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Background of the Study

The famous Bagoong, also referred to as fish paste, is one of the traditional flavor extenders used in
the Philippines. It has several variations according to the type of fish used, color, and taste. Bagoong is
prepared by fermenting the fish in high concentrations of salt for several months. Consumed either as a
complement of green mangoes or as a seasoning to some Filipino delicacies such as pinakbet and
dinengdeng. Little is known about the nutritional content of these condiments since they are usually sold
without labels in local markets.

However, there are few studies on the nutrition of bagoong. According to the book Foods Used by
Filipinos in Hawaii, this fermented condiment has undiscovered health benefits. They found out that one
tablespoon of bagoong after straining or extracting with water furnishes about the same quantity of
calcium, about half as much phosphorous and 13 times as much iron as 3 tablespoon of milk because fish
and other marine food resources are known to be good sources of long-chain ω-3 (omega-3)
polyunsaturated fatty acids. One in particular is the docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), a variant of the long-
chain ω-3 fatty acid, which is essential to the neural development of growing infants especially in brain
and retina development. Sufficient amount of DHA is required for an active brain function throughout a
human’s lifespan. DHA has also been found to lower blood pressure and chances of occurrence of heart
disease and mental illness. Though high levels of DHA are produced during pregnancy and during the
first two months of infancy, the normal human body condition can only manufacture these fatty acids
metabolically in small amounts. DHA must then be acquired from the diet or produced through the
consumption of ω-3 precursors such as α-linolenic acid found in seeds and nuts. The composition of
bagoong suggests the possibility that the said condiment may be a dietary resource of long-chain ω-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the study “Polyunsaturated fatty acid contents of some traditional fish and
shrimp paste condiments of the Philippines,” scientists Nemesio Montaño, Grace Gavino and Victor C.
Gavino assess the fatty acid composition of various types of fish and shrimp paste in reaction to the brine
solution used for fermentation.

This fermented condiment has always been a survival food and indispensable topping to some
Filipinos. The traditional bagoong is usually packed in bottles with little solids and is quite messy to
handle. In addition, they are packed heavily requiring bigger space that demands higher fare rate. These
set fort for the researchers to think for an alternative and a new face of this well-known condiments to
become a bagoong granule aside from the traditional liquid form.

Producing bagoong granules will be technically viable since the raw materials are abundant and
readily available. This product when put into development will have a promising business producing
export products. The raw materials can be source out from the bagoong processors making it an additional
means of livelihood for coastal communities.

Also, food preparation will be minimized and cooking will be easier when using bagoong granules
instead of the traditional bagoong. It is convenient to handle and cheaper to transport because of its light
packaging materials and absence of extreme ammoniacal odor.

When iodine intake falls below recommended levels, the thyroid may no longer be able to synthesize
sufficient amounts of thyroid hormone. The resulting low level of thyroid hormone in the blood
(hypothyroidism) is principal factor responsible for damage to the developing brain and other harmful
effects known collectively as “Iodine Deficiency Disorders’’ (WHO, 2007). Iodine Deficiency Disorders
(IDD) is the most common cause of preventable retardation, posing threat to the social and economic
development of countries. IDD is now recognized as a major health problem-as many 800 million people
live in an iodine-deficient environment and are therefore at risk of the disorders (Hetzel, 1988). The
data published by the World Health Organization(WHO) on iodine deficiency stated that 2,225 million
people of the world are living in iodine-deficient areas (38% of the world population) and 740 million
people are affected by goiter (13% of the world’s population) (WHO, 2000). Initiatives were then
developed and instituted to accelerate the progress in achieving the goal of minimizing such cases. The
Universal Salt Iodization (USI) was identified as the global strategy for the elimination of IDD. It intends
all salt for human and animal consumption be iodized thus, ensuring adequate iodine nutrition. The World
Health Organization (WHO) provides guidelines as to prescribed levels of iodization as well as the
recommended urinary iodine excretion levels for the specific groups.

The effectiveness of the goal of the USI can be achieved with the cooperation of every nation. In
connection, on the year 1995, the Republic Act 8172-an act promoting salt iodization in the Philippines
was implemented. This law has helped in decreasing the cases of IDD in the country but still the
percentage of Filipinos suffering from the disorder is high. In this case, an amendment of the law on the
required iodine for food stuffs was made which stated that all manufacturers or processors of food grade
iodized salt, whether bulk or retail, imported or local, across the nationwide distribution channels, are
hereby directed to implemented and ensure salt iodine content of 30-70 ppm (mg/kg), amending the
standard 20-70 ppm (mg/kg). The amendment was done due to the fact that iodine stability is greatly
affected by several factors. A study was conducted by (Chavasit, 2002) on the stability of iodine in
iodated salt by use of different cooking model conditions.

A. Conceptual Framework

The conceptual framework is clearly specify based on the input, process and output. Input serve as the
first step wherein the researchers will able to gather data in the research study. On the other hand, process
will serve as the action that will be the outcome of the variables which is the production of Iodine-
Enriched Granules.

Input Output

 Anchovies Iodine-Enriched Bagoong

 Salt

 Potassium
B. Statement of the Problem

This study aimed to produce iodine-enriched bagoong granules. It specifically aimed to determine the

1. What is the optimum drying time that gives a desirable appearance for bagoong granules?

2. What is the appropriate method of applying potassium iodate to bagoong granules?

3. What is the acceptability level of Iodine-enriched bagoong granules to consumers? In terms of

a. Color
b. Odor
c. Taste

C. Hypothesis

D. Scope and Delimitation

This study is limited to fermentation of anchovies’, production of the bagoong granules and
enrichment of iodine to the fish product. Anchovies and salt will be bought at Gonzaga Public
Market and be fermented for 1 month (30 days) at Rodriguez’ Residence, Paradise, Gonzaga,

After the fermentation period, drying will be done through a mechanical dryer. Three
different drying times will be use in this study. 1 ½ hours, 2 hours and 2 ½ hours respectively.
The dried samples will be subjected to evaluation of the general appearance (color and granules
formation) to determine the optimum drying time that would produce the most desirable granules.

The samples will be dry at the optimum drying time will then added with 0.01% potassium
iodate (KO3) as source of Iodine.

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