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Events & Opportunities

Anaesthesia in a low resource setting:

A global anaesthesia trainee experience
Kudakwashe Mawondo

In fields that require selflessness largest city situated along the

Dr Kudakwashe Mawondo and voluntary service, it can be southern shore of Lake Victoria. I
ST5 Anaesthetics Registrar easy to lose sight of the intended deliberately selected this low- to
Global Anaesthesia Enthusiast beneficiaries and become overly middle-income, resource-poor
William Harvey Hospital focused on personal fulfilment. region as a new challenge, both
Ashford As an overworked and underpaid to learn from the highly skilled
KSS Region professional, I sought time out local workforce and to share and
of my training with an Out Of exchange knowledge and skills.
Programme Experience (OOPE), My objective was to promote
Mobile: 07375 660 262
in a job I believed would be safer anaesthesia practices
Twitter: @thebzardoctor both fulfilling and rewarding. through education and training.
Instagram: @thebzardoctor Having been raised in resource-
My initial job description was
Website: constrained Zimbabwe, I was
simple and focused solely on determined to offer my skills
mentoring one resident or trainee
wherever needed and undertake
to develop their skills and achieve
voluntary work solely for the
self-sufficiency in the field of
purpose of giving back, without
anaesthesia. I was not burdened
expecting anything in return.
with any other obligations or
And so began my pursuit of mandates, such as conducting
global anaesthesia expertise, audits or quality improvement
with a six-month stint at Bugando projects, which allowed me
Medical Centre, a 950-bed the freedom to contribute
tertiary referral hospital located in a manner that I deemed
in Mwanza, Tanzania, the second- appropriate. Consequently,


least we owe them is our best
efforts. Throughout my tenure,
I was afforded the opportunity
to participate in diverse aspects
of clinical anaesthesia, ranging
from administering and teaching
anaesthesia to leading simulation
sessions and developing
emergency protocols. I had
the privilege of working with
multiple specialties, including
burns and plastics, paediatrics
and neonatology, thoracics,
orthopaedic and trauma surgery,
neurosurgery, ENT, obstetrics,
and gynaecology. At various
times, I assumed the position of
“troubleshooter of the day,” a
role that enabled me to exercise
my leadership and management
skills by circumspectly managing
several operating rooms,
remedying issues within my
capacity, and promoting safer
surgical practices.
In my first week at Bugando,
I was confronted with a two-
during my initial two weeks, I less recognition as compared day-old newborn who required
enjoyed the balmy weather while to other specialties. Although emergency surgery for bowel
identifying opportunities where I surgeons generate revenue, resection and ileostomy creation
could be of assistance. the anaesthesiologists provide due to intestinal atresia and
support services. Patients ischaemic bowel. Despite the
As a trainee from a developed complexity of the procedure
typically have to bear the
nation, I was abruptly confronted and the precariousness of the
expenses of their surgeries
with the harsh realities of situation, we worked tirelessly,
themselves, or utilise state or
inadequate resources and the driven by the hope for a
private insurance policies if
ensuing unsafe practices that it positive outcome. Although
available. Including the cost
can generate. This experience the recovery process proved
of anaesthesia in such cases
humbled me, as I was inspired to be challenging, this whole
could render an emergency
by my colleagues’ unwavering experience ignited my interest
surgery unaffordable for most
optimism in the face of adversity. in paediatric anaesthesia, which
individuals. It is unacceptable for
Anaesthesia and intensive care became the focus of my clinical
any individual to have to make
were managed by four physician time at the hospital. Over time,
the choice between providing for
anaesthesiologists (consultants). I grew increasingly confident in
their family or paying for a life-
Nurse anaesthetists, who had handling paediatric emergencies,
saving operation. Regrettably, for
completed a one-year course leading anaesthesiology for a
many individuals, this choice is
after their nursing degrees, with range of procedures, including
not even feasible. Consequently,
varying years of experience, laparotomies, colostomies,
some patients delay seeking
primarily conducted theatre anorectoplasties, debridement of
treatment, or resort to more
cases. One of the physician severe burns as well as cleft lips
affordable traditional remedies
anaesthesiologists was and palates. I was also involved
that may not provide adequate
responsible for addressing in complex neonatal cases,
care. As a result, when these
issues that arose in all thirteen such as the repair of tracheo-
patients eventually present at
theatres, including assisting oesophageal fistulae and pyloric
a medical facility, they often
with the most complex cases. I stenosis. This experience further
have advanced diseases, or
had arrived hoping to teach and affirmed my desire to pursue
are critically ill, to the extent
share the wealth of knowledge paediatric anaesthesia.
that even simple tasks like a
I had acquired thus far. I found
haircut become impossible. While I was in Tanzania, I had
myself very quickly shifting from
Nevertheless, as medical the opportunity to perform and
‘master’ to apprentice.
professionals, we endeavour to teach different types of regional
On a national level, the field provide the best possible care anaesthesia blocks, such as
of anaesthesiology receives for these patients, as the very subarachnoid spinal block, caudal


