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At the outset I offer my cordial devotion to the almighty

who stands above to shower the blessings and devotion. This
seminar paper marks the culmination of my Bachelor Degree of
Arts English Honors. I would like to express my deep sense of
gratitude to my esteemed teacher, and supervisor, Mr.
Biswanath Pani, Assistant professor of English, Dept of
English, M.P.C. Auto college, Takhatpur, Baripada, for his
active interest, valuable guidance and constant encouragement
throughout the preparation of my seminar report I am very
thankful to our H.O.D. Mr. Rabindra Kumar Behera and rest of
the faculty members for their timely suggestions and
encouragement completing my seminar paper in I also want to
convey my gratitude to my friends and family members for their
earnest co-operation in the execution of this project.



I Miss. Samikshya Mohanty, do hereby declare that, this

seminar report entitled, "A STUDY OF YOUTH CULTURE IN
FIVE POINT SOMEONE", is prepared and submitted by me in
partial fulfillment of the requirement of Bachelor of Arts Degree
in English of M.PC. AUTONOMOUS COLLEGE, Baripada
under the supervision of Mr. Biswanat Pani, Assistant
Professor of English, Department of English. This bonafied
piece of work has not been submitted to any other institution or
published anywhere else earlier.



This is to certified that, Miss. Samikshya Mohanty

English Honours, bearing Roll No. BA 19-477, Examination
Roll No.- 0419020, has prepared and presented the seminar
POINT SOMEONE", under my supervision for the session



1. Synopsis

2. Chapter I. Introduction

1.1 Chetan Bhagat as a Writer of Popular Literature

1.2 Chetan Bhagat's Contribution in Popular Literature

4. Chapter II. Youth And Youth Culture

5. Chapter III. Five Point Someone

3.1 Campus Setting Of The Novel

3.2 Plot Overview And Character Analysis

6. Chapter IV. Representation Of A New Generation In Bhagat's Five Point Someone

7. Chapter V. Youth Issues

5.1 Education

5.2 Employment

5.3 Migration

5.4 Overburdening

5.5 Student Oriented Teaching

5.6 Different Problem Of Society

8. Chapter VI. Youth's Protesting Voice

6.1 Struggle For Beating The System

6.2 Importance Of Inner Voice

9. Chapter VII. Conclusion

10. Chapter VIII. Bibliography


Five Point Someone - What not to do at IIT!, was published in 2004. The story
is centered on three mechanical engineering students with five point GP at IIT,
where the author himself had once studied. It deals with the unfair grading system
adopted by the higher education system which places students into higher and lower
echelon based on their rote-learning skills. The story is narrated from the first person
perspective of one of the friends in a light-hearted tone. Essentially, the book targets
the ineffective and uninspiring teaching methods and evaluation system employed by
the internationally recognized institutions. The author points out that such institutions
merely produce a stock of engineers based on their ability to memorize everything
that has been taught rather than encouraging students to tap into their creativity.

Chetan Bhagat's debut novel Five Point Someone - What not to do at IIT! is
one of the highest selling English novels published in India and remained on the
bestseller list until now since its release in 2004. The story is centered on three
mechanical engineering students with five point GP at IIT. It deals with the unfair
grading system adopted by the higher education system which places students into
higher and lower echelon based on their rote-learning skills. The book revolves
around Bhagat's thoughts and innovations on how to improve the Indian Economy
through social reforms. It targets the ineffective and uninspiring teaching methods
and evaluation system employed by the internationally recognized institutions. The
author points out that such institutions merely produce a stock of engineers based on
their ability to memorize everything that has been taught rather than encouraging
students to tap into their creativity. The novel also depicts youths, youth oriented
views, youth's problems, and their inner struggle while coping with the present
education system as well as the picture of youth culture. The present paper is an
attempt to study Chetan Bhagat's Five Point Someone as a critique of youth culture.
It also deals with the youth issues and the aspects of post modernist thought process
where the engineering youth tries to stand against the conventional system of
imparting technical education and traditional way of evaluating the cognitive abilities
of a student on the basis of CGPA reflected in Five Point Someone.


