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Management Bill, 2014p; Mining Bill, 2014

;Water Bill, 2014; The Prevention and

Control of Marine Pollution Bill, 2014 ;
Natural Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill,
COUNCIL OF GOVERNORS 2014; The Climate Change Bill, 2014.

Environment Committee Correspondingly, various Acts of

Parliament such as the Transition to
Devolved Government Act (2012); County
The Environment Committee was Government Act (2012) ; Public Finance
constituted to consider all matters relating Management Act(2012) ; The Environment
to sustainable water management; and Land Court Act, 2011; Wildlife
mining; climate change; environment Conservation and Management Act, No.
management and conservation; forestry; 47 of 2013.
natural resources; pollution and waste
The committee work is founded on the
Environmental rights and freedoms as
The committees’ mandate revolves presented in Article 42 of the constitution,
around current bills before National which states: Every person has the right to
Assembly, Senate and County Assemblies a clean and healthy environment, which
relating to all the above matters; National includes the right –
policies, best practices and emerging
a. To have the environment
trends and technologies, inter-county
protected for the benefit of
agreements relating to cross-county
present and future generations
through legislative and other
The committee provides technical measures, particularly those
assistance in terms of correspondence, contemplated in Article 69; and
inquiry, research, policy analysis, and b. To have obligations relating to the
resource development for county environment fulfilled under Article
governments across a range of policy 70.11
issues. The policies target counties as
engines of sustainable economic growth. Opportunities

Legal framework for the Committee’s The committee offers a platform for
activities informed decision making at all levels of
government for equitable and sustainable
The primary source of legislation on the
development. The committee also avails
Committee’s activities is the Constitution
choices and opportunities to the Counties
of Kenya. It provides reference to the
to follow universally accepted principles in
Environmental Management Coordination
environmental decision making, with
Amendment (EMCA) Bill 2014, The Water
emphasis on the basic right to a clean
Bill, 2014; Forests Conservation and
environment and the specific provisions
on proactive public participation arising 2. Enhancing COGs leadership role
from Article 69 of the constitution. through inter and intra county
participation in policy and legal
3. Enhancing County Governments’
The committee develops and maintains a understanding of environmental
variety of research, technical and advisory issues and the need to develop in a
resources on environment: climate sustainable manner;
change, water, minerals, marine,
wetlands, forests, waste management, 4. Developing and mainstreaming
wildlife and biodiversity. legal/policy frameworks for
incorporation into sector plans and
Status Briefs: The Environment strategies
Committee is currently involved in the
review of legal and policy frameworks Our Impact
such as the Environmental Management The Committees’ contribution to the
Coordination Amendment (EMCA) Bill implementation of the devolved system of
2014, The Water Bill, 2014; Forests governance is largely on course. The
Conservation and Management Policy and required legislation, regulations, systems
Bill, 2014; Mining Bill, 2014; Water Bill, and structures are at various stages of
2014; The Prevention and Control of operationalization. The progress made so
Marine Pollution Bill, 2014; Natural far sets the foundation for the realization
Resources (Benefit Sharing) Bill, 2014 and of the objects and principles of devolved
The Forests (Charcoal) Regulations, 2009. government as provided for in Articles 174
This will ensure coordination of urban and 175 of the Constitution respectively.
development programs at the county level Success at County Level
where the direct mandate for urban
governance and management resides.  Discussions on the model County
Climate Change Bills are ongoing
Our Approach  The Clean Energy Village Initiative
The Committee seeks to achieve its (CEVI) in Kwale County
objectives and mandate through the
following ways:
1. Increasing CoGs knowledge base and
repository on linkages between
national processes and county
activities and aligning COGs
institutional policies to sustainability

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