In addition, I conducted should have access to an
simulation training sessions experienced anaesthetist
using a newly donated high- for regular check-ins and an
fidelity simulation suite. I open messaging system for
facilitated various simulation any queries they may have.
stations on topics such as This would help improve their
difficult intubation, hypoxia, knowledge and confidence,
hypertension, high airway ultimately leading to better
pressure, anaphylaxis, cardiac patient outcomes.
arrest, high spinal block, and
2. Develop a remote teaching
peri-operative haemorrhage.
program: I would like to
These sessions targeted nurse
create a curriculum focused
anaesthetists, students, and
on the CANESCA program
registrars in anaesthesia. With
to train more anaesthesia
these same groups, I also
providers in these neglected
carried out teaching sessions on
areas. By doing so, we
anaesthesia in various formats,
can improve the quality of
including one-to-one during
anaesthesia care provided to
theatre lists, formal lectures using
slides, group seminars, and skills
training sessions. The sessions 3. Host Zoom-based case
covered a range of topics from discussions: I believe in the
the FRCA curriculum, including power of open and honest
basic and advanced airway sharing of knowledge,
management, resuscitation, and which is why I would like
defibrillation. to create a platform for
for paediatric patients, TAP blocks, anaesthesia providers to
My vision is to improve the safety
supraclavicular, interscalene, discuss challenging cases
of anaesthesia in neglected parts
axillary, and individual upper and learn from each other’s
of the world, where it can be
limb nerve blocks. Fortunately, experiences.
shockingly unsafe due to various
the hospital had one ultrasound
pressures stemming from the lack I welcome anyone who is
machine that we could use with
of investment and recognition interested in volunteering or
22-gauge spinal needles as our
in the specialty. To achieve this, I needs assistance in organising
block needle. This experience
have set out several goals: such initiatives to contact me
increased my proficiency in
at any time. Together, we can
regional anaesthesia, motivating 1. Establish a remote
improve the safety and quality
me to seek further education mentorship program: I
of anaesthesia care in neglected
by attending courses and believe that every physician
parts of the world.
conferences. anaesthesia provider

Specialist Hereford Anaesthesia Remote and

Pre-Hospital Fellowship

A bespoke anaesthetic fellowship with the opportunity to gain insight in to either

Gain insight into PHEM by Prepare yourself with the
attending unique teaching knowledge and skills for work
Anaesthesia in a District
and simulation opportunities. overseas with support from
General Hospital; 3 tiers of on
Develop skills during experienced mentors. Attend
call. 6 months anaesthetic
supervised shifts with courses in global anaesthesia
experience desirable.
regional Enhanced Care and contribute to global
Teams project work

For more information contact:

Anaesthesia & PHEM: Dr Katie White
Global Anaesthesia: Dr Becky Paris
Dr Julian Chilvers


supporting anaesthesia in resource-poor settings
June 2023
ISSN 2756-1917

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