Popular literature is a literature which capture the attention of an large no of
audience. It can be distinguished from artistic literatute in that it is designed primarily
to entertain theaudience. Popular literature, unlike high literature, generally does not
seek a high degree of formal beauty or subtlety and is not intented to endure. The
growth of popular literature has paralleled the spread of literature through education
and has been facilitated by technological developments in printing. With the
Industrial Revolution, works if literature, which were previously produced for
consumption by small, well-educated elites became accessible to large sections and
even majorities of the members of the population. The most important genre in
popular literature has been the romance, it is coming from the middle ages to the
present. The most type of romance describes the obstacles encountered by two
people engaged in a forbidden love. Another common genre is that of fantasy, or
science fiction. Finally, the detective story or murder mystery is a widely read form of
popular literature. Popular literature has also come to includes such genres as comic
books and cartoon scripts.


Chetan Baghat, a rising star in the contemporary modern Indian literature, is a

multitalented personality. He is a novelist columnist, public speaker and a screenplay
writer. His notable works include Five Point Someone, The 3 Mistakes of My Life and
2 States. Most of his literary works address the issues related to Indian youth and
their aspirations which earned Baghat status of the youth icon. His debut novel, Five
Point Someone What not to do at IIT was published in 2004.

Five Point Someone instantly became both literary and commercial success.
Baghat reached at the zenith of his popularity with his debut that was later turned
into a critically acclaimed film titled, 3 Idiots (2009). It was followed by his second
equally successful novel, One Night At A Call Center. In fact, it was adapted for big-
screen as Hello and Baghat himself wrote the screenplay. However, the adaptation
failed to capture audience's attention and called a flop. In 2008, he penned The 3
Mistakes of My Life, which is based on the all-time favorite Indian sports, cricket. The
novel garnered positive reviews and the film adaptation released in 2013, Kai Po
Che!, became a hit.

Baghat's fourth novel, 2 States: The Story of My Marriage, is a

autobiographical novel that focuses on the prevailing issue of interstate marriage in
India. It is based on Baghat's and his wife's own experience, who like the protagonist
of the novel relentlessly tried to convince their respective families of different casts to
approve of their marriage. The book highlights the conservative mindset shared by
several sects in Indian states which prohibit marriage outside their cast. The book
and its film adaptation was a major success. Bhagat wrote two more books;
Revolution 2020 (2011), and What Young India Wants (2012). Additionally, he
received Society Young Achiever' award, Publisher's Recognition award and
Filmfare Award for Best Screenplay.



Youth is the investment of a nation who takes the legacy and the culture
forward and represents one's nation in the world. Their energy, determination and
focus -- build the tomorrow. Keeping that in mind Chetan Bhagat's novels explores
the personal and professional aspects of our youth. His novels and articles are
famous because they not only focus on the problems and glitches of young
generation but then he also gives suggestions on how to come out these hard-hitting

In the 21st century, everywhere in the world, youth is considered as the power
of its nation. And it's true as the nation can become powerful only if its youth is
contributing for the development of the nation. Though the nations are trying to do a
lot for youth but on the other hand they are worried about them as they are
sometimes wasting their time for useless things or using talent for wrong works, etc.
In the same way. India is also trying to focus on youth and issues of youth. The
former president of India Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam always tried to ignite the minds of
people by saying that society should give special attention towards the issues related
to youth because they are the future of nation. So it is necessary to utilize the power
of youth as well as intelligence of youth for better building the nation. Indian writers
of this age are also trying to present such issues through their works.

Youth is the time of life when one is young some adjectives for youth are used
mostly i.e. freshness, vigor and enthusiastic. Youth age is most dynamic,
enthusiastic age that is why it is important part of any country's population. They
have most innovative ideas about the development of the country. Youth have strong
passion and motivation which foster any country towards the economic, educational
and cultural development of the country. Youth represent the present of the nation.

