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1. Is everybody in the house being questioned?
2. He is considered to be a great leader by the people.
3. The ozone layer has been damaged by aerosol sprays.
4. Paddy will have been sown by the farmers before the rains.
5. The same television programme will be watched by people in many towns.
6. The President’s speech was listened to by thousands of people.
7. A special edition for children has been written by the author.
8. My camera has been stolen.
9. You are requested to close the window.
10. The bun must have been eaten by the cat.

1. Our opponents must have started this rumour.
2. They have now proved this theory false.
3. Someone has altered this notice.
4. Why should you suspect him?
5. The workers are packing the boxes.
6. The waiter has stolen my mobile phone.
7. They are taking too much for granted.
8. Has the tea been sold by the grocer?
9. Jane was invited but Kate was not invited by them.
10. The book will have been read by her.

1. at 2. on 3. down 4. After 5. at
6. on 7. up 8. On 9. up 10. off
11. up 12. Off 13. Away 14. up 15. up
16. With 17. out 18. over 19. out 20. Up


Question 3
(a) She was so full that she could not have another cup of tea.
(b) Mother told Raja that a registered letter came for him the previous day.
(c) Little did anyone know about his plans for the future.
(d) The plants were revived by the heavy rains.
(e) Hardly had she reached home when she learnt that she had to leave for Mumbai.

(a) by (b) within (c) over (d) on (e) for
(f) into (g) with (h) from (i) aside (j) up

1. Lay 2. overcast 3. closed 4. passed 5. was carrying
6. touched 7. woke 8. Startled 9. saw 10. Reflected

Question 4
(i) (a)
(1) scornful (line 5) (2) apex (line 10) (3) courtly (line 26)

(b) (1) (D) (2) (B) (3) (A).

a) Mrs. Swann was worried that her son, Gilbert’s playing his violoncello at the concert
would be adversely affected by his hands getting cold. Gilbert would be unable to
keep his hands warm while going to the Alexandra Hall as he would have to hold his
b) Gilbert was supposed to play his violoncello at the concert. Mrs Swann had a very
high opinion of her son. She believed that he was so good that he was either the
foundation or the top-most musician at the concert.
c) Mrs. Swann carried two hot potatoes in her muff. She intended to slip the hot
potatoes to her son so that he could keep his hands warm.

Mrs. Swann hid the hot potatoes in a muff that matched her dress. In her
nervousness to hide her real reason to go to Mrs. Clayton’s house she clenched at a
potato so hard that the steam started coming out from the muff. She tried holding the
mashed potato but pieces of it slipped out in front of her mantle. The other potatoes
slipped out and she put her foot on it, crushing it completely. At this time Mrs. Clayton
said she had baked potatoes to warm the hands of the young musicians before the
concert—Mrs. Swann’s intention.

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