 69 15 46
Day 640 40 36 55 18 37
Day 840 58 47 69 42 54
Day 1825 (5 y) 29 24 23 9 21
Day 2190 (6 y) 26 12 19 6 16

The building of trial ‘‘store and evaporate’’ landfill flow will decrease further. Apart from the slow decline
cap sections on the top of the raised landfill, but to in flow rate shown in Fig. 6, another indication comes
one side of the test sections early in year 3, accelerated from the overall water balance of the raised landfill sec-
the settlement slightly, but this effect died away in a tion that will be described later in the paper. Also, the
short time. leachate flow from Cell 1 (which is 200 m away and
Table 2 also records the leachate flow rates at the not affected by the raising experiment) ceased on day
start of the experiment (day 0) and also the flow rates 750 and has not restarted. These all indicate that the
in 1995, prior to the application of water to Cell 4. It will landfill is progressively drying out.
be seen that the leachate flow rates at day 0 (25 Novem-
ber 1998) had not subsided to their 1995 levels, but were
still only slightly less than the flow rates in 1997, re- 5. In situ density, waste composition and compression
corded in Table 1 (46 mm/y in 1998 as compared with parameters
49 mm/y in 1997). The fact that the lower 5 m of waste
was surcharged with water from the earlier experiments 5.1. In situ density and waste composition
was obviously going to affect the results of the raising
experiment. The original 5 m high landfill layer as well as the 5 m
Fig. 6 also shows the leachate flow rates. As the sur- first raise and the 2.5 m second raise were sampled by
face above each cell was raised by the first 2.5 m, the digging a hole with an approximate volume of l m3 in
flow rate increased sharply, except for Cell 5, which each of the layers.
showed almost no increase in flow rate. As the second The bulk density was measured by filling the mate-
2.5 m lift came on, the leachate flow rates increased fur- rial excavated from each test hole into the load body
ther for all cells and then gradually declined. The flow of a weighed small truck, and then weighing the truck
rates from Cells 2, 3, and 4 were back almost to the and its contents. A 100 kg sample, as close to being
starting values after 690 d. That from Cell 5, however, representative as possible, was then taken for water
was still double its initial value, although slowly content and waste composition determination. The
declining. truck was emptied and refilled loosely with dry sand,
Imposition of the third 2.5 m raising caused only a striking the sand off level with the rim of the load
slight increase of the leachate flow rates. Building of body, for which the volume had been measured, and
the experimental cap sections caused a further (very then weighing the full truck. Sand from the known vol-
slight) increase in the leachate flow rates. ume and weight on the truck was then shovelled
Since shortly after day 820, leachate flow rates slowly loosely into the test hole to fill it level with the sur-
declined to their average value at day 1825 of 21 mm/y. rounding surface. The truck was then weighed again
After 6 y, on day 2190, the average flow rate was 16 mm/ to determine the weight and hence volume of the sand
y. This is still slightly above the value in 1995, but there used to fill the hole. Hence the bulk density could be
are indications that within the next 4–5 y, the leachate calculated.
G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036 1029