Culture is not meant to be preserved, but shared, learned and developed.

This young generation is not really oblivious to our culture, but it is paving way for
certain changes by breaking down the taboos. Youth consider themselves free from
all burdens. They want to enjoy their life doing some adventures things. In the novel
Five Point Someone we get to see that the three friends go to adventures wandering,
they play squash; roam the city, making parties and smoking and drinking in the
parties, their love life. Today's youth are much aware about their career that's why
they want to take better education from renowned institutions. Skillful education is
preferred today by most of the youth. There is a need of proper employment after
completing education. Migration of well-educated and skillful youths to abroad is also
one major issue in today's world. Means better education, employment, migration of
intelligence these are some issues about youth. These issues are brilliantly depicted
in the novel Five Point Someone. Chetan Bhagat's novels are youth oriented.
Youth's ambitions, passions and their friendship are shown in Bhagat's novels.

Chetan Bhagat appears as a critique of youth culture in his Five Point

Someone. There are several issues that can be considered under this head youth
culture. But for this research work only few aspects like ragging, friendship, love,
sex, gender, free minded youth in Five Point Someone are considered.


Five Point Someone is the story of three friends who are learning in IIT. At the
very beginning of the novel the readers confront with the ragging incident. Some
senior students are ragging of their juniors i.e. Ryan, Alok and Hari. One of the
seniors, Baku, while ragging his juniors says, -You bloody freshers, dozing away eh?
Rascals, who will give an introduction? Next he says, -You bastards, off with your
clothes. It clearly shows that in renowned institution like IIT also ragging happens.
Few years ago, it was the culture of youth taking ragging of junior students almost in
many institutions in India. But today as per the university act it is punishable offence.
In spite of this, it is happens today also and the latest example of this ragging is Dr.
Payal Tadvi matter from India. She committed suicide due to ragging by her seniors.
Chetan Bhagat comments on this kind of youth culture, which exist in India. It is
horrible for the growth and development of nation.

Five Point Someone is the story of three friends Ryan, Alok, and Hari and
their friendship. Ryan saves Alok and Hari from the ragging by Baku. After that
incident they become close friends of each other. That's why Hari says, -Ryan's
heroics were enough to make us all bond faster than fevicol. The three friend's
grades are almost same near five-point-something. They used to listen their inner
voice and enjoy their lives in their friendship by enjoying parties, drinking and
smoking together enjoying their scooter drive also. They make fun of each other also
e.g. speaking about Alok, they say -Only girls can look hot in their nightclothes: Alok
for instance looks like a terminally ill patient in his torn vest and pajamas They share
their emotions, feelings, and opinions with each other Talking about his approach
towards the system Rvan savs, -work give up my friends for this system. In fact, my
friendship will beat the system. It points out the significance of knowledge rather than
the grades. So he convinces his friends to learn collaboratively, and says don't run
only after the grades, but let's invent something new. Let's use the creativity. At the
end of the novel Professor Cherion says in his speech, -Life is too short, enjoy
yourself to the fullest. One of the best parts of campus life is the friends you make.
And make sure you make them for life


Youth and love are the two sides of one coin. Love between Hari and Neha is
the different color of this novel Their open minded views about love and sex are
depicted in this novel. But Neha is shown as a typical well cultured Indian girl. She
loves Han but denies everything in love before marriage. They both discuss frankly
about love and sex. Neha's family is very strict about her and appears the followers
of conventions. Once she speaks about it to Hari. She says, my parents are very
strict about me getting calls from boys. It means that though she is portrayed as a
modern girl, she has typical Indian coyness. That's why while speaking to Ryan, Hari
says that when try something, she stops me and gives me these lectures on how she
is a decent girl and I should learn to behave. Chetan Bhagat also tries to present the
contradictory thoughts of the middle class family about love, sex and gender through
Five Point Someone.

