Module 1 Micro

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classmate. oJ Gnrt - M teropy ocessor y ——_|— ee . ee A micvo processor re a multy 7 Ose | programmable clock olviven re slew fas col | elect ron(e elevice thort ‘weal lotnary SI __tnstsuc tions Brom % storage olevice called __|_ memory ace epts hthory chat as vi | rocess olecta accorolting to Chose’ instructtors aarok provicles vesullgs as out put ft A computer with leva pero as rts CPO ts Known a9 microcomputer | A typtealé progrcinma ble machine oan be _|| wepresente eA with 4) Components: ~ hieroprccesy in toory inp . & output: Those components | work tog thes bs perfor a particular taslt He Retats! | — [Nene | 2a Mieroprosser |<— typut illic! nen I wits t Shes anid ntsi~ iG ° 2 al ; vu at hate and legie Cet (av i - Teas vit tie an ey: aCe WE te a Tofpeaithmetie cperations (ike iol ‘Lion, qubt val et - — “Regbba oorays L -- Regist ontay coner'sthhy | Aaesisua aii identitieel by letTey Bo DEM, Thege Or re lmexty used | Sheu ii “ekuanty axecutton. [my avelelt [to th’s gol - PEPER ve #sterg a = me Boma ca see ~ te poovislas tins r [control sipnads to ei tle he rt a | ciewscompcta It controls the glen of bf rricnoprocessoh wails seth | ‘Us pesiph il | Caw be fe ornad, lov Oo temo p7 00 239 ar! are coves 7 tity weds “ee conty IL signals to elemen “f Tha mieroce rt Crvansierm data te anol fro memory: classmate Date Pave ———— Cupu) Microprve seh operations oan ee ee + 7 The fubetlons thet th Petehes fastruction anol mem || omak pophack olévices: _ tt clecoolss thstvuctions + | al category fs naapiee Vol I J howl ort payors arithmnstie _arel Corio epeations | All the vevtous fs _p fore by | thy matere process of cay be class Rtrol "| _wievoprecessA vatioup ert earned» * cit Cperiphorst ) o} oprat baal + sas | M fevoproeessed Sinitlact ok opus atlantis 3 chien, - pus a ub candi ween elt 2 v hai’ A mpu ep actions’ sii Rea ory memory” i menor - ware y alte eto “memory” ~output > cal | 1 ) imput aiccepts binary cata fro, ; fepat_dawiee = — vine bo wert EU _ 1 fed) pet > outpt e el. vault date output _alewive- AU thar 2c part of Cominunectloy, oll ~prseess bf mpu and pariphark dev _thelusléng nenshy - Te communicate with a peripharall hevic mp _neeel ts process ¥ollowis ‘she Steplii idontify peripharad AX memory fecal | Within oddvess Step 2} Awatleterio bikady dPov kali 7 instructions ) ? ertion (olate’ 2 Step #1 is {iad ANTAL, a se sychronising 4 tniey sol deol i The system bouts Commun! Cr leteon, path b)w me orto puipharals- Peniphoreh, the (uols tf lp anol yemory Advice, : The 8085 wpu perpen thease Fug usm Bi sets ef communication (thes iN adelres bus i) deta bus __contyel bus alo ae Adlolwess Bus Al (tis aiset of (6 communseaton | tines: folewliCiak os Ag Aye vAdewes ts an | | idlentitieation nuribe —Useel by the niewoprerey to tolucli fy er access A memory (ocation eg | input = output levies: The adores Gus ls | Fa | civtalirecttonad (tert: plow th onc climeetion, DF Licey from otmpunite pertpharok devices.) Th | bapu use the aoldlresr bus fo perform the | the parpharad yy jlentty [aca ton! | 4 mor q iter as each pariphoct Aeviog | Con bral wi be by a bivety no: collledk x Twelalxeas. Adldlress bus usek Coo eae Tita = bit aololness, i.e, the aololvess fous is? sip hi | capable of aoldress i 2'© = @4000 4 “a | 3 as ae) INTER E fees bus: 7 i Fe | Bata bus is 2 group of 8 1 a Ss communtation Une (olen tiPieol as Dy Dp. ens a __| The mienoprecessor gctoha ( real) the ats | apne clatter | Brom memory el Inpul olevice Bor |_prece emrol afl processing ft sto i) steve Comit) he oleita ty memory J senal ®) | page to the otttpu slewiees: Heme the slate bus est —,; i bidlivertiorad, bits flow i, both oltrectia | sea fe oo ‘iepy ancl peripheral clevines Th | — ¥) Stoke pee te pa oa tha letra bus ts ma ted | T ht nh Furetion trancfe alate anol fast “ealls Sawin Th Fabit late bus erable Ce ST. se ee es a Roemer ‘ 8 brt hy tg ‘frou 00 to FE faba eS thd olate by ase nun eS $cay be useol to pal am Monee, (8885 nies 4 — a “riteprocess also Knoin as’ & ~brt msieropedsoeA. a Control bus Control bus’ petforn, the third __ferctton) prowvioling thingy anol syehroniagin Bl signals 2 7 ’ 2 2+ | INTERNAL DATA OPERATION AND 8085 Regerteur | Intarnad archrteclus of 8065 mn eveprec es 80% ole bamings Lew anal what Oparators can bee Pargor real wth Che olate - These copaaters are: J ster, 8 -bIt dota aAform, ALU opuatiion ye of Bors ual (tidus Seq Uenet the execution % tastructron Ste lors “Lethm pore alusing executton | ty the weal + writke mrelnory (woatVong | collard stack « a J [ete payorm ther, the micveprocessor leo mequire _ repli ber 4 ALU 4 CU tho thbernel — | | 4 | 2 ea lane lei classmate. Wieck lator GS | 5 g ts) Ee —i i) . Gs) ee aye L — Hp gothowing spuatib, G™ whrek In obividduck —__| pins on” the | 98 ty hak _resets tut auet, Teaely Lolel: a a stack ST roanta (ICI aoldress bus 3° Peripheral ov external fal Lier t col opens vo Me _ Exteneh dlavites com taiGiate thy wiero PSC 85 Sor chips sod ele is oceablly epocsantto 1 > a 4 | — classrate fy torus t =t BY : Tha wierupaveessey cats be intemptrst | Brom the hormad execution thetruetion, cah ask to execute son, othr ns truction | collar a sertiee rouble = Fe | Realy 7 ta pons MBA cobble rectoly , cf the ah stiginad ot thi's ready fn ts. low the ll ___|_mieroprec ettor enters foto oo wart state, | Shs i This sighah ve usec to sychwon tse slows | : eo puipherals with the mienoproeessor + | | : HolA ‘ when the holol eh Bs aetrvabeol 6; clan ext ovol siynah the microprocessor give | up th, control of buses sano allows | = the external poripherels to use then ct [8085 jorchr Ceolure rae ty Td | Memory ser e ee bit e i an availa ble ic Prem ha rarer system cotpable ealelnest thes maths! bits ane 3 | Tioleatigyty 2’? (ess36 memory rep ibor J ewch register wath t@ brt aoladaess Bee | Ts ative eemony aolalyecges Cath eh 7 TF gyo., 0000 to FFFF ty Kereaolee fmal | A memory map 18 ot _ poe ComteaA or, of evite pote Tecate tH tk Henory aclolwess paoviolt the (oca tton af ae wenory hevite th tle ie sehr intofoetig logic tee tle rag | eK ome t aoe = “elelnss YS edel weetnory— Mebrony 7 a Pat ee sae essential compansst LEboitinecs Bcc ibe sy stern ? it Y store tena —tettrietins acal a a | mrewoprocesso lata gor t a -Ynor sh thter memory © wegtst memory | classmate | Wwe can clasar'g’y roi 9 gooups: primey memory ~ RAN, ROM = i) | -Segonolany memory ~ hovrololrse, éleppy