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Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33

Research Article

Popularization and application of the capillary foam deliquification

technology in horizontal wells with low pressures and low liquid flow rates:
A case study on middleeshallow gas reservoirs in the Western Sichuan
Liu Tong a,*, Zhou Xingfu b, Chen Hailong a, Lu Guangliang b, Zhao Zhejun a, Liu Dayong b &
Du Yang a
Petroleum Engineering Technology Institute, Sinopec Southwest Oil & Gas Branch, Deyang, Sichuan 618000, China
No.1 Gas Production Plant, Sinopec Southwest Oil & Gas Branch, Deyang, Sichuan 618000, China

Received 30 March 2018; accepted 25 June 2018

Available online 26 January 2019


The application effect of the foam deliquification technology in horizontal wells is poor because the foaming agent fails to reach the target
location. In view of this, the adaptability of the capillary foam deliquification technology in the Western Sichuan Gas Field in the Sichuan Basin
was analyzed from the aspects of gas flow rate, liquid flow rate and casing program of gas wells, and the design of injection depth and the
selection of capillary size, tool string parameters (the maximum length and the minimum counterweight) and foam deliquification parameters
(foaming agent type selection, ground injection concentration and rate) were optimized. Then, a standardized capillary operation process was
developed. Finally, a field application test was carried out. And the following research results were obtained. First, the capillary foam deli-
quification technology has a popularization potential in the horizontal wells of middleeshallow depth, low pressure and low liquid flow rate, but
it is not suitable for the wells with too low gas flow rate, too high liquid flow rate or too high condensate content. Second, the well deviation
angle at the injection depth shall be between 70 and 80 , the selection of capillary size shall satisfy the requirement for tension strength by the
well depth, the foam deliquification parameters shall be optimized based on the specific well conditions and the liquid loading characteristics,
and the capillary operation shall comply with the standardized process. Third, by the end of July 2017, the capillary foam deliquification
technology had been successfully applied in 9 horizontal wells in the Western Sichuan Gas Field with a cumulative gas increment of
295  104 m3. Fourth, 4 supporting technologies of the capillary foam deliquification are formed, including capillary sticking prevention,
integrated agent injection and pressure measurement, combined cleaning and deliquification and capillary wellhead suspension. In conclusion,
the capillary foam deliquification technology provides a technological support for the deliquification and production stabilization of horizontal
wells with middleeshallow depth, low pressures and low liquid flow rates in the Western Sichuan Depression, and also provides technological
reference for the deliquification of horizontal wells in the similar type of gas reservoirs.
© 2019 Sichuan Petroleum Administration. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND
license (

Keywords: Horizontal well; Capillary; Deliquification; Bottom-hole cleaning; Pressure measurement; Sticking prevention; Suspension; Sichuan basin; Western
sichuan gas field

Project supported by the National Major Science and Technology Project “Safe and Efficient Development Technology for High Sulfur Gas Reservoirs” (No.:
2016ZX05017) and “Key Technologies for Development of Tight and Low Permeability Reservoirs with Low Abundance” (No.: 2016ZX05048).
This is the English version of the originally published article in Natural Gas Industry (in Chinese), which can be found at
* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (Liu T.).
Peer review under responsibility of Sichuan Petroleum Administration.
2352-8540/© 2019 Sichuan Petroleum Administration. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
26 Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33