Free minded youth culture has been depicted by Chetan Bhagat in' Five Point
Someone. The three friends wanted to enjoy their lives in their own way. They used
to play squash and chess in their free time. The narrator says, Apart from chess, we
spent our free time riding Ryan's scooter, feeling the fierce wind whistle through our
hair, we caught every new movie, visited every tourist destination in Delhi, did
everything, and went everywhere. Sometimes they have enjoyed smoke and drink
also. It clearly points out that the youth in Bhagat's novel express their views freely
and frankly. They have no such fear for enjoying drink and smoke. Even while going
to face the viva in the institution Byan tells Hari to have it, that's why Ryan speaks
about vodka, "Vodka: the solution to all problems."



The Novel gives a glimpse of different aspects of campus life that included
fears and insecurities of the students, campus love-affairs, joys and sorrows of
friendship, drug and booze sessions, teaching style, examination phobias, placement
dreams, monotony of classroom studies, behavior of professors, convocation
ceremony and also ragging. The novel, set in the Indian Institute of Technology
Delhi, in the period 1991 to 1995,depicting the adventures of three mechanical
engineering students, Hari Kumar, Ryan Oberoi, and Alok Gupta, who fail to cope
with the grading system of the IITs, captures the campus setting of a residential
engineering institution. It describes the various facets of campus life in IIT. Five Point
Someone is one of the most popular novels to successfully capture the unique ethos
of India's elite institutions.

The novel is set in the present era when education system had undergone a
sea change. There was a shift of interest from the non-vocational courses taught in
degree colleges and universities to highly professional courses like engineering,
medical, and business administration. Hence, students flocked in large numbers in
technical institutes, medical colleges and business schools. However, these
institutions were scattered across the country making it impossible, in most cases,
for the students to acquire that specialized knowledge as day scholars. The concept
of residential campuses invariably found prominence among students around this
time. The traditional campuses used to be enclosures or cloistered spaces but with
the growing importance of residential campuses in the twenty first century, modern
universities became decentralized and urban. The university campuses then evolved
as a kind of microcosm society at large, in which the principles, drives and conflicts
that governed collective human life were displayed, leading to the development of a
cosmopolitan culture there. This had its obvious effects on the campus environment.
Five Point Someone is set against the backdrop of the residential campus,
IIT-Delhi. IIT is that place where students gathered at a very impressionable age of
their lives. These young lads after seeking admission in an IIT were destined to
share the four years of the course duration with other students there, both
contemporaries and seniors, and who belonged to different backgrounds and
regions. In fact, their lives gets intertwined with each other during their stay at IIT and
sometimes even afterwards.


Chetan Bhagat's 'Five Point Someone' is a story about three friends and four
years in IIT. Three hostel mates - Alok, Hari and Ryan get off to a bad start in IIT-
they screw up the frst class quiz. While they try to make amends, things only get
worse. It takes them a while to realise: If you try and screw with the IIT system, it
comes back to double screw you. Before they know it, they are at the lowest
echelons of IIT society. They have a five-point-something GPA out of ten, ranking
near the end of their class. This GPA is a stain that will remain with them, and come
in the way of anything else that matters - their friendship, their future, their love life.
While the world expects IITians to conquer the world, these guys are struggling to

Ryan, wise and brilliant, pragmatical-science minded, who hate mug up study
and IIT education system as well. Hari, who has no idea what to do in his life, always
follows or tries to imitate to be Ryan. And, Alok came from a poor & traditional family,
who worked hard to get into IIT, wants a good corporate job after graduation to
support his family and sick father.

The story goes as usual. They bunk classes, go to movies on Ryan scooter
which is a gift from his parents (even though he hated his rich-parents, he used to
get gifts). They eat at the same restaurants (as we all graduates do), they drink
alcohol and smoke in rooms. They always try to do things differently as every other
Indian engineering student does in their first and second semesters.