The water content samples were weighed and then from Table 4, if bulk minus dry density is (940–686) kg/
spread out on plastic sheets in a locked dry shed, al- m3 then the mass of water is 254 kg/m3 = 254 kg in a
lowed to air-dry for 6 mo and then reweighed. Hence volume of 1 m2 in plan area and 1 m high = 254 kg/
the air-dry gravimetric water content (w = mass of m2 = 254 mm of water depth per m height of waste. In
water/mass of solids) was determined. It was realized a column of waste 5 m high, therefore, the initial storage
that the initially moist waste could have lost mass as a of water is 5 · 254 = 1270 mm.
result of ongoing decomposition during the extended The initial gas-filled void heights were fairly large and
drying period, but the alternative was to oven-dry the even the original landfill, which has settled an average of
waste, in which case even more volatiles would have 1.4 m after 5 y still has a calculated gas-filled void height
been lost. The air-dry samples were sieved through a of about 1.6 m, assuming that leachate has not accumu-
3 mm mesh sieve to separate the various waste compo- lated in this layer.
nents, and each class of component was then weighed. The various components of the waste proved to be
The results of the compositional and geotechnical mea- reasonably consistent from sample to sample and even,
surements are shown in Tables 3 and 4. In these tables, as shown in Tables 3 and 4, from the original landfill
the parameters of void ratio e, degree of saturation Sr (13 years older than the raises) to the 1st and 2nd raises.
and gas-filled void height (=(1  Sr) · height of waste) An interesting feature of the waste analyses is that met-
have been calculated by assigning solids densities Gs to als and glass are almost absent. This may be a result of
each of the waste components (see Table 3) and calculat- the activities on the landfill of the scavengers (who were
ing the composite solids density Gcs of the waste accord- mentioned earlier).
ing to the percentage by mass of each component
present. (For readers unfamiliar with geotechnical 5.2. Compression characteristics of waste
terms: void ratio e = volume of voids/volume of solids,
and degree of saturation Sr = volume of water/volume The compression of the waste (Fig. 6) is strongly
of voids. To calculate e or Sr it is necessary to find the time-dependent, as a result of conventional compres-
gravimetric water content w and the composite solids sion (shown by the increase in leachate flow rate),
density Gcs = mass of composite solid Mcs/volume of creep of the organic and plastic components, and
composite solid Vcs. Having found Gcs for waste of a gi- decomposition of the organic components. Fig. 7
ven composition, the volume of composite solids shows the compression of the original landfill and
Vcs = Mcs/Gcs.) the raisings in the form of void ratio versus applied
To calculate the volume of stored water, note that the pressure curves. These are shown for the original
difference between the bulk density and the dry density and new waste at 30 d, 0.5, 1, 2 and 3 y after loading.
equals the mass of water per m3 of waste. For example, The slopes of chords to these compression curves have

Table 3
Composition of waste
Component Original 1st raise 2nd raise Component solid density (kg/m3)
% by dry mass
Sand, stones, bricks, concrete 51 77 62 2650
Paper and cardboard 13 9 10 1800
Plastic 9 6 10 1000
Metals 3 Trace 2 7000
Glass 3 Trace 1 2700
Organics, textile, leather 21 8 15 1800
Solid density of waste (kg/m3) 2155 2492 2360 Average: 2336

Table 4
Geotechnical parameters of waste
Source of waste Original 1st raise 2nd raise Overall average
Bulk density (kg/m ) 940 1030 1165 1045
Water content (% dry mass) 37 18 37 31
Dry density (kg/m3) 686 873 850 803
Void ratio, e 2.1 1.9 1.8 1.9
Degree of saturation, Sr % 37 24 55 39
Thickness of lift (m) 5 5 2.5
Gas-filled void height (m) 2.1 2.5 0.6 Total: 5.2
Initial storage of water, S (mm) 1270 780 780 2830
1030 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

been summarized in Fig. 7 as values of the volume the 5 m raising, 26 kPa represents the weight of the
compressibility: lower 2.5 m of the raising. For the combined 7.5 m
raising 44 kPa represents half of the weight of the
mv ¼ de=dpð1 þ e0 Þ ðunits : m2 =kNÞ; ð1Þ
(Where de/dp is the slope of the chord to the compres- The values of mv recorded on Fig. 7 have been com-
sion curve and e0 is the initial void ratio. In simple pared in Table 5 with values calculated for settlement
terms, mv is the compressional strain undergone by the versus time curves published for four landfills of similar
waste after a particular time, per unit of applied stress. age to Coastal Park, situated in various parts of the
mv is important for calculating or predicting the settle- world (Brazil, Colombia, Spain and England). Table 5
ment of a landfill.) shows that, although on the high side, values of mv for
In Fig. 7 the load increments for the original (5 m) Coastal Park are similar to values calculated from
landfill represent the full weights of the 5 m raising time-settlement curves measured on comparable landfills
(52 kPa) and the total 7.5 m raising (88 kPa). For in other parts of the world. In fact, considering possible

Fig. 7. Compression characteristics of waste.

