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JB 7


- Set yourself up for success!

- Esnure those around you can count on you. QUALITY GOODS CLUB
- Go home relaxed knowing you've done your duties. Manager Opening Checklist

Topic Subject Check Notes

Unlock Front Door

Turn on Cleaning lights and and wall lamps

Turn on AC

Turn on WinterHalter Dishwasher as to heat up water (can take up to 20m)

Unlock Fire Exits for easy access

Opening Up 15:00 - 15:30 Check Roster for staff and ensure all on duty.

Check on Kitchen and ensure all Chefs are in venue at 13:00 for normal days.

If Chefs are not in, temprature check all refrigerators and freezers and log on Temp Sheet.

Check that Felix is on site and setting up for that evenings Live Entertainment

Ensure Laundry and Napkins are retrieved from Shady Acres and ready for folding

Turn bathroom taps on and leave on for the next 2-3 Hours to ensure toilet pump turns on

Clear Clipbaord of previous nights Briefing sheet and Guest List

Attach new Briefing Sheet, QGC Booking List, and QGC Waitlist sheets

Based on Staff, allocate all staff to sections on Briefing Sheet

Count Floats and change up till where necessary

Ensure BBPOS and iPads are all charged

Check 86's with Chefs and find items they would like to push

Check 86's with Bar, spirits, wines, beers, etc

Check Goods Reserved WhatsApp group for booking requests for the evening. Input into Sevenrooms

Set Up 15:30 - 16:30 Check Events Sheet on Gdrive and ensure all special requests, deposits and catered to, add to Sevenr

Ensure Chefs are cooking staff meal and always ready for 16:00.

Ensure Felix has turned Amps on and venue is ready for both iPod and Band

Ensure stage equipment is neat and tidy at all time, no drinks, ugly cables, etc

Ensure iPad on stage is connected to QGC Radio wifi

Ensure Front Door iPad is charged and connected Spotify and playing through (iPad 2)

Ensure Audio & Lighting Mac is charged at front door

Turn on DMX light swithched on lighting pannel to activate DMX colour lights for stage

Ensure all staff are now on and doing their respective opening duties via Checklists

Sit down with Duty Managers and HODs to Pre-Brief, this ensures you're all on the same page and
staff get a unified and clear message

Start filling in Servive note on briefing sheet to focus on tonights targets, quiet or busy nights

Do a walk around the venue to note all last duties to be handed to specific staff members right after
briefing. Make a list and write names to each task to ensure delivery
Pre-Shift Brief 16:30 - 17:45
Make sure to make a plan for changes in service times, pre band, band, post band, dj, etc. Door
policy changing and sections changing with smaller or larger groups
Remind Staff to all be present and aware of timings. Without constant reminders of time, people
drift and can lose focus

Briefing is to happen at 17:30 every day. Non negotiable. Must happen and on time.

Now focus, drop everything and ensure venue is ready in final minutes

No customer is to access the venue before 18:00. We're not ready, we do not make acceptions.
Their first impression of the business cannot be risked in any way.

Check Toilets are set up, no leaks, no odor, topped up

Candles all lit across venue

Cleaning lights off and all lamps dimmed to the same level

Post Brief 17:45 - 18:00

JB 7

All LED's on floor to be dimmed to the minimum setting

Display LED, Standing LED and Reception LED NOT TO BE TURNED ON. They suck.

BAR Centre LED to medium

Post Brief 17:45 - 18:00 Bar Station LED to minimum

Last checks for table allignment and wobbles

Ensure candle placement is always in centre of table

Flowers on tables are looking fresh

Finger test your tables, its dark, you might not see a smudge, but you can always feel it.

Ensure alley is clean and free of debris

Marine light and Music City sign on and working

Turn Fans on

Ensure Clipboard with Waiting list and venue stamp are at door and ready for service


JB 7


- Set up the Opening Manager for success!

- Esnure those around you can count on you. QUALITY GOODS CLUB
- Go home relaxed knowing you've done your duties. Manager Closing Checklist

Topic Subject Check Notes

Be aware of your timings. Closing at 00:00-02:00-04:00.

Last orders are always 15 min before closing.

Getting ready to close
Make sure to remind all staff to be aware of their tabs and bills

Lets security know about last orders and re-entry policy

Last order to be done.

Tabs to all be closed. Be it cashed off or ENT'd to members.

Retrieve Floor Cash Till and input cash figure into Cash Up sheet.