They get fewer marks, for an obvious reason. Alok blames Ryan for his ideas
(movies, spending time outside). These three people split up and Alok(6+GPA) goes
to Venkat(9+GPA) room. Another interesting character, Venkat, who is always 9+
point CPA, always mug up everything, almost every line of academic books. On the
other hand, Ryan and Harl don't care about their semester grades. Now, the author
introduces a love story of Hari. He fell in love with Neha, who is daughter of HOD of
the department, Cherian. This love story mixes up with emotional content such as
Neha's brother died of an accident. They connected each other with every-second-
Saturday call. 2 years passed, Alok increases 1 grade and the other two are held
there on 5gpa ship. hovering between 5 and 5.5. They are always five-point

In the third year, one day, Venkat refuses to help Alok while his father is sick.
Ryan helps him. So they three united. They used to attend their favorite professor
classes, Prof.Veera, who is young and practical-minded. In their third year course,
Cherian teaches the subject. Hari wants to impress him as his love-life depended on
him but fails miserably by caught-up drunk red-handed.

Now comes, their biggest mistake, trying to steal question papers of semester
exams as there is no way to get good marks quickly. They caught up to security
guards. Then, the issue goes to the inter-disciplinary committee. Prof-Veera helps
them there, but the committee decides to extend their one year. They were short of a
few credits to attend an interview in the last year. Meanwhile, professor Cherian got
to know that his son died of not due to an accident but suicide. Neha's brother did
suicide ashamed of. He turned into a somewhat good person than he was. Even
though they punished with the one-semester ban, Ryan scooter-lubricants-mix
project saves them. Cherian agreed to give credentials to their project. They finally
made their engineering degree. Alok, Hari got one corporate job. Ryan didn't like a
corporate job, he settles at Prof. Veera as a research associate on his lubricants

In the world of IIT, the students are expected to conquer the world and they
have to struggle to survive. These three friends, Alok, Hari and Ryan are staying in
hostel and preparing very for the exams but it seems very hard to score well. Initially
they were not able to understand that ITT system, so they remain at the end of the
line in their class. They score very low, five-point-something GPA out of ten. In the
present education system this marks or grade are always considered. Even that
remains with you throughout your life. That also creates a problem in their friendship,
their future, their love and life. They were struggling to overcome all these problems
and create their own images in IIT system. Chetan Bhagat tries to present that how
the students of IIT have the fear and insecurity kind of feeling in one of the country's
top institutions. He also describes the lives of students in IIT or other higher
education institutions of the world.

Youth's emotions their problems and their expectations are described properly
in this novel. The novel suggests how the students and teachers can adopt new
methods and techniques to improve their knowledge. Only textual knowledge is not
sufficient for both learners and teachers. The students have their own ideas in their
mind and the teacher must allow them to express their views. By doing this the
teachers can see the involvement and active participation of the students in teaching
learning process. Teacher should motivate the students for self-learning and he
should not discriminate the students on the basis of their grades. Professors should
invite students to share new ideas allow them forward thinking for the sake of the
development in India. Chetan Bhagat speaks about today's youth that they are the
harbinger of innovative ideas, true lovers of life; they are free thinkers and icons of
liberty. At the end it can be said that Chetan Bhagat has changed the Indian Novel in
English to expose the realities of life of youngsters. He depicts different aspects of
contemporary Indian society through his Five Point Someone.



In 21st century Educational, social, and cultural part of nation has changed
tremendously. Today's Indian novels are the reflection of society. The novels reflect
the society as it is. Indian society, Indian culture is changing fast day by day. The
novel Five Point Someone is the criticism on contemporary society. This is youth
based novel. Sacrifice of youth running behind the success, sacrifice of their
emotions, happiness is seen this novel. There are insecurities getting good grades
among students. Fear of completing assignments. Youth related environment has
depicted in the novel Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat. It deals with the
struggle of today's engineering students in India who get into the country's top
University and who tries to balance boiling academic competition and personal
problems. Hari Kumar, Ryan Oberal and Alok Gupta are the main protagonists in this
novel and they all come from different segments of the middle class family. The
novel reveals the perception of the emerging young aspirants within a premier
institute like the IITs, it also reveals how the costs and risks of failure in these
Institutions are borne by those in the lower reaches of the middle classes, amidst the
popular corporate success story endorsed commonly in the media.