G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036 1031

Table 5
Comparison of compressibility of Coastal Park landfill with compressibilities of a sample of other landfills
Reference and name of landfill Height of landfill (m) Age (years) mv (m2/kN · 103)
Watts and Charles (1999). Brogborough 11 6 3.8
Machado et al. (2002). Bandeirantes 58 7 0.5–1
Rodriques and Velandia (2002). Don Juana 20 3 1.6
Pereira et al. (2002). Valdemingomez 35 6 1.0
Coastal Park 5–12.5 13–18 2.2–4.6

differences in waste composition, degree of compaction to be fairly constant. Cell 5 showed the lowest levels of
and climate, the correspondence is good. ammonia, followed by Cells 2, 3, and 4. Thus the indica-
tion is again that the waste over Cells 3 and 4 had the
highest organic content. The change in order between
6. Variations in leachate quality Cells 2 and 5 may indicate that the organic matter over
Cell 2 was more of animal origin and that over Cell 5
Fig. 8(a)–(c) summarizes the leachate quality mea- more of vegetable origin.
surements of leachate samples taken between 1995 and
the end of the experiment (November 2003). 6.3. pH values
The results of the measurements are all rather scat-
tered, but clear trends are discernable over the 9 y pH values (not graphed) have remained in a range
spanned by the results, even though no measurements from 7.8 to 8.3 throughout the duration of the experi-
were made in 1997 and in early 1998. ment. The highest pH values have been measured on
leachate from Cell 2, followed in descending order by
6.1. Chemical oxygen demand Cells 3 and 5, with Cell 4 the lowest. Trends are not very
clear, but the cell with the lowest pH (Cell 4) is also that
COD increased continuously over the period of with the highest ammonia.
observation, for all cells (Fig. 8(a)). The lowest CODs
have been recorded for Cell 2, with Cells 5, 4, and 3 6.4. Chloride
showing successively higher values. Comparing with
Fig. 6, this is the exact reverse of the order in which Average values of chloride in the leachate (not
the settlements of the original landfill increase, and graphed) increased gradually from just over 4000 mg/L
may indicate that the refuse over the various cells con- in 1999 to about 4500 mg/L at the end of 2003. The
tains increasing quantities of organic matter, in the order leachate from Cell 3 has consistently contained the most
2, 5, 4, 3. Even with the scatter in the measurements, the chloride, but this should not be surprising as Cell 3 was
correspondence between COD and settlement is quite dosed with lithium and sodium chloride as tracers.
It is not known why the COD of the leachate from all 6.5. Chromium
cells has increased with time. One possible explanation is
that leachate formed in the fresh waste of the raising lay- Chromium values have been erratic, but the trend ap-
ers is gradually percolating down through the old waste pears to be for increasing values (Fig. 8(c)). Most of the
of the original landfill, increasing the COD as it does so. chromium may have originated from Cell 2 which was
If this is so, it shows that a small proportion of infiltrat- dosed with CCA (see Fig. 4), yet if anything, the leach-
ing rain will always find its way out of the base of the ate from Cell 2 has had the lowest chromium values. The
landfill, even though the remainder may be stored and trend for chromium to increase with time may show an
re-evaporated in the upper part of the landfill. In other increasing mobility for metals; however this is not sup-
words, because of the macro-flow properties of the ported by decreased levels of pH.
waste, it is not possible to store and re-evaporate all
infiltration; a small proportion will probably always 6.6. Arsenic
leach through the base.
Arsenic (not graphed) has remained below the
6.2. Ammonia detection limit of 50 lg/L throughout most of the per-
iod of the experiment. Right at the end of 2003, how-
Ammonia levels rose between the ends of 1996 and ever, values of 60–90 lg/L were measured, which may
1998 when the experiment was started (Fig. 8(b)). From mean that the trend for arsenic is similar to that for
1999 to the end of 2003, ammonia in the leachate tended chromium.
1032 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

Fig. 8. Variation of leachate quality before and during raising experiment: (a) chemical oxygen demand, (b) ammonia and (c) chromium.