The application of foam deliquification technology in the gas flow rate can facilitate the continuous liquid carrying
Sinopec's Western Sichuan Gas Field began in 1995. Since the without any assistance to deliquification. If the gas flow rate is
technology was initially introduced and applied, diverse too low, the gas that exists in the liquid-loaded well section is
foaming agents and a series of injection processes have been too little to generate stable foam, leading to an inferior deli-
formed through technical research, refined management and quification performance. Therefore, the applicable gas flow
process optimization for complex wells [1]. In recent years, rate of this capillary foam deliquification technology should be
with the advancement of development technologies, horizontal between the minimum stable foam gas flow rate and the
wells have been widely deployed in the development of the critical liquid-carrying gas flow rate.
Western Sichuan Gas Field [2]. Since the critical flow rate of The Li Min's ellipsoid liquid-carrying model is combined
gas-carrying fluid in the deviated well section is larger than with the Belfroid's angle correction relation to derive the for-
that of the vertical well section, liquid loading is mainly mula of the critical liquid flow rate in horizontal gas well [4]:
observed in the deviated well section with long liquid loading "  #0:25
section. The foaming agent injected from the wellhead is sL g rL  rg ½sinð1:7qÞ
vcr ¼ 1:41 ð1Þ
prone to floating in the shallow surface of the loaded liquid rg
2 0:74
instead of entering into the deep inside of the liquid, leading to
less foaming, poor foam deliquification performance and dif- where, vcr is the critical flow velocity of gas-carrying liquid in
ficulty of stable gas production. As to December 2014, there a horizontal gas well, m/s; similarly, sL: the surface tension
were 223 horizontal wells drilled in the Western Sichuan Gas between gas and liquid, N/m; g: the acceleration of gravity, m/
Field, with an average single well liquid production of s2; rL: the density of liquid, kg/m3; rg: the density of gas, kg/
1.12 m3/d and an average single well tubing pressure of m3; q: the angle between the pipe section and the horizontal
3.67 MPa. The liquid-loaded gas wells accounted for 64.13% plane, ( ).
of the total wells. The newly drilled horizontal wells in Eq. (1) is converted to the form of gas flow rate under
ZhongjiangeGaomiao gas field had high initial output but standard conditions,
declined rapidly due to liquid loading, which has seriously
affected the stable production of gas wells. Apvcr
qcr ¼ 2:5  104 ð2Þ
The original foam deliquification technology reflects a ZT
deteriorating performance due to the failure to inject the
where, qcr is the critical flow rate of gas-carrying liquid in a
foaming agent into the ideal position in the horizontal well. In
horizontal gas well, 104 m3/d; similarly, A: the cross-sectional
the Western Sichuan gas field, the capillary foam deli-
area of the tubing, m2; p: the pressure, MPa; Z: the natural gas
quification technology was studied [3]. Through the adapt-
deviation factor; T: the temperature, K.
ability analysis, process parameters design, and research on
According to the studies by Mitchell [5], Princen [6] and
standardized operating procedures and supporting techniques,
Kraynik [7] on foam rheology, when the void fraction is less
the technology was tested in 9 horizontal wells (e.g. XS21-
than 0.52, the agglomerated foam will disperse into individual
10H, XS21-13H and XS23-5H). Finally, a series of capillary
small bubbles (Fig. 1), leading to significantly reduced yield
foam deliquification technology was developed, including well
stress and unstable foam state. Therefore, the gas flow rate
selection, process design, operation procedures, pipe-sticking
corresponding to the void fraction of 0.52 at tubing cross
prevention, integration of agent injection and pressure mea-
section is taken as the lower limit of the gas flow rate of the
surement, combined operation of purification and deli-
deliquification technology, and is defined as the minimum flow
quification, and capillary wellhead suspension). This series of
rate of gas at stable foam.
technology provide a technical support for the stable gas
According to the two-phase flow drift model [8], the void
production through deliquification of the low pressure and low
fraction at the tubing cross section is:
gas rate horizontal wells and shallowemiddle gas reservoirs in
the Western Sichuan Depression. vsg
a¼   ð3Þ
C0 vsg þ vsL þ vD
1. Adaptability of the capillary foam deliquification

The adaptability of the capillary foam deliquification

technology in the Western Sichuan Gas Field was analyzed in
terms of gas/liquid flow rates and casing program, in order to
effectively guide well selection, avoid investment waste and
increase the benefit of production enhancement.

1.1. Gas flow rate

The capillary foam deliquification technology is applicable

to gas wells which have a certain production capacity. High Fig. 1. Characteristic curve of foam yield stress under different void fractions.
Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33 27