The novel exposes a stern competitive academic environment that makes the
institute seems like a 'Jail for the students. Very soon the burden of courses and
grades, innumerable quiz, tests and presentations comes heavily down upon the
three protagonists and they decide to rebel against the system by devising a radical
solution for their hectic schedule. They decide to duplicate assignments and shere
the workload so that they can take time off for pursuing other interests and activities.
However, their plan is soon met with failure. We also see the victim of this academic
pressure represented in Neha's brother who committed a suicide for not making it to
the IITs and in Alok Gupta who also attempts to commit a suicide as he loses hope
of graduating from the institute after he and his friends were caught in their
desperate attempt to steal a question paper from Professor Cherian's room.
At one point, Alok also confided in Hari about the pressure he faces from his
family, "That is all they talk to me about; problems and more problems." Youth is the
time of life when one is young, some adjectives for youth are used mostly i.e.
freshness, vigor, and enthusiastic. Youth age is most dynamic, enthusiastic age that
is why it is important part of any country's population. They have most innovative
Ideas about the development of the country Youth have strong passion and
motivation which foster any country towards the economic, educational and cultural
development of the country. Youth represent the present of the nation.

Youth Issues: Chetan Bhagat through his Five Point Someone has satirically
presented several youth issues in the context of India. Here some of the youth
issues related to education, employment, migration, overburdening of assignments,
student oriented teaching, different problems of society are taken into consideration
for discussion.


The novel criticizes the way teaching and learning processes are practiced
everywhere in India. Every parent is worried about the education of the child and
even every student wants better education. Every student wants to be recognized by
teacher in classrooms. But in today's education system student is neglected by most
of the teachers. While at other places the students are having the lack of awareness
about how to study and prepare for any examination The evaluation system is
changed time to time. The aim behind such changes was never to be finding out the
abilities among students. Chetan Bhagat throws light upon the present education
system and present GPA system. It shows us that the system cannot properly check
capability of the students on the basis of academic performance. Five Point
Someone totally denies the dependence on the bookish knowledge. Sometimes the
helplessness of the professor is also shown in the novel. As one of the students,
Ryan asks the challenging question on common sense. The teacher was not able to
tackle the situation. Professor Dubey tells the definition of the machine in the
classroom that machine means it is anything that reduces human efforts. This was
the only bookish definition so Ryan raises his doubt and asks_Sir, what about the
gym machine, like a bench press or something? ....That does not reduce human
effort, in fact it increases it Ryan presents his views about this IIT system, which has
become so sick that it kills the creativity and originality in student This sustem cannot
indine pronerly the potentialities among students. So Ryan says, -What have IITs
given to this country? Name one invention in the last three decades. This clearly
shows that this system accepts only the cramming system in students. There is no
scope for self-creativity. Professor discriminates between higher grade students and
lower grade students in this GPA system. Ryan tells one of his experiences that
when he met Prof. Bhatia and told him about his innovative concept of designing a
suspension bridge that time Prof. Bhatia become very much excited but, later when
Prof. Bhatia came to know about Ryan's grade five-point-something, he advised him
to forget that idea and focus on study first.


