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IN THE COURT OF ______________________________


DIVORCE PETITION NO. _________ OF 20____

_______________________ … Petitioner
_______________________ … Respondent


The Court, having heard evidence on the verified Petition for Dissolution
of Marriage, filed in this cause on ______________________ and now being duly
advised in the premises; FINDS:

(1) That residency requirements of _________________________ have been proven;

(2) That a Summons, with a copy of the verified Petition attached, has been
served upon all interested parties and hearing of all concerned as appeared
(3) That in respect of children that __________________________________________
(4) That in regards to disposition of any and all property acquired during or as
a result of the marriage that _________________________________________________
(5) That the allegations of the verified Petition are true and that the existing
marital relationship between the parties is irretrievably broken and should be
dissolved on _____________________ of parties known as __________________
according to ___________________________________.

IT IS THEREFORE ORDERED, by the Court, that the marriage of

____________________________________ and _____________________________ is
hereby dissolved with effect from _______________________ in terms of
_____________________ according to __________________________.

SO ORDERED this ______________ day of _________________, 20______


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