Employee Training and Development

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Employee training and development is a program that helps to learn a particular skill as well
as knowledge to improve employee productivity & performance in their current
organization or job role. It developed future performance & helps focused on more employee

Employee training & development may sound similar but both have different meanings and
roles. An Employee training refers to a short-term activity that focuses on the specific role of the
employee. It focuses on the immediate need or requirement of the role. In a more formal sense,
employee training is the process of providing the required skills to an employee for a specific

Whereas, employee development has a broader scope. It is a long-term activity that focuses on
the development of an individual. Employee development can be defined as the process
of employees honing, developing, and learning new skills that align with the goals and the vision
of the company.

Tools for Employee Training

Different organizations have different training approaches, while most of them have a mix of the
following programs. The following are the most common approaches to “Employee Training and

1. Educational Videos
2. Work Shadowing
3. Attending conferences/ workshops and seminars
4. Instructional guides
5. Training material
6. Case studies
7. Group discussions
8. Mentoring as well as coaching programs
9. Simulation methods
10. Benchmarking
11. An analytical approach through questionnaires, cognitive analysis, etc.
12. Training guides & manuals.
Some of The Innovative Approaches For Training and
Development in HRM are:
1. Gamification
2. Feedback Oriented Training
3. e-learning
4. Interactive Software Assistance

1. Gamification
The aid of artificial intelligence, influenced by the element of gamification, is now used to train
employees. A visually stimulating environment that creates a near real work problem scenario
with a solution approach. Also, this is uniquely designed to offer employees a pilot
understanding of the actual work situations. The modules are analyzed for winning or losing
remarks as results. Gamification ensures better understanding as well as the confidence to deal
with real work situations.

2. Feedback Oriented Training

A feedback system ensures better facilitation of newer approaches. Feedback Oriented Training
ensures what has not worked in the past and what is the possible gap that can be understood and
eliminated in the forthcoming programs.

3. E-learning
E-Learning is the quick fix training method for the geographical scope of implementation.
Organizations having a wider worldwide reach and also working on standard practices can have
an e-learning platform as a one-point solution to offer training.

The e-learning method also means that the training database could be accessed any number of
times without having a physical trainer and repetitive training costs.

4. A Trainer
What cannot be replicated is a physical trainer who comes with a precious treasure of experience,
and inarguably who cannot compare to Artificial Intelligence. A trainer has case-specific
solutions and approaches as compared to the standard training modules and Artificial
Intelligence. A human touch to learning is anytime an incomparable experience.

5. Share Employee Success Stories

When an employee does commendable work, make it a point to appreciate their work in front of
other employees. Apart from inspiring other employees, this will also challenge them to work
better. Furthermore, it will help the employee feel recognized and seen by the organization.
Appreciating and rewarding the right behaviour can also be categorised under training and
development in HRM. It shows an employee which path should be taken and guides their way

Barriers in Employee Training and

Employee training and development is a vast arena, and organizations often face challenges in
setting the right learning culture. Some of the challenges faced are:

1. Lack of a robust training department.

2. Lack of management support.
3. A weak culture that does not facilitate learning as well as implementation in the
4. Employee is resistant to attend training.
5. A fundamental not only non-clarity of job roles but also growth path.
6. Budget Constraints
7. Ambiguous company policies.

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