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Name and Surname: _____________________________ Exam Score: ______
School Number: _________ Class: Prep/____ 14 April 2023

A. GRAMMAR (40 points)

Part I: Complete the conversation with the past tense of the verbs in the parentheses. Be
careful with (+), (–), and (?).
Part II: Please fill in the blanks with the prepositions in the box.

on between in among next to out of with over at

1. Look at the helicopter ___________ the air. It is pink.

2. Ryan often goes to bed _____________ midnight
3. I never work ______________ Sundays.
4. Nelson always sits ___________ Margaret in the classroom, and their desk is ________ Clara
and Mandy's.
5. The dog jumped ____________ the fence.
6. A: Can you see the turtle ____________ the flowers?
B: Yes, it is coming _________ its shell. It is not afraid of us!
7. She painted the picture ___________ a brush.

B. LISTENING (16 points)

Put the numbers in the correct group.

5,325 14 8,000,000 25th June

21st June 525 1.27 m 8,000

1985 671 0208 542 8976 1995

01442 9977 40 103 68

Numbers you hear Numbers you don’t hear

C. READING (24 points)


William Shakespeare was born in Stratford on April 23rd, 1564. His father, John
Shakespeare, was an important man in the town – William didn’t come from a poor family. /
When he was eighteen, William married Anne Hathaway in Stratford but he didn’t want to
stay there. He wanted to be an actor and the best theatres were in London. So, in 1587, William
went to London, where he worked as an actor in a theatre called The Rose.
He began to write plays for the actors. He wrote Romeo and Juliet, Julius Caesar,
Richard II, Antony and Cleopatra and many more. Everyone liked his plays, and he became
When James II became king in 1603, Shakespeare worked for him, and performed his plays
for the King and his friends. He also worked at the famous Globe Theatre. This play presented his
last play, Henry VIII. There was a gun in this play, and the fire from the gun burned the theatre
In 1610, Shakespeare went back to Stratford. He wanted to live there with his family, but he
died on April 23rd, 1610. He was only forty-six years old.

Part I: Read the text and answer the questions.

1. How old was Shakespeare when he got married?

2. What was his wife’s name?
3. Why did Shakespeare go to London?
4. What was the name of the first theatre he worked in?
5. What was he famous for?
6. How old was Shakespeare when he died?

Part II: Fill in the table with what happened in Shakespeare’s life in these years.


D. VOCABULARY (10 points)

Use the words in the box to complete the sentences.

raise alone feed poet magical

mistakes description shape store length

1. I don't like going out ______________in the dark.

2. We only sell quality products in this ________________.
3. Few people are happy with their body __________________.
4. Don’t forget to _____________ the cat.
5. ________________your hand before you speak.
6. Shakespeare is the most well-known British ______________.
7. He gave a very detailed ______________ of the thief to the police.
8. We had a _______________ night in Paris.
9. He had a lot of _________________ in his writing.
10. The carpet is over three meters in _________________.

E. WRITING (10 Points)

Describe your last summer holiday. Write between 30 to 50 words. Pay attention to your
spelling, grammar and punctuation.

Good Luck =)
Hatice YAĞCI
Teacher of English

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