Integrated Grammar Worksheet For AG

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Topic : Integrated grammar exercises

Date : Name:___________________
Grade : X

Exercise 1

Choose the correct form of the verbs given in the brackets in the following sentences:

1. The jury………………….. divided in their opinions. (was, were)

2. There……………………… many exceptions to this rule. (is, are)
3. Bread and butter…………………. my favourite breakfast. (is, are)
4. Neither Ramesh nor his friends…………………… hurt. (was, were)
5. Slow and steady………………. the race. (win, wins)
6. No news…………… good news. (is, are)
7. There………………… sixty students in our class. (is, are)
8. Mathematics…………….. my favourite subject. (is, are)
9. The poet and singer………….. dead. (is, are)
10. He as well as his classmates …………….. working. (is, are)

Gap Filling Exercises

1. Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate
word/phrases from the given options.

One of the (a)_____ problems facing the world today is global warming. Many scientists
believe that our production of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases is having a
heating effect on the atmosphere and this (b)_____ be very dangerous for human life. We
(c)____ examine the problem of global warming and suggest some ways of solving it.

2. Read the passage given below. Fill in the blanks by choosing the most appropriate
word/phrases from the given options. (3 marks)Answer:

What we call life is a very complex affair. It is not simply eating, reproducing and finally
dying. Every creature (a)_____ these. Man has to lead a highly complicated life. It is like
(b)_____ through a maze and coming out. He is an economic being and a social animal. He
has to earn, make a home, look after his people and attend (c)_____ his obligations to the
society and the Government. So, in order to be successful he has to develop certain
3. Choose the right/most appropriate word from the options given below and complete
the following passage.

The students (i) ____________talking as Miss Sarkar (ii) ____________the classroom. Then in
a loud voice (iii) ____________said ‘Good Morning’ and (iv) ____________quickly around the
room. All the children (v) ____________her intently to find out what sort of a person she (vi)
____________“I suppose you (vii) ____________to know my name,” she said. But (viii)
____________she could tell them, someone in the class yelled out, “You are Miss Sarkar.”

(i) (a) are (b) was (c) were (d) been

(ii) (a) enters (b) entered (c) entering (d) entering
(iii) (a) she (b)they (c) he (d) them
(iv) (a) glance (b) glancing (c) glanced (d) glancing
(v) (a) observe (b) watching (c) watch (d) watched
(vi) (a) is (b) was (c) been (d) being
(vii) (a) wants (b) liked (c) knew (d) want
(viii) (a) after (b) before (c) later (d) as

4. Fill in the blanks with the help of options that follow:

Before alighting, the Wild Pigeon, like the Carolina Parrot and a few other species of birds,
breaks die force of its flight by repeated flapping, (a ______ (so/although/even/as if)
apprehensive of receiving injury from coming too suddenly in contact, either with the
branch, (c) _______(or/and/neither/nor) the spot of ground on which it intends to settle.

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