6.7. Copper rate in L/m2/y to give loading in g/m2/y) for COD,

ammonia and chromium. Comparing the curves for
Copper values (not graphed) have consistently re- the loadings with those for the flow-rates (Fig. 6), it is
mained low, at just above the detection limit of 25 lg/L. obvious that the chemical loadings are largely dependent
Thus the main trends shown by the leachate analyses on the rates of leachate flow. It is also clear from Fig. 9
have been for increasing values of COD and chromium. that leachate expressed by raising a landfill can greatly
increase the pollution load exiting from the base of the
landfill. In this case, the COD loading of 23 g/m2/y
7. Relationship between leachate quality and leachate flow (230 Tons/ha/y) rose to a peak of 500 g/m2/y (5000 Tons/
rate ha/y). Even if the leachate flow rate eventually declines
to the initial rate of 12 mm/y, the increasing concentra-
Fig. 9 shows the variation of the chemical loading of tions shown in Fig. 8(a) will result in a loading of at least
the leachate (i.e., concentration in g/L multiplied by flow 80 g/m2/y (800 Tons/ha/y) which is 3.5 times the loading
G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036 1033

Fig. 9. Variation of chemical loading of leachate for COD, ammonia and chromium before and during raising experiment.

at the end of 1995. It is therefore very important to real- measurements made at various times of the year. The
ize that it is not only the flow rate of leachate escaping theory and practice of the method has been set out in de-
from a landfill that decides the potential for causing tail by Blight (1997, 2002). Fig. 10(a) shows the results
ground water pollution, but that the chemical loading of ten sets of energy balance measurements made at
is crucial. Coastal Park, while Fig. 10(b) shows the cumulative
evapotranspiration derived from Fig. 10(a). It should

8. The water balance for the landfill test section

Changes in the water balance for the Coastal Park

landfill can be written as:
ðR  LÞ ¼ E þ DS; ð2Þ
where (R  L) is the cumulative
P difference between
rainfall and leachate flow; E is the cumulative evapo-
ration from landfill surface DS is the change in water
stored in landfilled waste as a result of infiltrating rain,
evaporation and leachate flow.
At Coastal Park early rainfall measurements were
made via a rain gauge mounted at the position of Cell
1. This was later replaced by an automatic tipping gauge
mounted at the Park site office, about 200 m from the
experimental site.
A term for runoff does not appear in Eq. (2). This is
because the landfill cover layer is formed of the local
sand which, as explained earlier, is sufficiently pervious
to allow all but intense rainfalls to infiltrate completely.
Leachate flow (L) has been measured since 1989 via
the five test cells, as described earlier. The leachate
receptacles are emptied on each working day and the
volume of their contents measured. Leachate flow rates
are then calculated for each weekly total flow. Fig. 10. Evaporation from landfill surface assessed by surface energy
Evaporation (E) from the landfill surface has been measurements: (a) rates of evaporation through year and (b) cumu-
measured by means of a series of surface energy balance lative evaporation through year.
1034 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036
P P 1
be noted that the estimated annual evapotranspiration ( R), evaporation
P ( EB at a rate of EB = 620 mm y )
of 620 mm is close to the average annual rainfall quoted and leachate ( L). According to Eq. (2) the changes in
in Table 1. storage are given by
The initial quantity of water stored in the waste X X
DS ¼ ðR  LÞ  EB : ð3Þ
was measured via the sampling program described ear-
lier, and initial quantities of storage (S) are listed in It will be seen from Fig. 11(a) that the cumulative
Table 4. leachate flow increased at 200 days, reflecting the in-
The water balance for the experimental raising is creased flow rates shown in Fig. 6, and caused by com-
shown graphically in Fig. 11 for the experimental period pression of the original landfill under the superimposed
of 5 y, i.e., from 25 November 1998 to 25 November weight of the first 5 m raising. Based on an annual evap-
2003. Fig. 11(a) shows the accumulation of rainfall oration of 620 mm, cumulative changes in storage have

