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● Avoid saying things like this would have sufficed your question.

It does not convey

● Hobbies part is well written.
● When they ask what is unique about you, your answer seems a little rude. It seems as if
you are trying to impress them. Try to frame it in a manner where you do not seem to be
portraying a wrong image of yourself.
● The 7th question’s answer seems very artificially written. It reflects that it is written using
chat GPT. Please answer this question with utmost honesty. This answer should be
personal and unique to you.
● When you say you neglected mathematics in class 12th, support it with how you have
realized it negatively impacted you and what you have learned from your mistakes.
● What is your backup plan?????
● Overall, I feel there is a lack of personal touch in your answers and AI is overtaking it for
most of the part. I would recommend you to reflect and work more upon your answers
and try to make it personal not artificial.

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