SHS Exam

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Paco Citizen Academy Foundation

Junior High School Department
A.Y. 2022– 2023
Second Quater Examination PE/HEALTH 12

Name: Date:
Grade & Section: Teacher:

Direction: Choose the correct answer and write it on the space provided.
1. Refer to how the body uses oxygen to meet sufficient energy demands during exercise.
a. Aerobic Exercise c. Anaerobic Exercise
b. Anaerobic Fitness d. Aerobic Endurance
2. Exercises that are done quickly for short periods of time.
a. Aerobic Exercise c. Anaerobic Exercise
b. Anaerobic Fitness d. Aerobic Endurance
3. The ability to bend, twist, reach, and move the joints easily.
a. Flexible c. Gymnastic
b. Flexibility d. Flexies
4. Refers to the ability to perform activities that need increased oxygen for a period of time.
a. Cardiorespiratory c. Endurance
b. Cardiorespiratory endurance d. Respiration
5. A nutrient that serves many purposes. It is needed for the building and repair of body tissues.
a. Vegetable c. Vitamins
b. Water d. Physical Fitness Pyramid
6. Essential to many different bodily functions. They help the body use carbohyrdates, proteins, and fats?
a. Vitamins c. Vegetable
b. Water d. Heart resting rate
7. A vitamin is for growth, good eyesight, and healthy skin.
a. Vitamin E c. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin B
8. A vitamin is good for building resistance to infection, healing, developing, healthy gums, and providing
good blood circulation.
a. Vitamin E c. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin B
9. A vitamin also known as ascorbic acid, is necessary for growth development and repair of all body
a. Vitamin E c. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin B
10. A vitamin is needed by the body for developing healthy bones and teeth.
a. Vitamin D c. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin B
11. A vitamin is needed for the different functions of the nerves and muscles.
a. Vitamin E c. Vitamin A
b. Vitamin C d. Vitamin B
12. Nutrients that are needed in many body processes.
a. Vitamins c. Minerals
b. Carbohydrates d. Protein
13. Essential nutrients needed for the continuous growth and repair of body tissues.
a. Vitamins c. Minerals
b. Carbohydrates d. Protein
14. Your personal taste has a lot to do with what you choose to eat.
a. Personal Taste c. Conveniece
b. Food Costs d. Family or Religious Traditions
15. Your family traditions or your cultural background may be another reason that can affect the types of
food you decide to eat.
a. Personal Taste c. Conveniece
b. Food Costs d. Family or Religious Traditions
16. You are most likely to be tempted to eat some food that are readily within your reach because they are
conveniently available.
a. Personal Taste c. Conveniece
b. Food Costs d. Family or Religious Traditions
17. Most often, cost affects the kinds of food your family buys regularly.
a. Personal Taste c. Conveniece
b. Food Costs d. Family or Religious Traditions
18. Your peers may also influence your eating habits.
a. Supermarket c. Availability of Certain Foods
b. Peer Pressure d. Family or Religious Traditions
19. Refuse to eat when they are in deep emotional trouble.
a. Social Eating c. Type
b. Emotional Eating d. Physical Eating
20. Join your friends, relatives, or associates in any eating session.
a. Social Eating c. Type
b. Emotional Eating d. Physical Eating

Directions. Choose the letter of the correct answer from this box below and then write it on the space
provided before each number.

a. Speed f. Agility
b. Muscular Strength g. Balance
c. Flexibility h. Body Coordination
d. Group Sports i. Physical Fitness
e. Power j. Individual Sports
____31. The ability of the muscles and joints to go through a full range of motion.

____32. The ability to perform a task or move from one point to another in the shortest possible time.

____33. The ability to stay in equilibrium in relation to changes in body position.

____34. The ability of the muscle to exert maximal effort in brief duration.

____35. It is the integration with hand and foot movement.

____36. The ability of an individual to quickly shift or change direction of the body from one point to the other.

____37. It is the product of both strength and speed.

____38. It is body’s ability to function effectively and efficiently without undue fatigue in work.

____39. Sports that played by a single player

____40. Sports that played by a group of players.

Enumeration: List down or enumerate what are being asked on each of the following item.

41- 45 (Factors that Influences Food choices)

41.________________________________ personal taste

42. ________________________________ family or religious tradtions

43. ________________________________ convenience

44. ________________________________ Food costs

45. ________________________________ peer pressure

46-51(Six types of nutrients found in food)

46. ________________________________ proteins

47. ________________________________ carbohydrates

48. ________________________________fats

49. ________________________________ vitamins

50. ________________________________minerals

51. ________________________________water

52-55 (Types of Minerals)

52. _________________________________ calcium

53. _________________________________ iron

54. _________________________________ zinc

55. _________________________________ potassium/ selenium

56-58 (Types of Fitness Exercises)

56. ________________________________ aerobic

57. ________________________________anaerobic

58. ________________________________flexibility

59-60 (Two Types of Aerobic Activities)

59. _________________________________ moderately intense aerobics

60. _________________________________ vigorously intense aerobics

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