Fig. 11. Water balance for raised part of landfill during experiment: (a) changes in water storage as a result of rain infiltration, leachate exfiltration
and evaporative losses and (b) changes in total water stored in landfill.
G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036 1035

been negative throughout the 5-y period, indicating that  There are clear indications, both from the water bal-
the water stored in the landfill is progressively decreas- ance study and the leachate quality study, that the
ing with time. landfill is slowly drying out, and this may eventually
Leachate ceased to flow from cell 1 in December 2000 stop the leachate flow, just as the flow from measur-
and flow has not restarted since. Cell 1 was not affected ing Cell 1 has already stopped. This process has been
by the raising experiment and this may confirm the con- assisted by the reduced rainfall over the period cov-
clusion that the landfill is drying out. ered by the experiment.
The inset Fig. 11(b) shows the changes in the total  Measurements of the settlement of the original landfill
water stored in the landfill, including the increases in and of the raising have provided useful information on
storage caused by the two stages of the experimental the volume compressibility of the waste. These param-
raising (also based on an annual evaporative loss of eters are quite similar to those calculated for landfills
620 mm/y). in other parts of the world.
During the five years of the experiment, the annual  The study has also yielded useful information on
rainfall was (1999) 510 mm, (2000) 390 mm, (2001) changes in leachate quality as a result of raising the
440 mm, (2002) 370 mm and (2003) 350 mm for an landfill. Chemical Oxygen Demand has increased
average of 412 mm/y. This is considerably less than continuously since 1996. This may be caused by
the 620 mm/y recorded for 1996/97. As shown by leachate from the fresh waste of the raising percolat-
Fig. 11(b), there was a reservoir of water stored in ing through the 13–18 year old waste of the original
the waste that was sufficient to supply a depletion rate landfill, or it may result from an increase in concen-
of 620 mm/y, although it is likely that depletion has tration of the leachate as the landfill has dried out,
taken place at a lesser rate. If, to allow for the lesser or from a combination of both effects. Similar com-
rainfall, a rate of evaporation from the raising (EB) of ments apply to the observed increase in chromium
400 mm/y is assumed (i.e., slightly less than the aver- in the leachate.
age annual rainfall during the period of the experi-  An examination of the chemical loading carried by
ment), the calculated rate of depletion of water from the leachate shows that loading has been heavily
the landfill would be reduced from an average of influenced by the rate of leachate flow, reaching a
280 to only 20 mm/y, but remains a depletion. Note peak when the leachate flow was highest and then
in Fig. 11(a) that the line Prepresenting EB = 400 mm/y declining as the leachate flow reduced. However,
almost coincides with the R line at the end of each the chemical loading at the end of the experiment
dry season and hence is completely possible. Thus it is is several times higher than it was before the sup-
clear that the water storage in the raising is being de- plemental watering of the observation cells in 1996.
pleted, year by year, but the actual rate of depletion is  During the five years that the experiment has been
not known with certainty. in progress, the remainder of the original landfill
area has been temporarily capped and a new lined
section has been constructed and taken into use. A
study of the water balance for the new section has
9. Summary and conclusions been started, and it will be interesting to see how
the behaviour of the unlined and lined sections com-
 The main objective of the experiment, to stop the pare. During its first year of operation the new geo-
leachate flow, has not yet been realized and may membrane-lined extension to the Coastal Park
never be realized completely. Nevertheless, the landfill produced a leachate flow of 19 mm with no
declining leachate flow from the experimental sec- recorded leakage. This is similar to the flow
tion of landfill was down to 21 mm/y at the end of recorded from the experimental section at the end
the experiment, and had reduced to 16 mm/year at of the experiment.
the end of year 6. This is not only within the maxi-
mum leakage rate through a liner, permitted for
municipal solid waste landfills by the South African
Minimum Requirements (1994) of 30 mm/y, but is Acknowledgements
of a similar order to measured leakage rates
reported for geomembrane linings, of up to This research was funded by the South African
15 mm/y. (Koerner, 2001). The results also illustrate Water Research Commission. Facilities, earth moving
that apart from a small portion of the infiltration machines and labour were provided by the CMC
that appears to transit and exit the waste by flow Administration, City of Cape Town, who were repre-
through macro pores and channels, most of the infil- sented by Messrs P. Novella and J. Stow. The project
tration is stored in micro pores and then re- would not have been possible without their support
evaporated. and assistance. The measurements were taken by
1036 G.E. Blight / Waste Management 25 (2005) 1021–1036

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