Separate $2000 floor float, and remaindeer is cash for the floor.

Retrieve Bar Cash Till and input cash figure into Cash Up sheet.

Separate $4000 Bar float, and remaindeer is cash for the Bar.

As last orders have been done, we start to raise the lights gentrly, only edison bulbs, and every 5 min.

Cleaning lights can go up exactly at closing time to remind guests to leave.

Security is to fullfill their own chekclist

Ensure all staff are doing their closing checklist.

Turn DMX lights off

Turn DJ equipment off

Go through Cash Up SOP

Check toilets are clean and no guests left behind

Turn all AC's off

Turn off all lights including LED's and DMX

Ensrue all doors are securely locked

Turn off Marine light and Music City sign

Turn off all AMPs in Amp Room

Ensure no staff left in kitchen

Ensure all equipment is turned off in kitchen, fryers, induction, flat top, ovens (unless instructed otherwise)

Lock Kitchen door


JB 7

- Set yourself up for success!
- Esnure those around you can count on you.
- Go home relaxed knowing you've done your duties.
Before you embark on this program with any Trainee, ensure you have the following items ready and up to date:
Topic Subject Check Notes
Unlock Front Door

Turn on Cleaning lights and and wall lamps

Opening Up Turn on AC

Turn on WinterHalter Dishwasher as to heat up water (can take up to 20m)

Unlock Fire Exits for easy access

Make sure ipads are all charging

Cutlery is stocked and wiped

Sharing plates are clean and stocked up

Water Glasses clean are stocked

Napkins clean and folded

Candle Holders Clean and topped up with water

Tea light candles stocked up

Large pillar candles stocked up

Trays clean

Menus Clean and Updated for service

Stations Set Up Printers stocked up with printer roll

Note Pads

Surgical Masks

Alcahol Gel

Mirco fiber cloths clean and ready for service.

Tray for micro fiber cloths clean

Alcohol Spray for table

Wine knives stocked up

Cutlery stand wine corks stocked up for service

Flower vases clean and topped up

Flowers for tables fresh

Sweep Floor, Stage, and Stairs

Vacuum Top Deck

Heavy duty mop the whole lower floor

Wipe Table tops

Cleaning Wipe down sofa seats

Crumb and fluff up cushions

Wipe Bar counter

Wipe drinks shelves

Check for gum under tables and chairs

Ensure Printer in kitchen is connected and roll topped up

Ensure plates are clean and topped up

Ensure serving trays and cloches are clean are ready

Docket Holder secure are ready for service

Pass Set Up Docket Spike

Ensure Watch Pagers are connected

JB 7
Pass Set Up

Watch Pagers Charged and ready for service

Check 86 items with chef and mention to MOD

Mirco fiber cloths clean and ready to clean pass and trays

Sweep Alley, Front and Back

Move Plants perpendicular to wall to block off back alley

Wipe doors and handles to ensure clean to touch

Sweep floor mats at all doors

Check lightbulbs all on outside

Outdoor Bring out and align queue barriers

Top up outdoor cooler with ice and water for late night queues

Turn on fans on alley

Ensure Leave Home Safe App QR codes are placed and visible on Alley

Light 2-3 insense sticks along Alley

Ensure Corridoor from Kitchen to Venue is clear of debris

Turn on water taps and leave running for a good hour or two to flush system

After 1-2 hours of water running, dump 2 bottles of Detol down the sinks and urinals

Mop Toilets with specific Toilet Mop

Wipe all mirrors and ensure no finger prints or smudges

Top up soap despensers

Top up toilet roll

Toilets Ensure hand dryers on and working

Turn on AC

Top up Bleach Spray

Top up Detol Bottles

Top up Sergical Gloves

Ensure rubbish bins are empty

Ensure defuser is turned on and topped up



JB 7


Closing Checklist FOH

- Leave the venue cleaner than you found it.
- Esnure those around you can count on you tomorrow.
- Go home relaxed knowing you've done your duties.

Before you embark on this program with any Trainee, ensure you have the following items ready and up to date:

Topic Subject Check Notes

Make sure ipads are all charging

Make sure all tabs are closed

Remove all candles from tables, but only after cleaning lights have come on.

Sweep floor and upper deck

Mop entire floor

Wipe all the tables.