where, a is the void fraction at the tubing cross section; 1.3. Casing program
similarly, vsg: the apparent flow velocity of gas phase, m/s; vsL:
the apparent flow velocity of liquid phase, m/s; C0: the ve- The capillary is slim and rigid, presenting no special
locity distribution coefficient, 1.2; vD: the drift velocity of gas requirement for the casing program of gas well. The capillary
phase, m/s. tools with optimal steel grade, wall thickness and size can be
When the void fraction at the tubing cross section is 0.52, conveyed into the horizontal section. Therefore, the capillary
the corresponding apparent flow velocity of gas phase is the foam deliquification technology meets the requirements for
minimum flow rate of gas vcf at which stable foam is pro- liquid injection in the deviated section or horizontal section in
duced. In this case, the flow pattern is slug flow, and the drift horizontal wells in the Western Sichuan Gas Field. Wiper trip
velocity of gas phase is calculated by the Bendiksen [9] Taylor is needed to ensure the smooth running of capillary.
bubble velocity formula, namely,
  0:5 2. Parameters for the capillary foam deliquification
gdt rL  rg technology
vD ¼ ð0:35 sin q þ 0:54 cos qÞ ð4Þ
Proper design of the parameters for the capillary foam
where, dt is the inner diameter of the tubing, m. deliquification technology is critical for ensuring a successful
Integrate Eqs. (3) and (4), and substitute a (¼0.52), and the process. Especially, a proper injection depth is the premise to
minimum flow rate of gas to produce stable foam is obtained: fully optimize the wellbore pressure drawdown and obtain the
  0:5 best stimulation performance. Optimal capillary specification
gdt rL  rg and tool string parameters can guarantee the landing of the
vcf ¼ 1:659vsL þ ð0:484 sin q þ 0:747 cos qÞ
rL capillary to the targeted well depth. Optimum foam deli-
ð5Þ quification parameters relate to the foam generation amount
and ultimate deliquification performance.
where, vcf is the minimum flow velocity of gas at stable foam,
m/s. 2.1. Injection depth
Eq. (5) is converted to the gas flow rate equation under
standard conditions, Too small injection depth would result in an inferior
reduction of the wellbore pressure drawdown, while too large
qcf ¼ 2:5  104 ð6Þ injection depth would lead to a poor deliquification perfor-
ZT mance and increase operation cost and risk. In addition, the
where, qcf is the minimum flow rate of gas at stable foam, capillary would be elongated due to the gravity and thermal
104 m3/d. expansion, leading to inconsistence between the actual injec-
According to the calculation results, 51% of horizontal tion depth and the designed injection depth. Therefore, the
wells in the Western Sichuan Gas Field meet the requirement capillary elongation should be checked and corrected.
of the capillary foam deliquification technology for gas flow
rate. 2.1.1. Determination of injection depth
Liquid loading in deviated section is the main cause of
1.2. Liquid flow rate liquid loading in horizontal wells [11]. Therefore, the injection
depth should be designed only to meet the requirement of
The foam deliquification technology is suitable for gas deliquification in deviated section, without considering the
wells with a gaseliquid ratio higher than 180 m3/m3 [10], but horizontal section. Even if the injection depth reaches the
it has poor performance for wells with lower gaseliquid horizontal section, due to gaseliquid layering and weak
ratio. The gas flow rate in horizontal wells in the Western agitation, only a small amount of foam is produced, thus
Sichuan Gas Field is mainly (0.2e3.0)  104 m3/d, and the failing to further improve the foam deliquification perfor-
liquid flow rate is generally lower than 10 m3/d, so the mance [12]. In the Western Sichuan Gas Field, the capillary is
gaseliquid ratio is generally higher than 5000 m3/m3, which generally run to the depth with a well inclination of 70 e80 .
meets the above requirement for gaseliquid ratio. In addi- For horizontal wells with serious liquid loading or flow pres-
tion, the foam deliquification technology is not suitable for sure gradient greater than 0.4 MPa/100 m, the capillary is
wells which produce condensate exceeding 50%. Foam can generally run section by section, and the deliquification is
only be formed in the water phase other than in oil phase. Oil done section by section too.
phase could result in poor foaming effect, and accelerate the
break of foam by spreading on the foam liquid film. Except 2.1.2. Correction of injection depth
for a small amount of horizontal wells producing condensate The downhole capillary elongation is mainly related to
in the ZhongjiangeGaomiao block, most of the horizontal capillary weight, liquid column weight, pump pressure and
wells produce no oil or little oil in the Western Sichuan Gas thermal expansion. Based on the Hooke's law and thermal
Field. expansion law [10], the downhole capillary elongation is:
28 Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33

Gt þ Gf þ pp Af L
DL ¼ þ Ce LðTwe  Twh Þ ð7Þ
Am E

where, DL is the downhole capillary elongation, m; similarly,

Gt: the capillary weight, N; Gf: the weight of the agent in the
capillary, N; Pp: the pump pressure, Pa; Af: the flow cross-
sectional area of capillary, m2; L: the capillary length
measured on ground, m; Am: the body cross-sectional area of
capillary, m2; E: the elastic modulus of the metal of capillary,
2.06  1011 Pa; Ce: the linear thermal expansion coefficient of
stainless steel, 7.2  106  C1; Twe and Twh: the formation
temperature and wellhead temperature, respectively,  C.