elisk, : magnetic tapes Th weach weribe memory’ 13 mmole | up Bh regi'stas evel each veyista has a gnoup of Plip-flop that store bits a6 Trtormation, Tarse Flip ~f lop). core collool Lmemory cel. The nore brty store rh weagteta ts cablecl a wemosy worels The memory al vice Colvips) one ‘ewvett for ler th vearioug ' wonol sig, the uger Cag Use This wenor te holA t store deter. “Th me mor weg t'st 29 Ang ~ artangedl” 1h . il anoh ore Fohents ted hy loinary ner called memory wclolaess, To: communreate with | ‘memory the! waitroprocession wart shoul be | able. “tot | select oktlu ohip folemtrfy the meg ister werk ofvom 85 winlibu vis 65 Cue -— é heel BF. aT classmate = es qld 1088 bus To seve Y a weg Ista ond | a [neu 1 [eas a en OF) : ‘tine } ths eo i ov cates | 7 shes i || ths alah ete nto vegister. 7 as | Th PRU Gis “a oe tw ee instruct ions js ane The prtnary fn of “ener | = to store frotructions ana cheata T ancke' ted provile that inform, To thy | mpu vequest #4] i tp whenever the a. “apy request Ta fahorma tion by | | || Sew 4) setaltng thes aclolress of & sp aot fre suomi jae Tregiate gy the axclolress bre anol enables” | clog the dlarta flow hy schol thy the ‘contys po . _ eat slgncl os : my | The instruction « eel. cools ereo Cen \ lo fs stored th witmony lscoit/on (20084) &, =I Fetch the saetructles ty ren scatter, ec. nc the Follow, A! steps eas peyemen— ae \ PC places the (abit t cost | ation ctl, J aolels esy_ 2. 208 —— SS IANIOD oheithy eitelress.'b eg ee all Signal tons Corea t the momory chip le location js places on the oleate trans Ported “to ths | the mrereprceessor . we 8 The tnetyection ty olecodeol anol exeoutra fag asconal iy to tho Binary patlan of te tasty ction - Taput anol oulpul olewites | peo Uo clevices are the devices which the tovopa ec 3809 Unt communicate} pal itth the outside “wovlel . Th mpu | ta ag mput | ook b Hino ole ar ols A ae anol _| output Ee ail es Thar wt 2 [ato devices can be use dn 2 -brk aololass ta bit aololress senol such as’ [els o> folenti preol . arnod clack Arf herent methoot boy som cAevices to Tints _ eehieh other Use a | a ‘hous_andl Iystructlon, cleocols» of | | [r/o with abit aoldresses (periphual | eres y By) S| The wpe uses 8 adleleess The | 2 [ts tolentify an fro olewiges ts Knows a S poriphust mapjo col fo. (also Known as Z| . maxppp cok tfo Oo). The. 8 address bine ere 15@ inpect aud | The Yo Aevites con trol ary baly. | ® combina! jotentity oleviees * ase i ob ‘ aa. atipnentiste = r ve ae tem a 3 3 : aes i mo warte control sriytaly fy a aewiors ahs Y a Levtees + —— 1 output 2 r-o 4 with 10 bit adelaess (memory appa i= 4 The me ust (e Reale ibis ts fal owti Ry an fo cdovice An | jee ts conned ted ag ff fl tnemory _| vegstus: This rs Known as memory mei coh PO. The mpl Use the sete a control st'yrobs menor x eood So metas waite anak thatruct'ey as these aslh Seta | a tae oud its orchi Lecture | a Ties —— digital devi'ee oe flip = flops. cid has set ¢ tO vattjoulatte a oc : : PTB comiouni athe es 199 em > [- hasty eel cwtth “rey! —tising elene 88 Ae ite I at i vy wt cant Ceo i oar a paipharale. This procus of cabs em ipucbaitics | A et anol Commendation fs ola termined ‘by th | toyle slesiyn of Mp callasl the evchibectan | BOSS axchitecture coherst of 5S Brnctionl units: : .