Bring down stools from outside and place on uppder deck

Check BBPOS and ensure they are charged

Check iPads and ensure they are charged

Check toilets and make sure clean

Cutlery is stocked and wiped

Sharing plates are clean and stocked up

Water Glasses clean are stocked

Napkins clean and folded

Candle Holders Cleaned and put back in station

Stations Set Up
Tea light candles stocked up

Large pillar candles stocked up

Trays clean

Menus Clean and Updated for service

Printers stocked up with printer roll

Note Pads

Surgical Masks

Alcahol Gel

Mirco fiber cloths clean and ready for service.

Tray for micro fiber cloths clean

Alcohol Spray for table

Wine knives stocked up

Cutlery stand wine corks stocked up for service

Flower vases clean and topped up

Flowers for tables fresh

Sweep Floor, Stage, and Stairs

Wonder Mop the whole floor

Vacuum the Upper Deck

Align Tables and design


Wipe Table tops

Wipe down sofa seats

Crumb and fluff up cushions

JB 7

Wipe Bar counter

Wipe drinks shelves

Ensure Printer in kitchen is connected and roll topped up

Ensure plates are clean and topped up

Ensure serving trays and cloches are clean are ready

Docket Holder secure are ready for service

Pass Clean Up
Docket Spike

Ensure Watch Pagers is connected

Watch Pagers Charged and ready for service

Mirco fiber cloths clean and ready to clean pass and trays

Sweep Alley, Front and Back

Move Plants parallel to wall to block not block alley

Outdoor Wipe doors and handles to ensure clean to touch

Sweep floor mats at all doors

Water Plants outside

Mop Toilets with specific Toilet Mop

Wipe all mirrors and ensure no finger prints or smudges

Top up soap despensers

Toilets Top up toilet roll

Ensure hand dryers on and working


Ensure defuser is turned OFF and topped up


Double check no one in Toilets

Closing Up Double check no candles still lit

Turn OFF all lights

Ensure all fire exits locked

Turn OFF all Amps

Lock Amp room door

Ensure Kitchen Door Locked



JB 7


Closing Checklist SECURITY

- Leave the venue cleaner than you found it.
- Esnure those around you can count on you tomorrow.
- Go home relaxed knowing you've done your duties.

Before you embark on this program with any Trainee, ensure you have the following items ready and up to date:

Topic Subject Check Notes

Make sure ipads are all charging

Unlock front door

Turn on Cleaning Lights and Wall Lamps

Turn on AC (Mains & Toilets)

Turn on Winterhalter Dishwasher

Unlock Fire Exit for easy access

Check Laundry (Very Important)

Check BBPOS and ensure they are charged

Check iPads and ensure they are charged

Check toilets and make sure clean

Cutlery is stocked and wiped

Sharing plates are clean and stocked up

Water Glasses clean are stocked

Napkins clean and folded

Candle Holders Cleaned and put back in station

Stations Set Up
Tea light candles stocked up

Large pillar candles stocked up

Trays clean

Menus Clean and Updated for service

Printers stocked up with printer roll

Note Pads

Surgical Masks

Alcahol Gel

Mirco fiber cloths clean and ready for service.

Tray for micro fiber cloths clean

Alcohol Spray for table

Wine knives stocked up

Cutlery stand wine corks stocked up for service

Flower vases clean and topped up

Flowers for tables fresh

Sweep Floor, Stage, and Stairs

Wonder Mop the whole floor

Vacuum the Upper Deck

Align Tables and design


Wipe Table tops

Wipe down sofa seats

Crumb and fluff up cushions

JB 7

Wipe Bar counter

Wipe drinks shelves

Ensure Printer in kitchen is connected and roll topped up

Ensure plates are clean and topped up

Ensure serving trays and cloches are clean are ready

Docket Holder secure are ready for service

Pass Clean Up
Docket Spike

Ensure Watch Pagers is connected

Watch Pagers Charged and ready for service

Mirco fiber cloths clean and ready to clean pass and trays

Sweep Alley, Front and Back

Move Plants parallel to wall to block not block alley

Outdoor Wipe doors and handles to ensure clean to touch

Sweep floor mats at all doors

Water Plants outside

Mop Toilets with specific Toilet Mop

Wipe all mirrors and ensure no finger prints or smudges

Top up soap despensers

Toilets Top up toilet roll

Ensure hand dryers on and working


Ensure defuser is turned OFF and topped up


Double check no one in Toilets

Closing Up Double check no candles still lit

Turn OFF all lights

Ensure all fire exits locked

Turn OFF all Amps

Lock Amp room door

Ensure Kitchen Door Locked



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