2.2. Capillary specifications

The capillaries with an outer diameter of 9.525 mm and a

wall thickness of 1.245 mm and 1.651 mm are used in the Fig. 2. Limit dimensions of a tool string.
Western Sichuan Gas Field, with the tensile breaking force of
20.1 kN and 25.3 kN, and the weights of string fully filled with +
liquid are 2.91 N/m and 3.49 N, respectively. According to the in which R ¼ 180pk where, Lp is the maximum length of tool
tubing tensile safety factor formula, the tensile strength of the string allowed by the tubing, m; similarly, R: the radius of
capillary at the wellhead was checked [13]. Given the safety curvature of the tubing, m; d: the gap between the tool string
factor of 1.5, the maximum safe running depths of the capil- and the tubing, m; dp: the maximum diameter of the tool
laries with two wall thicknesses are 4610 m and 4830 m, string, m; k: the rate of overall angle change, ( )/m; p: the
respectively, which are suitable for shallow and medium deep circular constant, which is 3.14.
wells. For deep wells, a composite capillary formed by cap- For the Ø73 mm and Ø89 mm tubing commonly used in the
illaries with two wall thicknesses could be run to increase the Western Sichuan Gas Field, the gap between the tool string
string tensile strength, leading to a maximum safe running and the tubing is required to be no less than 2 mm. The
depth of 5500 m. relationship between the diameters of the tool string and the
maximum length under different overall angle change rates is
2.3. Tool string parameters calculated, as shown in Fig. 3. The horizontal wells in the
Western Sichuan Gas Field are long-radius horizontal wells
The downhole injection tool of the capillary needs to be with the overall angle change rate (k) of 17 e22 /100 m in
equipped with a connector, check valves, an injection head, a build-up section. For the capillary with a maximum outer
weighting rod and a guide head from top to bottom. The length diameter of 44.4 mm, the composite length should be less than
of the tool string is optimized to ensure the capillary can 6 m and 8 m respectively in the tubing with a diameter of
smoothly pass through the maximum curvature point of the 73 mm and 89 mm.
tubing. Since the capillary has low stiffness and may bend due
to the vertical topping force and frictional force, it is necessary 2.3.2. Minimum counterweight
to add a certain weighting rod under the capillary. As shown in Fig. 4, when the tool string is run into the
liquid, the weight of the weighting rod needs to counterbal-
2.3.1. Maximum length ance the sum of the topping force (the pressure difference
The calculation method for the maximum rigid length of between the lower and upper end faces) and the frictional
the tool string allowed by the tubing is specified in SY/T force, in order to keep the capillary in tension [15]:
6030e2012 [14]. The specification ignores the diameter  
pd 2e Le pd2e p d2e  d2o þ d2i
variation of each section of the tool string, and uses the re g ¼ pw  ðpw  rL gLe Þ
maximum diameter of the tool string to calculate the 4 4 4
maximum length allowed by the tubing. Therefore, the fL rL v2e
þ pde Le ð9Þ
calculated maximum length of tool string is relatively small, 8
which reduces the risk caused by uncertain factors such as
where, re is the density of the weighting rod, which is
material defects and string deformation, presenting a conser-
7.9  103 kg/m3; similarly, de, do and di: the diameter of the
vative calculation result. The model is shown in Fig. 2. The
weighting rod, the outer diameter and the inner diameter of the
allowable maximum length of the tool string is:
capillary, respectively, m; Le: the minimum length of the
qffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi weighting rod, m; pw: the downhole pressure, Pa; fL: the
Lp ¼ 2 ðR þ dt  dÞ  ðdP þ RÞ
2 2
ð8Þ friction coefficient of liquid phase, 0.017; ve: the capillary
running speed, m/s.
Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33 29

Fig. 3. Relationship between the maximum diameter (dp) and the maximum length (Lp) of the tool string under different overall angle change rates (k).