Employment is the major issue in front of today's youths. There should be

such type of education which focuses on employability. At the end of the present
novel the three friends are happy because they thought that they will get job after
getting such education in a reputed institution. Alok thinks about his parents, and
sister's marriage. Ryan thinks about his parents and Hari thinks about his love Neha.
It shows how everyone has specific kind of needs on this earth. Alok is financially
poor and he wants a good job, so that he can take care of his family. He accepts his
responsibility towards his family. That's why Alok says, I have to do well to support
my family. Half my mother's salary goes for my father's medicine. She has not
bought a new saree for herself in five years. He wants a good job after successfully
completing his education. So Alok says, I want to get the degree and land a good


Chetan Bhagat tires to present that how migration of the intellect is

problematic for the nation. If the intellectual brains of the country are going to serve
abroad, it is loss of that country. There is one reference of migration in Five Point
Someone. Surdi wants to reach USA with his GPA. He says,- I just want to reach the
US. With my GPA, it's impossible, but just somehow, someplace, somewhere I don't
know, I just want to be in US. This is also one of the major issues from youth point of
view that they want to go abroad for proper job and high salary.


Five Point Someone shows the overburdening situation of the students. Students are
taking over-pressure of the continuous assignments, continuous mugging and there
is always pressure about getting high grade points. Prof. Cherian's son and Neha's
brother Samir wanted to choose some other field instead of IIT, but because of the
force of Prof. Cherian he was trying for IIT and continuously he faced failure in it.
After that The commits suicide due to the stress. In another incident Alok also made
an attempt to commit suicide in overstress of thinking five-points-something grade
points and the poverty in his home, i.e. his father's illness, his sister's marriage issue.
Suicide is not the answer to all questions but it spoils the career as well lives of
pupils. The three friends smoke and drink also in stress or overburdening situation.
Stress brings the habit of smoking and drinking in youths. Therefore Hari says, -
smoke is beautiful; weightless and shapeless, it almost appears as deceptively
powerless as the person releasing it.

In chapter 'Line Drawing Ryan suggests his friends how they can free
themselves from overburdening of this education system. He says, I mean, not like
stop mugging completely or something, but like, let us draw a line. We can study two
three hours a day, but do other stuff, say sports, have you guys ever played squash?
Or taken part in events- debates, scrabble and stuff, an odd movie or something
sometimes. We can do so much at the insti. Means this marks system or grades
system overburdens the youth's minds. Youth become frustrate due to this kind of


Those days have been passed that only teacher would speak in the class and
students would listen everything passively. It was teacher oriented teaching learning
system. But today it has been changing day by day and specifically it has become
student centered teaching and learning process. So in Five Point Someone Chetan
Bhagat tries to express the views of youth in the present scenario. He has also
suggested that today's education system should be fully focused student oriented
system. Student should be able to ask any question during lecture. This novel warns
the teachers to leave the traditional bookish theories and be aware about the
challenges posed by creative students in the class. Students always like those
professors who do not discriminate the students. In Five Point Someone Prof. Veera
is liked by everyone. Hari speaks about Prof. Veera, He is really different he does
not discriminate between nine pointers and five pointers. And he likes original
thinking more.

Chetan Bhagat depicts different aspects of contemporary society through his

Five Point Someone. The novel presents various aspects related to the youth of the
present time like innovative ideas, friendship, poverty among the youth, middle class
family, competition among students, competition about getting higher grades, flaws
of grading system, love, life, etc. Students are oppressed for continuous mugging,
testing and assignments. So Alok asks Where is the time to try out new ideas? It
suggests that the students are not allowed to use their imagination at various
institutions. They were forced to study only the bookish things.


Throughout the ages no one has got anything easily and several communities
were suppressed by the rules or powerful persons. But some of the sufferers
protested against this kind of tyranny. In the same way, today's situation has become
worst, where the youth are diverted from the society. They are not allowed to raise
their voices and protest against any social issue. Chetan Bhagat has effectively
presented the protesting voice of youth in the present novel. The students of this
institution protested against the present education system. Chetan Bhagat has
presented the observation of Hari about this system in his words. He says, the IIT
system is unfair because:

