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Work shadowing pretty understandable naman ni.

So, work shadowing is really a good coping

mechanism especially if u are indulge in outsourcing, it us a good way to let the new team or
outsourced team to have a deep understanding about the roots of your organization. To get the
gist of how a specific work is done.
Why use it?
Smooth Transitions, when there are company changes or new hires, shadowing can help ease
integration. New staff can learn the ropes by observing a more experienced colleague.

Learning on the Job, shadowing offers a firsthand look at a specific role, allowing the observer
(the shadow) to understand the tasks, challenges, and daily activities involved.

Career Development, it's a fantastic way to explore potential career paths. By shadowing
someone in a different department or role, you can see if it aligns with your interests and skills.
Workplace Awareness, shadowing goes beyond the specific role. It gives you a broader
understanding of how different departments work together and how your role fits into the
bigger picture.

 if by means or let imagine the we have already migrated the function or process to the
outsourced partner, the work doesn’t stop we still have many thing to consider before
we can call the outsourced function was successful and effective. We still have to
evaluate, by the word evaluate, this involves assessing all the pre-defined requirements
that must be fulfilled before handing over the service, it involves those discuss a while
ago the transition readiness assessment. It should be assess and evaluated so to ensure
that the SLA iis met. While doing so you also have to take consideration about the data
availability, to which this ensures all the technical and operational data needed for
smooth service transition is readily available. You also have to set responsibility both for
internal and external team like assigning responsibility to a staff that will oversees the
overall function of transition, the one who monitors the quality of deliverables, and the
one who would act as a bridge between the internal team and outsourced team to
ensure smooth collaboration and communication and so on.

Critical success factors

so objectives as we all know it is something that a company plan to achive. a set that help you
stay motivated and focused on the specific actions needed for success.
Customer: How will this transition improve the experience for those using your service?
Finance: Is the transition cost-effective and does it deliver value for money?
Operational: Can the transition be implemented effectively with minimal disruption?
Organization: Is your team equipped with the skills and resources to handle the change?

Top Management Commitment: Having buy-in from senior leaders shows they're invested in the
transition's success. They'll provide resources, make key decisions, and keep the project moving
Global and Regional Leadership: A strong global project leader sets the overall direction and
strategy. Regional leaders, respected in their areas, can ensure smooth implementation
considering local contexts and needs.
1. Manage to Contract; Build Partnership
Deep Contract Knowledge: Your team should be experts in the contract, understanding its terms
better than the provider. This allows you to hold them accountable and ensure they deliver on
their promises.
Professional Partnership: While holding them accountable, build a positive and professional
relationship with the provider. Open communication and trust are key to a successful long-term
2. Service Management & Governance – Ready in Waiting
Lean but Effective Organization: Establish a streamlined team to manage the ongoing provider
relationship. This team should be efficient but have the skills and resources to handle the job
Performance Monitoring: Your team should actively monitor the provider's performance against
agreed-upon service levels. This ensures they're delivering the promised value and helps
identify any areas for improvement.
Savings and Contract Assurance: Focus on achieving the cost savings envisioned in the contract.
Additionally, ensure the provider adheres to all contractual terms, protecting your organization's
In simpler terms, you want to be the expert on the contract, manage the provider effectively
(but fairly), and have a clear system in place to monitor performance and ensure you get what
you pay for.

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