For the capillary with an outer diameter of 9.525 mm and a subject to the selection of the foaming agent, the concentration
wall thickness of 1.651 mm, a weighting rod with a maximum of the injected agent and the injecting amount.
diameter of 44.4 mm is used. Given the running speed of 10 m/
s, the minimum counterweight and minimum length of the 2.4.1. Foaming agent selection
weighting rod corresponding to different bottomhole pressures According to the Technical Specifications for Chemicals
are calculated, as shown in Fig. 5. According to the calculation for Gas Production of SINOPEC Southwest Oil and Gas
results, the counterweights of weighting rod for different Company, the RosseMiles method and the air flow method
bottomhole pressures have been proposed for the Western [16] are used to select the liquid foaming agent suitable for
Sichuan Gas Field. For horizontal wells with a bottomhole different working conditions of wells in the Western Sichuan
pressure greater than 12 MPa, the capillary foam deli- Gas Field, so that the performance testing and quality control
quification technology is not recommended because the min- of the foaming agent are realized, as shown in Table 1.
imum length of the weighting rod is close to the limit length
(Le ¼ 6 m). 2.4.2. Ground foaming agent injection concentration and
2.4. Foam deliquification parameters The relationship between ground foaming agent injection
concentration and ground injection amount, downhole liquid
The essence of capillary foam deliquification is foam- loading amount and downhole effective concentration of
assisted deliquification. The deliquification performance is foaming agent is:
we ðmL þ mi Þ
ws ¼ ð10Þ

where, ws is the ground injection concentration of the foaming

agent; similarly, we: the downhole effective concentration of
the foaming agent; mL: the downhole liquid loading amount,
kg; mi: the ground injection amount of the foaming agent, kg.
In the Western Sichuan Gas Field, the capillary is used to
inject the foaming agent. The concentration of the injected
agent on the ground is generally 9e50% (foaming agent:

Fig. 5. Relationship between the bottomhole pressure ( pw) and the minimum
Fig. 4. Force diagram of the tool string in wellbore. counterweight (We) and minimum length (Le) of the weighting rod.
30 Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33

Table 1
Performance of liquid foaming agents and recommended agents for the Western Sichuan Gas Field.
Type of foaming Performance and purpose Recommended agents Downhole effective
agent concentration
Conventional For water-producing gas well with wellbore temperature of 30e60  C XHY-2A, XHY-4K, 0.2%
and condensate content no more than 10%, mainly in shallow to UT-11C and SP-7
medium-deep formations (Shaximiao, Penglaizhen, and Suining Fms)
Oil-resistant For water-producing gas well with wellbore temperature XHY-4A and UT-11C 0.3%
of 50e80  C and condensate content of 10e30%, mainly
in the ZhongjiangeGaomiao blocks
Temperature- and For water-producing gas well with wellbore temperature XHY-4K, UT-11D and SP-11 0.2%
salt-resistant of 80e130  C and salinity of 40e100 g/L, mainly
in deep Xujiahe Fm
Low density and low For low pressure and low yield well with wellbore temperature UT-8 and XHY-4L 0.2%
surface tension of 30e60  C, mainly in shallow to mediumedeep formations
Self-gas generation For wells suspended due to waterflooding with wellbore temperature XHY-16 (including Agent A 50.0%
of 30e60  C, mainly in shallow to mediumedeep formations Agents A & B) Agent B 16.7%
Corrosion inhibition For water-producing gas well with wellbore temperature of UT-15 and XHY-7 0.3%
80e130  C and chloride content of 60 g/L or more, mainly
in deep Xujiahe Fm
Note: Agent A refers to main reaction agents such as nitrite or ammonium salt, and Agent B refers to acidic catalyst.

water ¼ 1:10e1:1) to reduce the viscous resistance during 3) Install the injection head
injection. The injection amount is determined by Eq. (10)
based on the amount of liquid loading. For wells with less Assemble the injection head on the ground. Pass the
liquid loading, the injection could be finished in one day. For capillary through the injection head and the blowout preven-
wells with great liquid loading and continuous water produc- tion box. Install the hydraulic line. Check the movement of the
ing, the injection frequency can be increased to 6 to 12 times chain inside the injection head. With the support of the in-
per day. jection head stabilizing system designed for the capillary
which is flexible, less neutral and difficult to smoothly pass
3. Standardized capillary operation process through the blowout prevention box, the capillary one-time
pass through rate is increased from 75% to 100%.
The SLG50 capillary operation unit is used in the Western
Sichuan Gas Field. It consists of a capillary truck, an injection 4) Assemble the tool string
system, a blowout prevention system, a skid-mounted power
and control system and a reel system (see Ref. [4] for details). Install the upper, middle and lower brackets in turn. Raise
The unit could allow operation of capillary with an outer the injection head gradually to the top of the blowout pre-
diameter of 9.525e14.000 mm, with a maximum lifting ca- venter, and install the blowout prevention pipe and capillary
pacity of 5000 kg and a rated working pressure of 35 MPa. tool string under the blowout preventer. Connect the blowout
Due to the large number of parts and a long installation time, a prevention pipe with the relief joint. Use steel line to pull and
standardized capillary operation process has been established fix the injection head. The installation is completed until the
to ensure operation safety and improve work efficiency. overall pressure test is qualified (Fig. 6.).