@ (ea ALU - genera! purpere regtsters _ |_speer purpore ve fskers J thstruetion egret anol: olrevoler | ttlwthy ethel control unrt Aaithnetic ancl Cogie unr ~ ALU “pee performs [tte ect numewiook anol toyie epasttioy | esuch as aclol subtract, ro “AND, OR eter. | The lata fro memory aro tccung (ator | to perform aarthwetre-\ opermtyors anh stove tle reste 1A accunalnter. | | | Gawal penpose register : para Te S085 kas @ generak tas ots store 3 abit data. | um pose WEF = Sa a ax tdentified as BQp EM al L. They) can on bine as megs ta pairs? Be DE Ba iste Ts peor (@ ~br operations. 7 3)| [special pope wey (ater a) Accunsi lator Han eb rt regrsten | togteal fo amok fe rey ——-#twe- poe’ Ss otha registers. isa ee) ys (sé wat Eta) | SS aaa Hl _ the vesull ts tv Jo then +Ve. ii) Zz (ze flag) copy tustructiong. Flag an 8 -bit vegirtey cotter TOSI. 7 Fm» te-bit Plays ae au cet /reset,— | afte ao opaation stoooralny to alata > cohelt'tton § the result fe ta eo hey fateh cay Use thase ‘veg clatter inte Accuntilatoy 0% A ~reg ist to weed Yor earthwetbe coy ol a ft. opaertion | i (E_ theltoocte co ve. Tes — {s 3A br ho Ze0+ agnset to (if is~t¥ve otherwise if a ae fel Toltcate whe thar ra cE Wf sz ts set te ee Jl then veulé ts 6 otherwise yesult 6% hoh ~humba, lassinate. eI iii) AC. ( Auxete flag) my SUSY, | setliit cut. rae Flay) whathin the result || me | tL + thelteabe , onlel number at off Us or even number of Us The posity | status play Pots sel Tot when Che result shvef the opaation ‘conta even member of | Be hand rt cs sel Co pan when there ts ool | nu | nemnbes of Sse | vey Comay flay) Th thelteat e iz ouflow or not .I¢ thse fs a ado ftion of borrow Fro subtract ‘oh oth of an: + ots ¥l a7 is det tof otherwise set & Take flags have “cvitveod (peti Tpeve ess of the My Up + | fl the olgr'sfoh tat Kr —“ ce Th condition sete veset of ax tested “through the soft wrong ths rat BOIS 4 Tecognises ONE sotalol t'e eas, colle jpsw + (prey ram status jst por ts wrote “For Becunnleter et flac reg tsta Pw will store cuorent olata ov store the content of | || acoumalate Es | [op the use 28 ts fo | \ Stacls PO classmate ee Tha fo also [0-bit hy em OTY pointer + FE poly ok i the wr eotal write - catiisn fh En OY Be lesensey calle 2h, stock Noting “Trot tha _stack rs olathe by eta | te bit aolelrsag ih the ‘stack porters The | —— mi [xegista 13 : dlwerys tnewementAc ov of cerenett — [apes = 3 le) oo ‘at Prvegrets, counter Foc fumetion of the props — _ecountee ts te polht te Che mw enory ——-—____ faceless fre which the Laxt “ort ts tole —Petdeal wnwhen a brs beiky petehel thr Pe is therementeol by ( anol - folnt _to tee} het memory (ocat'oi, + Thott Wears thy i proyram cotintu polite? to tle memory 4 raslolsesses! “to thas wert’ Sec going to be eecudcel: + a en “A _ wegisten otal aie wales Ba: > tis the teperory store || es “for “tha curvent tastruct ids of ams I te ts a 8 bit Textster \ : Thetny anel control unrt he Timing anel control unt yenevat es signals, within thy micnwprocesso\ | comy out the tystruction- (sir siege (ona) ©apse 3) ¥) meee] | (ELA) sy TTT femoris] T Gy * Claw |] ss ase || wen ayul s-94s¥ VN 2

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