1. It suppresses talent and individual spirit.

2. It extract the best years of one's life from the country's brightest minds

3. It judges you with a draconian GPA system that destroys relationships.

4. The professors don't care for the students.

5. IITs have hardly contributed to the country.

In the last chapter of the novel, Hari expresses his views on education and
GPA system. He says, I realized that GPAs make a good student, but not a good
person. We judge people here by their GPA. Even a message by Prof. Cherian also
says the same: believe in yourself, and don't let a GPA, performance review or
promotion in a job define you. There is more to life than these things- your family,
your friends, your internal desires and goals. Chetan Bhagat speaks about their
friendship after their response for each other, But that was what their friendship is
about irrespective of their backgrounds, they care for each other. It indicates how in
this short span of life everyone has to think about friendship for long time. The same
can help you to find out tyranny.

The important characters Ryan, Hari and Alok speak against today's
education system. They have faced several problems in their lives, so they to
struggle and beat the system. They realized that there is a kind of suppression to
creativity and extracurricular activities in IIT. Everyone is running behind the bookish
theories and knowledge. Everyone is trying to beat someone to come first.
Everything has become competitive that is why there is fear and feeling of insecurity
among student's of the present time. The protagonists are the reflection of youth,
who are reflecting the problems of society and discuss the possibilities to overcome
these problems. So Ryan says, -This IIT system is nothing but a mice race. It is not a
rat race, mind you, as rats sound somewhat shrewd and clever. So it not about that.
It is about mindlessly running a race for four years. It indicates that this system
makes the students to run mindlessly behind the assignments and other projects, but
there is no scope for students' hidden potentials and talents.


Chetan Bhagat's novels are youth oriented novels. He tries to present youth's
problems and their ideas for the betterment of the society through his Five Point
Someone. The present novel also depicts how one can hear his own inner voice.
The three friends Ryan, Alok, and Hari have understood the importance of this so
they decided to follow this philosophy throughout their lives. There are several
incidences in the novel, which tries to divert their attention from this but they were
not attracted to such illusions and finally they got success-to reach to their

Five Point Someone can be easily recommended that Chetan Bhagat is a
contemporary voice of a new young generation which is craving for healthy, wealthy
and prosperous nation as a whole. Youth's emotions their problems and their
expectations are described properly in this novel. The novel suggests how the
students and teachers can adopt new methods and techniques to improve their
knowledge. Only textual knowledge is not sufficient for both learners and teachers.
The students have their own ideas in their mind and the teacher must allow them to
express their views. The students of the novel are the real voices of suffering and
tolerant generation; they are the mouthpieces of new brand generation which is
called 21st century generation. In the world of IIT, the students are expected to
conquer the world and they have to struggle to survive. These three friends, Alok,
Hari and Ryan are staying in hostel and preparing very for the exams but it seems
very hard to score well. Initially they were not able to understand that ITT system, so
they remain at the end of the line in their class. They score very low, five-point-
something GPA out of ten. In the present education system this marks or grade are
always considered. Even that remains with you throughout your life. That also
creates a problem in their friendship, their future, their love and life. They were
struggling to overcome all these problems and create their own images in IIT system.
Chetan Bhagat tries to present that how the students of IIT have the fear and
insecurity kind of feeling in one of the country's top institutions. He also describes the
lives of students in IIT or other higher education institutions of the world.

1. Bhagat Chetan, Five Point Someone, Rupa and Co., 2004.
2. Tukaram, Jadhav Arvind. "Representating Metropolitan Youth Culture: An
assessment of Chetan Bhagat's Five Point Someone.
The criterion: An International Journal in English vol. 3.2 (2012): (1-5).
3. "Indian Readers and a Penchant for campus nobels"
4. Gupta, Parul (2004). -IITian's campus capers are a hit. TIMESOFINDIA.COM
24/05/2004. Web. 08/03/2019. <https:// campus-capers-are-a-hit/articleshow
5. Interview given by Chetan Bhagat to different literature journals.
6. http://www.the /Arvind pdf

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