1) Make preparation 5) Run the capillary

Make sure the well site, gas production process and well- Fully open the Christmas tree wax-clear gate valve, read the
head meet the operation requirements. Conduct wiper trip pressure data, and check the blowout prevention box to make
using the drift with a diameter greater than 44 mm to ensure sure no leakage is observed. Run the capillary according to the
that the wells are cleared; if necessary, test the downhole capillary operation procedure and design program.
flowing pressure to provide basis for determining the opera-
tional parameters. Make the capillary operation program. 6) Inject the foaming agent through capillary
Deliver the capillary operation unit to the well site.
After running the capillary to the injection depth, prepare
2) Install the blowout preventer the foaming agent according to the design. Close the ram BOP,
lock the capillary reel, stop the injection head, and start the
Install a adapter at the top of the gas Christmas tree. Hoist plunger pump to inject the foaming agent into the well. After
and install the blowout preventer and the blowout joint on the the injection, unlock the reel device, open the ram BOP, and
gas Christmas tree after the blowout preventer and ram are lift the capillary to the specified position according to the
proved qualified in pressure test and check. operation program.
Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33 31

Fig. 7. A flexible joint.

success rate is low. In this circumstance, the injection and

pressure measurement integration technology is proposed for
the first time. To be specific, a CEP storage pressure gauge
(Fig. 8) is added below the capillary tool string; the wellbore
pressure is directly measured during the injection, and it is
used to calculate the pressure gradient, invert the liquid
holdup rate, and calculate the wellbore liquid level and flow
Fig. 6. Wellhead installation of the capillary operation unit. pattern change; the injection depth and the injection system
are optimized according to the liquid level. As a result, the
optimization success rate and deliquification performance are
7) Lift the capillary out of hole improved. The pressure gauge has a weight of about 3 kg, a
diameter of 36 mm and a length of 630 mm with the
Lift the capillary, close the wax-clear gate valve after maximum pressure rate of 80 MPa, the maximum tempera-
confirming that the tool string completely enters into the ture rate of 150  C and the accuracy of 0.05%. It can store
blowout prevention pipe. Open the relief joint to relieve the 100000 sets of data and continuously work for 120 days. This
pressure, and stop the operation. technology has been successfully applied in Well SF20e1HF
and Well MP23-2H.
4. Supporting technologies for capillary foam
deliquification 4.3. Purification and deliquification joint operation

4.1. Capillary sticking prevention For the horizontal wells with pollution at bottomholes, the
capillary positioning and blockage remover/foaming agent
Previous tests revealed that string sticking may likely injection operation combined with gas lift deliquification are
occur when contaminants like sand, wax and mechanical carried out to remove the bottomhole pollutants (e.g. frac-
impurities exist in the wellbore, or when the tubing is turing sand, and waxy mixture) to increase the gas well pro-
deformed. The capillary sticking releasing is very complex duction. The blockage remover is corrosive. According to the
due to the small diameter and large flexibility of the lab evaluation, the 315L capillary has a corrosion rate of
capillary. Thus, sticking prevention is preferred. Replacing 0.001 mm/a in the environment with blockage remover, which
the ordinary steel weighting rod with high-density tungsten is much smaller than 0.025 mm/a specified in NACE RP0775-
alloy weighting rod can reduce the length of the tool string 2005, thus meeting the anti-corrosion requirements for puri-
under the same weight. The flexible joint is adopted at the fication operations. The technology has been successfully
connections between the weighting rods or between the applied in Well XS21-13H, Well XS23-5H and Well
weighting rod and the injection head, as shown in Fig. 7, SF3e3HF, with a great deliquification, purification and stim-
to achieve an angular deflection between tools. The ulation performance.
running speed of capillary is generally controlled within
5 m/s. The tool string should be lifted to the vertical 4.4. Capillary wellhead suspension
section after the injection to prevent the tool string from
being stuck by the impurities carried out by the foam. The Considering that the truck needs to be resided on the well
above measures are taken to ensure the smooth operation site during the injection operation using capillary, and only
of the capillary. one well can be operated at a time, a capillary wellhead

4.2. Injection and pressure measurement integration

To ensure the performance of the capillary foam deli-

quification technology, it is necessary to optimize the injec-
tion timing and frequency. Traditionally, the downhole liquid
loading condition is indirectly diagnosed according to the
ground parameters, and then the operation is optimized;
however, such diagnose is less accurate and the optimization Fig. 8. A CEP storage pressure gauge.
32 Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33

meet the needs of capillary deliquification in the whole life

cycle of multi-wells. Currently, the technology is being
demonstrated in certain wells selected.

5. Field application

As of the end of July 2017, the capillary foam deli-

quification technology had been applied in 9 horizontal wells
in the Western Sichuan Gas Field. These wells have a vertical
depth of 1268e2490 m, a measured depth of 1488e2664 m at
Target A, an inner tubing diameter of 62 mm or 76 mm, a
tubing pressure of 1.25e4.20 MPa, a gaseliquid ratio of
(0.11e1.36)  104 m3/m3 and a liquid production of
0.1e3.5 m3. Through demonstration in selected wells, agent
optimization, tool string optimization, injection system
adjustment and research on supporting techniques, the tech-
nology was guaranteed in application, and has achieved a good
performance in production increase (as shown in Table 2),
with a cumulative gas increment of 295.045 5  104 m3. The
technology provides a guarantee for the deliquification and
Fig. 9. A capillary wellhead suspension device stable production of the low-pressure and low-liquid hori-
zontal wells, and shallowemiddle reservoirs in the Western
Sichuan Depression. For the first time, the capillary foam
suspension device is developed, as shown in Fig. 9. The deliquification þ purification joint test was carried out in three
sealing ring is pressed and expanded under the weight of the wells, thus contributing a new way to the effective removal of
capillary to achieve sealing. The slip seat clamps the capillary pollutants in gas wells. Also, the capillary injection þ pressure
through the pressing of the back cone angle. Therefore, per- measurement integration test was first carried out in two wells,
manent capillary suspension at the wellhead is achieved. Then, thus helping achieve real-time monitoring of pressure and
a plunger pump or a balancing tank could be used for agent timely optimization of the agent injection to ensure the per-
injection instead of the truck. The technology can greatly formance of the capillary foam deliquification. In the future,
reduce the cost of capillary foam deliquification, and also can the study will be made on the capillary's service life. The pilot

Table 2
Applications of capillary foam deliquification in Western Sichuan Gas Field.
Well Before operation After operation Remarks
Tubing Casing Gas flow rate/ Water flow rate/ Tubing Casing Gas flow rate/ Water flow
pressure/ pressure/ (104 m3$d 1) (m3$d 1) pressure/ pressure/ (104 m3$d 1) rate/(m3$d 1)
XS21-10H 4.20 6.10 0.41 1.6 5.30 5.90 0.80 2.1 Foam deliquification
XS21-13H 1.71 3.70 0.72 3.0 1.50 2.80 1.36 5.0 Purification and capillary foam
deliquification joint operation,
rapid production recovery after
removing the pollutants at bottomhole
XS23-5H 2.30 6.00 0.80 1.1 5.70 7.40 1.30 1.2 Purification and capillary foam
deliquification joint operation,
rapid production recovery after
removing fracturing sand
XS24-1HF 2.40 14.00 0.11 0.1 6.30 9.60 0.25 2.2 Foam deliquification
XS21-21H 2.00 4.40 1.22 0.9 2.40 4.10 1.55 1.7 Foam deliquification
XS21-25H 1.80 4.30 0.65 1.6 2.20 2.70 0.77 2.1 Foam deliquification
SF20e1HF 2.02 3.86 0.37 3.5 1.93 2.89 1.01 4.4 Capillary injection and pressure
measurement integration
SF3e3HF 2.73 6.80 0.34 1.7 3.26 6.51 0.39 3.0 Purification and capillary foam
deliquification joint operation,
removing a small amount of sand
MP23-2H 1.25 5.50 0.46 0.4 1.48 5.48 0.93 0.9 Capillary injection and pressure
measurement integration
Liu T. et al. / Natural Gas Industry B 6 (2019) 25e33 33

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